Argus Involvement in MKX
posted06/12/2014 07:35 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
06/12/2010 05:12 PM (UTC)
One question that perplexed me after MKA with the introduction of characters such as Argus, was where was he when Edenia was attacked and conquered by Shao Kahn? Or by Shinnok, after Tanya betrayed the realm? If he was suppose to be the Protector of Edenia, how come he didn't try to stop it like Raiden does for Earthrealm?

In real world, the answer can be easily given by the simple fact that the concept of Argus, as Protector of Edenia, didn't came way after Edenia was attacked and conquered by Shao Kahn. i.e. Mention of Shao Kahn conquest of Edenia (MK2) and Argus (MKA)

But how would one explain in game?

Also, now with MKX. While many would say MK2011 was a continuation from MKA, it was for the most part was a reboot of MK1-3, with couple of key differences. One key difference was the inclusion of what would normally be MK4 character into it. i.e. Quan Chi. One of the reason, it was because it made sense, since Quan Chi was behind the scene during the events of MK1-3, we just haven't been introduce to him yet until MKSZ and MK4.

So should we expect the same for Argus for MKX? Especially how Edenia now is left without a ruler.
06/10/2014 12:38 AM (UTC)
Seasrmar Wrote:
If he was suppose to be the Protector of Edenia, how come he didn't try to stop it like Raiden does for Earthrealm?

Raiden isn't normally allowed to get directly involved. In the old timeline, he gets involved in MK1 and 2 because he was invited to the tournament, which is not normal protocol, Shang and Kahn just hoped to have the chance to beat him and rub it in his face and steal his soul.

In MK9, he doesn't get involved in MK1 and 2, he just runs around giving advice and doing behind the scenes shit like saving Smoke from robots.

And in both timelines, he gets involved in MK3 because Kahn's attack was against the rules, he hadn't won the tournament.

Edenia lost ten Mortal Kombats. Kahn was within his rights to invade and Argus wasn't legally allowed to do shit.

And Argus never shows up during the games because he's pretending to be dead. Daegon tried to kill him and Delia because Shinnok told him to, remember?
06/10/2014 01:07 AM (UTC)
Argus and Delia! If not MKX, maybe in MKXI.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/10/2014 01:11 AM (UTC)
I hated all the new MKA characters so less of them the better.

I did like Daegon's design though.
06/10/2014 01:26 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I hated all the new MKA characters so less of them the better.

I did like Daegon's design though.

Delia was actually pretty damn cool.

I would honestly love it if she was playable, but we all know that will never happen. Personally, I think she has a lot more to offer to the story than Argus. Argus is just a slut with magic.
06/10/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I hated all the new MKA characters so less of them the better.

I did like Daegon's design though.

Argus was not playable, nor a boss. Same goes for Delia. They both were only in Konquest mode, which wasn't a major role.

I found Meat was better than Taven and Daegon.

I think Argus and Delia would make sweet additions to MKX and portray major roles and be playable.
06/12/2014 07:35 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Seasrmar Wrote:
If he was suppose to be the Protector of Edenia, how come he didn't try to stop it like Raiden does for Earthrealm?

Raiden isn't normally allowed to get directly involved. In the old timeline, he gets involved in MK1 and 2 because he was invited to the tournament, which is not normal protocol, Shang and Kahn just hoped to have the chance to beat him and rub it in his face and steal his soul.

In MK9, he doesn't get involved in MK1 and 2, he just runs around giving advice and doing behind the scenes shit like saving Smoke from robots.

And in both timelines, he gets involved in MK3 because Kahn's attack was against the rules, he hadn't won the tournament.

Edenia lost ten Mortal Kombats. Kahn was within his rights to invade and Argus wasn't legally allowed to do shit.

And Argus never shows up during the games because he's pretending to be dead. Daegon tried to kill him and Delia because Shinnok told him to, remember?

From what I understand, gods are allow to interfere in the tournament. It's the elder gods who can't do anything. The gods just need to take on mortal form to intefere. So was Edenia not worth it for Argus to interfere.

Aside from Shang Tsung invitation, I think Raiden have an interest in interfere- as in taking mortal form to whether compete in original timeline or just there as guidance in new timeline. Personally, I think he was guidance both timeline, just the mere fact he willing to take mortal form. It was the possible 10th and last tournament Kahn needed to legally invade.

Yes, I remember Argus went to hiding. Just thought, maybe this time be different with rulerless Edenia.
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