Bring Back KANO!
posted11/29/2005 03:35 AM (UTC)by
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08/17/2004 04:42 PM (UTC)
The game did not seem itself without KANO in Deception, I want that savage beast back in action. I would like to see some kind of development between Red-Dragon and the Black-Dragon think about it. Kano, Kira, Kabal, Kobra the Black Dragon vs. Movado Hsu-Hsou (SP?) and two new one girl and one guy.

I think even maybe having Kira or Kobra be a spy. It would be awesome, Kano comes back somehow after his dissapearence in DA, Kira is pissed becomes he automaticly takes over her gang, she join the Red Dragon... ehhhuhhh whatever just a thought.
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04/02/2005 11:57 PM (UTC)
Ekule Wrote:
The game did not seem itself without KANO in Deception, I want that savage beast back in action. I would like to see some kind of development between Red-Dragon and the Black-Dragon think about it. Kano, Kira, Kabal, Kobra the Black Dragon vs. Movado Hsu-Hsou (SP?) and two new one girl and one guy.

I think even maybe having Kira or Kobra be a spy. It would be awesome, Kano comes back somehow after his dissapearence in DA, Kira is pissed becomes he automaticly takes over her gang, she join the Red Dragon... ehhhuhhh whatever just a thought.

That seems like a nice idea. Though Mavado is dead and it can be safely assumed that Hsu Hao is also.

I'm not a Kano fan and I'd prefer him dead as his story has gotten stale. They should only bring him back if his story has a complete revamp and doesn't involve the Special Forces or working as a minion to someone else. Kano needs to work for himself or command others.
04/03/2005 03:37 AM (UTC)
I don't think Kano would be a bad idea to bring back if they did it right, like make him like he was in MK1. But really I could care less if he comes back or not because i never really liked him.
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04/03/2005 08:20 AM (UTC)
I think Kano did his time, and he got honorably defeated by his counterpart in MKDA. I am however aiming towards to see Mavado rewamped instead of him.
04/03/2005 04:28 PM (UTC)
Well, Kano's been in every other game (1,3,DA) so why not?
04/06/2005 02:46 PM (UTC)
I would like to see Kano return but he should be out for his own this time. Kano is defined by this word "Survivor" Kano always finds a way to cheat death and manage out on his own. I kind of see Kano as an anti-hero in some respects. Kano is not necessarily evil, he just does what he has to do to ensure his survival. And yes he may have a twisted sense of humor and is not trusted but... okay Kano is evil but still. Not evil like anyone else around him. I see Kano as the most modern bad guy in Mortal Kombat. He is also still very human and posseses many raw talents and is very cunning and smart.

If Kano returns I want him to play the part of the manipulator, and have him bait out Sonya by killing Jax's and have the evidence point to Mavado and the Red Dragon which will cause her to destroy the Red Dragon by setting her up in a false plot of taking out the Red Dragon. Kano would set himself up as the victim in Sonya's eyes as he survived Mavado's attempts to kill him, Sonya would see this as an oppurtunity to use Kano as a tool to take down the Red Dragon with his knowledge and when they finish working together she will take Kano in and end this fued once and for all. The two will work together for the brief moment untill the Red Dragon are disposed of, and both are plotting behind each others backs.
04/08/2005 02:57 PM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
Kano always finds a way to cheat death

Doesn't every MK character? But anyway, I really wouldn't care to see Kano back. I never really like his all-around character, nor his story, but hey, if he is brought back I wouldn't mind it too much.
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04/08/2005 03:46 PM (UTC)
As much as I love Kano I think its time to see him go, along with Sonya, Jax, and Cage (even though i'm working on Cage as a returning character in the story spec thread). The whole story with special forces has gotten stale. I think it would just be far more interesting and leave room for new blood if the following characters stayed dead forever, or at least a few more games:

Sonya, Jax, Kano, Mavado, Hsu Hao, Cage, Kitana, Mileena, Sheeva, Tanya, Liu Kang,.

Just to make some room. I'm getting kind of sick of the 'I was killed but now I'm back' storylines...ESPECIALLY for Liu Kang after Deadly Alliance.
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04/09/2005 02:03 AM (UTC)
I too miss Kano...If he returns in the future, a power struggle between Kabal and Kano for leadership of the New Black Dragon may be interesting. That Thug demeanor could add some much needed spice to the stale roster of characters.
04/09/2005 02:56 AM (UTC)
Kiasyd Wrote:
I too miss Kano...If he returns in the future, a power struggle between Kabal and Kano for leadership of the New Black Dragon may be interesting. That Thug demeanor could add some much needed spice to the stale roster of characters.

Took the words right outta my mouth, screw the Sonya Kano fued thats through, he and Kabal should now be mortal enemies.
04/10/2005 11:24 PM (UTC)
ithink sonya jax and cage should all die because the americans in mortal kombat i am making a slight exception to kobra because he is decent but it seems like more 18th century which i like if you leave them out of mk also i think mavado should come back and kabal has got amazing potential another example of a bad american mk character is stryker he sucked and what about a hispanic or african mk character preferably hispanic liek a swordsman from spain like kind of like vega from street fighter that would be sweet expect not 7 feet tall normal sized and black hair
04/11/2005 05:53 PM (UTC)
subzero6969 Wrote:
ithink sonya jax and cage should all die because the americans in mortal kombat i am making a slight exception to kobra because he is decent but it seems like more 18th century which i like if you leave them out of mk also i think mavado should come back and kabal has got amazing potential another example of a bad american mk character is stryker he sucked and what about a hispanic or african mk character preferably hispanic liek a swordsman from spain like kind of like vega from street fighter that would be sweet expect not 7 feet tall normal sized and black hair

Firstly, what is wrong with having a few American characters in MK? I will admit that I'm not really into the Special Forces guys, but that doesn't mean characters from the US don't fit. into MK.

It would be great to see Earthrealm characters from more varied backgrounds (I always figured Mavado was European, and Kai could easily be African or Carribean for example). But I don't think characters like Johnny Cage and Sonya should die, simply because they happen to be American. Think of this, MK is an American game, most of it's fans are Americans, there's gonna be American characters, like it or not, MK3/MKT was mostly set in the US. They should increase the variety of nationalities represented, and drop no marks like Jax and Kobra, but there will never be an MK free of characters from the US.

If anyone's wondering, no I am not an American, and have no plans to become one.

Anyway, back to the topic about Kano. I do like Kano, he's one of my favourite characters. But I think it might be a bit too soon to bring him back, unless they can do something really special with him. Characters like Mavado, Kabal and Kira have easily taken over his role as the criminal/thug fighter, and he's cheated death already before. Part of me really wants to see him in the next MK, part of me would rather they waited and unleashed a revamped Kano, back with a vengance, later. I'm torn right now.
04/13/2005 03:27 AM (UTC)
i personally am americanbut all the american characters they have made have been lame i dont like any of the mi hate stryker jax he was cool until he whole hip hop thing came in i dont like sonya i guess johnny is ok kobra could be badass but i truly hope that they do make a hispanic character because in half south american
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05/09/2005 12:03 AM (UTC)
You spelled Mavado and Hsu Hao wrong they are spelled
Mavado- M-A-V-A-D-O
Hsu Hao-H-S-U H-A-O (and bring back Kano!) I don't know if anyone else has noticed but I noticed something, Kano has been in everyother game, example- MK1-Kano MK2- No Kano MK3- Kano MK4- No Kano MKDA- Kano MKD- No Kano Has anyone else noticed this?!
05/16/2005 08:34 AM (UTC)
I like Kano - in MK1, he had the best fatality.
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"Shotgun, shotgun double barreled sawed off Stay strapped homie this shit is about to pop off Me I be a G from way back in the day With that I don't give a fuck about your set, type mentality"-blaze ya dead homie

05/16/2005 02:58 PM (UTC)
they must bring back kano, he's has always been my favorite charectersmile
05/16/2005 09:28 PM (UTC)
I dont think they should rbing Kano back. Well in a way he was in the form of Tanya. Basically the same character cause their stories are identical. Old, stale and boring.

Other characters I think should not return are Sonya, jax and johnny Cage. Again their stories are old and stale. With them being killed in Deception and brought back as Evil, I thought they would do some nasty stuff like kill others or seomthing, and then when released, have to live with it, or perhaps some of them choose to stay evil. For example, Kitana was evil before....maybe Onaga's evil will rignite the evil side of her and open up a new storyline. I do think kitana and Kung Lao have potential for future games, and Kitana is kinda key in that she is basically involved with everyone. Whereas Jax, Sonya and Cage are old boring. Plus if Kano returns.......Sonya will be out to get him....AGAIN........Yawn, yawn!

I dont think Mavado should return either. Kabal killed him (tho supposedly Mavado killed Kabal so who knows). Also, we were told Kitana and Jax's MK:DA endings were canon..........only for them to turn round and kill them at the start of Deception therefore nullifying their story/ending, so perhaps if jax died.....then Hsu Hao may still be alive. I actually am a fan of Hsu hao so i say bring him back instead.
11/26/2005 05:03 AM (UTC)
i think they should bring back kano for mk7 he had the eye vison and the very fast front flip move so i think they should defently bring back kano for mk 7 so if you like hola backsmile
11/26/2005 06:45 AM (UTC)
How about bringing back Kano and Kira and having them as a duo in a similiar fashion as Jax and Sonya? The letter could be brought back as well and would square off against Kano and Kira (storylinewise).
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11/26/2005 07:03 AM (UTC)
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11/26/2005 08:47 AM (UTC)

Withouit Sonya, anything but without Sonya.
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"A man with no sense of history is like a man with no eyes or ears"
11/26/2005 03:50 PM (UTC)
I agree. I hope he is a Cokney like in the films if he is in the next MK game!
11/26/2005 06:03 PM (UTC)
Kano was awsome i to think he should go alone instead of serving someone.Hes more like that lone wolf stuff if you kno what i meanglasses
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11/29/2005 03:35 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
i think they should bring back kano for mk7 he had the eye vison and the very fast front flip move so i think they should defently bring back kano for mk 7 so if you like hola backsmile

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