04/07/2009 02:37 AM (UTC)
yeah video games are suppose to be unrealistic to a certain point. i mean if it gets to realistic, unless that is the purpose, it gets boring and wont work. think about weapon combat. if u swing a weapon a couple of times u would cut off the opponents arm and head in seconds, so yeah that would be so boring.

maybe they can have a special block or parry for special moves. and regular block for regular attacks.!
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04/07/2009 03:50 PM (UTC)
Just to elaborate on something I suggested earlier about the dodging:

Block = Take the hit but only receive 5% of the attacks damage
Block + back = Lean backwards
Block + forward = Duck
Block + Up/Down = Lean/dodge sideways
Block + Thorw = Parry / Counter

Certain moves --such as Scorpion's Hellfire, Sub Zero's freeze, Raiden's lightning -- should be unblockable and you have to dodge them, otherwise you get burnt / frozen / shocked.

Heck, maybe characters could even have a special blocking move - imagine Quan Chi's wall of skulls (which he uses in the opening cutscene to Deception to block Raiden's lightning attack), or Sub Zero's Ice-clone.

Just think, this could work with the current system they just need to add a few things. Although personally, I would rather they remake the engine (and give Scorpion his Hapkido style back, dammit!!)
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04/09/2009 04:14 AM (UTC)
Hm hm hm....

The dodging idea works. However, they would need to add in some way of sending the projectile to the sides, otherwise the special moves would become uselss, as anyone could just move the character's torso to the left or right and they'd dodge every move.
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04/09/2009 11:38 AM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
Hm hm hm....

The dodging idea works. However, they would need to add in some way of sending the projectile to the sides, otherwise the special moves would become uselss, as anyone could just move the character's torso to the left or right and they'd dodge every move.

The problem would be regarding WHEN the dodge button is pressed.
Currently, if a player starts to do a projectile move, and the opponent side step before the projectile is fired, the projectile still misses.

What needs to happen is the "wind up" should stay "locked on" to the opponent until the projectile is fired. Once fired, it can be dodged. Meaning you have to get the timing right.

If you don't understand what I'm trying to say, let me explain it another way:
If you were to throw something at someone, you would have complete control over the aim up to the point of the object leaving your hand. Therefore, if the person was moving as you were readying the throw, you would adjust your aim automatically, so that you would hit them. So the only way to dodge it would be to move after the object was thrown, making it require some skill to use effectively.

Just remember, dodging can be used for normal attacks too. But again, it would require timing to work effectively.
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04/18/2009 03:29 PM (UTC)
i think that the coolest way should be like that when you block a special move the characters should have a alternate block version for raiden example that his lightning shield from opening of mkd and quan chis skull wall and sub zero could get an ice wallsmile
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04/19/2009 06:47 AM (UTC)
shreddz Wrote:
i think that the coolest way should be like that when you block a special move the characters should have a alternate block version for raiden example that his lightning shield from opening of mkd and quan chis skull wall and sub zero could get an ice wallsmile

Maybe if they were added as new special moves, so you had to imput 3 buttons. Otherwise, if it was just another block animation the it's not really solving the problem it's just putting make-up on it and telling people it's a cool new feature, when it's not.
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04/23/2009 05:20 PM (UTC)
sure if you would keep holding the last combonation button to protect and when you stoped holding it the character should stop block

PS. How do i answer with these grey boxes where it says what someone writed
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