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06/12/2013 12:45 AM (UTC)
Well, that stinks. Would have been neat to see how they would go storyline-wise in MK4/10. wow
Drahmin shouldn't be ignored. Especially when the worst character on Deadly Alliance NOT named Mokap was Hsu Hao. I don't even get what's so bad about him besides his poor gameplay which was due to 3D. Maybe when he sees Drahmin all he sees is the underwear and ball o flies?

Moloch on the other hand... He was a refreshing alternative from Goro as a subboss but his gameplay sucked in Armageddon and he's really blah as a character. His design works better as a generic oni like the ones scurrying around in the backround of The Pit Bottom/Goro's Lair.

That kinda sucks to hear next you're going to tell He doesn't want Ashrah because her design wasn't sexy enough.
06/15/2013 12:40 AM (UTC)
I can kind of get why Drahmin isn't a character that Boon is most proud of. As said, he might just see him as a rotting corpse with an iron club, mask, underwear and flies buzzing around him. He was always sort of filler. Granted, that is a choice that can be amended by developing him more, but I would never really expect Drahmin to be brought back as anything more than a body. It seems within plausibility that they will bring back Drahmin and do something odd with him to change him up within the new canon -- like actually have him revert back to being a warlord through some sort of sorcery not unlike what was alluded to in his Deadly Alliance ending.

If I were to create a sequel to Armageddon or even to "MK9," as it is being referred to as, I'd probably have Drahmin and Moloch in both, since I think a story centred on the Netherrealm is an easy way to take either story. How about combining the two characters, since their storyline is essentially "we are Oni" anyway? Shinnok, Quan Chi or even (as in my ideal chronological sequel to Armageddon) Noob Saibot essentially splices them together and you get a two-headed, ball and club-wielding, beast of absolute destruction? You then get both "characters" back in spirit, but actually create a fresh feeling character from it. This would also create a creature in the spirit of Cerberus from Greek mythology, only instead of three heads this "Super Oni" only has two. "Drahloch" is a stupid name, but as a working title for this creature, it could work.
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08/05/2013 04:12 PM (UTC)
Moloch can come later, I'm sure Netherrealm won't forget about him. But if Shinnok is going to be the boss as I think he will be, I'd like to see the DA unreleased character Baphomet be the main sub boss with the DA being the buffer sub boss and kind of like a throw back to endurance.
08/06/2013 08:57 PM (UTC)
Who the hell is this molokh and drahmin. What is it with you guys. You can't seem to let go. I say out with the old and in with the new. Though frost shouldd return as she was most requested female, followed by Tanya. Also after watching Mk konquest tv show and Mk mythology subzero, i would like to see sareena, and maybe kia and jataaka, who should die but sareena should live, like in Mk konquest tv show, two of quan chis personal assasins die but one lives.
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08/08/2013 04:54 AM (UTC)
After seeing what the magic characters in Injustice could do I know Netherrealm still has enough tricks up their sleeve to make Sareena a badass character.

The only reason I think people want to see the old characters so much now is it seems like what they did with Smoke, Skarlet, Cyber Sub-Zero, Kruger, Kenshi, Rain and Noob showed us that they could finally update characters that just weren't handled well.

Though I don't think this means we need to see every freaking characters from 4-Armageddon. People seem to still have a soft spot for DA, and I can see why there is so much Moloch love.
08/09/2013 08:10 PM (UTC)
Saw this on IGN and found it pretty relevant. It's a blog from a user and it's his list of five character he thinks deserve to be re-done better in the next MK due to their potential. Drahmin's on the list. What he says of Drahmin;

"A perfect example of an intriguing character concept, a creepy and unsettling look but an overall disappointing execution is the Oni / demon known as Drahmin. Making his first appearance in 'Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance,' the character was pretty much useless in combat. Well, for me anyway. Practically every move the guy had revolved around the massive spiked club attached to his arm. (Seriously!? What the Hell happened to you, dude?) Add to that the incredibly annoying flies that constantly swarm and buzz around him at all times, this character was a waste and deserves better treatment. It's a new day, a new age, a new timeline... time to do this guy right and make him as badass as he looks. Hell, with the right formula and some tweaks, this guy could be one awesome sub-boss. Not all of them have to be giant, hulking monstrosities and that would fit right in with Shinnok being from the Netherealm and all...."

The entire blog is here; http://www.ign.com/blogs/jbond88/2013/08/04/five-characters-that-deserve-redeeming-in-mortal-kombat-2011-sequel/
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08/10/2013 06:35 AM (UTC)
I always thought given in the storyline of DA with Drahmin and Moloch watching each others backs that Drahmin should have been a sub boss in the first place. He was really powerful in DA in the first place, I'd love to see them do something with him.
08/10/2013 04:19 PM (UTC)
What about Fujin, Sareena, Tanya, Ashrah, Havik, Dairou & Li Mei? Do they deserve to be in the next game?
08/17/2013 11:33 AM (UTC)
Why I would return in the next game all characters above / \.

I think the only characters who do not deserve a second chance are Mokap, Meat, Blaze, and Hsu Hao because its concepts are ridiculous and Kobra, Jarek, Darrius and Chameleon they are redundant. Though I can not think of any context after the temporal change in which Taven appear (and considering his movelist he's half redudante too), though Daegon can now appear (it is connected to Shinnok). And Shujinko has been through redundant too (his rivalry with Raiden now belongs to Liu Kang) as anyone can gather Kamidogu (remember Jade be suggested to do so).

Anyway I wish u've next game at least:

- Reiko
- Tanya
- Fujin
- Sareena
- Frost
- Nitara
- Hotaru
- Dairou
- Havik
- Kira
- Mavado
- Daegon
- Ashrah
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Li Mei

And I can think of no one better to you Moloch sub-boss in the next game, I hope Boon at least replace with Oni.
08/22/2013 01:51 AM (UTC)
I want Motaro back and with his full body. Just as a boss of course
08/22/2013 12:32 PM (UTC)
fully agree that Drahmin and Moloch of all characters would be fitting in the Netherrealm army in MK10 seeing as they're Netherrealm demons, at least as cameos if nothing more, I really enjoyed Drahmin in MK Deadly Alliance and I was always intrigued by his ending in which he was going to appear in human form- but they never followed through with anything so I guess he remains in oni form.

in MK9 Goro and Kintaro were both sub boss' so maybe MK10 could have Motaro and Moloch?

I'm looking forward to seeing sub boss Motaro (full body) on next gen systems :)
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