Bit of a joke now eh?
posted05/20/2008 03:04 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/15/2008 03:59 PM (UTC)
Its really sad to see whats happened to the MK franchise I mean the games are fun to play but they just dont have the same feel as the first 3, so...

Question: Do you the MK franchise can ever return to it's dark, controversial roots?

It seems ever since Tobais left the franchise IMO has run downhill, the new generation of games were so cartoon-like
04/12/2008 06:02 PM (UTC)
Well he John Tobias was along when MK4 was created.

I think.

But at any rate, MK8 is getting a fresh new start, and direction. I agree after MK4 things got kinda cartoony. But MK8 will rebound. That much I do know.
04/13/2008 03:36 AM (UTC)
MK has the ability to go darker, technically it is dark, but not dark enough. There's humor in the game, (Humor as in jokester characters, cartoon characters in minigames) and no dark games should have anything funny in it. If its specifically designed for being a very dark game... then there should be no traces of comedy lurking in the shadows of that particular game.

Yes, MK will be darker in this upcoming game, how dark? Well, I assume that they're going to have no humor in it, hopefully. But just because of one guy leaves the company, everyone thinks that the game will go even further down the hill after MK8 comes out. Let me put it to you this way:

One guy doesn't always make a difference.

How many writers left creating the Simpsons? A lot, but its still funny... maybe not as funny back in the WAY beginning, but I still laugh my butt off majority of the new episodes, and they're doing fine without all the old writers they used to have like Connan O'Brian.

Therefore, yes MK has the ability to go darker. Just becuase Tobias left doesn't mean that Midway sucks more because of him leaving.

Sorry if I repeated too many times.

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04/13/2008 03:10 PM (UTC)
Funny, I find the first three to be the most cartoonish of them all.
04/16/2008 02:50 AM (UTC)
12ozmouse Wrote:
It seems ever since Tobias left the franchise IMO has run downhill, the new generation of games were so cartoon-like

Not really. Tobias was still hanging around when the series began its decline in the late 1990s.

He was also partially responsible for the conception of the crapfest that was the MK: Annihilation storyline.
04/16/2008 04:11 PM (UTC)
why do you guys believe that Tobias had a major role in the creation of MK?
Tobias was once the best friend of Ed boon,if i'm not wrong they were college comrades.He didn't do anything special since then.

The ENTIRE mk storyline was created by boon and refined by Vogel(since MK2 or 3),all that Tobias created was:
some character
some background
the combo ssystem in mk3.full stop.

he had the "great"(read with sarcasm) idea of a game with jax and Sonya as main heroes...and left the project when was 50% done.

i eally don't miss Tobias,he never get a important role in the Mk franchise

does someone knows why he left Midway(note:he wasn't fired,he just left)?
'Cause he haven't a big role,'cause he was good to complain but had very few godd ideas.

so i think that the MK downhill has begun with Tbias departure only fr a pure coincidence
04/16/2008 11:02 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
does someone knows why he left Midway(note:he wasn't fired,he just left)?
I'm sure one reason had to be creative differences. Many other Midway staff members went with him.
04/19/2008 01:57 PM (UTC)
I've gotta agree that MK3 (and to a lesser extent MK2) was the game that had this comedy you hate so much.

What do the newer games have that's not serious? Mokap? Really, you're going to ignore Friendships and Babalities and blame everything on one character who doesn't even matter to the storyline?
04/21/2008 03:20 AM (UTC)
MK1, MK2, MK4 & Mytholigies = Awesome

MK3 = Alright

MKDA - MKA = Goat piss

Hopefully after this MK vs DC bullshit is over they can make something playable, i'm not greatly optomistic about this though.
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XBL: kabal31082, PSN: Kabal31082
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04/22/2008 02:48 AM (UTC)
Chino_Cheng Wrote:
MK1, MK2, MK4 & Mytholigies = Awesome

MK3 = Alright

MKDA - MKA = Goat piss

Hopefully after this MK vs DC bullshit is over they can make something playable, i'm not greatly optomistic about this though.

Correction Mk1-3 + Mythologies = Awsome
MK:D =alright
MK:DA, MK:A (w/ the exception of the Kreate a Karacter), MK: Special Forces = Goat shit

Personally I think Boon has the right idea with wiping the slate clean & starting over, I just don't think he went far enough. I think we need to wipe the development team entierly including Boon. Don't take this the wrong way because I love MK, but the past 4 games have been stale & gimicky. MK vs DC is looking no different. I'm thinking a new development team might be able to breath new life back into the series. I know it's been Boon's baby, but this is the ninth instalment he's over seen. Bring in some new blood with fresh ideas, and actually lissen to the fans. Just look at Capcoms' RE series when they gave the RE4 to a new producer. We got 1 of the best RE games ever.
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04/24/2008 12:59 AM (UTC)
Kabal20 Wrote:
Chino_Cheng Wrote:
MK1, MK2, MK4 & Mytholigies = Awesome

MK3 = Alright

MKDA - MKA = Goat piss

Hopefully after this MK vs DC bullshit is over they can make something playable, i'm not greatly optomistic about this though.

Correction Mk1-3 + Mythologies = Awsome
MK:D =alright
MK:DA, MK:A (w/ the exception of the Kreate a Karacter), MK: Special Forces = Goat shit

Personally I think Boon has the right idea with wiping the slate clean & starting over, I just don't think he went far enough. I think we need to wipe the development team entierly including Boon. Don't take this the wrong way because I love MK, but the past 4 games have been stale & gimicky. MK vs DC is looking no different. I'm thinking a new development team might be able to breath new life back into the series. I know it's been Boon's baby, but this is the ninth instalment he's over seen. Bring in some new blood with fresh ideas, and actually lissen to the fans. Just look at Capcoms' RE series when they gave the RE4 to a new producer. We got 1 of the best RE games ever.

I can't see that happening. This is gonna sound crazy, but imo without Boon, there is no MK.

I've stated before on other threads on other boards, that although this game sounds crazy and obsurd, it could end up being a great fighting game. Only time will tell. Remember the old saying? "Don't judge a book by it's cover."
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"There is no knowledge that is not power."

04/27/2008 01:58 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Funny, I find the first three to be the most cartoonish of them all.

Care to explain that one?
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04/27/2008 12:23 PM (UTC)
TrueNoob Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Funny, I find the first three to be the most cartoonish of them all.

Care to explain that one?

Certainly. MK1-4 is laughably vivid and uninspiring now that I think back on them. One can outgrow MK I gues. I urge everyone to do so eventually.
04/27/2008 01:45 PM (UTC)
So now we have a moderator on the internet's primary MK website telling people not to be fans of Mortal Kombat anymore.

Logic and reason win the day again, I see.
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04/27/2008 02:28 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
So now we have a moderator on the internet's primary MK website telling people not to be fans of Mortal Kombat anymore.

Logic and reason win the day again, I see.

I never intended to say stop playing or abandon MK. Just know your priorities and deal with the importance of MK in a reasonable way. AKA do not be a drooling fanboy, or blindly loyal to something that actually hidners the development of MK.

I may have voted against vs. DC blindly four years ago. Now I do not, because it may bring beneficial stuff to MK. NOr am I jumping to conclusion wether the series is OMGSOBBERSRUINED....or WTFAEWSOMSUPAMAN... least this should be logical and healthy.
04/27/2008 03:03 PM (UTC)
Okay, that's more reasonable. In fact, I tend to agree that it's childish and out of line to scream "the series is ruined forever" like so many people have been.
The reality is, one unpopular game can't kill a franchise. Several unpopular games in a row can't even kill a franchise. No matter how bad it gets, all it takes is to make one good and beloved game, and the fans will come right back.
Just look at Tomb Raider. Most of that series is outright terrible, but the past game or two? Critically acclaimed.
04/29/2008 12:18 AM (UTC)
I refuse to believe anyone actually enjoyed Mythologies. wow
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05/01/2008 11:28 AM (UTC)
FetusStomper Wrote:
I refuse to believe anyone actually enjoyed Mythologies. wow

Get out. Nah, jk, Mythologies was awesome. I understand if you don't like it and we obviously have differences that need to be solved

05/08/2008 11:55 PM (UTC)
The N64 version was awesome, the playstation vesion sucked, with the shitty movies with and bad acting and so forth.
05/20/2008 03:01 AM (UTC)
hopefully. I think that it wont happen with MK VS DC
05/20/2008 03:04 AM (UTC)
PCAMA-26 Wrote:
hopefully. I think that it wont happen with MK VS DC

Do you even read DC comics? Sure DC isn't that graphic with the blood and gore, but DC can go dark. Obviously you don't read the comics, becuase if you did, you would understand that this game could go dark, but seeing how you're probably another rebel as most of the members of this site, I can only say that it's ashame that another person is not going to like MK after this game.

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