Anyone else really hoping for Drahmin?
posted09/18/2014 07:08 PM (UTC)by
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07/17/2003 05:56 PM (UTC)
I know he wasn't a very popular character in Deadly Alliance, probably due to his poor fighting style and a fatality that a 4 year old could have come up with, but I always found his character interesting.

I wouldn't want them to change anything regarding his story, but this could be where Quan Chi resurrects him. I'm at work right now and will add more to this later as far as what they can do to expand his story and make him more relevant.

For now, I'd like your thoughts and possible ideas for him.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

06/04/2014 03:27 PM (UTC)
They would have to do something to make him more interesting. The skinless-speedo-wearing-oni thing didn't really do it for me. I am not opposed to any character returning though.
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06/04/2014 03:29 PM (UTC)
Having Jerrod's soul turn out to be a part of Ermac was an interesting twist, but in retrospect, I would much rather have them save the Jerrod reveal for Drahmin.

Little Kitana just wants her daddy back, turns out he's worse than Kahn.

As far as his redesign is concerned, he's a fucking Oni, so you can pretty much go as grotesque as you can. He could have 5 circular saws for fingers, gears for legs, giant nails for teeth, and a face underneath a zipped face while wearing chain mesh pants literally nailed on his body, whatever. Sky's the limit.
06/04/2014 03:37 PM (UTC)
I don't have any idea as to how i would bring him back in the storyline but sure i would like to see him return. Should he remain playable, i weirdly thought he was a little too cheap of a fighter in MKDA and MKA for my liking but of course, this is hopefully going to change.
06/04/2014 03:55 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Having Jerrod's soul turn out to be a part of Ermac was an interesting twist, but in retrospect, I would much rather have them save the Jerrod reveal for Drahmin.

Little Kitana just wants her daddy back, turns out he's worse than Kahn.

As far as his redesign is concerned, he's a fucking Oni, so you can pretty much go as grotesque as you can. He could have 5 circular saws for fingers, gears for legs, giant nails for teeth, and a face underneath a zipped face while wearing chain mesh pants literally nailed on his body, whatever. Sky's the limit.

I disagree. I want Drahmin to remain his own character. But your evil Jerrod idea is a good, as is your suggested design. It's just that your design idea would be more suiting for a new character.

Drahmin was one of my favorite new characters in MK:DA. I like how he and Moloch seem to be close friends, and I wouldn't mind them exploring this apparent friendship between them. Drahmin also needs much more brutal fatalities. Just imagine the potential X-rays they could come up involving his club. And of course, bring back his Ball'O flies! That's easily his equivalent of Scorpion's spear (but more memorable imo).
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06/04/2014 04:08 PM (UTC)
Putting a Jerrod twist on him could make it interesting and it would make him be more than just a pawn in Quan Chi's plot.

I think that they should explain the mask/artifact in greater detail and do more to show just how it keeps him disciplined and focused. Possibly even delve into what exactly he did to be sent to the Netherrealm.

There are tons of options that you could do for his design and the club on his hand.

Other than Kenshi, Drahmin was my favorite new character in terms of story, design and potential. I really hope he gets a chance in a 2D MK.
06/04/2014 04:10 PM (UTC)
No thanks.
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06/04/2014 04:18 PM (UTC)
I think with a brand new design, he could become a favorite. They also need to change his story, maybe make it interactable with other characters as well.
06/04/2014 04:21 PM (UTC)
The idea Jerrod was evil, or could have been Drahmin, wouldn't fit the canon in multiple different ways. I'd rather they, y'know, stop "Mileena's Birthday"-ing things and FIX their errors instead of creating new ones.

"But hurr durr reboot"...yeah nah, shut up.

I would love to see Drahmin come back though. His look and story were awesome (You don't like the "Meat in a speedo" primary? Good thing he had an alternate they can base his new look on then, isn't it!), he just needed different moves. No fucking flies this time.
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06/04/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The idea Jerrod was evil, or could have been Drahmin, wouldn't fit the canon in multiple different ways.


RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
No fucking flies this time.

They have not gone far enough with the flies.

Make them fucking hatch out of his rotting back like that one dude from Ninja Scroll.

06/04/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
I would want Drahmin to come back, and he could easily fit in MK X's story. He just needs a bit more to his costumes and some revamping with his gameplay. I have to wonder about his Iron Club as to whether it'll magically switch which arm it encases with the "stance change". If that turns out to be some sort of issue, perhaps he could just carry an actual tetsubo since it is a weapon associated with the Oni.

He has an interesting backstory, and I think elements of it could be explored and tied into whatever will be going on in MK X's story. In terms of his gameplay, I can easily see him being that rushdown fighter whose ground pound can act as a sort of "anti-zoning" tool.
06/04/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
The idea Jerrod was evil, or could have been Drahmin, wouldn't fit the canon in multiple different ways.


Sindel's ENTIRE story revolves around how peaceful and kind her first husband was and how much she loved him, and we see what an Edenia under her rule looks like in every game after MK3, and are told "this is what it was like before the merger too". If Jerrod was a war-monger, and Sindel was happy with him and agreed with the way he ruled and rules that way too, wouldn't New Edenia have been a shithole like Outworld is?
It's called EDENia! Named after the Garden of Eden, a religious PARADISE. It's not supposed to be a place where the king is a fucking badguy. That's why Kahn conquered it first, because it's supposed to be TRAGIC that he corrupted a beautiful, peaceful land and could do the same to Earth.

Also, We've seen Drahmin's full origin in concept art form. I'm pretty sure he was from OUTWORLD, He only died 500 years ago, not 10,000, and on the semi-petty "I wish they'd keep appearances consistent, stop changing characters' eye colors and shit like that" side of things, I have to point out that he had long brown hair dressed in shirtless, Conan the Barbarian-y armor, while Jerrod's always depicted as an old bald guy with a white beard and the long flowing robes of a man who does not often see combat.

Also note that Jerrod being inside Ermac makes perfect-in-hindsight sense the same way Noob Saibot being revealed as Bi-Han in Deception did because Shao Kahn STEALS THE SOULS OF DUDES HE'S KILLED, and Ermac is made of the STOLEN SOULS OF DUDES KAHN KILLED when he conquered their lands or they rebelled against him.

And why can't "Drahmin" be his ACTUAL name? Why's he gotta be someone else? The story of who he was before he died can be interesting all on its own.
06/04/2014 04:53 PM (UTC)
Not a fan of his look and design. So no. I am not hoping for Drahmin.
06/04/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
I'm really hoping he'll return, he and havok were the best new characters from DA onwards. MK could use another monster character and I think he stands out from the rest. Plus being a oni from the netherrealm means he would easily fit into a storyline with quan chi and shinnok.

Some of you are saying he's boring looking but I always liked his alternate costume, maybe with the mask as well.
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06/04/2014 05:05 PM (UTC)
I though his design was great, backstory was great too.

His moveset was weak but then, that's a problem for everyone in the 3D era MK games...

I wouldn't mind seeing him again.
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06/04/2014 05:06 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Sindel's ENTIRE story revolves around how peaceful and kind her first husband was and how much she loved him, and we see what an Edenia under her rule looks like in every game after MK3, and are told "this is what it was like before the merger too". If Jerrod was a war-monger, and Sindel was happy with him and agreed with the way he ruled and rules that way too, wouldn't New Edenia have been a shithole like Outworld is?

Not necessarily.

They could pull a Vlad Tepes on him.
To his people - a benevolent, noble ruler who made sure that his domain remained free and peaceful.
To the foreign invaders - a batshit insane sadistic psycho.
And if we go by Stoker's characterization of Dracula, he loved his wife more than anything.

Could be interesting, I think. smile
06/04/2014 05:07 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
To his people - a benevolent, noble ruler who made sure that his domain remained free and peaceful.
To the foreign invaders - a batshit insane sadistic psycho.

Again, people would NOTICE if Edenia wasn't a paradise to outsiders.

Tepes put fucking heads on pikes outside his castle. That's not the god damned Garden of Eden.
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06/04/2014 05:08 PM (UTC)
I am okay with Drahmin getting a second chance... But they need SOMETHING to make him more interesting.. an updated look.. a more indepth story.. If he exists just as a badguy for us to beat up we have enough of those with Baraka, Reptile, Kano etc..
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06/04/2014 05:17 PM (UTC)
It would be great to see him again. Too bad he's one of Ed's least favorites and probably will not return.
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06/04/2014 05:45 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Kahn conquered it first

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Jerrod's always depicted as an old bald guy with a white beard and the long flowing robes of a man who does not often see combat.

Speaking of Kahn, didn't it take him quite a while to conquer Edenia? It seems that despite being a supposedly peaceful people, these magical hippies have actually put up a surprisingly decent fight against the invading hordes of Korgoth the fucking Barbarian. Makes you think.

But yeah, I suppose you can argue that the reason it took so long was because he had to conquer them properly, via the whole Mortal Kombat process. Or at least in the OT he did.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:

Also note that Jerrod being inside Ermac makes perfect-in-hindsight sense the same way Noob Saibot being revealed as Bi-Han in Deception did because Shao Kahn STEALS THE SOULS OF DUDES HE'S KILLED, and Ermac is made of the STOLEN SOULS OF DUDES KAHN KILLED when he conquered their lands or they rebelled against him.

It does make perfect sense. I was actually kinda mad when it was revealed. You know, in a "why the fuck didn't I think of that before!?" way. smile

It's just that getting railroaded into the Edenia storyline usually leads characters into a dead end, and Ermac has far too much potential as a character to be sidelined like that.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Again, people would NOTICE if Edenia wasn't a paradise to outsiders.

Tepes put fucking heads on pikes outside his castle. That's not the god damned Garden of Eden.

Well, for the sake of the argument, it's not like there's too many people left who remember what it was like before Kahn, right? Kitana herself sure as fuck doesn't. I mean, I guess there's like former Edenian nobles who pledged loyalty to Kahn, like Jade's family. But even if Jerrod was a bit of warmonger, the overwhelming sentiment among everyone who remembers what life used to be like would be "compared to Kahn, the man was a fucking saint".

tl;dr I'm claiming unreliable narrators. smile
Drahmin is what really got me with MKDA's design. First saw him in a Gameinformer i think, I still have it too. I'd love for him to come back, he'd have to have that awesome mask, and fist of course. His overall apparel could use some design though.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/04/2014 05:55 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
It would be great to see him again. Too bad he's one of Ed's least favorites and probably will not return.

And this is exactly why debating about rather he's in or out is pointless. Seriously, the only MK4-MKD characters I might can see realistically having a shot at coming back are Fujin, Tanya, Reiko, Kai, Havik, Ashrah, & maybe, just maybe Sareena. Boon & co. pays dust to everyone else from those games.
06/04/2014 05:58 PM (UTC)
The central problem around Drahmin is that it is redundant with Moloch. Both have exactly the same function and role and are too similar.

The same problem happens with Dairou and Darrius and Kia and Jataaka.
06/04/2014 06:00 PM (UTC)
I think Drahmin is one of the most underrated characters in the series. Sure he was slow and clunky but hey, it was Deadly Alliance - everyone was. He looked like he belonged on a heavy metal album cover from the 80s - perfect for MK.
06/04/2014 06:03 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Speaking of Kahn, didn't it take him quite a while to conquer Edenia? It seems that despite being a supposedly peaceful people, these magical hippies have actually put up a surprisingly decent fight against the invading hordes of Korgoth the fucking Barbarian. Makes you think.

I'm pretty sure Edenia is supposed to be the realm with the most magic/wizards.

Not to mention MKA established that Argus's family was intimately involved in the defense of the kingdom.

We don't know how long it took really, we just know that first there was open war, then Edenia invented the Mortal Kombat tournament, which is indeed a convenient stalling tactic. Then when they lost, there was war again, which ended in Kahn killing Jerrod.

T-rex Wrote:
It's just that getting railroaded into the Edenia storyline usually leads characters into a dead end, and Ermac has far too much potential as a character to be sidelined like that.

I agree, I sincerely hope that they remember Ermac isn't JUST Jerrod, he has like a THOUSAND different minds and personalities in there. He shouldn't be able to go up to Kitana and Sindel and be accepted as family and sit on the throne, because he's NOT the man Sindel would recognize anymore.

T-rex Wrote:
Well, for the sake of the argument, it's not like there's too many people left who remember what it was like before Kahn, right?

Like I said, Argus, Delia, and Taven were there and remember the good ol' days. And they may be idiots, but they're supposed to be noble and heroic idiots, so I can't see them as allies of a dude who's SO evil that he didn't just go to Hell, he turned HIMSELF into a demon. (You're kinda forgetting that part. Drahmin wasn't just a guy who was mean to his enemies but would have been beloved by his own subjects. What he accomplished by changing species to become an Oni makes him literally tied with Noob Saibot for the title of MOST EVIL mortal soul in Hell.)

Besides, Taven MEETS Drahmin in the Hell level of Konquest. Sure Taven wouldn't recognize him without his skin, but you'd think if they had a history, it would've come up somehow.

And tons of Deception NPCs apparently remembered the old times and told you about them and according to them, New Edenia looks the same as Old Edenia.

It's supposed to be waterfalls and rainbows and green grass and blue skies. Not scary moonlit castles. That's Shao Kahn shit.

Besides, any time you take a character who has a reputation of being a nice guy hero and go "History is inaccurate, they were really an evil monster", it's just shallow, it's being edgy for edginess' sake, tryhard grimdarkery. Anything that exists ONLY to shock people/have a twist for twist's sake M.Night Shyamalan-style doesn't contribute anything positive to the lore.
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