arenas need expanded
posted11/10/2008 02:10 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
sky temple - more breakable areas to fight in than just one fall and a death trap. lightning striking down on the hammer. huge gusts of wind slightly moves your fighter. rain makes puddles within the arena. when you pull a kick water spashes in your opponnets face.

scorpions lair - a deathtrap where you get stung and ripped apart by scorpions. scorpion appears in and out of the screen similar to the mk2s living forest. dust and ash covers in the air. bones and skulls break when you walk on them.

reptiles lair - when you start the fight reptile appears on the screen and gives you a hiss. the eggs that contain boils of acid come in different shapes and sizes instead of the ones in mka. a death trap where snakes bite you causing seizures because of the venom.

armory - a weapon rack that contains multiple weapon you can use. deathtrap where you get beaten to death by a blacksmith. sparks shoot that can slightly damage the opponnet if it touches you.

i will post more tommorrow.

what arenas do you feel need expanded and how.
About Me

Life is a journey. Enjoy it.

10/04/2008 12:53 AM (UTC)
Before I get into this I will say:

Midway for the love of Mortal Kombat please no more arenas with ridiculous repeating tiers! You can definitely do better. I dont care if your fighting in the middle of Hell, it can be much more varied than flipping over rocks and falling on the same platform. Now, if the MK team were to bring back some arenas from the previous games, this is how I would like to see them expanded.

The Sky Temple: This time lightning can strike water puddles and if you are standing in one you'll be temporarily paralyzed opening you up to a free hit. After being knocked off top you can now knock your opponent into the interior. Inside you fight in a huge room where there is an abandoned shrine of Raiden on one side and Fujin on the other. Knock your opponent into the Raiden shrine to activate a secret death trap. Lighting will come out of nowhere and blast you up through the roof of the Sky Temple, and high into the sky. Another lightning blast strikes and blows you to pieces and your remains are splattered falling down to the roof. You'll have to throw your opponent into the Fujin shrine for death trap 2. A gust of wind will suspend your opponent midair and slams them through the weakened wooden floor. You fall hundreds of feet through the hollowed interior only to be impaled by the pointy head of a buddha statue.

The Living Forest: On the forest grounds stepping on creatures during the fight like bugs in MKD's Beetle Lair. The trees growl and takes swipes at you if you are within range. If you're knocked into the grand tree he'll grab both you and your opponent and fling them high into a large platform amongst the treetops. For the stage fatal uppercut and they fall through the weakened platform. Ping ponging through the many tree branches they fall into a shallow pond in which they apparently emerge unscathed. Before they fully recover though the water becomes possessed and violently smothers, and holds them under the water until they drown.

More later.
11/09/2008 05:29 PM (UTC)
Yeah expanded enviroments would be a great idea. The enviroments would need to be in a way where you felt like you had no boundaries within the level and basically have more room to whoop someones ass. Hahahagrin
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

11/10/2008 02:10 PM (UTC)
Now Midway should hire you guys! Here's mine:


This stage needs to be scary again, screw that dumbass version in MKD. The two fighters will start off surrounded by millions of dark trees. They growl and moan, thunder and lightning flashes through the sky. You see shadows running behind the trees and you see red eyes stairing at you from beyond the darkness. If you get too close to a certain tree or if your opponent kicks you into it you would be devoured.

If your opponent kicks you into a different other tree, the tree will grab you with it's branches(using them as arms) and lift you up and then throw you a little ways away towards a bridge that hangs over a large swamp. You land on the bridge and we cut to a quick FMV of a rope thats holding it up about to rip. By this time your opponent meets you on the bridge and the battle continues, but if you both don't get off the bridge within a few more seconds it will break and you two will fall into the swamp.

You two can then fight in the swamp if you want, but do be aware that large serpents can rise up at any time and devour you. So if you choose not to fight in the water you and your oppent will quickly make your way to a dry area thats an entrance to a dark cave, you'll fight there and for death trap number three, your opponent will kick you inside the dark cave and we would hear your character scream and then ur characters blood will splatter all over your opponent who will then go in their victory pose.

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