Anyone else want an MK3 remake?
posted09/19/2009 08:12 PM (UTC)by
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06/21/2005 07:52 PM (UTC)
No, not a port of MK3, I mean a full on remake with new 2.5D sprites and backgrounds, with lots of unlockable content, and a 2 on 2 mode. They can easily make a remake on the DS if they wanted to. Am I the only one who wants to see this happen
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07/09/2009 12:09 AM (UTC)
I can honestly say that outside of MK Mythologies: Sub Zero and the MK Special Forces game, MK3 is pretty much my least favorite MK game.
07/09/2009 12:16 AM (UTC)
....wha? MK3 was the best Mortal Kombat game imo. I don't understand how you can not like that game
07/09/2009 03:47 AM (UTC)
Yeah, but make sure they include Rain, and Jade as playable characters.
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07/09/2009 05:54 AM (UTC)
I'm obviously not bagging on your opinion SubMan, not one bit.

But for me, I dunno, I think that MK3 was a let down after how great the first game was (which came out of nowhere for me) and how much of a step up the 2nd game was. The 2nd game took the cool "mysterious tournament vibe" and took it in a much more gothic/evil direction. I dug that.

After those two, the third one was bound to be a let down. They brought it back to earth and the backgrounds, honestly, just weren't all that good. You had a desert, a street, a subway... Outside of the church, which had cool music and a cool background, most of the look of MK3 felt fake and almost kid-ish.

They added the run button, which I really hated, the graphics didn't look any better, the characters seemed much more cartoonish in style and the addition of animalities was really weak to me.

It was also the first time in the series that for me, the new characters introduced in a game were mostly forgetable. I dug Kabal, but his spin move looked silly and the fatality where he takes off his mask and scares someone? Lame.

I was never a big fan of Sektor and Cyrax because they just didn't fit into the old school MK style. I also thought that Stryker, Nightwolf, Sindel, Sheeva etc looked lame. Again, very cartoonish, where I never saw the game as cartoonish before that point.

The restyling of Sub Zero was awful. He's not a japanese he's some white dude with a wait, it's more like a line drawn on his face.

They took scorpion out of the game. Also a bad move.

Oh yeah, then there was the part where the MK team completely ripped off Killer Instinct and changed the previously awesome juggling combo system to the dial a combo system where you had to memorize whole chains and it pretty much took 90% of the fun out of the series, especially for newcomers. That's my BIGGEST gripe against MK3.

I dunno man, overall the game just didn't work for me as well as other MK games. There are parts that I like... I mean, Kano and Sonya were much improved, there were a few decent looking levels. But overall, the game just felt like a huge step in the wrong direction. It was still good, but to me it was the point where MK stopped being the elite fighting series.

It's still my favorite obviously, I mean, I'm still here after all these years, but that was the first time the bloom really fell off the rose for me. I still dig the old characters and while MK vs DC had some dumb ideas thrown into an otherwise much improved fighting system with better animation, I'm still holding out hope that the next numbered MK game can really bring some next gen glory and return this series back to the top of the fighting game heap.
07/09/2009 09:27 AM (UTC)
You make some really good points, but some thing that MK2 did not have that MK3 has is fast and frantic gameplay. I loved the new gameplay mechanics because they really sped up the game and just made it a blast to play.

I also liked most of the new characters. Sure Nightwolf did practically nothing for the story, but I liked him because he had some really fun and original special moves. The Hatchet and Shoulder Charge were awesome, and shooting out an arrow made of pure energy is just great. Kabal, Smoke, Sektor and Sindel were all just all fun characters to play as

Now the stages, yeah they were just bad. Besides the graveyard, rooftops, the Soul Chamber and Scorpion's Lair, they were all just terrible.

Sub-Zero's new design was awesome imo. The Ice Clone is probably my favorite move in the whole series. Of all the returning characters, the only one that I think received a bad design was Kung Lao. He just looks terrible.

At the end of the day, I can forgive MK3 for it's minor flaws because it's just so much fun to play. imo, it's leaps and bounds better than MK2, but to each his own. I guess it all comes down to personal taste.
07/09/2009 03:49 PM (UTC)
I'd buy a remake without blinking
07/09/2009 09:44 PM (UTC)
I loved MK3 for Sindel and the vastly improved Sonya, as well as the fast, powerful gameplay and awesome fatalities. The cyborbs were also a nice touch. Cyrax became the most popular even though I thought Smoke and Sektor were much cooler.

I agree that the realistic, urban, modern feel was lame. I missed the dark, mysterious feel of MK2, but it was still an addictive game, especially once the Ultimate version came out with all the ninjas... LOADS of fun.

However, a remake of any sort is just a bad idea. They should make an adventure game based on the game instead like they did with MK2 in Shaolin Monks. That would sell a lot more.
07/10/2009 01:10 AM (UTC)
I agree, an adventure game, such as a Shaolin Monks 2, built around MK3's storyline and backgrounds, would be the best choice. In fact, I really would love for this to happen, and hopefully be released before MK9.
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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

07/10/2009 01:26 AM (UTC)
mk187 Wrote:
I agree, an adventure game, such as a Shaolin Monks 2, built around MK3's storyline and backgrounds, would be the best choice. In fact, I really would love for this to happen, and hopefully be released before MK9.

That's what I've been thinking, maybe expand upon co-op combos
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07/10/2009 07:00 AM (UTC)

We loved most everything about MK3-T around here too. I just don't care to go back over that whole thing again.

Move forward from MKD or MKA please.
07/13/2009 11:10 AM (UTC)
I think the game that is most calling for a remake is Mortal Kombat: Deception. I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I just can't understand half the casting choices. I considered most of the characters that were brought back to be dead to the series, or at least no longer relevant. It really cut off the balls of Deadly Alliance in a lot of ways.

Kung Lao finally stepped up and became a hero, and then he was killed alongside, Sonya, Kitana, Jax and Johnny Cage...OK. Mavado was a character that I thought was really cool, or at least had a lot of potential, and could have just been given new fighting styles, or something; but instead we get the story where he killed Kabal, but it turns out he didn't, and Kabal kills him, but it turns out he didn't. Mavado really could have used the rub from killing Kabal and Kano to become an enemy of Sub-Zero and the Special Forces in a hypothetical sequel to Deadly Alliance.

Nitara was so largely responsible for the return of Onaga, and then...nothing? A story in MK6 where she feels guilty that her pursual of her own realm led her to dooming everything would have been nice for her. And then you had the case of Sindel and Jade returning, despite both very easily being explained as dead in the series. I mean, it would have fit if Jade sacrificed herself to Reptile in MK3's saga to save Kitana, and if Sindel had been killed during Shinnok's assault on Edenia in MK4. But let's bring those characters back for the hell of it.

I think the mess Deception was caused the mess that Armageddon was, which in turn caused the mess that the series is currently in, causing it to need to be reset. We should be following characters like Kenshi and Mavado to their logical conclusion as entities within the MK universe, instead of still being bogged down with old farts like Ermac and Kabal (with no disrespect to the characters intended -- I am a massive Ermac fan).

Anyway, my point: If they had done Deception with a bit more focus, there would still be a lot of buried characters from the MK3 saga to explore, which could have justified a remake a little more. But Deception brought back so many lost characters from MK3, and Armageddon brought the rest back, that there really isn't any intrigue there.
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07/13/2009 12:29 PM (UTC)
I am ashamed for owning MK3. I am ashamed for Midway for ever designing that game... looking back, it had to be the weakest, I mean, Deception got more style than the neon-infested spandexfest that was the Trilogy part....

Besides, nostalgia does not automatically make it better.
fuck yeah but how about a NEW 2D mortal kombat??grinwink
07/28/2009 07:29 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat 4 was a pretty ugly game, too. I don't really think they had much of an idea where they were going with that one.
07/28/2009 04:24 PM (UTC)
I know you guys are gonna let out a big "WTF" when i say this but i disliked MK2. I liked mk3 though. I just dont think its necessary to redo it. They should just work on continuing mk9 and the enxt shaolin monks type game. When they release a collection of mk games around the 20th or maybe 25th anniversary of mortal kombat, then maybe they should do a remake of some of the 2d games.
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07/31/2009 11:50 PM (UTC)
I think that Midway has milked Mortal Kombat 3 enough.
We have MK3, Ultimate MK3, MKT, Mortal Kombat Advance, and Ultimate MK for the DS.

I would rather have them make a new Mortal Kombat then a remake of a old 1995 game.
08/05/2009 08:07 PM (UTC)
As long as Sektor is in I'll buy it grin
08/07/2009 08:33 AM (UTC)
Hell, I love 2D Games, so yes I would buy it if they ever gonna have a new 2D MK games... for PS3 and would be hella cool if it's online game this time. grin
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08/07/2009 03:59 PM (UTC)
ZellDincht82wa Wrote:

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08/10/2009 12:11 PM (UTC)
I will say no to an MK3 remake. If they do anything they should just make a 2D MK: Trilogy 2 or even an HD remix of MK: Trilogy for DLC.
08/21/2009 06:21 AM (UTC)
Yes, I wish they'd remake MK3 - bring back the characters from that game, with a slight updated look.

They should look like how they do in MK vs DC, the arenas too - breakable from every which way! Maybe even add a stage fatality or two to some arenas!

I think it would be great to have the Kombat Tower stage fatality from multiple angles, have the guy screaming his lungs out as he crashes through the multiple floors but with different camera shots for each floor crashed!

The music should remain the same.

They could also use the opportunity to capitalize on stuff that never made into MK3.

For instance, there was this rumor that you could fight Johnny Cage's soul in the Graveyard level of the game - that would be great.

There was also a rumor which said you could fight Goro - that would be awesome too.

The title of the game? Well that's easy - MK3D.

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Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/21/2009 04:16 PM (UTC)
eugenicz Wrote:
The title of the game? Well that's easy - MK3D.

No...sorry, but there have been enough games with a "3D" in the title it pretty much lost it's gusto.
I mean we've had things like:
Wolfenstein 3D
Earthworm Jim 3D
Lode Runner 3D
Bubsy 3D
Duke Nukem 3D

And quite frankly, many games with such a transfer lose their gusto
Adam Ronin
08/24/2009 02:14 AM (UTC)
No thank you. IMO, MK3 is the worst entry in the series. I hated everything about it. Took it out of the tournament and put it in the city. Took out Japanese folklore and put in Robots. Took out brutal fatalities for comical hishaps. All fail, I think.

If they are to remake anything, I say reboot the series and start with MK1 again. That would make me very happy.
09/11/2009 11:24 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see a remake of each of the first four MKs, and in 3d, but not yet.

I wouldn't want a 'replication' of what's already done before, with better graphics, done for no other reason than to do it. I think eventually it should happen, but in a way to add depth to Mortal Kombat's history, clarify/expand upon storylines, add some of the characters that should have made it. Each character should have his/her own unique appearance and styles. The games can be used both to resolve some of the questions in stories--and to make new ones. There's no reason just to do this on MK3/UMK3. In terms of gameplay, I hope the creators always seek innovation--and if they happen to be remaking a title, it doesn't mean they have to fall back into what's been done. New characters can even be added. It is a tournament, after all, and I'm sure there have been Kombatants whose stories have never been told whose inclusion might broaden the MK universe or even serve as post-hoc premonitions of what would come in future tournaments.

With a remake, the focus I'd want would be on the new. Let the game you're remaking serve as an inspiration--not a model. Try to outdo yourself, create the right atmosphere, make the characters as deep as you can, and try to make it a gaming experience to fully immerse yourself in. Dark, brutal, tragic at turns and blackly comic at others.

Personally, I'd find a remake of the first MK more challenging. The group of fighters is relatively small--yet, if you add anybody new (unless they suddenly re-emerge in some future mk game, yet made) MK fans will know that these characters die, vanish, or retire, so the storylines would have to be strong, as would the characters' visual appeal and movelist. The basic natures of the other characters leave much room to expand upon. The real joy, for me, would be in making the endings, different from the real MK1's endings, this time reflecting what actually happened. Imagine a fully choreographed fmv fight of Scorpion fighting, then finishing off Subby--but if you pay attention, look at the shadow of Subbie's corpse, notice how it starts draining through the cracks of the bricks on the ground, slipping away into the underworld stealthily....

Staid characters like Johnny Cage can be revamped retroactively, given a deeper storyline and personality--make him an actor fallen out of grace, arrogant and broken at the same time, who enters the tournament not just to prove to everybody how great he is, but to vindicate himself. He's got a chip on his shoulder. His arrogance is artificial, made more out of desire of who he wants to be than who he actually is. There's a panic behind his cheap facade.

Intros and story modes can flesh out better what the Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu were like, perhaps introducing key figures in those organizations. Reptile could be monstrous from the start. Ermac, who was a rumor in MK1 can make an appearance as an unlockable. You'd get to see how Sonya ended up being chained up for MK2.


The difficulty in doing these would be in both giving you what you already know and expanding upon that without losing the best of the feel of the original. How cool would it be to see Smoke in human form in MK2, not as a palette swap, toiling hard to get to play against him (and then to play as him as an unlockable), with a completely original moveset and storyline (possibly sent to oversee his chum the inexperienced new Subbie), all the while knowing that for the next tournament he will be trapped in a cybernetic body, pitted against his closest ally? Noob would make his appearance stealthily, hints given on how to find him--being freshly dead, maybe his palette would be black and deep blood red. Lil Bro' Sub-Zero's MK2-remake appearance could even introduce something new to fighting games: a non-repetitive special move, meaning that, due to his relative inexperience, his just getting a handle on his powers, perhaps they won't be so constant, so sometimes his freezes might not last as long as they should.

There's really so much that could be done, and for that reason the question of remaking Mortal Kombats shouldn't be closed. Even though we all crave to see what happens next, perhaps sometime down the line what happens next can actually be made richer by a deeper understanding and feeling for what happened before.

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