05/02/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
Murcielago Wrote:
For me it was the story, lackluster roster (remember, my own opinion) and gameplay. Game looks fantastic and will get only better, but I prefer the MK9 fighting style over this mix of MK9 and Injustice. The online is just terrible. Factions are pointless. It was just a mediocre game for me. Before you get all MKO on me and lecture about how I'm wrong, just remember its my opinion.

The game is great, its just not a fighting game for me.

Actually, plenty of these points are true.
05/02/2015 01:31 AM (UTC)
i play it a lot and couldn ́t even get online cause i wasn't gold on XBONE, now i am so i'm playing it even more!smile
05/02/2015 01:42 AM (UTC)
No, I wish I had time to play it more. The gameplay is spectacular
05/02/2015 03:23 AM (UTC)

Its going to be a while before I stop playing it, im always itching to play it.
05/02/2015 03:44 AM (UTC)
Still happily playing it, although I am itching to play something else, just because I have like 90+ games that I haven't gotten around to beating yet, and the list is increasing, and I promised myself that I'd put a dent in that queue. But dammit, it's Mortal Kombat! So awesome!

Normally, I don't play a game for more than a couple of weeks anyway. I'd beat it once or twice, put it away for a while, and then pull it out periodically to rebeat it. So even if I did stop playing MKX, it's not like it's the last I'd play of it. I guess I'll take a break from it once I unlock all the Krypt stuff.
05/02/2015 03:54 AM (UTC)
Well I played it for 60hrs in 4 days then I got error code that affected digital copies that would corrupt saves. After the patch fix I started to try playing it online. Thats when I stopped playing because the button lag made it unplayable.So I havent played it for a while, but I will give it another go when jason dlc is released.
05/02/2015 05:13 AM (UTC)
I can't play everyday, because of work. I do play here and there. I don't find myself over eager to play the game though. While it is fun, as someone else said there are several factors of this game that I'm not sold on.

I've got the costumes(minus klassic Mileena)/endings/brutalities and fatalities that I care for. Could care less if I never see Jacqui/Cassie/Half the rosters endings.

05/02/2015 11:49 AM (UTC)
I haven't stopped, but I haven't been playing it much either. I don't have a lot of free time to play and then there's also the issue of my laptop not meeting minimum requirements of the game. I can play it at the lowest graphical settings, but in some arenas it lags a lot, especially in the Sky Temple cause of all the special effects. Due to this I don't wanna play online since it'll be me who will probably cause the matches to lag, and playing versus cpu is not as fun as playing versus human opponents.

Another issue is that the button designations are all messed up between the main menus and in-match menus on the PC version of the game. Plus the buttons are marked the same way as on an XBox controller which I've never used in my life so that makes it extra difficult. At least in MK2011 the buttons were marked 1, 2, 3 & 4 which is way better since those are the most common/universally used button designations.

I liked the Krypt though, still have tonnes to unlock and would like to unlock it all of it. The problem is you don't gain many koins from playing ladders and that's the only mode I want to play at the moment (since due to my offline lag I don't even want to try online and I don't wanna go through story mode again, once was more than enough and even then I skipped all the cutscenes that could have been skipped).

The disappointment with the roster and lack of playable Fujin also has a negative effect on my willingness to play the game and learn the new engine. Another annoyance is that they changed the input commands for some special moves, so not only do you have to learn the new engine but also get used to new input commands for special moves...

Maybe later this year I'll upgrade my graphics card as I believe that's the only reason why my laptop isn't good enough for this game or maybe I'll get a desktop PC, or maybe I'll get the game for PS3... Then I'll probably play it more...
05/02/2015 12:13 PM (UTC)
Play it everyday.

It's not the biggest MK game on single player criteria, but oh well.
05/02/2015 12:18 PM (UTC)
Pretty much, yeah. I'll still throw it on for ten, fifteen minutes here or there, but I've sort of gotta force myself. It's a good game, but I'm burnt out, and I'm going to have to wait for the modding community to fix some of the problems.
05/02/2015 12:35 PM (UTC)
I only play when I have time. I'm about to start my finals so I really shouldn't be playing games and study.
05/02/2015 02:24 PM (UTC)
I played alot for about a week on medium to get a grip on it and then tried hard mode. Different experience and now only play on hard, although I tend to lose alot. Still lots to enjoy for years for me.
I've just bought 'Ride' and picked up Resident Evil 6 mercenaries dlc pack for 1.69ukp(ps3), so splitting the time now.
Oh, and Hatsume Miku.sleep
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
05/03/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
I play it when I have the time, which is not much that I have due to work, making dinner, time with family, etc... I rushed into MK 9 and got bored quickly.

With MK X, I've completed Test your Might but have to beat Traditional Towers with all characters (so far, I've only done Kotal Kahn, Johnny Cage and Sub-Zero).

I'm going to take my time with this MK.
Goro Still Lives
05/03/2015 03:22 AM (UTC)
No... and honestly don't expect to get the game or even a console. I was bored with it months before it was released and I used to play it old school and was a fan of mk1-umk3, the movies, and cartoons, but MK4 and Conquest started to ruin it for me. I did buy MK9 but after 6 months sold the game and entire system. The same time many other people did as well.

Give it about 6 months and you'll see the same thing that happened with MK9 maybe before. It didn't have an "awe" factor and felt like a rehash of MK9.

It's the MK3 (pre-UMK3) of the MK saga, whereas MK9 was the MKII.
Uppercut Editions
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05/03/2015 05:21 AM (UTC)
Yup. I took it out three days ago and went back to Bloodborne.
05/03/2015 05:42 AM (UTC)
Yup, The input delay with my 55" smart TV is incredibly annoying to dea with.

I don't want to play online because it puts me at a severe disadvantage so I only play MKX on lag-free monitors at my local arcade meet-ups currently.

Since I can't play consistently on my home set-up I choose not to play at all while at home.

I'll invest in one of the lag -free EVO monitors soon.
05/03/2015 05:44 AM (UTC)
Not yet. I've still got a few trophies until platinum. I'll probably platinum this just around the time the PS3 version comes out in June, and then I'll platinum that.

But after that? Well, I honestly can't see myself playing this as much as MK9. Roster does indeed matter, and even after trying all of the characters, I'm just not feeling 85% of them.

I enjoyed watching the new characters in story mode. It's a bit odd. I think they're likeable and decently written and cast. But the thing is, I absolutely won't touch them (with the exception of Kotal Kahn) in play. I don't like any of their variations and their visuals and overall presentation just don't jive with what I look for in a character I want to actively use. I'd welcome them as cameos in future titles. They're great movie characters, but this IS a fighting game at its core, and if I don't like how their "flavor", I'm not using them. And, unfortunately, that seems to be the case for these new characters.

And as for the returnees, I never really used a lot of them in the past very much. Kano, Kenshi, Jax, Lao, Reptile, Raiden...sure, they may each have three different styles now, and there may be a playstyle or two that I can work with, but it can't mask the fact that I've never really felt anything for said character. What's worse (and what potentially sours my palette even more) is that for some of the variations, I could easily see them being applied more sensibly to characters I do actually enjoy.

After the double-plat, I'll still pop the game in and go a few rounds every now and then. But will I sink the many, many hours into this title like I did with MK9? Not by a longshot.

Just my two cents.
05/03/2015 07:56 AM (UTC)

I have been playing MKX non stop for more than a month, I;ve never been more invested in online in comparison to any fighter before. Yes there is sometimes lag but you'd be hard pressed to find any fighter with perfect lag.

I'm 70% on the trophy collection and have cleared our the krypt (character artwork and everything) except for two brutalities. unlocked most of the costumes except for revenant Kitana and Kung Lao.

still learning something new everyday and once I manage to fully master my covert ops Sonya I'm moving to special forces, and then move onto other characters.

Awaiting the Kold War Pack for new costumes.

05/03/2015 08:14 AM (UTC)
Darkmage41 Wrote:

I have been playing MKX non stop for more than a month, I;ve never been more invested in online in comparison to any fighter before. Yes there is sometimes lag but you'd be hard pressed to find any fighter with perfect lag.

I'm 70% on the trophy collection and have cleared our the krypt (character artwork and everything) except for two brutalities. unlocked most of the costumes except for revenant Kitana and Kung Lao.

still learning something new everyday and once I manage to fully master my covert ops Sonya I'm moving to special forces, and then move onto other characters.

Awaiting the Kold War Pack for new costumes.

The game hasn't been out for a month. lol
05/03/2015 08:24 AM (UTC)
I got the game before its street release date by almost two weeks.
05/03/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
Truth be told the game has so many things that piss me off such as
-the bullshit mobile app that wont seem to give me my unlocked skins,
-the online for me is not great either...I'll end up like old man Shujinko while waiting for the game to find me and opponent.
-plus the fact that most of my fav characters aren't playable..
-this new (pay to win and kill) model for MK makes me sick to my stomach.


I've not been able to put it down and I've been playing it daily due to the awesome gameplay which seems to be so much fun and that epic story mode... I also enjoy exploring the krypt though it'll probably take me an eternity to go through it grin
05/03/2015 07:36 PM (UTC)

But I have been busy lately
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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

05/04/2015 05:21 AM (UTC)
Darkmage41 Wrote:
I got the game before its street release date by almost two weeks.

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