Bring Back Human Smoke!!!
Bring Back Human Smoke!!!
posted06/03/2005 08:40 PM (UTC)by

okay so i play umk3 all the time bcuz smoke is just so cool i know that he is the same as scorpion in move set and everything but they should make two smokes like human and cyborg because they are both kick ass like the human smoke should be like teleport relied and another special move thats unique ill leave that up to u i think that his story should strong tie in with sub zero and also with the lin kuei
Yes, bring him back. I thought it was kinda of a stupid Idea to make robots in the first place.
Wait. If smoke were an idependent creature, than he can have his human for as his primary costume, and a robot costume as his secondary costume...than we can have it all!
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i like smokes ether-real form....he's not human and not robotic....his human form was cool and i admit i liked it but it was nothing more than a palette swap. No matter what changes they could make to his human form even in shaolin monks even thou he looks hella cool he will always be looked at as a scorpion rip and even in shaolin monks he is just a palette swap only in high resolution and small alterations. or at least thats how i see it. The main point for his story is that his human form is a memory and nothing more just a memory...maybe it would be cool to have an Easter Egg alt with him in his human form but nothing canon. His evolution is very cool and unique. So to end my post, his human form is a memory and should remain that way unless its an alt.
Smoke still remains a cybernetic organism (cyborg) but since he reconstructed himself to a more particle based form, we can assume that even though his corporal form is a heavily armored figure, he can reshape himself to a thinner and more dynamic shape.
We got what we need: still remaining a cyborg, but he can take upon a more human like form. Just like a shapeshifter but on a more elemental level.
We got what we need: still remaining a cyborg, but he can take upon a more human like form. Just like a shapeshifter but on a more elemental level.

he is human and cybor in deception that's what the alternet outift is

His ethereal form is a noncorporal nanomechanic body. Check the goddamn storyine again. Noob Saibot reactivates him and his nano-technology reshapes his body. He looks human, but he remains a metallic entity for Gods sake.
So he is mechanical anyhow. And IMO it would look extremely dumb if they would make him human again. however, he could take on a humanoid form since he can reshape -knowing that this is the nature of nanomecha-nics.
Kiss goodbye to human Smoke.
So he is mechanical anyhow. And IMO it would look extremely dumb if they would make him human again. however, he could take on a humanoid form since he can reshape -knowing that this is the nature of nanomecha-nics.
Kiss goodbye to human Smoke.
I don't want to see Smoke human or cyborg again. His look in MKD was just fine.
IMO another good look for Smoke would be to look like a soul, but instead of being green he's grey. He'd be see-through, and along with his soul look, he would have smoke floating around him making him look alot better. I'd like to see a look like this for him in MK7.
IMO another good look for Smoke would be to look like a soul, but instead of being green he's grey. He'd be see-through, and along with his soul look, he would have smoke floating around him making him look alot better. I'd like to see a look like this for him in MK7.

As much as I'd like to see he come back as a human, the Midway writers would have to pull out some kind of lame story out their asses (Shao Kahn's MKD bio for example).
The fact that he's now in the Netherealm and that his nanotechnology is changing him could create a brand new, more ethral look to him, like an elemental mecha-demon. That'd be pretty sweet!
The fact that he's now in the Netherealm and that his nanotechnology is changing him could create a brand new, more ethral look to him, like an elemental mecha-demon. That'd be pretty sweet!
I used to want Human Smoke back until I saw his alternate costume in Mortal Kombat Deception. Now I want him to come back as that. So maybe they should find a way to completely eliminate his robotic and human form from the storyline and just keep him how he is now.. completely fresh and awesome. Leave the cyborgs(even though I hate cyborgs) to Sektor and Cyrax, and keep all the other ninja people except Smoke. Now they can have a whole new.. "race."

It would be impossible for human Smoke to return, so please get over it. Not killing your hope or anything, but the storyline would be extremely elaborate if he did. Besides, seeing as Noob Saibot might be the Ruler of the Netherrealm and use Smoke's nanotechnology to create his own clan, I doubt he would let the walking trashcan hang around after it. Probably sell him for scrap.
I've honestly had enough of the whole cyborg thing. When Sektor returns from Japan with his Tekunin, hopefully that will be all we hear of the cyborgs. They're so last century. 

Well, it doesnt really look like it is possible for Smoke to regain his human form. I personally prefer the Human Smoke to the Cyborg Smoke... I jsut hate the cyborgs.
Personally, i think Human Smoke had more storyline potential. He had the Past with the Lin Kuei and with Sub Zero that could base his story. I also thought he could have been made Cyborg, but regain his human form by keeping his soul alive and someohow managing to control the implant. But they did that with Cyrax so I guess it wouldnt be good to do it again.
As for Smoke in MKD, it seems he is basically in the hands of whoever programmes him. This gives him some potential....but limits his story and it will be repeated in that he willa lways be doing things for his master and not be able to act for himself.
Personally, i think Human Smoke had more storyline potential. He had the Past with the Lin Kuei and with Sub Zero that could base his story. I also thought he could have been made Cyborg, but regain his human form by keeping his soul alive and someohow managing to control the implant. But they did that with Cyrax so I guess it wouldnt be good to do it again.
As for Smoke in MKD, it seems he is basically in the hands of whoever programmes him. This gives him some potential....but limits his story and it will be repeated in that he willa lways be doing things for his master and not be able to act for himself.

it says that he broke down in the mkd ashrah ending and in umk3 it states that he still has a soul soif he still has a soul his soul could easily escape his cyborg body and after that his soul could go ack into earthrealm and idk how this would work but become human again its kinda rough but i think you know what im saying that could maybe happen
It's not hard to dream up a wacky story that makes him human again.
It's not hard to dream up a wacky story that makes him human again.

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Smoke's alt in MKD makes him look more like a wraith then anything else. It's one thing to read Noob- Smoke's bio, but that mostly revloves around Noob anyway, and watch the Smoke video. The only reason he had those two outfits is because fans have been asking for both and so the MK team granted it to them. I do belive that Smoke needs to be taken into another direction, they're going to have to decide which form they want to focus on because they can't have all three. As much as it hurts me to say it, I don't want Smoke back if it means that his character is going to be butchered again. He needs to stay with one form or atleast transition into one and stay that way, cyborg, human, wraith, they have to pick one and stick with it.
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once again i dont think it would be logical for them to bring back his human form as canon. I am a big fan of ninjas but an even bigger fan of storyline. Smokes whole purpose is that his human form is ment to be a memory. Like i said before it would hot for an alt outfit to be his human form but nothing canon. his storyline if, noob's is canon which i doubt because they'll never kill off Subby , is that he is heading towards some kinda cybernetic wraith which is kinda in a cheezy term like saying simply a robotic phatom. I doubt his human form is ever gonna be canon again. Yes they might make him alittle human-like but only to satisfy they 50/50 split of human lovers and robot lovers.. Shaolin Monks only has his human form because the plot of MKSM takes place in the past. I love his human form but you gotta know when to let go.
Dose it really matter if they where human or robot. But honestly I do think robots are over rated. BUT when a character is Smoke and all of his moves and fighting styles will be the same as the robots and humans. They are the same thing. BUT my vote...... HUMAN

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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?
and pass up the awesome story just to put a cheesy ninja back into the already over-flowing ninja roster with some dinky, overused ressurection excuse? ETHER... or ROBO, I could go either way
Ethereal Smoke is by far one of the coolest looking characters. I always liked Cyber Smoke, But he just wasn't the same without the smoke floating around him.

IN MK Deception his alt costume was near human thats okay for me and did any one noticed that zero is turning super white i like it

hey what about like a mix of both? like cyraxs mkda they are human underneith the armor
I think they should break smoke away from noob and make him his own character.The story could be that when he malfuctioned in the netherealm his soul fought the robotic transmission and won. Then his soul would be free and he would turn against noob. He would be in his ethereal smoke form just like his alt. costume in deception because he is now neither human or robotic.
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