Animobrutality - Fusion Finisher
posted08/31/2014 03:58 PM (UTC)by
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08/01/2004 05:22 PM (UTC)
What if they mix them like they did with friendships and babalities in MK9 :D
Beating the opponent brutally, AGGRESSOR mode on :D Your rage turns into animalistic violence, so you turn into a fucking beast... and turn your imagination on and comment grin
08/28/2014 12:42 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
What if they mix them like they did with friendships and babalities in MK9 :D

Nothing like that happened. It was just a boosted/revamped Babality.
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08/28/2014 02:03 AM (UTC)
No, no aminalities , no brutalities enough with those stupid finishers i want something new
08/28/2014 02:07 AM (UTC)
Zombie Wrote:
No, no aminalities , no brutalities enough with those stupid finishers i want something new

man stop living in the past lol do you really think the animalities and brutalities will look anything like they used to be with today's technology. They would look awesome today
08/28/2014 02:38 AM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
Zombie Wrote:
No, no aminalities , no brutalities enough with those stupid finishers i want something new

man stop living in the past lol do you really think the animalities and brutalities will look anything like they used to be with today's technology. They would look awesome today

How's he living in the past by not caring for those finishers and wanting something new? Not everyone cared for them.

I agree with him, I really don't want the animalities to come back (brutalities are another story). Granted that they'll look completely different and most likely better if they are to make a comeback, what is there to do with them? Animals can do only a few things to a human being, and other mythical characters who have a similar body structure towards humans. What is there really to look at? What would they do that would make it look completely different from Mortal Kombat 3/Ultimate that will impress the heck out of everyone and be different from character to character? Unless they take the mythical character route, but then it's not really animals, it's just... mythical creatures then...

I'm not saying that they couldn't bring back animalities because of this reason, I mean look at what they did with babalities, but it's sure one of the reasons I'm slapping out there for those who want it back. There's just not a whole lot animals can do to you that will be different from character to character.

As for the main question... I'd rather see brutalities get a revamp and not get mixed into the animality stuff.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

08/28/2014 04:28 PM (UTC)
I think i'd rather see friendships return.

More potential for lulz.
08/28/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
PLEASE STOP WITH THE ANAMALITIES! It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever that people would morph into a freaking animal in the first place. I can deal with Liu Kang doing his Dragon and perhaps Nightwolf doing a spirit wolf, but that's about it. Now as for Brutalities obviously no one wants to see the ones of old. And they were just added in using existing frames of animation, so they had to use what was already captured. I have seen some awesome sugestions for Brutalities, one member suggested having it as a QTE type of mini game with the button prompts coming up on screen similar to God of War. I am hoping for an ULTRA style combo like Killer Instinct with bullet time slow downs with an X-ray view of each slowed down hit breaking something, then the combo would end with a finisher like pulling out their heart, or punching off their head. No exploding bodies please of course unless you put a grenade in the victim at the end of the combo LOL! This is supposed to be the darkest gritties MK yet, so please! NO ANAMALITIES, NO BABALITIES and definitely no FRIENDSHIPS PLEASE!!!! As Jonny C would say " Don't Hate "
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08/28/2014 06:57 PM (UTC)
Image they did ultra kool brutalities where you kick the shit out of your opponent and mix it with x ray attack. Then Your fighter puts rage mode on and the brutality starts to be more gruesome and you actually don't turn into a beast but your aura starts to glow and get's the shape of certain animal.

You continue to do your combo. You' don't have to transform to a real animal, but only your aura would take the shape of it. Only it's turning into more brutal attack + bytes + claws and what not. The animalistic looking aura around should look exactly like certan animal but you look the same. Like a spirit around you who has separate move set like I mentioned before bytes, claws roars and what not. The animal aura trasition will be at the end to replace the uppercut in the original brutalities.
At their core, Brutalities differ even less from character to character than Animalities, so I don't even consider that a valid complaint against them.
08/28/2014 07:52 PM (UTC)
I really hope there are no animalities in MKX. I liked them in MK3/UMK/MKT when I was young but not really anymore.
08/28/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
Animalities would be the best way to go. Nothing to do with the characters morphing, but, more-less of a specified realistic animal to come out on screen and attack the opponent in which ever way necessary wink wow
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08/28/2014 08:51 PM (UTC)
Nobody here listen to what I'm saying. I personally hated the animalities, but upgraded looks and fresh ideas like that I wrote (it was inspired by some guy in another thread) are cool and futuristic. All you comments are related to MK 3 animalities and UMK 3 brutalities.

Look how fatalities evolved in MKX, why the hell those two can't be makde dope ? I think I know :D when MK9 came out everybody including me ranted it's too cartoony, now everybody rants it's too gritty excluding me of course. I hope people with more imagination participate in this thread. It's clear you hate animalities and brutalities.
08/28/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Nobody here listen to what I'm saying. I personally hated the animalities, but upgraded looks and fresh ideas like that I wrote (it was inspired by some guy in another thread) are cool and futuristic. All you comments are related to MK 3 animalities and UMK 3 brutalities.

Look how fatalities evolved in MKX, why the hell those two can't be makde dope ? I think I know :D when MK9 came out everybody including me ranted it's too cartoony, now everybody rants it's too gritty excluding me of course. I hope people with more imagination participate in this thread. It's clear you hate animalities and brutalities.

Did you even read my post above yours? I dig that you didn't! What I mentioned is what should be implemented. Considering most characters wouldn't have any inclination to animals, they should have a specific animal to come out.
Sorry, bud, but I read and dismissed your idea even before posting here. It just sounds a little too... Killer Instinct-esque for my tastes?
08/29/2014 12:57 AM (UTC)
Asesino Wrote:
Nobody here listen to what I'm saying. I personally hated the animalities, but upgraded looks and fresh ideas like that I wrote (it was inspired by some guy in another thread) are cool and futuristic. All you comments are related to MK 3 animalities and UMK 3 brutalities.

Look how fatalities evolved in MKX, why the hell those two can't be makde dope ? I think I know :D when MK9 came out everybody including me ranted it's too cartoony, now everybody rants it's too gritty excluding me of course. I hope people with more imagination participate in this thread. It's clear you hate animalities and brutalities.

Lol well me start by saying I have a pretty good imagination, I also do not think MKX looks too gritty, it looks beautiful to me. I just don't know how I feel about animalities being in this game. I would like to see brutalities in MKX though, ones that are unique to each character.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

08/29/2014 12:58 AM (UTC)
raidenthefridge Wrote:
I think i'd rather see friendships return.
More potential for lulz.
08/29/2014 01:10 PM (UTC)
The idea sounds nice. Problem with Animality is (and always will be) that it doesn't suit every character. There are actually just a few where an animality would make at least a bit sence.

I just hope they bring the "... shows Mercy" mechanic back. It's a bit of a gamble and a nice to unlock something deadlier. Oh yeah, and I just loved hearing the "... shows Mercy" grin
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08/30/2014 11:12 AM (UTC)
I watched a documentary on discovery channel where people in a tribe had this ritual where the shamans give them Ayahuasca or some similar kind of drug at certain age to determinate their inner animal.

So everybody have different. Someone is eagle, someone is tiger etc. So following that everyone have inner animal, booN and MK Team can smoke some DMT and decide with 100% accuracy what animal fits all of their characters. Again I'm repeating they don't need to transform into animals, but only their aura.
08/30/2014 01:34 PM (UTC)
All I wan't are friendships and Hara-Kiris.

About animalities - no matter how dope they make them, it won't change the fact that they're stupid, senseless and not fitting at all.
Brutalities can be make cool I guess, but I would still prefer to see friendships, hara-kiris or new finishers over them. Not to mention making them unique like that would cost lots of time and resources.
08/30/2014 03:13 PM (UTC)
By biggest issue with animalities is that 99% of MK characters have no relation to animals so most characters animalities would be random and unfitting. Just give us fatalities, and some new and improved brutalities and ill be fine. Mercy would be cool too, it's like the ultimate taunt.
08/31/2014 03:45 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
99% of MK characters have no relation to animals


This is an important point.
08/31/2014 04:31 AM (UTC)
Frandhip Frandship should be a better one

or they could have Babe-lities were they turn into chicks XD and for the girls they lose all their armor jk
this is the wrong game for that

but yeah no animals or babies they make me sick lol
08/31/2014 07:13 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
By biggest issue with animalities is that 99% of MK characters have no relation to animals so most characters animalities would be random and unfitting.

You just made me remember Noob Saibot morphing into an Anteater, Rain into an Elephant, Reptile into a monkey, Cage into a Kangaroo and so on...
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08/31/2014 12:41 PM (UTC)
lol here's a link to all the animalities :D
08/31/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)
I just want Fatalities. Any other finisher is just filler content.
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