Belladonna (from Thrill Kill)
posted01/19/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/15/2011 08:07 PM (UTC)

Thrill Kill was a unreleased fighting game for the PSX featuring murderers in hell fighting one another for a demoness' amusement. Belladonna was one of the characters, and pretty much the game's mascot.

She wore a french maiden outfit, and was armed with a cattle prod. She had this dominatrix thing going on.

I'd love to for her to make an appearance in MKX as a/the guest, bringing attention to Thrill Kill hopefully resulting in either the game getting finally released, or a remake of it being made. I know how unlikely all of that is, but one can dream. I wonder if NRS could get the rights for Thrill Kill?

X-ray idea: Zaps her opponent's crotch with her prod, pokes them repeatedly in different parts of their body, flips them around and finishes by zapping their butt. She moans, afterwards.

Stun special move: Zaps the opponent's foot, causing them to pick it up in pain.

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01/19/2015 03:28 PM (UTC)
I don't think anyone trusts MK to be able to properly handle sexual themes.

Also, a dominatrix maid would stick out like a sore thumb in MK. Beladonna is fine as a concept, but she was created for Thrill Kill, which is basically Rob Zombie: The Fightan, and that's where she should stay.
There are so many other, more thematically appropriate hyperviolent fighters out there to draw potential guest characters from.
01/19/2015 03:56 PM (UTC)
Nah, there is no point.

We don't need her when we already have a character like her with Mileena who is now nothing more than a crazy cannibalistic character who is defined by her sexuality (Awesome job there NRS)

And then we also in some ways already have some of the cast from that game in MK now.

We now have Torr who is as close to Mammoth as we can get without calling him that.

And we have Quan Chi instead of Tormentor.
01/19/2015 03:58 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
I don't think anyone trusts MK to be able to properly handle sexual themes.

Also, a dominatrix maid would stick out like a sore thumb in MK. Beladonna is fine as a concept, but she was created for Thrill Kill, which is basically Rob Zombie: The Fightan, and that's where she should stay.
There are so many other, more thematically appropriate hyperviolent fighters out there to draw potential guest characters from.

Belladonna standing out is one of the reasons why I want her as a guest over say, Ryu Hayabusa. What you're saying about MK not properly handling sexual themes has some merits, though, but I don't think it utterly impossible for them to pull it off.
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01/19/2015 06:23 PM (UTC)
Not going to happen as the game was basicallz leaked onto the net in three versions. There would be a shitload of claims for profit imo if they were to discuss acquisition of the TK name for a crossover.

And no. TK, despite having some fairly dark humour, was bland.
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