02/05/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
I guess I'll be the first to suggest new Black Dragon members lol. I do think Kira could be interesting if they went a bit harder on the cross dressing element.
02/05/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:
Just gotta add Kobra^

*Imo, the only thing Kabal needs to lose is that ground saw. I don't really think it actually fits his character.

Who else will be with the Lin Kuei besides Sub and Smoke?

I edited it Tazer so there you go.wink

Thanks, but I didn't mean for you to add him. grin
02/05/2015 01:33 AM (UTC)
If they're not Tasia or Tremor, they can GTFO.

Kobra-Ken clone
Kira-Sonya + Kano + Crack = Her
No Face- Eh
Jarek- Nope.
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

02/05/2015 02:19 AM (UTC)
Tremor for the win!

They're making such a big deal about these factions for MKX, it seems like a no-brainer that they'd want to flesh out the LinKuei double-cross in story mode. It wouldn't be a shock to us, but it might blow the minds of some gen-pub mooks.

P.s... Kano>>>>KabaL
02/05/2015 02:28 AM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind seeing any of them. I think they've all got potential to become really awesome characters with enough re-design.

How I see it...

Kabal - Front of the line, I could easily see him making the cut. He has a fan base, and a really cool moveset that would lend itself to the variation system nicely. One variation focuses on his hookswords, one focuses on his buzz saws, and one on his super speed. Now we just need a legitimate reason for him to go back to crime...

Tremor - This guy is next in line. Obviously, the MK community wants him in. There's enough support for him, and Nether Realm acknowledged it by giving him a cameo in the challenge tower. If anything, I see him as DLC, but anything can happen.

Tasia & Kira - These ladies could have some really cool redesigns, but they don't really add much to the game aside from being "That chick in the Black Dragon." I see Tasia getting offed in the comic, and Kira was pretty much made irrelevant when Skarlet arrived. If either of these two show up...I'd be very surprised.

Jarek and Kobra - These two are at the back of the line. I just don't see a need for them, or a demand for them. Sure, anyone could be made interesting enough, and I actually like Jarek, but these guys just don't have much going for them.
02/05/2015 02:30 AM (UTC)
I'd hope if Kabal is in the game(would prefer him not be) that he wouldn't rejoin the black dragon.

As for which members will be in the game... Probably just Kano and maybe a new member
02/05/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
Kabal will probably be in see he is a tournament favorite and all the other dead characters are back -_-.

I would love to see Kira if they gave her her own moves but its looking unlikely right now.

Tremor would also be very cool.

They are probably going to add brand new members.

I was just thinking, what if Frost joined the Black Dragon?
02/05/2015 04:14 AM (UTC)
Darkk Wrote:
I'd hope if Kabal is in the game(would prefer him not be) that he wouldn't rejoin the black dragon.

As for which members will be in the game... Probably just Kano and maybe a new member

A faction is made up of 3 or more people. Just saying.
02/05/2015 05:59 AM (UTC)
hawe-me Wrote:
Is there any chance Tasia will be in?
Or No Face, Tremor, Jarek..?
Who do you think will be in game?

No one. I'd like to see Tasia but all four of these guys are scrubs.
02/05/2015 09:19 AM (UTC)
i'll never understand the hype that fans, in general, have for Tremor. he had the most unoriginal and generic appearance+moves in his debut flop game. He was only a brown scorpion with a fireball and a ground pound.

yet the same supporters hate on Kira and Kobra for those same reasons... its really weird.

the only reason a small obscure boss character like him is having all this support because he was a ninja palette swap (lets be real) and thats just plain stupid tbh. Otherwise, if his original design was not a brown scorpion, there would be no small cult following for him.

people will scream he has "potential" to be great but ANY character (including the officially debuted unpopular ones) can be made into good characters with the right redesign and rework. Yet people want to make an exception for Tremor only and not the others.
02/05/2015 09:22 AM (UTC)
i'm guessing tremor will be in because "fans" wont shut the fuck up about him. I guess his cameo in the vita challenge tower wasn't enough. ugh
02/05/2015 09:33 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
i'm guessing tremor will be in because "fans" wont shut the fuck up about him. I guess his cameo in the vita challenge tower wasn't enough. ugh

his tower appearance was still the same old, same old generic stuff yet it still got fans hyped >_>

he has a small vocal cult following online (the ones passionate enough to tweet Ed Boon everyday of course). but in reality most people don't know Tremor aside from those die-hard MK fans.

i don't think releasing an unknown character as dlc would be a wise business choice cause last time they did, Skarlet turned out to be the least sold out of every character. and she was considered a Ninja too....

So i dont' think Tremor is likely to be DLC at all.
02/05/2015 12:42 PM (UTC)
It's one thing to still believe against all evidence at this point that a handful of characters from the 3D era will be revealed shortly. But believing that they will bring back the entire roster from Special Forces, their worst game in history, is all new levels of delusional.
02/05/2015 01:14 PM (UTC)
It would be cool to see an old character switch Factions. Like having Kobra go to the Brotherhood of Shadow and/or Shang Tsung becoming a member of the White Lotus.
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Props to MINION
02/06/2015 01:55 AM (UTC)
LOl shang tsung going to the white lotus
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
It would be cool to see an old character switch Factions. Like having Kobra go to the Brotherhood of Shadow and/or Shang Tsung becoming a member of the White Lotus.

LOL shang tsung going to the white lotus

but i do like the idea though of people switching factions from the previous timeline

maybe Frost in the special forces (since Cassie saved her life), well or her in the Black dragon, to get back at Cassie for beating her(starting a rivalry between them)


Johnny cage in the lin kuei XD
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02/06/2015 03:18 AM (UTC)
Given that they're doing something with factions in this game, I could see one of the Black Dragon characters being in MKX besides Kano.

Tasia: I think she'd be a nice change of pace. Someone new(ish) that they can more or less rebuild from scratch and fit perfectly in to this new world and new variation system. She's got the ninja swordsman thing going, so I'd be curious to see how they could differentiate her moves from other characters.

No Face: Not a whole lot to this character. Explosives expert that's missing his ears, nose and hair so he has a mask. He has a flamethrower. He's in the Black Dragon. That's really about it. Still, even though there's not much to go on, what's there isn't all that good. No thanks.

Tremor: Eh, I'm mainly indifferent to him. If they can come up with a cool look that's not "the brown ninja," which I'm sure they're capable of, then sure, no problem. But I'm not pining for him by any means. On the flip side, too many people wanting him in for reasons you don't appeove of is a weak reason to hate him.

Jarek: Given that they've seemingly disavowed MK4 soul patch douche version in favor of MKA Jarek in the comic, I'm slightly intrigued, as I actually enjoyed playing as him in Armageddon, but I'm still unconvinced. I'd say no, but I could see him being good enough to change my mind.

Kira: I love her back story. I think there's a really good character there, but obviously she needs to be rebuilt more or less. I'd like to see them ditch the Run Lola Run hair and the pigtails and give her more of a kissed by fire look. But yeah, a new move list and I'm totally there. Sign me up.

Kobra: Honestly, as a near joke characteter that's just a Karate Kid reference, I actually kinda dig the Ken Masters look, but that's about the only thing I like about him, as his background and moves are hot garbage. Would not want him back.

Kabal: He's my favorite MK3 character, and while I like that they did his transformation in MK9, I'm not a fan of MKD Kabal and don't even like him in the Black Dragon to begin with. I'm also kinda tired of his move set. Especially the chronically over-spammed dash move.

If they were to bring him back on this game, make him a bad ass loner and give him some cool new moves that don't involve weird hug moves or moves that used to be throws.
02/06/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)
Kano is cool, but Kabal is a lot cooler.

I doubt Kabal is gonna make it onto MKX's roster, unfortunately.

I would like another Black Dragon, but preferably a new one or Tremor.

No Face, Tasia, Jarek, Kira, Kobra, etc, all suck.
02/06/2015 04:04 AM (UTC)
Omg, thank you darkkard! I feel the same exact way. You captured my thoughts perfectly!
02/06/2015 12:24 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

Tremor: On the flip side, too many people wanting him in for reasons you don't appeove of is a weak reason to hate him.

oh really, where did you read that? i don't recall anyone ever saying they hated him cause of that. i was just pointing out the ridiculousness of his hype. not that i hated him cause of it.

but in regards to the character, hes on the same level as Darrius, Kobra and the likes imo. horrible design, generic moves....

phishstix17 Wrote:
Omg, thank you darkkard! I feel the same exact way. You captured my thoughts perfectly!

your welcome :)
02/06/2015 12:53 PM (UTC)
Dervis Wrote:
Kira was pretty much made irrelevant when Skarlet arrived.

What Kira and Skarlet have in common, aside form red hair? I bet you was thinking about Nitara, cause she was the one hurt big time by appearance of a character with similar powers.

OhYesMar$h Wrote:
Funny thing is, Kabal is way more popular then Kano when you discuss Black dragon members, and they keep using Kano as the more Iconic head. Kano is wack, and a herb for using that cannon ball.

Kabal's membership in the BD is somewhat obscure. Kano was THE Black Dragon member since day one. While Kabal was former BD member, who later has become vigilante. And his story from MKD usually glossed over, since it was neither interesting, nor imporant. And also Kobra and Kira were integral part of it.
02/06/2015 01:25 PM (UTC)
Tasia and No-Face dont have any chance of being in the game IMO. Theyre just nods/easter eggs to the special forces games 9assuming NoFace makes it at all).

Termor I think will be DLC. If he is I hope he is invovled in thes tory in some way shape or form.

Jarek I think will make a story appearance but not be playable. I think the Mk4 story-line will be touched upon but not overly focussed on in the storyline of the game stpry mode.

Kira and Kobra I dont see returning. Netiher was particularly received well in their debut game and I cant see them really being redeemed (Kira possibly but I think with the limited spec on the roster I doubt it).

Kabal has the best chance of everyone to make it back, but even then i think its a moderate chance. I think he might be relgatedto the comic, but he is popular enough to make it as a DLC too.
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