Aracde Mode similar to MK vs DCs...
posted11/03/2009 12:50 AM (UTC)by
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05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
Would you guys appreciate it if the next MK game made the Arcade mode similar towards MK vs DC?

It'll most likely be a no, but it was somewhat interesting to not just play as one character throughout the entire mode.
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10/13/2009 09:59 PM (UTC)
It MAY be interesting, but possibly a little too short for each character. Like I mean, three fights, then you get a characters ending before picking another. I honestly haven't played Mortal Kombat vs. DCU in a while, so I don't remember the specific details.
10/13/2009 10:55 PM (UTC)
Reptile1112 Wrote:
It MAY be interesting, but possibly a little too short for each character. Like I mean, three fights, then you get a characters ending before picking another. I honestly haven't played Mortal Kombat vs. DCU in a while, so I don't remember the specific details.

Well, I'm sure that the number of fights would definitely change... But I mean, this could happen if they decided not to have a hero for the next game. It would make some sense in a way.
10/13/2009 11:14 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't mind a story mode, but I don't like not being able to choose what character I use.

I didn't play MK vs. DC, but I saw the first three chapters of MK's story was Liu Kang, Sonya, and Jax.....three characters I'd want to use the least.
Not a fan of that.
10/14/2009 12:23 AM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
I wouldn't mind a story mode, but I don't like not being able to choose what character I use.

I didn't play MK vs. DC, but I saw the first three chapters of MK's story was Liu Kang, Sonya, and Jax.....three characters I'd want to use the least.
Not a fan of that.

Yeah, that is something to think about... But it gives you the chance to play with characters that you don't normally get to play... I rarely use the characters that you've stated, but when I finally got a chance to play as them I was shocked to see that they're not that bad to use in fights.

So, it could give players more of an experience to play with characters that don't bother to touch, either because they don't like the character in general or just for a different reason.
10/14/2009 01:03 AM (UTC)
I personally don't like the format of MK vs. DC's story mode. What would be ideal to me is to have Konquest/Story Mode be in its own disc as part of a two-disc game. I'd like to see influences from MKDA's, MKD's, and MKA's Konquest modes as well as MKSM.

In MKDA, I liked how there was a story mode for each character, and we get story bits that add to their bios. That's an approach I'd like to see. That way, we can get more of each character's story.

In MKD, I liked the sense of exploration in which you can roam about throughout the realms and interact with people. I'd like to see that in each character's story modes.

I like the battle system in MKSM, and I like that there is a transition to the standard fighting in MKA's Konquest mode.

I personally miss the ladder structure that was in MK3 and MK4, especially the rotation of the pillars in MK4. I think that perhaps the arcade mode could have some story-related scenes in the kind of way that Tekken 5 does its arcade mode.
10/14/2009 04:05 AM (UTC)
I liked the story and how you used most of the characters, but i think it could have used more freedom. For example: when Sub Zero arrives in Gotham It would have been cool to free roam until you saw Deathstroke. Also you would have had to sneak into the batcave. It would be sweet to have some secrets too.
10/14/2009 08:35 AM (UTC)
The story mode I thought got it right was Deadly Alliance's Konquest.

You got to pick your character and over the course of ten fights, it would tell you EVERYTHING you could ever possibly want to know about them, where they learned their fighting style, how their powers work, stuff that happened to them back in MK1 or MK3, the level of detail gone into was insane.

All they need to do is take that idea and use it for a real fight mode with cinematic cutscenes between each match instead of being a training mode that forces you to do combos.
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11/02/2009 08:36 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Would you guys appreciate it if the next MK game made the Arcade mode similar towards MK vs DC?

It'll most likely be a no, but it was somewhat interesting to not just play as one character throughout the entire mode.

I liked MK3-T's arcade mode the most. MKD's konquest, or MKSM the most for a story mode.

Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
I personally don't like the format of MK vs. DC's story mode. What would be ideal to me is to have Konquest/Story Mode be in its own disc as part of a two-disc game. I'd like to see influences from MKDA's, MKD's, and MKA's Konquest modes as well as MKSM.

In MKDA, I liked how there was a story mode for each character, and we get story bits that add to their bios. That's an approach I'd like to see. That way, we can get more of each character's story.

In MKD, I liked the sense of exploration in which you can roam about throughout the realms and interact with people. I'd like to see that in each character's story modes.

I like the battle system in MKSM, and I like that there is a transition to the standard fighting in MKA's Konquest mode.

Yea, I'd pay extra for it. 120-150$ for that kind of "true Special Edition". Throw in a T-shirt and a poster of my fav character or something. Maybe a special online Avatar....stuff along that line of thought. Wear, share, and manipulable representation. Maybe give us a code, or access to whole other part of the online community or something like that. To where, other people might have to do extra work in order to access it first...ect.

I thought about the idea of a second disc a while back too. I'd mainly hope to see better looking//detailed endings, bios, and profiles from it. Maybe even a Digital Graphic Novel-like exploration into the story. MGS or I am Legend for instance. Comprised of a couple of the characters' perspectives. Gimme....idk 5 chapters. Two good guys, two bad guys, one neutral.

Mainly though, I'd like to see a more robust Konquest mode. Like you said, similar to MKSM mechanically, able to explore and roam about like MKD, and alot of detail and customization. I'd really like to be able to create my own character, and go through that way actually. But big enough, and detailed enough would do it.
11/03/2009 12:50 AM (UTC)
I hopte the Arcade mode is similar, except I hope you get more unlockables for beating it each time.
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