Boss Fights
posted09/17/2014 09:26 PM (UTC)by
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07/06/2007 12:58 AM (UTC)
I know I'm not the only one who finds MK boss fights to be extremely boring and uninspired. Boss fights are suppose to be the final most difficult climax of the game. And although MK increases the difficulty aspect it lacks the climax. Now as of today we don't know who will be the boss or even the sub-boss but I'd like y'all to throw in your ideas of how you would make a fighting game boss fight better.

My idea would be to change the Tower up. When controlling a bad guy or henchmen character instead of fighting the normal Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn your boss fight would be against an amped up Raiden or Liu Kang. I think this idea would go a long way in increasing the playability of the game by throwing in more variety.
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09/14/2014 03:54 PM (UTC)
My opinion get rid of them all together. They are a pain to fight at first but then once you know their attack patterns just boring as hell to fight. They only have about ten attacks and cheap mechanics such as more health etc etc. For me they are a waste of time and budget. If you are going to make a boss then make them proper characters.
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09/14/2014 04:06 PM (UTC)
For Arcade mode I would like to see the towers return from MK3/UMK3 only this time with some changes. There should be about 6 towers in total, each more difficult than the last. More difficult in terms of CPU difficulty and the amount of fighters you face.

This time, I'd like for each tower to have a boss character of its own along with fighters kind of linked or loyal to THAT boss. For example, tower one has Shang Tsung as the final challenge, tower two has NEW CHARACTER # 5, tower three has Kotal Kahn, Tower four has Raiden, tower five has Shinnok & Quan Chi simultaneously, and tower six has the ultimate big bad as the final boss.

Each boss should be progressively harder, eventually something comparable to Shadow Jago on hardest setting in KI
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09/14/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
Not bad. Ill have to look into KI's Jago. Never played it before. I'm sure it's not easy making a fighter boss interesting. So how would you make the boss fight enjoyable? How would you make it less boring? IMO the only boss fight in MK that I truly enjoyed was the first one because Shang Tsung would take many forms. That was fucking sweet. But Shao Kahns temporary invincibility was very bland and boring. There's got to be a better way to make these boss fights fun and enjoyable yet difficult at the same time.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/14/2014 04:20 PM (UTC)
I like this idea, I'd be down with fighting an amped up Raiden. Maybe to amp him up, NRS can combine all 3 of his variations into 1.

Another idea I had was that for the main boss, I want less brute (Onaga/Blaze) and more power/tactics. Remember the boss fight against Scorpion in MKSM? Something kinda like that.
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09/14/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
I like this idea, I'd be down with fighting an amped up Raiden. Maybe to amp him up, NRS can combine all 3 of his variations into 1.

Another idea I had was that for the main boss, I want less brute (Onaga/Blaze) and more power/tactics. Remember the boss fight against Scorpion in MKSM? Something kinda like that.

Not a bad idea at all. All three variations in one fight. It would be difficult and the computer could handle it easily. I agree wholeheartedly on the scorpion boss fight in MKSM but these are two very different styles of fighting games. But I do have a feeling we are going to get a female boss character this time and things are going to get more tactical in the boss fights.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/14/2014 04:41 PM (UTC)
You are absolutely right, that's why I said "kinda" lol. Not sure how they would pull it off.

If your theory about the boss being a female is correct however, that would be awesome! It's never happened in MK yet and I'd welcome it.
09/14/2014 05:24 PM (UTC)
I think we will probably have this anyway but unique dialogue between your character and the boss before the fight would be cool. Since all of the characters are supposed to have unique dialogue before I fight this is kind of confirmed anyway.

Make the boss actually hard to beat, instead of just giving him/her armor. Make it so the boss does combos, uses breakers, runs, meter burns, throws, uses intractable objects and all of that stuff, make it seem like an actual character instead of some guy who is just bigger, deals more damage, and takes less damage. I like them dealing more damage and taking less damage but make them more aggressive or something lol

A different boss for certain characters would be cool, make it based on their alignment or relation to other characters. For example Scorpion's ladder boss could switch between Quan-Chi, Sub-Zero, or the main bad guy.
09/14/2014 08:29 PM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:My idea would be to change the Tower up. When controlling a bad guy or henchmen character instead of fighting the normal Shang Tsung or Shao Kahn your boss fight would be against an amped up Raiden or Liu Kang. I think this idea would go a long way in increasing the playability of the game by throwing in more variety.

Finally glad i ran into someone who thinks the same way. The only thing i wouold make different is the idea of depending on the "Bad Guys" allegiance. Is he a Neutral Bad guy or a Loyal Subordinate?

If he is a Neutral, only fighting for himself or aligned with the bad guys for his own agenda then their final boss fight should be a random draw cuz it would really matter...maybe.

If he is a Loyal henchman they should fight the Raiden & Liu Kang. definately mix things up.

Also adding to this idea, i wold like to see at mid fight a mini cutscene depending on who is winning gets say or taunt depending on the character. Then at the end of the fight, it switches over to a cinematic scene like MK9 did but alil more in depth. The "Boss" then gets up and the players character than proceeds to finish them off (not a fatality, more like a how Liu Kang finished of Shang Tsung in the 1st MK movie where ST was dizzy and LK was hitting him.) The the character would land a fatal blow defeating the "Boss" character. THEY WILL NOT EXPLODE, I REPEAT THEY WILL NOT EXPLODE.

The it would proceed to go into the characters ending. I would love for the endings to be a full Cinematic ending but Ed already confirmed that wouldn't happen. So the MK9 stylized motion comic type endings would be welcomed back.
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09/14/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
Somebody send this thread to Ed Boon and the Netherrealm team ASAP. Good stuff people
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09/14/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
Maybe over the course of the Tower the computer would take all the data from your previous fights and incorporate it into the Boss fight. The Boss could possibly know your next move and dodge, block, or counter more effectively thus getting rid of the temporary invincibility bullshit.
09/14/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I think we will probably have this anyway but unique dialogue between your character and the boss before the fight would be cool. Since all of the characters are supposed to have unique dialogue before I fight this is kind of confirmed anyway.

One would think they'll probably do it, but then again, MK9 was the first game where we got character intros, and they choose to make Shao Khan not talk. Shao khan man! The one that is famous for taunting you all day long. So you never know
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/14/2014 11:52 PM (UTC)
^good point. Guess we'll never know why that happened, nor what he does with that whore in the brothel hugging on his leg, during his victory pose. Haha jk.

That was a missed opportunity in MK9 though. Shao Khan of all people not having anything to say before battle. Hated his voice during game play. It sucked! Pun intended.
09/14/2014 11:54 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind fighting against a good guy if I was playing a bad guy and vice versa.

It would make it a little bit more unique to the fight.
09/15/2014 12:54 AM (UTC)
This also got me thinking. What if for the final boss fight, there were different stages of the boss fight ramping up in difficulty but also in a cinematic sense too? For example, let's just use Shang Tsung and say once you got his health bar to the halfway point, maybe he would do something that would trigger a small cinematic scene where he tries to acquire more power knowing he is on the verge of death.

I feel like the boss fights feel too similar to the fights with regular fighters. There should be some kind of cinematic intro into the boss fight, at the halfway point, and at the end. Maybe similar for the sub-bosses too? Also I'm all for the fight tower adapting the to alignment of your chosen fighter. That's a really neat idea!
09/15/2014 01:25 AM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote: "The the character would land a fatal blow defeating the "Boss" character. THEY WILL NOT EXPLODE, I REPEAT THEY WILL NOT EXPLODE."

About pissed myself reading that one. Glad to see I'm not the only one tired of that exploding animation. 10 freaking years! I was surprised Superman didn't explode in Injustice. tongue
09/15/2014 01:36 AM (UTC)
Barakaz_cuz Wrote:
colt1107 Wrote: "The the character would land a fatal blow defeating the "Boss" character. THEY WILL NOT EXPLODE, I REPEAT THEY WILL NOT EXPLODE."

About pissed myself reading that one. Glad to see I'm not the only one tired of that exploding animation. 10 freaking years! I was surprised Superman didn't explode in Injustice. tongue

Oh wow. Can't believe I missed reading that one. I'm glad he mentioned that lol. I'm also sick of seeing people explode. Now if Sextor or Cyrax shoved a bomb down their throat then okay, but not from a simple fatal punch. Haha.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/15/2014 02:24 AM (UTC)
^remember how in MKSM when you defeated the boss, there was a specific button combo you had to punch in to finish that boss off? And that boss died in a specific way? Remember how Kung Lao and Liu Kang brutally ripped the arms off of Kintaro? They should make this happen in MKX, but instead have each character murder the boss the way THAT character would (Sub-Zero using his ice in some fashion, Kano's knives etc.)

That way, killing the boss wouldn't get boring because we knew how they were going to die. Instead we'd feel compelled to find out how ALL of the characters execute the boss in their own ways.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/15/2014 02:27 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
My opinion get rid of them all together. They are a pain to fight at first but then once you know their attack patterns just boring as hell to fight. They only have about ten attacks and cheap mechanics such as more health etc etc. For me they are a waste of time and budget. If you are going to make a boss then make them proper characters.

Agreed. I liked how MK4/MKDA did it with the bosses being normal characters. We don't need a gigantic behemoth.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

09/15/2014 03:08 AM (UTC)
In all honesty I like it the way it is. I simply wrecked Shang and Quan Chi in MKDA with combos. I understand no one likes cheap. The only thing I hated about Shao was his invicibility frames.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

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09/15/2014 04:39 AM (UTC)
I like having more challenging bosses. You actually fell like you accomplished something.

Beating Shao Kahn in MK9 Story Mode on medium or higher and beating Shadow Jago in Killer Instinct is something to be proud of!
09/15/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
^remember how in MKSM when you defeated the boss, there was a specific button combo you had to punch in to finish that boss off? And that boss died in a specific way? Remember how Kung Lao and Liu Kang brutally ripped the arms off of Kintaro? They should make this happen in MKX, but instead have each character murder the boss the way THAT character would (Sub-Zero using his ice in some fashion, Kano's knives etc.)

That way, killing the boss wouldn't get boring because we knew how they were going to die. Instead we'd feel compelled to find out how ALL of the characters execute the boss in their own ways.
I think that would be a really cool idea. However I doubt NRS would invest all that work just for character specific boss fatalities. But yes I do remember the MKSM fatalities at the end with Kintaro, etc. Really cool stuff. When you see that happening it's like, "Yeah! Tear his arms off! Now he's nothing!" Haha.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

09/15/2014 07:57 PM (UTC)
ZeroGravityFox Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
^remember how in MKSM when you defeated the boss, there was a specific button combo you had to punch in to finish that boss off? And that boss died in a specific way? Remember how Kung Lao and Liu Kang brutally ripped the arms off of Kintaro? They should make this happen in MKX, but instead have each character murder the boss the way THAT character would (Sub-Zero using his ice in some fashion, Kano's knives etc.)

That way, killing the boss wouldn't get boring because we knew how they were going to die. Instead we'd feel compelled to find out how ALL of the characters execute the boss in their own ways.

I think that would be a really cool idea. However I doubt NRS would invest all that work just for character specific boss fatalities. But yes I do remember the MKSM fatalities at the end with Kintaro, etc. Really cool stuff. When you see that happening it's like, "Yeah! Tear his arms off! Now he's nothing!" Haha.

Lol, exactly. In MK9, they had these dramatic cut scenes that were specific to each character as they finished off Shao Kahn, followed by the endings. I just hated how they all ended with Shao Kahn doing a backflip via uppercut. That got old quick.

But maybe they will do something along these lines again, except with fatalities. I hope so.
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09/16/2014 03:34 AM (UTC)
So here's what we have so far

-Boss will be based on Character alignment
-No more exploding bosses(Fatalities would do the job)
-Cut scenes before the fight and between each round
-Bosses that adapt to your fighting style
-Special cinematics that benefit the boss to make him harder to defeat
Example: Quan Chi summons Zombies while he gets to a part of the stage that increases his attack or health.You must defeat the zombies and get a hit on Quan Chi before he gains too much of an advantage. This would kind of incorporate the challenge tower of MK9 into the boss fights.

I know I'm missing some but ill get back to it
09/16/2014 09:57 PM (UTC)
colt1107 Wrote:
So here's what we have so far

-Boss will be based on Character alignment
-No more exploding bosses(Fatalities would do the job)
-Cut scenes before the fight and between each round
-Bosses that adapt to your fighting style
-Special cinematics that benefit the boss to make him harder to defeat
Example: Quan Chi summons Zombies while he gets to a part of the stage that increases his attack or health.You must defeat the zombies and get a hit on Quan Chi before he gains too much of an advantage. This would kind of incorporate the challenge tower of MK9 into the boss fights.

I know I'm missing some but ill get back to it

I love the Quan Chi example. If it was Goro in his lair, he could open one of the gates that the onis from MKSM would run out of. Also I begin to tire seeing opponents just fall over dead at the end of fights. I mean for regular opponents I'm fine. But with sub-bosses and bosses I think that As they draw their last breath on the ground, they should have something to say. It would be interesting to have Goro on the ground dying and to see how he'd react knowing he has been defeated after being undefeated for so long. The fight should feel more personal at that point between your chosen fighter and the boss.
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