04/26/2005 10:16 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
migueltwecorral Wrote:
I don't care how he looks, its just his damn attitude I hate.sad

Well, I'd like to see a good explanation from you with valid points so I can understand where you're coming from with that.

Well after Shujinko defeats onaga, raiden kills him, thats just mean. I know shujinko isn't a very popular character, but come on you have to agree with me there.sadconfusedsmile
04/27/2005 10:29 AM (UTC)
Being originally planned as an evil character, I think Dark Raiden was inevitable over at Midway. I agree that he has more personality and attraction as an evil element. In his first Ending for the original Mortal Kombat, he actually began the destruction of Earthrealm instead of saving it. grin A battle against Liu Kang or Fujin would either reverse his intentions or destroy him for good. Maybe Fujin would fight him, be "electrocutioned" tongue, then Liu Kang would defeat Dark Raiden and become a demi-god of the Elder Gods. Sounds like a plan. wink
04/27/2005 11:17 AM (UTC)
I like both Dark Raiden and normal Raiden. IMO it would be sweet if there was both a Dark and normal Raiden. Perhaps Raiden could feel the negative energy of darkness transforming him into the "Dark Raiden" who has no tolerence and just wants to cause chaos and destruction for the sake of being a god. Raiden would fight off the negative energy and unleash it from himself, and that negative energy would become Dark Raiden. I would want them to be different though. While normal Raiden uses and has blue eletricity around him, Dark Raiden would have purple. Dark Raiden would also have pink eyes and his face would be more sinister looking (he could have a mouth like a skeleton, or maybe something similar to Yoshimitsu). Normal Raiden has blue on his outfit, Dark Raiden would have black or dark purple. His hat would be black and would be tilted a bit more down his face to cover it up a bit, making him more mysterious. Dark Raiden could be a huge deception to the good characters in MK7, and normal Raiden would have to try and stop him. This is just a story idea, but one of the Raidens must return in MK7.
04/27/2005 11:32 AM (UTC)
Dark Raiden is awesome. I would LOVE to see his MK1 costume as an alt but with a long white cape with symbols on it that mean something evil. I really want Raiden to go mad in mk7. Raiden Rampage. grin
04/27/2005 06:49 PM (UTC)
migueltwecorral Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
migueltwecorral Wrote:
I don't care how he looks, its just his damn attitude I hate.sad

Well, I'd like to see a good explanation from you with valid points so I can understand where you're coming from with that.

Well after Shujinko defeats onaga, raiden kills him, thats just mean. I know shujinko isn't a very popular character, but come on you have to agree with me there.sadconfusedsmile

I don't think you quite understand.

You see, Raiden's patience for mortals had become thinner when he was reborn. He didn't care that Shujinko undid his mistake by destroying Onaga. Raiden felt that those who put Earthrealm in harms way should pay with their lives. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Shujinko's popularity (or lack there of). So no, I don't agree with you. What Raiden did in his ending is harsh, but it gives his new persona an interesting edge as it's not like the Raiden of before.
04/28/2005 06:58 PM (UTC)
Dark Raiden whoops Light Raiden's ass. The dark one is still.. 'good', but just pissed. He'll still stick up for Earthrealm, just kill any human that threatens it.

I think the way they took Raiden is awesome. Finally he's not a goodie anymore, he's just like the rest of us.. We take so much pain and anger and stuff it away, then we snap. He finally snapped, and it made him way more interesting. I agree about making Dark Raiden's lightning purple, but not having a skull face. That'll be going too far. His clothes should be more ripped up though too. Make his look more chaotic to show his rage.
05/02/2005 07:31 PM (UTC)
I would like to see the 'Light' Raiden back, but I could understand why they stick with the 'Dark' one for now. Maybe in the next MK game they can have him start out as the 'Dark' Raiden but in his ending he returns to being close to his old self with a major sense of guilt of what he has done or fear that he may become like Shinnok and/or Shao Kahn. Instead of White/Blue or Black outfit, perhaps one with shades of gray and traces of dark blue.

Sidenote: I rather he either give up the hat completely or get a smaller one. The hats he had in MK:DA and MK:D were just so big they were stupid. I prefer using his Alt. outfit in both.

As for him being tired of mortals being idiots, I was hoping he eventually get tired of the Elder Gods for not doing anything. His MK:DA story gave a hint of that, but then his anger some how ended up being directed to humans.
07/12/2006 02:01 AM (UTC)
Light Raiden has always been one of my favorite characters. I think he should return.
12/10/2006 10:44 PM (UTC)
Dark Raiden is way better then light Raiden he looks cooler and is a total bad ass
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12/11/2006 01:11 AM (UTC)
The only reason Raiden became evil was to give him a big twist, and that made many fans happy.

I perfer Light Raiden, but i liked the sudden change he got befor his fans got dissapointed.

I think he should be torn betwine good and evil, like one of thoses people who are good, but when they get angry, they are pure evil. There should be his alterned costume have differnt moves and fighting styles, so you can chose evil and good. One would be raiden, the other rayden
12/11/2006 03:08 AM (UTC)
mkownesall Wrote:
Dark Raiden is way better then light Raiden he looks cooler and is a total bad ass

I can tell you are new, so welcome to MortalKombatOnline!! Please read the Community FAQ, as everyone does before posting. MKOwnsAll, one of the rules, as you will read in the Community Frequently Asked Questions, is to not bump Threads. Bumping is when one replies to a Thread which has not been replied to within the last 3 months, and bumping is also considered to be replying to your own Thread continuously and/or with little content. So again, welcome to MortalKombatOnline, my friend.

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