April Announcement? Speculate.
posted03/31/2010 07:07 PM (UTC)by
Adam Ronin
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08/21/2004 07:20 AM (UTC)
As we are gearing up to go into April, what are everyone's thoughts on a possible teaser being revealed? We know it will be shown at E3, so it only makes sense to announce it before hand and with that actresses slip up, it seems almost 100% plausible that April is our month.

So what do you think? What date does everyone speculate? What is everyone expecting?
03/25/2010 08:35 PM (UTC)
Well Mk vs Dc was announced on April 18th. So maybe around the same time?
03/25/2010 08:40 PM (UTC)
I don't know why..but I have a bad feeling that we will get something (even a teaser..) after May.....Usually,when we were waiting from previous mk's to be released, we had some teasers before April...confused
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03/25/2010 08:52 PM (UTC)
I read on one of the actors pages saying tba april 2010 warner bros video game.
03/25/2010 09:18 PM (UTC)
cyberdog Wrote:
I read on one of the actors pages saying tba april 2010 warner bros video game.

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03/25/2010 09:18 PM (UTC)
My guess is the week of April 18th since thats when MKDC was officially announced. That is 4 weeks away, cool. umm the other day in the shower (lol) i was thinking about who would be featured in the teaser trailer. The obvious choice is Sub/Scorp....but obvious is boring. A female oriented teaser would be something different for MK - maybe Kitana and/or/vs Mileena? Or a sturdy hero like Kung Lao and/or/vs someone? Or Reptile and/or/vs/ someone?

In the vein of Deadly Alliance, the teaser could be feature 1 character. Raiden would be nice. Or Shang Tsung.Or Quan Chi. Wouldnt mind seeing Kenshi either to be honest

idk...wel'll see
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03/25/2010 09:19 PM (UTC)
caleblood Wrote:
cyberdog Wrote:
I read on one of the actors pages saying tba april 2010 warner bros video game.


03/25/2010 09:25 PM (UTC)
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03/25/2010 09:27 PM (UTC)
Welcome :)
03/25/2010 09:39 PM (UTC)
sub-scropion Wrote:
My guess is the week of April 18th since thats when MKDC was officially announced. That is 4 weeks away, cool. umm the other day in the shower (lol) i was thinking about who would be featured in the teaser trailer. The obvious choice is Sub/Scorp....but obvious is boring. A female oriented teaser would be something different for MK - maybe Kitana and/or/vs Mileena? Or a sturdy hero like Kung Lao and/or/vs someone? Or Reptile and/or/vs/ someone?

In the vein of Deadly Alliance, the teaser could be feature 1 character. Raiden would be nice. Or Shang Tsung.Or Quan Chi. Wouldnt mind seeing Kenshi either to be honest

idk...wel'll see

Or just a voice saying something awesome XD
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03/25/2010 09:43 PM (UTC)
lol i guess. I was just sticking with the MK 5,6,8 formulas: they always feature characters
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03/25/2010 09:58 PM (UTC)
sub-scropion Wrote:
My guess is the week of April 18th since thats when MKDC was officially announced.

Although true, we also had a countdown leading into that. I'm a bit taken aback by the silence. I think it's safe to say that the Christmas release rumor is false, so without the old Midway pressure, we may not even get a 2010 release.

That's a good thing, btw.

I'm sure we'll get something in April, but I wouldn't expect anything large-scale. Then again, if the release date is in November, I wouldn't expect anything less than an unveiling of Subzero and/or Scorpion next month. If you think about it, a first press-release in April is insanely late for a Nov. release. I figured the only reason they did it for the last game was because they were hiding the crossover element.
Adam Ronin
03/25/2010 10:25 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
sub-scropion Wrote:
My guess is the week of April 18th since thats when MKDC was officially announced.

Although true, we also had a countdown leading into that. I'm a bit taken aback by the silence. I think it's safe to say that the Christmas release rumor is false, so without the old Midway pressure, we may not even get a 2010 release.

That's a good thing, btw.

I'm sure we'll get something in April, but I wouldn't expect anything large-scale. Then again, if the release date is in November, I wouldn't expect anything less than an unveiling of Subzero and/or Scorpion next month. If you think about it, a first press-release in April is insanely late for a Nov. release. I figured the only reason they did it for the last game was because they were hiding the crossover element.

I def agree, Temp. Although, am I not mistaken in thinking Boon even said it would be out by late 2010? I could be completely full of shit but I thought I read that somewhere.

I am feeling confident that we will get a teaser next month. As for characters, Subby and Scorp are almost a given. Also probably they will showcase whatever gimmick they included this time. (i.e. falling kombat, etc)

I am confident in this because Boon mentioned capturing footage for the trailer last month. Seems silly to start work on a trailer and then just sit on it for a couple months as it probably only takes a week or so to put it together.
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Formaly known on MKO as crash-kid.

03/25/2010 10:51 PM (UTC)
I really hope April will bring us some news. Even if its something little, just something to get everyone hyped up! But I remember before MKvsDC trailer was shown, there was a really blurry picture on Noob.com.

It was Scorpion fighting Batman..but at the time I think most people thought it was noob saibot. I swear this is right anyway, was a year ago though, so maybe wrong..i think its right though.

So yeah something just to get excited about, I mean a trailer would be awesome, but maybe a picture or two and announcement.
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03/25/2010 11:01 PM (UTC)
My birthday is coming up on the 6th. ALthough early. I hope sometime in april we will get something. Itd make my birthday all worth having. lol

as for what kind of teaser. Id like raiden. in a dark area. A camera panning around him flashing to glimpses of character or arena appearances. with his narrative of something comeing up.

like maybe..

"the people of earthrealm are foolish. time after time letting evil consume and taint what should not be. I will not stand by idly and watch evil grow any further. I will Vanquish the darkness with a more brutal power along with anybody who stands in my way. It ends now"

or something crazy liek that. tlaking as if hes had enough shit and its time to get the OT winner. With a panning camera starting at foot and going around him upwards slowly. flashes of lightning eluminating the darkness for brief moments as it slithers around his body, arms and eyes. ending at his face saying something like

"There will be blood"

thats pretty much enough to give me a hardon until christmas or whenever it comes out.

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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
03/25/2010 11:11 PM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
as for what kind of teaser. Id like raiden. in a dark area. A camera panning around him flashing to glimpses of character or arena appearances. with his narrative of something comeing up.
like maybe..
"the people of earthrealm are foolish. time after time letting evil consume and taint what should not be. I will not stand by idly and watch evil grow any further. I will Vanquish the darkness with a more brutal power along with anybody who stands in my way. It ends now"
or something crazy liek that. tlaking as if hes had enough shit and its time to get the OT winner. With a panning camera starting at foot and going around him upwards slowly. flashes of lightning eluminating the darkness for brief moments as it slithers around his body, arms and eyes. ending at his face saying something like
"There will be blood"
thats pretty much enough to give me a hardon until christmas or whenever it comes out.

Lmao! A bit too much information, bro. wink However, I think my reaction would be similar if not more pronounced should something like this happen. I'd love to see Raiden confirmed! It would make my year!
03/25/2010 11:24 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
sub-scropion Wrote:
My guess is the week of April 18th since thats when MKDC was officially announced.

Although true, we also had a countdown leading into that. I'm a bit taken aback by the silence. I think it's safe to say that the Christmas release rumor is false, so without the old Midway pressure, we may not even get a 2010 release. i was thinking the samething
03/25/2010 11:37 PM (UTC)
jmo1214 Wrote:
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
sub-scropion Wrote:
My guess is the week of April 18th since thats when MKDC was officially announced.

Although true, we also had a countdown leading into that. I'm a bit taken aback by the silence. I think it's safe to say that the Christmas release rumor is false, so without the old Midway pressure, we may not even get a 2010 release.
I was thinking the samething that it's just 2 quiet but i'm hoping that it will b release this year doe
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03/25/2010 11:39 PM (UTC)
From what I remember there was a countdown (can't remember how long it was.)
Then when that ended we got this pic with the anagram of Embargo Lifts Tomorrow (which I labled 17/4/08).

Then the next day I believe we got the Subby Vs Batman trailer.

And the game came out in November so I think April is defo the month to keep our eyes out for new shizz.grin
About Me

Formaly known on MKO as crash-kid.

03/26/2010 12:15 AM (UTC)

Thats the picture I was on about, lets hope we get something better!
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
03/26/2010 12:43 AM (UTC)
tgrant Wrote:
Lmao! A bit too much information, bro. wink However, I think my reaction would be similar if not more pronounced should something like this happen. I'd love to see Raiden confirmed! It would make my year!

hahaha sorry buddy. Got a little excited at the thought of raiden alone in a dark roomtongue

I cannot wait
03/26/2010 02:01 AM (UTC)
I'd be really cool if the teaser/trailer would open with it being geared towards the story.

Like for example:
The screen would be black and we would hear Raiden voice most have failed etc. and then the screen would flash and show a scenery of most of the fallen mk characters dead.


Sub-Zero would crawl on his stomach all bloody and beaten up and it would show him grabin someones leg who is standing in front of him but not showing who it is and then the screen would go black and the person standing would start laughing.

Just some ideas that poped in my head.
03/26/2010 07:13 AM (UTC)
probably but if it does get announced i hope the game does not release this year i mean u guys probably wont agree wit me but this mk needs to be not rushed at all!!!
03/26/2010 10:21 AM (UTC)
Im expecting a cinema trailer with perhaps short peice of gameplay. Offcourse the usual hints from Boon short before the trailer.

03/26/2010 12:06 PM (UTC)
i am skeptical on this...the month of April is a bad month because of that stupid thing called April fools. it has become a thing for game companies to play tricks on the fans. i hope they don't play that way with MK9 but you never know. it would be nice to get some images or something before the big reveal at E3 but i am not going to hold my breath for it.
i still think we will get more than just a teaser at E3. MK9 was in the works while MK vs DC was...it has been stated in numerous interviews and what not. so that means the game has been in development longer than most MK games already. i think or should i say hope we will get some game play shots mixed into a cinematic teaser,maybe be introduced to new or improved features,possibly a few more character confirmations and an October release date. there could even be an actual demo...think about it. not long ago that PSN gamer ID image that was posted proves that the game was and is playable.
i think it is safe to assume it will be out before the end of November for sure though. that is just what i think but i could be wrong.(Edit) i was also pondering black friday marketing...perhaps it will be early November rather than late. it would be a bit silly to release a full priced game durring a time when prices are cut on other game titles.
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