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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/02/2014 02:48 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind an Armageddon sized roster for a future game. But it would have to be non-canon like the Tekken Tag series. Armageddon imo failed because it was trying to be canon and the team couldn't handle a story correctly with all those characters. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was paradise and knew what kind of game it was.
09/02/2014 03:30 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I wouldn't mind an Armageddon sized roster for a future game. But it would have to be non-canon like the Tekken Tag series. Armageddon imo failed because it was trying to be canon and the team couldn't handle a story correctly with all those characters.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was paradise and knew what kind of game it was.

Exactly. That was Armageddon's biggest problem.

Other than the approach of just shoving in as much shit as they could and giving no serious though to gameplay.
09/02/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I wouldn't mind an Armageddon sized roster for a future game. But it would have to be non-canon like the Tekken Tag series. Armageddon imo failed because it was trying to be canon and the team couldn't handle a story correctly with all those characters.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was paradise and knew what kind of game it was.

They could totally pull it off now because they wouldn't have to worry about such a short timeline to plan it all out. We had, what, two years between Deception and Armageddon with Shaolin Monks tossed in between? Not a lot of leeway to work around plotholes and making up storylines and such. If we're in for another 4 year gap, I could see us getting a detailed story with 40+ characters because if they actually put in the effort, they'd have the time to make it all make sense and work.
09/02/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
They could totally pull it off now because they wouldn't have to worry about such a short timeline to plan it all out. We had, what, two years between Deception and Armageddon with Shaolin Monks tossed in between? Not a lot of leeway to work around plotholes and making up storylines and such. If we're in for another 4 year gap, I could see us getting a detailed story with 40+ characters because if they actually put in the effort, they'd have the time to make it all make sense and work.

I don't see any neccesity to make another MK "Kompilation" with a story. Yes, they could write all 60+ characters in the story, but for what purpose? To bring more plotholes, retcons and inconsistencies? To revive characters who should be dead?
It's just will be simplier for everyone if such game would be a non-canon entry, like TTT or KOF98 / 02.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/02/2014 07:16 PM (UTC)
I have no doubt they can pull off a canon game with 40+ characters now thanks to the amount of time Warner gives them in-between games. That's one reason why it kinda irks me when people act like NRS can't handle more than 30 characters these days. They have time now and if anything the last game have shown us is that they can do just about anything when given a proper amount of time and 4-5 years in-between games is indeed a proper amount compared to the BARELY two years space during the Midway era in the 2000s.

That said. If they do another "Bring everyone back" kind of game for MK12 or MK13, I'd want it to be non-canon. Just make it fun, embrace it as a fan service title, and leave it at that. By then I take it the official MK roster will be at like 80+ characters. Whoa. Now that would be SUICIDE if they tried to make that gigantic monster canon.
09/02/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
You know, I thought this thread's title and first post came off as a bit snotty, but after awhile, I can totally understand it.

I take full acknowledgement of restarting the stupid Cage/Sonya/Cassie issue, but I have a good reason for it, and this might be a long post.

Okay, look... The past few weeks after hearing news about Johnny and Sonya potentially being legit playable characters got everyone stirred. You're either for this, or you're completely against this. I understand that yes, these two characters are not everyone's favorites. I can say I'm with those because I have never really cared for Sonya Blade at all. But the problem that I have, is that many are suggesting that these two characters should not be in the game for various reasons. And this is why I'm bringing this issue up.

One of those reasons is "lack of space"/"wasted space." I really wouldn't make this post had we have a legit number to play around with. But the thing is, we don't have a confirmation about what number we have to expect to see. There is nothing, as of right now, being wasted. People have been stating that the roster is similar to 2011's roster, which means there's a good chunk of characters. So, three characters out of twenty/thirty-something characters is that much of a problem?

People were not that irked to see Cyber Sub-Zero, Sub-Zero, and Noob Saibot around, or Jade, Mileena, Kitana, Sindel, and Kahn. What is the main problem with having three family characters in when we've seen them introduce families to us? Because of wasted space unfortunately and that's a problem I am having. There is nothing being wasted.

Most of the time, I see it be said right after or before someone mentioning that those spots go to more deserving characters like Tanya or Reiko... How do you know that they might have anything to do with this game? We don't know for sure if they'll really be thrown into this game. But to say they have more of a deserving spot than three characters, who two by the way makes the most fucking sense to be in this game out of everyone else, it's downright pathetic.

It's like saying you want Rue to take place over Catniss because she deserves more than her but ignore main plot and canon because she's my favorite.

(I am not really a fan of the book series, but for some strange reason that story just so happened to pop into my mind) confused

I'd rather wait to hear how many characters we are definitely going to get before any one else continues to blame recurring characters are wasting precious space for characters who deserve it more. Because who knows what number we'll get, and not to mention there's always DLC.

(Of course, incoming rant about DLC)

I understand many people would like to see their favorites not get the DLC title slapped to them, but there's going to be one, two, three or how many we get, characters added for DLC. Some may not like it, however, if that's the chance they get to be included into this game, so be it. It might not sound like a nice thing to have happen to your favorites, but there's always this choice as well.

I know I might sound a bit angry with this, however, it bothers me that there are people still throwing that out there and doesn't have a good reason to why they said that other than "my favorite character hasn't been announced yet." I'm glad they are taking their sweet time in revealing characters and crucial info, because I rather see them take their sweet time in making this game rather than rushing to the nearest gaming expo and announcing everything to us so that we don't get to be surprised or thrilled to play when that day finally comes.

Too long, didn't read: There's no actual number of characters we know will be in here, stop saying those introduced now are wasting spots.
09/03/2014 12:13 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Most of the time, I see it be said right after or before someone mentioning that those spots go to more deserving characters like Tanya or Reiko... How do you know that they might have anything to do with this game? We don't know for sure if they'll really be thrown into this game. But to say they have more of a deserving spot than three characters, who two by the way makes the most fucking sense to be in this game out of everyone else, it's downright pathetic.

As someone who want Reiko and Tanya in the game, I feel like I should say something about this part.

First of all, calling people pathetic? Icebaby, you are better than that. Don't make it personal by calling people unnecessary names.

Second, I personally don't think Reiko and Tanya necessarily are more deserving of being in MKX than anyone else, but as they are some of my favourite characters, I would of course want to see them be in the game over anyone else. I have justified this by saying that they are both connected to Shinnok who is heavily hinted to be in MKX due to the ending of MK9.

And since they haven't been in that many games, Reiko even less so than Tanya, I'd like to see them become more prominent characters. Jade got a whole chapter in MK9's Story Mode which was ALOT more than I would ever have wished for, making her alot more prominent than she ever has been. I am not asking the same thing for Tanya and Reiko, just that they are actual playable characters in MKX.

As for Johnny and Sonya being in the game - I see that as unnecessary as we have Cassie representing them. There is no question that Johnny and Sonya would indeed be their own unique characters from Cassie, not playing the same... but I would rather have other characters in MKX than those two. As long their inclusion isn't a hinderance for other characters to be in the game, then there isn't a problem.

However, as much as people likes to say that character space isn't a problem... unless NRS plans to bring every MK character into the roster, it IS a problem. Not everyone will get their favourites in the game. I might not get any of my favourites in the game. And the reason for that could easily be due to lack of character space. Though it hasn't been confirmed how many characters will be in the game, there are already 8 (maybe 9) slots taken already, 4 of them being all new characters - and it has been confirmed that there will be MORE new characters! So character space is indeed a real thing to be worried about, and there's nothing pathetic about it.
09/03/2014 12:27 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
As someone who want Reiko and Tanya in the game, I feel like I should say something about this part.

First of all, calling people pathetic? Icebaby, you are better than that. Don't make it personal by calling people unnecessary names.

I never called anyone pathetic. I said a reasoning that I've been reading is. There's a difference.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Second, I personally don't think Reiko and Tanya necessarily are more deserving of being in MKX than anyone else, but as they are some of my favourite characters, I would of course want to see them be in the game over anyone else. I have justified this by saying that they are both connected to Shinnok who is heavily hinted to be in MKX due to the ending of MK9.

I am going to go in this direction with my post in saying how do we even know Shinnok is going to be in this game and have a significant plot? He might not even have anything to do with this game and have it focus solely on Kotal and save Shinnok for something even far more sinister than what we predicted. Until there's an announcement saying anything that Shinnok is in this game, I will continue and stubbornly say, "He might not be in this game." And since there could or could not have him make an appearance, how do you know Tanya and Reiko will have the same or similar stories to what they had in the past?

In my opinion, I really don't want to see them reprise their old roles, I'd rather have them have something different, so that I don't have to constantly rely on other characters having to make an appearance in this game so that they make more sense coming into the game.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
And since they haven't been in that many games, Reiko even less so than Tanya, I'd like to see them become more prominent characters. Jade got a whole chapter in MK9's Story Mode which was ALOT more than I would ever have wished for, making her alot more prominent than she ever has been. I am not asking the same thing for Tanya and Reiko, just that they are actual playable characters in MKX.

I don't mind that people want their favorites in and have more of a chance to come back into the series to make a bigger impact. My problem is that people think they are much more deserving than characters who should return because of plot. And since people care a lot about story, which quite frankly hasn't been showing lately, why even say that if you care about the story?

If Liu Kang won Mortal Kombat 2's tournament, and he was to just randomly not appear in Mortal Kombat 3 because Scorpion HAD to be there, would that make any sense to those who are concerned about the story? No, it wouldn't. and that is the main problem I have when people want their favorites in over characters that we have now.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
As for Johnny and Sonya being in the game - I see that as unnecessary as we have Cassie representing them. There is no question that Johnny and Sonya would indeed be their own unique characters from Cassie, not playing the same... but I would rather have other characters in MKX than those two. As long their inclusion isn't a hinderance for other characters to be in the game, then there isn't a problem.

The problem that I have with this is we have no clue if Cassie is going to represent her parents, story-wise, not gameplay wise. We don't know her full story, so to anyone who's going to constantly bicker about things they don't know is silly. We don't know Cassie's full reason on why she's here other than she's a daughter of two characters who's making a return.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
However, as much as people likes to say that character space isn't a problem... unless NRS plans to bring every MK character into the roster, it IS a problem. Not everyone will get their favourites in the game. I might not get any of my favourites in the game. And the reason for that could easily be due to lack of character space. Though it hasn't been confirmed how many characters will be in the game, there are already 8 (maybe 9) slots taken already, 4 of them being all new characters - and it has been confirmed that there will be MORE new characters! So character space is indeed a real thing to be worried about, and there's nothing pathetic about it.

The only thing pathetic is that we're arguing about character space when we don't even know how many characters we're getting. Hypothetically speaking, if we were to get thirty-five characters, is it that big of a problem to see eight characters taking spots already? According to some people, yes it is, and I don't understand why jump to conclusions when you don't have all the answers.

Eight characters, to me, does not even sound like a huge number to worry about at all. And yeah, there's new characters, good. But people shouldn't worry about anything until we get a number to work with, and that's all I'm asking. Not demanding, asking, that people should wait to hear what number of characters to get before making a bigger issue out of it.
09/03/2014 01:54 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Awesome post of pure awesomeness.

Completely agree with all those points.
Except I'll be completely OK if any of my favorites end up as DLC, which is highly unlikely in any case. smile
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