Battle Royal
posted11/13/2005 01:55 PM (UTC)by
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11/10/2005 07:16 PM (UTC)
Please tell me

1. who is your favourite and why???
2. who of those four would win against each other???
3. what are your hopes for Mortal Kombat 7 for those (allies, foes, story, etc...)???


The Ninja Specter, Champions of Elder gods and everybodys favurite along with Subbie


Ice-Ninja, Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, owner of the Dragon Medallion and the Mysterious Armor. Like Scorpion a favourite


the old subbie, a wraith and Smoke as allie and evil as no one else before


master of telekinese, the best damn outfit in Deception and he isn ́t a pallet swap anymore

All of those guys have a lot of potential and in a fight between each other I can ́t see a winner. There all damn good fighters!!!

Scorpion is still the champion of the Elder Gods so he will have to battle against the new threat and maybe Quan-Chi will come back too so there are many to do for Scorpion. I have nothing more to say about him because he have become a little boring for me

About Sub-Zero I want to know more about his past, the medallion and the armor. I have the feeling that they started something big for him and I ́m very interesting what is the meaning of his ending where the Tarkatan shout ́s "long life the Dragon King".

After we find out the truth I think Noob will go after Subbie to get the Medallion but Scorpion will come in his way. I want to know what happend to Smoke. Maybe he becomes good like in Ashra ́s Ending and will go after him too or he still is an allie and will form the army of cyber-demons. When he became good I can see that Noob and Sektor get together.

For Ermac. He was an underrated character in MK3 with a sucky storyline but in Deception he was a god. His outfit his moves everything was good about him!!! His ending will bring us to something new and nobody can expect what it is. What is the One being and why only he sense the threat??? Maybe he has something to do with that but we will find it out and I ́m sure that Ermac will play a keyrole in MK7.

Please give me a lot of answers!!!
11/10/2005 08:55 PM (UTC)
The only battles that I could see involving more than two opponents would involve Scorpion.

I could see that if Scorpion is not following his orders from the Elder Gods, he would be locked in battle against Noob Saibot.

If Scorpion follows his orders given to him, Scorpion would be most likley sent to destroy Raiden.

If Scorpion is to fight against Noob Saibot, he would have opposition from his brother Sub-Zero. Noob Saibot is considered a wraith and his arch nemesis is lurking in the depths of Noob Saibot somewhere. Noob Saibot is an unholy creature from the depths of the Netherealm and should not be lurking around the realms of mortals. Scorpion would seek to banish Noob Saibot to hellish inferno that Noob Saibot had done to Scorpion in his previous life. On the other hand, it would be Sub-Zero who has a vision to restore his brother back to the man he was instead of being this hellish creature. I could see Scorpion and Sub-Zero competing to defeat Noob Saibot so that they could choose to do with they want with him. Noob Saibot would fight against both Sub-Zero and Scorpion aswell as Sub-Zero and Scorpion fighting against each other to get a piece of Noob Saibot. I feel it would be an incredible battle to see and I hope to see it done in full visual performance for the next Mortal Kombat.

Now let's say Scorpion goes after Raiden instead of Noob Saibot. Scorpion would fight against Raiden on behalf of the Elder Gods. Now characters such as Fujin and Liu Kang would seek to bring reason to Raiden and act in a less violent matter. Scorpion would seek to destroy Raiden and characters such as Liu Kang and Fujin would have to battle against Scorpion while also keeping Raiden at bay. It would be an epic battle, imagine each of these warriors powers combined and used against each other in one massive battle. The sky and the Earth's very core would tremble with the might of all these warriors clashing in battle.
11/12/2005 10:38 PM (UTC)
Yes you are right this would be awesome when all of this characters would be in this battle.

I would like to see how Sub-Zero will react when Scorpion fights against Noob? Maybe he will join his brother and turn evil and fight against Scorpion too but I am the meaning that he will allie with Smoke which becomes good and Noob will allie with Sector or Sub-Zero is in fact the truth dragon-king and will be the new threath who Scorpion has to defeat as the champion of the elder gods.

I ́m sure that Noob get away from his shadows and becomes a major role in the storyline. After Ermac he is my secon favourite and I could see him as a new anti-hero. Scorpion became more and more good and the feeling of an anti-hero got lost in him. (i am very sorry about this)

After they releave that Noob is the old Subbie the fanbase increase and maybe he could be the new cover-boy same for Ermac, Sub-Zero and Scorpion became boring (but for Sub-Zero I see a lot more potentail) so it is time to give other Ninjas a chance.

Ermac WILL HAVE a major role in the new MK on the basis of his ening. He was a character which has a minor role and see what they do to him. He looks better than Scorpion and Sub-Zero. He has a deeper storyline than both and has the great ability of telekinese which I can ́t see to be defeat of both, Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

Noob on the other hand is the old Sub-Zero and he has alot of potentai in his storyline as his brother or Scorpion. he also looks better than both of them. Just give him better moves like in MK Trilogy and let him be a seperate character.

They destroyed the traditional look of Scorpion and Sub-Zero and I only see Ermac and Noob who looks like real Ninjas.

I hope this threat will become alot more replies so that we can talk about that!!!

But please stop talk about Rain because I hate him. I don ́t see why many of you want him back. Who want to see a pink Ninja??? For me he was a joke like Stryker!!! I didn ́t like him in MK Trilogy. He has no story a stupi look and stupid moves. When they should bring him back then he should be no ninja!!! But I Hope his ending is true and he died in his suicide act!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same for Smoke. I can ́t see how he could become human again and when Midway will do that then they could do it to any other of the cyborgs and that would be stupid or not???

About Me

11/13/2005 01:37 AM (UTC)
Smoke never became human again. His MKD form is the new form reconstructed by his nanotechnology. Essentially he is a cyborg who has the ability to turn into a cloud of nano-dust smoke. Nothing human, but a bit more humanesque in appearance.
11/13/2005 01:42 AM (UTC)
ermac is my favorite character
im sick of scorpion and sub zero being the main characters of every game

ermac should be the main character of mk7
only he can sese this threat
and he beat kitana,kung lao,jax,sonya,and cage all at once
in my opion,much better than subby or scorpion
11/13/2005 10:14 AM (UTC)
You are right. Smoke will never be human again when Midway do so it would be confusing. He maybe get his soul back like Cyrax and he will have his own will but he will be trap in his cyber-body forever.

And like I said before Scorpion story became boring they should never change him in the champion of the elder gods and his primary outfit doesn ́t suit him as a Ninja. He looks more like a knight with some Ninja aspects. This is why i love the second costume from him because it is so traditional. Same for Sub-Zero maybe he isn ́t a ninja but a Lin Kuei. he looks now like some samurai for me with his armour and his helm. His second costume is horrible with that pony-tail. They destroyed the good old days of the ninja Sub-Zero. He looks great in Deadly Alliance and now they change him so. Same for his character. It is boring to see him as a good guy who cares of anybody. the only think that is good about the story is all the stuff around his past and the armor

But for me there are 2 ninjas now, Ermac and Noob.

Ermac look so unique but still like a ninja and his story is great. He has the greatest moves but maybe he will turn evil again!!!

And look at Noob. From all he still looks most like a ninja and I love the fact that he is the old cold-hearted and evil Subbie. His story oppened so many doors.

The only think they should make him a seperate character with better moves and maybe he will be my new favourite.

11/13/2005 01:55 PM (UTC)
I noticed something when I ́m playing the game right now. In Noob ́s profile Sektor is stated as foe so I don ́t think he will allie with Noob.

Now I ́m believing that Noob tries to delete all his former clan members and Scorpion. So there are many enemies to defeat for Noob


Scorpion when they will meet

Cyrax because of that he left the Lin Kuei or maybe he reprogram him too but it would be difficult becaus he already has a soul and his own will

Sektor because of his new clan and I don ́t think that Sektor would be the bitch of Noob when he is a master of an own clan. But he can reprogram him because Sektor is the only cyborg which has no soul

Smoke when he will turn good. But I hope he stays evil and will be against Sub-Zero too because of the fact that Sub-Zero turned the Lin-Kuei in some world-police and desrtoyed the old glory of assasins. But when he tunrs good I hope Noob already use the nano-technologie and make some cyber-demons
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