Better Computer Opponents is a MUST!!!!!
posted04/23/2010 10:15 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
Yesterday was the first time this year that I touched Armageddon. With the ladder of: Styker, Kai, Jerek, Rain, Reiko, Kahn then Blaze, I must say the opponents I fought were shitty!

Against Stryker was easy, but as I moved up, I've seen myself dealing with characters that spam their one move (aka Jerek and his rope trick) Rain and his multiple flying kick water thing over and over again, and Blaze's non-stop rolling derby move. This needs to stop.

MK vs DC was nothing different from this either, as playing on the hardest difficulty, characters continuously spammed their most powerful special move, and an endless chain of one hit combos got me to think that the developers totally need to make the AI better than these two games.

It may not seem like this in your case or it may, but I am tired of fighting very cheap characters. MK3 had Strkyer and Kabal to be the TOUGHEST out of the entire cast to fight against in the arcade mode. Then it turned to Jade in UMK3... I would not mind to fight tough opponents, but I do NOT want to fight cheap computers who spam moves and cause me to either bring out one move or none altogether.

**And please note, I do not suck at the games, nor have I ever... I have played the series since 1993. I am just tired of cheap AI opponents that do not feel like they're worthy enough to be defeated.

I forgot the name of this thing that popped up in MK4 when you did a giant combo, but I liked that to return, just so that I don't have to deal with countless of spammers in the future.
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/10/2010 07:53 PM (UTC)
Agreed 100%

although I want more of a challange. i want a realistic AI at the same time. not an AI that knows exaclty what move your doing, how to counter it, range and what to do to avoid and attack with meprfect timing.

aka im sick of getthit in mid combo by an AI that knows that its single punch is faster than my small gap. and i hate beign uppercuted while im uppercutting. hahaha

04/10/2010 08:14 PM (UTC)
I hope you're not an insider too Casselman. Because there's that "100%" Am Am I in the Twilight Zone?????confused Hmmm...Cassel man Castle "Man" "Bro" aghhhh.....
04/10/2010 08:25 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Yesterday was the first time this year that I touched Armageddon. With the ladder of: Styker, Kai, Jerek, Rain, Reiko, Kahn then Blaze, I must say the opponents I fought were shitty!

Against Stryker was easy, but as I moved up, I've seen myself dealing with characters that spam their one move (aka Jerek and his rope trick) Rain and his multiple flying kick water thing over and over again, and Blaze's non-stop rolling derby move. This needs to stop.

MK vs DC was nothing different from this either, as playing on the hardest difficulty, characters continuously spammed their most powerful special move, and an endless chain of one hit combos got me to think that the developers totally need to make the AI better than these two games.

It may not seem like this in your case or it may, but I am tired of fighting very cheap characters. MK3 had Strkyer and Kabal to be the TOUGHEST out of the entire cast to fight against in the arcade mode. Then it turned to Jade in UMK3... I would not mind to fight tough opponents, but I do NOT want to fight cheap computers who spam moves and cause me to either bring out one move or none altogether.

**And please note, I do not suck at the games, nor have I ever... I have played the series since 1993. I am just tired of cheap AI opponents that do not feel like they're worthy enough to be defeated.

I forgot the name of this thing that popped up in MK4 when you did a giant combo, but I liked that to return, just so that I don't have to deal with countless of spammers in the future.
I don't think that improving the Ai is important at all. Because if u play online how often r u going 2 play against the computer anyway. Why play against the computer when u got thousands of people u can play against online.
About Me
04/10/2010 08:30 PM (UTC)
I suggest to MK TEAM to make PRO BOTS like the AI of most famous games like StarCraft for example.

They programmed the AI to use strategy used from actual real humans, but only pro player with insane tactics etc.There are a lot more games using that kind of AI - it's not perfect but it's better.

There are flaws but there can be upgrades .
04/10/2010 08:33 PM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
I don't think that improving the Ai is important at all. Because if u play online how often r u going 2 play against the computer anyway. Why play against the computer when u got thousands of people u can play against online.

...and if you don't play online..?

I'd definitely like to see the AI improved.
I also hope they include a single player exhibition mode where you can chose your fighter, your opponent, and the arena, and just have a match.
About Me

Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/10/2010 09:41 PM (UTC)
AdornedByFire Wrote:
I hope you're not an insider too Casselman. Because there's that "100%" Am Am I in the Twilight Zone?????confused Hmmm...Cassel man Castle "Man" "Bro" aghhhh.....

i am 100% amusDE by your post.

i feel i would be a "NOOB" to9 KonfirM or deny any of these accusations
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04/10/2010 09:51 PM (UTC)
I agree to a certain extent. If there is a money system to unlock kontent, and arcade mode gives you money then I say the AI needs to be better. However, I think there are a lot of other important things to look at than the AI on arcade mode. I would gladly sacrifice shitty AI for good online and lots of modes.
04/10/2010 11:40 PM (UTC)
For sure it's important that the game be fun when it's not multiplayer. I don't really play multiplayer much. When the AI cheats that sucks. Another thing that sucks is when the AI sort of switches between half the time being great, and doing retarded super combos and ot giving you a chance to fight back, and the rest of the time being super rubbish and just letting you hit it. Not really noticed that in MK, but that seems to be the way things are in Tekken sometimes. Doesn't feel like playing a human, and doesn't seem like fun.
04/11/2010 03:18 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Yesterday was the first time this year that I touched Armageddon. With the ladder of: Styker, Kai, Jerek, Rain, Reiko, Kahn then Blaze, I must say the opponents I fought were shitty!

Against Stryker was easy, but as I moved up, I've seen myself dealing with characters that spam their one move (aka Jerek and his rope trick) Rain and his multiple flying kick water thing over and over again, and Blaze's non-stop rolling derby move. This needs to stop.

MK vs DC was nothing different from this either, as playing on the hardest difficulty, characters continuously spammed their most powerful special move, and an endless chain of one hit combos got me to think that the developers totally need to make the AI better than these two games.

It may not seem like this in your case or it may, but I am tired of fighting very cheap characters. MK3 had Strkyer and Kabal to be the TOUGHEST out of the entire cast to fight against in the arcade mode. Then it turned to Jade in UMK3... I would not mind to fight tough opponents, but I do NOT want to fight cheap computers who spam moves and cause me to either bring out one move or none altogether.

**And please note, I do not suck at the games, nor have I ever... I have played the series since 1993. I am just tired of cheap AI opponents that do not feel like they're worthy enough to be defeated.

I forgot the name of this thing that popped up in MK4 when you did a giant combo, but I liked that to return, just so that I don't have to deal with countless of spammers in the future.

Brings back memories,when I was not that skilled in UMK3/Trilogy to beat Jade and Kabal.Solution?the player of choice for noobs...NOOB SAIBOT!!! grin.They were so tough to beat that you almost thought they were reading your moves!!LOL.And that thing that popped up in MK4 when you did a giant combo was called 'maximum damage'.grin
04/11/2010 04:15 PM (UTC)
If you want a challenge then play online. Its really fun and you get a lot better
04/11/2010 07:46 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
I suggest to MK TEAM to make PRO BOTS like the AI of most famous games like StarCraft for example.

They programmed the AI to use strategy used from actual real humans, but only pro player with insane tactics etc.There are a lot more games using that kind of AI - it's not perfect but it's better.

There are flaws but there can be upgrades .

It'd be awesome to be able to switch between the default AI and the one you just described in the options.

I too get annoyed when the cpu controlled characters keep doing the same combo over and over again. With the system you just suggested, Asesino, the cpu controlled characters would fight much more versatile.

I'd love to see that as an option.
04/12/2010 02:44 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
I don't think that improving the Ai is important at all. Because if u play online how often r u going 2 play against the computer anyway. Why play against the computer when u got thousands of people u can play against online.

...and if you don't play online..?

I'd definitely like to see the AI improved.
I also hope they include a single player exhibition mode where you can chose your fighter, your opponent, and the arena, and just have a match.
who don't play online nowadays?
04/12/2010 02:48 AM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
who don't play online nowadays?

I don't.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
04/12/2010 03:47 AM (UTC)
MK + online = lol

It's either folks spamming infinites (I don't blame them for doing so, I blame the games) or people who don't know what they're doing and stay in the corner shooting fireballs all day. Out of every 20 people you fight, maybe three people will offer up a fun time.

I should look into joining up with those folks who hit up UMK3 on Kaillera...

Anyway, I don't find the MK AI as utterly hopeless as it used to be. Not too great these days, but it's a far cry from doing two backwards jump kicks so Noob Saibot disables his own blocking like in the old days.
04/12/2010 01:14 PM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
I don't think that improving the Ai is important at all. Because if u play online how often r u going 2 play against the computer anyway. Why play against the computer when u got thousands of people u can play against online.

I can give you the most decent answers on why some people would rather choose to fight against the computer than someone online:

----Constant Spammers----

I don't play online that much because I'm tired of fighting against people who claim they are MK pros, MK Fighters, or game experts and all they do in a fight is spam the most powerful move to attack me with and win instantly without giving me a chance to fight. That's not a fight, that's called cheating, and I refuse to play something that doesn't allow me to fight a fair fight.

I fight fair, even in MK vs DC. I only play as three characters and they are Sub-Zero, Raiden, and the Joker. I would have liked to fight people who don't touch Superman or the Flash, but apparently I get sucked into a fight that does have the opponent choose those two characters and I leave, waiting another 10 minutes for someone actually decent enough to challenge me to a fair fight but gets blown off due to internet connecting failure.

----Immature Babies----

Also, what we have to deal with are those who can't play nice. I leave once I find a spammer, even if they're not playing as the cheapest characters in the game. I get mocked immediately in the chat because I left the fight. I write back telling them that they spam moves and fight unfairly, they think they're still the best because I leave... No, you're not the best if you think you're superior than me for spamming a move causing one to leave a fight. I can also hint that you're going to be a cry baby if I actually stayed and tried to kick your butt despite the constant spamming, if you lost you would probably insult me.


These only happens when I actually found someone who knows how to play the game fairly and gives me a good match, whether they're kicking butt or I am. Once I find someone that actually knows how to play the game, it's either immediately disconnected, lagging right in the middle, or just got disconnected while we both accept the challenge in the menu.

You can see why I would rather fight against the computer for a bit than someone online. I seriously hope that they improve the AI so I can have a good challenge instead of dealing with immature spammers. Not only fix the computers, but also fixing the characters as well so we don't see anyone spam anymore.

About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

04/12/2010 03:45 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
who don't play online nowadays?

I don't.

As do I
About Me

<img src=

04/12/2010 04:53 PM (UTC)
I'm online, but I ALWAYS prefer to fight offline.

As for the computer AI, it's improved a little, but I find that what makes the AI more difficult aren't things like "uses better strategy" or "widens variety of moves used" or anything like that. When you up the difficulty, it always seems like the computer has an unfair advantage over you that a human being simply doesn't possess.

When the computer jump kicks me the second I decide to jump kick, then does it four more times in a row, that's not good AI by any stretch of the imaganination. A good fight againt tough AI should force you to think and vary your attacks, the fight becomes much more strategic. This is how things feel in Soul Calibur especially (for me anyways), but in MK, that's just not the case.

If I lose in Soul Calibur, I know that it's because I didn't parry enough attacks, or time a certain move correctly etc. But in MK, you don't get nearly the feeling that you beat yourself or you didn't employ a good strategy well enough. It's one of my all time biggest problems with the series and I agree whole heartedly that improvements should absolutely be made.
04/12/2010 08:08 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
I don't think that improving the Ai is important at all. Because if u play online how often r u going 2 play against the computer anyway. Why play against the computer when u got thousands of people u can play against online.

I can give you the most decent answers on why some people would rather choose to fight against the computer than someone online:

----Constant Spammers----

I don't play online that much because I'm tired of fighting against people who claim they are MK pros, MK Fighters, or game experts and all they do in a fight is spam the most powerful move to attack me with and win instantly without giving me a chance to fight. That's not a fight, that's called cheating, and I refuse to play something that doesn't allow me to fight a fair fight.

I fight fair, even in MK vs DC. I only play as three characters and they are Sub-Zero, Raiden, and the Joker. I would have liked to fight people who don't touch Superman or the Flash, but apparently I get sucked into a fight that does have the opponent choose those two characters and I leave, waiting another 10 minutes for someone actually decent enough to challenge me to a fair fight but gets blown off due to internet connecting failure.

----Immature Babies----

Also, what we have to deal with are those who can't play nice. I leave once I find a spammer, even if they're not playing as the cheapest characters in the game. I get mocked immediately in the chat because I left the fight. I write back telling them that they spam moves and fight unfairly, they think they're still the best because I leave... No, you're not the best if you think you're superior than me for spamming a move causing one to leave a fight. I can also hint that you're going to be a cry baby if I actually stayed and tried to kick your butt despite the constant spamming, if you lost you would probably insult me.


These only happens when I actually found someone who knows how to play the game fairly and gives me a good match, whether they're kicking butt or I am. Once I find someone that actually knows how to play the game, it's either immediately disconnected, lagging right in the middle, or just got disconnected while we both accept the challenge in the menu.

You can see why I would rather fight against the computer for a bit than someone online. I seriously hope that they improve the AI so I can have a good challenge instead of dealing with immature spammers. Not only fix the computers, but also fixing the characters as well so we don't see anyone spam anymore.

Everything u just said i agree with u 100% the cheap ass players get on my last nerves the lagging and the cheap player can become frustrating at time i c where u coming from with that. I don't know what people get out of cheating it don't make since 2 me just learn how 2 play the game. I don't play with the flash or superman because they r cheap fighters i like raiden but he can become cheap 2. So when people online r cheating or use players that use infinites i just laugh because i know that they don't have any skills so i play them anyway 2 get my skills better. btw wut system do u play on xbox or ps3?
04/12/2010 08:16 PM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
I don't think that improving the Ai is important at all. Because if u play online how often r u going 2 play against the computer anyway. Why play against the computer when u got thousands of people u can play against online.

I can give you the most decent answers on why some people would rather choose to fight against the computer than someone online:

----Constant Spammers----

I don't play online that much because I'm tired of fighting against people who claim they are MK pros, MK Fighters, or game experts and all they do in a fight is spam the most powerful move to attack me with and win instantly without giving me a chance to fight. That's not a fight, that's called cheating, and I refuse to play something that doesn't allow me to fight a fair fight.

I fight fair, even in MK vs DC. I only play as three characters and they are Sub-Zero, Raiden, and the Joker. I would have liked to fight people who don't touch Superman or the Flash, but apparently I get sucked into a fight that does have the opponent choose those two characters and I leave, waiting another 10 minutes for someone actually decent enough to challenge me to a fair fight but gets blown off due to internet connecting failure.

----Immature Babies----

Also, what we have to deal with are those who can't play nice. I leave once I find a spammer, even if they're not playing as the cheapest characters in the game. I get mocked immediately in the chat because I left the fight. I write back telling them that they spam moves and fight unfairly, they think they're still the best because I leave... No, you're not the best if you think you're superior than me for spamming a move causing one to leave a fight. I can also hint that you're going to be a cry baby if I actually stayed and tried to kick your butt despite the constant spamming, if you lost you would probably insult me.


These only happens when I actually found someone who knows how to play the game fairly and gives me a good match, whether they're kicking butt or I am. Once I find someone that actually knows how to play the game, it's either immediately disconnected, lagging right in the middle, or just got disconnected while we both accept the challenge in the menu.

You can see why I would rather fight against the computer for a bit than someone online. I seriously hope that they improve the AI so I can have a good challenge instead of dealing with immature spammers. Not only fix the computers, but also fixing the characters as well so we don't see anyone spam anymore.

Everything u just said i agree with u 100% the cheap ass players get on my last nerves the lagging and the cheap player can become frustrating at time i c where u coming from with that. I don't know what people get out of cheating it don't make since 2 me just learn how 2 play the game. I don't play with the flash or superman because they r cheap fighters i like raiden but he can become cheap 2. So when people online r cheating or use players that use infinites i just laugh because i know that they don't have any skills so i play them anyway 2 get my skills better. btw wut system do u play on xbox or ps3?

I play on a PS3, but I am at school, I do not have it with me.
04/12/2010 08:29 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
I don't think that improving the Ai is important at all. Because if u play online how often r u going 2 play against the computer anyway. Why play against the computer when u got thousands of people u can play against online.

I can give you the most decent answers on why some people would rather choose to fight against the computer than someone online:

----Constant Spammers----

I don't play online that much because I'm tired of fighting against people who claim they are MK pros, MK Fighters, or game experts and all they do in a fight is spam the most powerful move to attack me with and win instantly without giving me a chance to fight. That's not a fight, that's called cheating, and I refuse to play something that doesn't allow me to fight a fair fight.

I fight fair, even in MK vs DC. I only play as three characters and they are Sub-Zero, Raiden, and the Joker. I would have liked to fight people who don't touch Superman or the Flash, but apparently I get sucked into a fight that does have the opponent choose those two characters and I leave, waiting another 10 minutes for someone actually decent enough to challenge me to a fair fight but gets blown off due to internet connecting failure.

----Immature Babies----

Also, what we have to deal with are those who can't play nice. I leave once I find a spammer, even if they're not playing as the cheapest characters in the game. I get mocked immediately in the chat because I left the fight. I write back telling them that they spam moves and fight unfairly, they think they're still the best because I leave... No, you're not the best if you think you're superior than me for spamming a move causing one to leave a fight. I can also hint that you're going to be a cry baby if I actually stayed and tried to kick your butt despite the constant spamming, if you lost you would probably insult me.


These only happens when I actually found someone who knows how to play the game fairly and gives me a good match, whether they're kicking butt or I am. Once I find someone that actually knows how to play the game, it's either immediately disconnected, lagging right in the middle, or just got disconnected while we both accept the challenge in the menu.

You can see why I would rather fight against the computer for a bit than someone online. I seriously hope that they improve the AI so I can have a good challenge instead of dealing with immature spammers. Not only fix the computers, but also fixing the characters as well so we don't see anyone spam anymore.

Everything u just said i agree with u 100% the cheap ass players get on my last nerves the lagging and the cheap player can become frustrating at time i c where u coming from with that. I don't know what people get out of cheating it don't make since 2 me just learn how 2 play the game. I don't play with the flash or superman because they r cheap fighters i like raiden but he can become cheap 2. So when people online r cheating or use players that use infinites i just laugh because i know that they don't have any skills so i play them anyway 2 get my skills better. btw wut system do u play on xbox or ps3?

I play on a PS3, but I am at school, I do not have it with me.
I play on the ps3 2 so when the next mk comes out i'm going 2 b looking 4 u online so i can give u a clean and fair fight. I sad when the next mk comes out because i refuse 2 play mk vs dc anymore because it was a big big disappointment 4 me. So hopefully the next one don't do the same fingers cross. c u around
About Me

Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
04/12/2010 09:55 PM (UTC)
ditto. look for "Casselman" and prepare for battle. hahaha feel free to add me on psn aswell.
04/13/2010 12:23 AM (UTC)
Jironobou Wrote:
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
jmo1214 Wrote:
who don't play online nowadays?

I don't.

As do I

Same goes for
04/13/2010 12:37 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
ditto. look for "Casselman" and prepare for battle. hahaha feel free to add me on psn aswell.
Got u Casselman is ur online name?
04/13/2010 01:42 AM (UTC)
Could we get back on topic please?
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