Boon says no to Moloch in MKX
posted08/22/2013 12:32 PM (UTC)by
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06/20/2010 09:15 PM (UTC)
"JakKelly3 tweeted:

@noobde I know you hate Drahmin, but is there any chance Moloch will be in MK10? After the heavies in Injustice, I really want to see him."

"@JakKelly3 1h @noobde I know you hate Drahmin, but is there any chance Moloch will be in--- EB: No."

That's lame. Both are awesome characters and would be nice to see reintroduced.
05/24/2013 02:54 PM (UTC)
Well, it would be weird to incorporate them into a story that really didn't have them since we are all assuming this will take place during the MK4 part.
05/24/2013 05:12 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Well, it would be weird to incorporate them into a story that really didn't have them since we are all assuming this will take place during the MK4 part.

To be fair, they are both associated with the Netherrealm, so they could join Shinnok and Quan Chi in fighting the heroes. I do think it would be a bit more interesting if they simply fought for themselves and inadvertently helped the heroes in some occasions. However, I'm not a fan of Moloch, but I do like Drahmin. He's the interesting one.
05/24/2013 06:52 PM (UTC)
Yeah, if they're really gonna push the Netherealm as villains in the next one, wouldn't it make sense to have some of the demon characters on the badguy team?

I don't get what it is with Boon not liking Drahmin.
05/24/2013 07:05 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Well, it would be weird to incorporate them into a story that really didn't have them since we are all assuming this will take place during the MK4 part.

To be fair, they are both associated with the Netherrealm, so they could join Shinnok and Quan Chi in fighting the heroes. I do think it would be a bit more interesting if they simply fought for themselves and inadvertently helped the heroes in some occasions. However, I'm not a fan of Moloch, but I do like Drahmin. He's the interesting one.

True. They could help out the evil side if they were brought back for the next game. I wouldn't mind seeing either of these guys in the future, I didn't have a problem with either of them, just that they were hardly devloped. Given another chance, I'm sure these two could be well-liked. I mean, I did enjoy Moloch's concept and story in the Deadly Alliance strategy guide.
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05/24/2013 09:12 PM (UTC)
I wonder what he thinks about Sareena making it in MK10. I want to tweet him about it...
05/24/2013 10:48 PM (UTC)
I don't even care about him storywise, but from a gameplay perspective I think he'd make an awesome grappler. Injustice showed us that NRS can do big grappler type characters, and I'd love if MK had one too.
05/24/2013 11:42 PM (UTC)
I can understand why Boon doesn't like Moloch,but I always thought Drahmin as a character had potential,as a former warlord who when he died became Oni. Plenty to work with there.

I guess the guy who created Drahmin did something bad to Boon or something...

I swear,if Boon will say NO to Sareena,I am gonna RAAAAGEEE!
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05/25/2013 12:07 AM (UTC)
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
I can understand why Boon doesn't like Moloch,but I always thought Drahmin as a character had potential,as a former warlord who when he died became Oni. Plenty to work with there.

I guess the guy who created Drahmin did something bad to Boon or something...

I swear,if Boon will say NO to Sareena,I am gonna RAAAAGEEE!

I was about about write that I don't think they'd acknowledge her, but I remembered her cameo on MK9s Pit bastardization. I can definitely see her becoming DLC at the least, or better, having a story chapter.
05/25/2013 09:37 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
I can understand why Boon doesn't like Moloch,but I always thought Drahmin as a character had potential,as a former warlord who when he died became Oni. Plenty to work with there.

I guess the guy who created Drahmin did something bad to Boon or something...

I swear,if Boon will say NO to Sareena,I am gonna RAAAAGEEE!

I was about about write that I don't think they'd acknowledge her, but I remembered her cameo on MK9s Pit bastardization. I can definitely see her becoming DLC at the least, or better, having a story chapter.

Hope so...Also that theory gives hope for Reiko as well.
05/25/2013 03:10 PM (UTC)
Reiko should be in MK10 regardless if it takes the MK4 route. Which is pretty obvious it will.

But still, Moloch would be a cool grappler.
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05/26/2013 06:32 AM (UTC)
In any case, I'm glad Tanya's definitely returning since the MK4 cast is bound to show up, she has a cameo in MK9, and Ed mentioned her as a possible DLC candidate for MK9.
05/26/2013 06:08 PM (UTC)
Wow Ed Boon way to be lame.

Getting rid of two extremely unique characters

Where is your creativity NS ??
05/26/2013 09:34 PM (UTC)
Here's who I want....

- Kai
- Tanya
- Reiko
- Fujin

- Li Mei
- Mavado
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Sareena

- Ashrah
- Hotaru
- Havik
- Dairou

Can anyone ask Ed Boon about them?
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05/26/2013 11:43 PM (UTC)
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
Here's who I want....

- Kai
- Tanya
- Reiko
- Fujin

- Li Mei
- Mavado
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Sareena

- Ashrah
- Hotaru
- Havik
- Dairou

Can anyone ask Ed Boon about them?

Ed mentionedTanya as a possible DLC candidate for MK9, so she'll definitely return. Most of the others appeared in MK9 somewhere so they haven't been forgotten. Only ones that haven't been seen were Dairou, Mavado, Kai, Ashrah, and Fujin.

Irrelevant, but apparently John Tobias dislikes Kai and mentioned that Raiden should've given his staff to someone else on Twitter while Vogel defended him.. facts are fun

Gonna try to find those tweets again.
Here, andHere
05/27/2013 12:20 AM (UTC)
You don't forget your characters that you've made. If they don't make appearances just as cameos or background, they're not forgotten. Not all 60+ characters need to be incorporate in a game for us to see that they're still existing in the series, letting us know they have a chance somehow.

I just wanted to throw that out there.
05/27/2013 03:13 AM (UTC)
MK10 will be on next gen systems so it should have a larger roster but i just want Hotaru
05/27/2013 05:33 PM (UTC)
OnagaDragonKing Wrote:
MK10 will be on next gen systems so it should have a larger roster but i just want Hotaru

Why should the next game have a larger roster based on being on a new gen?
05/27/2013 11:57 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
OnagaDragonKing Wrote:
MK10 will be on next gen systems so it should have a larger roster but i just want Hotaru

Why should the next game have a larger roster based on being on a new gen?

probably because the newer systems should be able to hold more space and games should have more content

MK10 should have atleast over 30 characters
05/28/2013 12:20 AM (UTC)
But it takes longer to create each character when you've got a newer, more detailed engine, which limits how many characters they can make and fit into the game before it's time to ship it off and sell it to people.
The only way MK10 will be able to have a significant amount more characters than MK9 and Injustice do is if they either A) take an extra year or two longer to make the game than they did to make 9, which isn't likely because the longer the development time on a game is, the more it costs the studio to make said game, and dev costs are already becoming kind of a problem for the industry right now, or B) if they're able to reuse assets from the characters who were already in MK9.
But unlike in MKDA/Deception/Armageddon, where they could reuse the same models in each game because they were on the same systems, there probably isn't a lot they'll be able to reuse when making a jump from one gen to the next and having to improve all the graphics, add new moves and new features, etc.
05/28/2013 01:54 AM (UTC)
OnagaDragonKing Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
OnagaDragonKing Wrote:
MK10 will be on next gen systems so it should have a larger roster but i just want Hotaru

Why should the next game have a larger roster based on being on a new gen?

probably because the newer systems should be able to hold more space and games should have more content

MK10 should have atleast over 30 characters

That is way too much, and as razor said is true.

Just because the newer systems would have more space, the amount of material that each character possesses takes up the most space of the game. It would be likely to see more characters to be produced in the newer systems, but you also have to remember how much stuff they hold such as the animations they have for moves, fatalities, specials, get ups and recoveries and such. And then you have to include other material.

God, the life of an animator...
05/28/2013 10:27 AM (UTC)
Thats a shame. I liked Moloch. Especially liked the idea of an Owl dropping off his ball and then he rises up to claim it and fight.

I kinda want pretty much all the MK9+DLC (Some exceptions of course) to return and bring the pain in the new one.

Because thats how Virtua Fighter did it. And to be fair whenever they "Replaced" an old character the new one either was boring OR the old one came back because lol.

05/28/2013 05:18 PM (UTC)
MKX needs a "monster" subboss... and it doesn't need to do what MK4 did and bring in Goro.

Since Moloch and Drahmin are out that can only mean we will finally see some new characters introduced.

Assuming that none (or at least the majority) of the characters Quan Chi now controls will be playable, this only reassures me that there will be new characters.

Introducing new characters has been a good AND bad thing in MK's history. So we'll see how this plays out.
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06/02/2013 11:03 PM (UTC)
Moloch is a beast! I want him as well as Motaro!!!!!
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/11/2013 08:42 AM (UTC)
I agree that Drahmin shouldn't be ignored, he had a unique design and backstory to build on. And you have a good point that since it will be focused more on the Netherealm, they should be included. But most of the MKDA-MKD characters are overlooked for some reason, I just hope they don't forget about Havik and Hotaru.
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