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03/26/2010 01:44 PM (UTC)
My fear is that the MK team will hold off unti E3 and I honestly believe that would be an enormous mistake. In terms of news and games shown, I think that this E3 would absolutely bury MK in the news cycle. I'm not saying that would have a detrimental effect on sales or whatever, but if you're doing this big unvailing and no one (other than the people on this site) cares then what's the point?

If they reveal the game in April, then it's a big story. IGN will be all over it, giving it front page coverage, so will Gamespot and maybe if EGM errr... 1up can get over their MK hate, they'll cover it as well.

But if the MK team releases their info at E3, I seriously doubt you'll see anything anywhere near that type of coverage. The next MK would then have to compete with coverage time along with the likes of the Nintendo 3DS, Halo Reach, Sony's new wand/pleasure stick peripheral, Natal, Ghost Recon, Gran Tourismo 5, Fable 3, The Last Guardian, Force Unleashed 2, the new Castlevania game, Dead Rising 2, The Other M, Madden, Max Payne 3, Socom 4, Epic Mickey, Rage, L.A. Noire, Crysis 2, Deus Ex, Nier, Portal 2.... The list honestly goes on and on.

Plus there's all of the stuff that we haven't seen yet. The surprises are almost always the biggest news stories, the ones that get the most attention, hype and coverage.

So yeah, I know that E3 isn't until the begining of June, but I'm sincerely hoping that the MK team teases the heck out of this game in April and then gives us an early May reveal (and perhaps even a magazine cover... Dare to dream lol) with the full rollout at E3.

Here's hoping!

03/26/2010 02:47 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
My fear is that the MK team will hold off unti E3 and I honestly believe that would be an enormous mistake. In terms of news and games shown, I think that this E3 would absolutely bury MK in the news cycle. I'm not saying that would have a detrimental effect on sales or whatever, but if you're doing this big unvailing and no one (other than the people on this site) cares then what's the point?

If they reveal the game in April, then it's a big story. IGN will be all over it, giving it front page coverage, so will Gamespot and maybe if EGM errr... 1up can get over their MK hate, they'll cover it as well.

But if the MK team releases their info at E3, I seriously doubt you'll see anything anywhere near that type of coverage. The next MK would then have to compete with coverage time along with the likes of the Nintendo 3DS, Halo Reach, Sony's new wand/pleasure stick peripheral, Natal, Ghost Recon, Gran Tourismo 5, Fable 3, The Last Guardian, Force Unleashed 2, the new Castlevania game, Dead Rising 2, The Other M, Madden, Max Payne 3, Socom 4, Epic Mickey, Rage, L.A. Noire, Crysis 2, Deus Ex, Nier, Portal 2.... The list honestly goes on and on.

Plus there's all of the stuff that we haven't seen yet. The surprises are almost always the biggest news stories, the ones that get the most attention, hype and coverage.

So yeah, I know that E3 isn't until the begining of June, but I'm sincerely hoping that the MK team teases the heck out of this game in April and then gives us an early May reveal (and perhaps even a magazine cover... Dare to dream lol) with the full rollout at E3.

Here's hoping!

I think there is a good chance that there will be a decent amount of coverage from G4tv. Say what you want about it, but at E3 2008 Ed Boon came on the G4 set and showed off a demo for MKvsDC. He could possibly do it again for MK9. I'm hoping we get a trailer before E3.
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03/26/2010 04:31 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
I think there is a good chance that there will be a decent amount of coverage from G4tv. Say what you want about it, but at E3 2008 Ed Boon came on the G4 set and showed off a demo for MKvsDC. He could possibly do it again for MK9. I'm hoping we get a trailer before E3.

That's right, I remember that!

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that MK would get completely lost in the E3 shuffle, I just think that it would be smarter to be the big story for a few days and then build off of that momentum going in to E3 rather than just being one big story among many at the actual show.
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03/26/2010 05:08 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
jbthrash Wrote:
I think there is a good chance that there will be a decent amount of coverage from G4tv. Say what you want about it, but at E3 2008 Ed Boon came on the G4 set and showed off a demo for MKvsDC. He could possibly do it again for MK9. I'm hoping we get a trailer before E3.

That's right, I remember that!

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that MK would get completely lost in the E3 shuffle, I just think that it would be smarter to be the big story for a few days and then build off of that momentum going in to E3 rather than just being one big story among many at the actual show.

I like your idea. It would be very wise to release some sort of information, maybe pictures, concepts, a teaser trailer, etc., and then at E3, build off the hype that they released previously with a full blown trailer for the game, with in-game combat, maybe even a new feature or two, if they are in fact putting new features in, and finish it off with a nice Fatality, to reinsure in the fact that they are going back to the mature rating.
03/26/2010 09:09 PM (UTC)
I totally believe in the April announcement theory based on two things:
1. The actor summary thingy
2. Ed Boon's tweet last month stating a new trailer was apparently being put together
03/26/2010 09:39 PM (UTC)
I'm guessing we won't get info untill May. So far the release date is in december, and on that basis I would assume April is to early to release any info. At this time in 2008 Ed was leaving hints about MKvsDC on his website, and he hasn't even done that yet.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/26/2010 10:56 PM (UTC)
If they do release a trailer in April, I hope it won't just feature Scorpion or Sub-Zero. Switch it up and let another character besides those 2 get some attention.

While I would love some screen shots and a few videos, I really hope they don't release too much information. That's my only problem with the MK team; they spoil what little surprises the games DO have. On that note, I'm hoping MK9 has huge replay value. I really enjoyed MKVSDC, but what was there left to do after playing through story mode and unlocking Kahn & Darkseide? I really hope there's a ton of secret characters/arenas for us to unlock. I also hope the story mode is extremely long.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/27/2010 04:49 AM (UTC)
I will post a video of all the Fatalitys on April 1st

JK you know that their will be something fake/crazy on that day
03/27/2010 05:49 PM (UTC)
I hope we get something soon, this waiting is killing me!
03/27/2010 08:12 PM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I will post a video of all the Fatalitys on April 1st

JK you know that their will be something fake/crazy on that day

hopefully the fake stuff won't flood the net. if something real does come out with a bunch of nonsense floating around than how can we know the real from fake...especially if it is a leak.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

03/27/2010 10:38 PM (UTC)
Nic-V Wrote:
I totally believe in the April announcement theory based on two things:
1. The actor summary thingy
2. Ed Boon's tweet last month stating a new trailer was apparently being put together

At this point I will take any thing
03/27/2010 11:16 PM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I will post a video of all the Fatalitys on April 1st

JK you know that their will be something fake/crazy on that day

There probably going to release info. on April first saying that MK9 will have a spliced up rhino, and it will take place in the 1960's with the MK fighters fighting communist Russians. And then everbody can get pissed , because we've been waiting for new info, and we probably won't get any new info. untill May.
03/28/2010 12:52 AM (UTC)
immortalkombat Wrote:
I hope we get something soon, this waiting is killing me!

me too!!!
03/30/2010 11:38 AM (UTC)
From Ed Boon's twitter

"I'd like to put noob.com back up soon. Have a cool idea I wanna try with it. MK9 news is coming soon..."

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03/30/2010 05:31 PM (UTC)
Kal1138 Wrote:
From Ed Boon's twitter

"I'd like to put noob.com back up soon. Have a cool idea I wanna try with it. MK9 news is coming soon..."



April fo sho then!

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03/30/2010 06:01 PM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
Kal1138 Wrote:
From Ed Boon's twitter

"I'd like to put noob.com back up soon. Have a cool idea I wanna try with it. MK9 news is coming soon..."



April fo sho then!


03/30/2010 07:22 PM (UTC)
You have to remember that Warner owns MK now, so they might have a new approach to publicity. Warner put out screen shots of Arkham Asylum almost a year before the game was actually released. (Although the game might have been scheduled earlier?) So April seems about right, unless Warner wants to delay the game to improve its quality. I would rather wait until 2011 for a solid game, than get rushed game this year. The last 2 MK games seemed rushed to me.
03/31/2010 04:51 PM (UTC)
JaxFatality Wrote:
You have to remember that Warner owns MK now, so they might have a new approach to publicity. Warner put out screen shots of Arkham Asylum almost a year before the game was actually released. (Although the game might have been scheduled earlier?) So April seems about right, unless Warner wants to delay the game to improve its quality. I would rather wait until 2011 for a solid game, than get rushed game this year. The last 2 MK games seemed rushed to me.

You're right..even though I can't wait any longer.....
03/31/2010 07:07 PM (UTC)
caleblood Wrote:
JaxFatality Wrote:
You have to remember that Warner owns MK now, so they might have a new approach to publicity. Warner put out screen shots of Arkham Asylum almost a year before the game was actually released. (Although the game might have been scheduled earlier?) So April seems about right, unless Warner wants to delay the game to improve its quality. I would rather wait until 2011 for a solid game, than get rushed game this year. The last 2 MK games seemed rushed to me.

You're right..even though I can't wait any longer.....

No, not right.

I was trying to find the post that said this but this user stated that WB does not technically own MK, they just bought out the company that makes the game. They cannot do anything with the game themselves except for the MK team, as in, WB cannot change a lot of things with the game themselves but only to give advice. WB cannot force the MK team to tone down things with the violence, no fatalities... Yeah, they can't do that

So, whoever said that, is right since WB only bought out the company that makes MK, but they can't force them to change the game in any way possible.

And yes, the last two games were rushed.
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