Angry Joes Mortal Kombat X review
posted05/01/2015 03:32 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
04/29/2015 08:55 AM (UTC)

I'm a fan of Angry Joe, even if some of his opinions on some of his reviews I don't quite agree on.

Despite the recent controversies with him lately, I HIGHLY recommend you watch this all the way to the end, and keep an open mind.

I personally agree with all his points with the game, though to be fair, MK9's story mode could be completed at about the same amount of time as this one, if you really good.
04/29/2015 12:46 PM (UTC)
Good review, I experience bad online play too. Always lagging and giving me opponents with 1 red bar or 0 bars.

That was until the patch came out, after that I've been getting good matches fairly often.
04/29/2015 01:37 PM (UTC)
Pretty on point review in my opinion, I don't agree with 100% of what he said but that's to be expected.

The thing that bothers me the most though is that 9 tiems out of 10 he refers to Netherrealm as "NetherrealmS" lol oh and ShinnOOK confused
04/29/2015 02:05 PM (UTC)
Pretty fair review I'd say. I agree with all the micro transactions stuff, the game is weaker for including them, and also the disappointing story mode. Still surprised by the story Netherrealm chose to tell, there's so many more interesting things going on in the MK Universe and we got stuck with the Kombat Kids.
04/29/2015 02:17 PM (UTC)
Disc locked Goro is something I don't approve of either. I got him for free for pre-ordering so it doesn't really affect me but I didn't enter in the code until the day after and I noticed how they have him on the main roster with the 'X to purchase" thing AND have him as the sub-boss already in the game is kind of bullshit to be honest, he was 100% complete in the game and ready to go as seen in the towers when you can still fight him even though you don't have him.

Glad I pre-ordered though, I would have been kind of angry if I had to pay extra money for some shit that probably should have come with the game to begin with.

04/29/2015 02:41 PM (UTC)
I don't get the harping on completely 100% optional microtransactions that do not in any way affect the actual game experience. They're for casuals.
04/29/2015 04:25 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I don't get the harping on completely 100% optional microtransactions that do not in any way affect the actual game experience. They're for casuals.

I like Joe but if theres anything DLC related he is always acting like a retard.

Focusing so much about things that literally are unimportant and not needed at all is dumb.

If people like him didnt remind me every day i would even forgot the easy fatality thing even exists because nobody cares and nobody needs it.

If you need to pay that you have to put in 2 buttons instead of 5 you kinda deserve it anyway.
04/29/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
SaltyRice Wrote:

If you need to pay that you have to put in 2 buttons instead of 5 you kinda deserve it anyway.

Exactly the reason companies keep doing this shit.

I like NRS and MK otherwise I wouldn't be here but this shit is stupid and cheap as fuck.

I agree with almost everything he said, story was dumb, microtransactions were really a stupid idea,Goro being behind a paywall even though he is already part of the game and fully on disk is disgusting.

Also I still don't understand how people can be soooo blind, do you not realize that NRS/WB fucked you over, the lowered the koin rewards because they want you to buy the "Unlock all Krypt" that's low on a whole new level for NRS.

They are starting to learn from shitty companies like Capcom.

All I have to say is that this game is really a great game but you can't see that because the Devs covered it with shit.
04/29/2015 05:32 PM (UTC)
The fact that people are experiencing lag is beyond me. Maybe I just live in a good area or have good internet, but out of the 50 some matches I've played online, I've only had one laggy experience. I also have to wonder how many people genuinely do have lag issues or are just salty fucks that got their asses handed to them one after the other and blamed it on lag.
04/29/2015 05:41 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
icrotransactions were really a stupid idea,Goro being behind a paywall even though he is already part of the game and fully on disk is disgusting.

Also I still don't understand how people can be soooo blind, do you not realize that NRS/WB fucked you over, the lowered the koin rewards because they want you to buy the "Unlock all Krypt" that's low on a whole new level for NRS.

They are starting to learn from shitty companies like Capcom.

All I have to say is that this game is really a great game but you can't see that because the Devs covered it with shit.

You do realize that aside from the story complaint, most of these decisions you're blaming on NRS come from WB right? They're the ones who make the money from these games, they're the ones who say who gets locked behind a pay wall, what gets micro-transacted, ect.

I mean, if you want further proof, look at Arkham Knight. They just announced the Season Pass for it and it's 40 fucking dollars, almost the cost of an entirely other game. That's WB for you. However, you have to take the good with the bad and realize its a business. There are lazy fucks in this world who don't want to work for a damn thing to save their lives so is it a smart decision business wise to take their money because they would happily fork it over to by-pass fatality inputs and kyrpt unlocking? Hell yeah it is, basically free money for them from those lazy fucks. However, does that decision impact the rest of our experience with the game? Nope, not in the slightest. It's there if you want it and if you don't, they don't shove it in your face all the time or break the game.

But on the good side of things, without them MK would likely be dead in the water and because of the insane amount of funding and advertising they give the franchise, they're bigger and more popular than ever.
04/29/2015 05:58 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
icrotransactions were really a stupid idea,Goro being behind a paywall even though he is already part of the game and fully on disk is disgusting.

Also I still don't understand how people can be soooo blind, do you not realize that NRS/WB fucked you over, the lowered the koin rewards because they want you to buy the "Unlock all Krypt" that's low on a whole new level for NRS.

They are starting to learn from shitty companies like Capcom.

All I have to say is that this game is really a great game but you can't see that because the Devs covered it with shit.

You do realize that aside from the story complaint, most of these decisions you're blaming on NRS come from WB right? They're the ones who make the money from these games, they're the ones who say who gets locked behind a pay wall, what gets micro-transacted, ect.

I mean, if you want further proof, look at Arkham Knight. They just announced the Season Pass for it and it's 40 fucking dollars, almost the cost of an entirely other game. That's WB for you. However, you have to take the good with the bad and realize its a business. There are lazy fucks in this world who don't want to work for a damn thing to save their lives so is it a smart decision business wise to take their money because they would happily fork it over to by-pass fatality inputs and kyrpt unlocking? Hell yeah it is, basically free money for them from those lazy fucks. However, does that decision impact the rest of our experience with the game? Nope, not in the slightest. It's there if you want it and if you don't, they don't shove it in your face all the time or break the game.

But on the good side of things, without them MK would likely be dead in the water and because of the insane amount of funding and advertising they give the franchise, they're bigger and more popular than ever.

04/29/2015 05:59 PM (UTC)
Simeonkalcut Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
icrotransactions were really a stupid idea,Goro being behind a paywall even though he is already part of the game and fully on disk is disgusting.

Also I still don't understand how people can be soooo blind, do you not realize that NRS/WB fucked you over, the lowered the koin rewards because they want you to buy the "Unlock all Krypt" that's low on a whole new level for NRS.

They are starting to learn from shitty companies like Capcom.

All I have to say is that this game is really a great game but you can't see that because the Devs covered it with shit.

You do realize that aside from the story complaint, most of these decisions you're blaming on NRS come from WB right? They're the ones who make the money from these games, they're the ones who say who gets locked behind a pay wall, what gets micro-transacted, ect.

I mean, if you want further proof, look at Arkham Knight. They just announced the Season Pass for it and it's 40 fucking dollars, almost the cost of an entirely other game. That's WB for you. However, you have to take the good with the bad and realize its a business. There are lazy fucks in this world who don't want to work for a damn thing to save their lives so is it a smart decision business wise to take their money because they would happily fork it over to by-pass fatality inputs and kyrpt unlocking? Hell yeah it is, basically free money for them from those lazy fucks. However, does that decision impact the rest of our experience with the game? Nope, not in the slightest. It's there if you want it and if you don't, they don't shove it in your face all the time or break the game.

But on the good side of things, without them MK would likely be dead in the water and because of the insane amount of funding and advertising they give the franchise, they're bigger and more popular than ever.


However I would say that they did reduce the amount of krypt coins in trying to bait you into buying the "all krypt unlock"
04/29/2015 06:04 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

You do realize that aside from the story complaint, most of these decisions you're blaming on NRS come from WB right? They're the ones who make the money from these games, they're the ones who say who gets locked behind a pay wall, what gets micro-transacted, ect.

People are always trying to excuse obvious and improper use of DLC. We don't know who made what decision when it came to the DLC. I'd imagine there was a conversation, and Ed wasn't just told you need to make people pay for easy fatalities. I'm sure WB wanted micro transactions and NRS came up with what they did.

Whether it is WB or NRS, both are profiting and whether or not someone is good at fatalities does not mean they should be exploited for it.

DLC is a relevant discussion in the gaming world. How do we measure that the content we are getting is worth what we are paying?

Someone explain to me how 4 characters and some "skin packs" is worth half the cost of the original game. The pre order Goro argument makes no sense (he is literally behind a pay wall, no debating that), and the "no one is forcing you to buy it" notion doesn't work either.
04/29/2015 06:15 PM (UTC)
Simeonkalcut Wrote:
However I would say that they did reduce the amount of krypt coins in trying to bait you into buying the "all krypt unlock"

That's been deconfirmed for awhile. They fixed exploits and paired the PC version down to console levels.

I've played it legitimately and just unlocked everything (outside of gambling at the shrine) through legitimate gameplay within two weeks of launch. The return rate for coins is perfectly fine.

moneyguy Wrote:
Someone explain to me how 4 characters and some "skin packs" is worth half the cost of the original game. The pre order Goro argument make next to no sense (he is literally behind a pay wall, no debating that), and the "no one is forcing you to buy it" notion doesn't work either.

Because people have difference opinions on "value". For instance, I paid $60 back in the 90s for Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis. The entire game only included 7 characters, no alternate costumes, no variations, no brutalities, etc. So 4 complete characters, plus 15 skin packs, for $30 is, well... a different value assessment when you compare it to how the games used to be.

Our standards and expectations have gone up, while the price of games has remained steadfast at $60, despite inflation. They're giving us far more than they ever could back then and our $60 is going much farther than it used to.

So DLC, even at $30 Season Pass, is justified in some people's eyes depending on their perspective.
04/29/2015 06:19 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

You do realize that aside from the story complaint, most of these decisions you're blaming on NRS come from WB right? They're the ones who make the money from these games, they're the ones who say who gets locked behind a pay wall, what gets micro-transacted, ect.

I mean, if you want further proof, look at Arkham Knight. They just announced the Season Pass for it and it's 40 fucking dollars, almost the cost of an entirely other game. That's WB for you. However, you have to take the good with the bad and realize its a business. There are lazy fucks in this world who don't want to work for a damn thing to save their lives so is it a smart decision business wise to take their money because they would happily fork it over to by-pass fatality inputs and kyrpt unlocking? Hell yeah it is, basically free money for them from those lazy fucks. However, does that decision impact the rest of our experience with the game? Nope, not in the slightest. It's there if you want it and if you don't, they don't shove it in your face all the time or break the game.

But on the good side of things, without them MK would likely be dead in the water and because of the insane amount of funding and advertising they give the franchise, they're bigger and more popular than ever.

1. I said "do you not realize that NRS/WB fucked you over" I didn't just say NRS.

2. You can't really know who made the final decision and it doesn't matter who did, MK9 didn't have shit like this so why does MKX have to have this shit?

Also I really don't appreciate you basically saying "If they are idiots so WB can take as much money as they want from them"

It's called exploiting and it's disgusting.

They baited us to buy the "Unlock all krypt" and you can't defend that what so ever because the truth is that they LOWERED the amount of rewards so that you'll have to play twice as much or even 3 times as much as you would have normally played to unlock things from the Krypt or play 19.99$ to get them.

If that's not baiting, I don't know what is.

Like I said, I like NRS but I am just not a fanboy and just because other companies do it, doesn't mean NRS should. I have a strong feeling WB didn't force NRS to do them.
04/29/2015 07:01 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

You do realize that aside from the story complaint, most of these decisions you're blaming on NRS come from WB right? They're the ones who make the money from these games, they're the ones who say who gets locked behind a pay wall, what gets micro-transacted, ect.

I mean, if you want further proof, look at Arkham Knight. They just announced the Season Pass for it and it's 40 fucking dollars, almost the cost of an entirely other game. That's WB for you. However, you have to take the good with the bad and realize its a business. There are lazy fucks in this world who don't want to work for a damn thing to save their lives so is it a smart decision business wise to take their money because they would happily fork it over to by-pass fatality inputs and kyrpt unlocking? Hell yeah it is, basically free money for them from those lazy fucks. However, does that decision impact the rest of our experience with the game? Nope, not in the slightest. It's there if you want it and if you don't, they don't shove it in your face all the time or break the game.

But on the good side of things, without them MK would likely be dead in the water and because of the insane amount of funding and advertising they give the franchise, they're bigger and more popular than ever.

1. I said "do you not realize that NRS/WB fucked you over" I didn't just say NRS.

2. You can't really know who made the final decision and it doesn't matter who did, MK9 didn't have shit like this so why does MKX have to have this shit?

Also I really don't appreciate you basically saying "If they are idiots so WB can take as much money as they want from them"

It's called exploiting and it's disgusting.

They baited us to buy the "Unlock all krypt" and you can't defend that what so ever because the truth is that they LOWERED the amount of rewards so that you'll have to play twice as much or even 3 times as much as you would have normally played to unlock things from the Krypt or play 19.99$ to get them.

If that's not baiting, I don't know what is.

Like I said, I like NRS but I am just not a fanboy and just because other companies do it, doesn't mean NRS should. I have a strong feeling WB didn't force NRS to do them.

I never said you implied it was only NRS, I was just pointing the finger at whom you should be blaming. And it's obvious it's WB as all of the big franchises under their umbrella have pricey DLC out the ass, including the Arkham games, where-as other companies like to keep things not so outrageous in terms of pricing DLC.

Also, you cannot honestly tell me you feel sympathy for the idiots that sit there and post shit like this;

"Hey KM, I saw you posted somethin about the brutalities in the krypt... do you happen to know where Jacqui's brutalities are in the krypt?! I'm so tired of looking and spending my koins on shit I don't want! I'm bout to just pay the damn price to unlock everything cuz I wanna use em now!!"

Yeah, that's a real message I got on another forum. That's the whole reason these things exist; because people are fucking lazy and will spend their money to use shortcuts because they'd rather spend several bucks than waste hours of time on something as dumb as unlocking things in a Krypt.

You say it's baiting but unless you go to the store in the game, I haven't seen a thing for it once in the actual game. In fact, since I bought the Kombat Pack before the games release and pre-ordered for Goro, I didn't even know about this whole 'buy the Krypt' thing until I read about it on here after playing the game for several days. It's there for lazy people so unless you're lazy, how exactly does it apply to you? Are they scamming you out of your money somehow? Are you tempted to buy it? Or is it just insulting to you that people are that lazy? Because last I looked, they aren't trolling the game with message after message after message throwing it in your face to spend your money on something so trivial. No, it's there for the idiots that wanna waste their money instead of their time. That's life and that's business and it's not going to change just because you have a problem with it, because while you're typing a response to me, 10 other morons will be buying it because they're so lazy.

I mean, you can't go anywhere in this country (U.S.) at least without people 'baiting' you into something. I go to the mall and I'm assaulted with people at stands trying to sell me things. I'm baited in stores by big giant SALE signs. Even the way stores are laid out (seeing as I worked retail in college, I would know as I helped with the sales planner every month) it's all purposely planned so that the eye-catching stuff that they need to sell is right there in front with eye-catching stickers on the products. It's a BUSINESS and people keep forgetting that. They are not in it to purely create art and entertain us, they are in it to MAKE MONEY and to sell things.

Does that make it a good business model? Nope, sure doesn't but the world is full of lazy idiots and for every 100 of them is a company that finds a way to make a fast buck. That's life.
04/29/2015 07:06 PM (UTC)
Has it been proven they lowered the amount of coins you get?

04/29/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
The review is okay.

But the Microtransactions segment is bullshit. The rage over easy fatalities is completely unnecessary. No one is forcing people to buy them, they're not forced on us, so why the fuck are people so upset about it? And to whoever said NRS is exploiting new players by making them pay for easy fatalities... Bullshit. There is a FATALITY PRACTICE mode where you can practice finishers. NRS gives players tools to learn finishers. If they want to buy easy fatalities simply out of convenience, I say let them.

His comments about the Story mode length kinda irked me though. I don't care how long a story is if it is good or enjoyable. I thought MKX's story was both. I was fully invested in it and the thought of "Man this should be longer because length makes single player campaigns better" never crossed my mind.

I agree there could've been more chapters. But not to make it longer, just because some characters did nothing at all. Like Kenshi, Ferra/Torr, Ermac, Reptile, and Erron Black.

"Pointless cameos". Umm what? Those cameos were some of the most enjoyable parts of the story. They were nice little nods to fans of those characters and NRS showing that they are remembered. So I have to ask, fuck you talkin' bout Joe?

Brutalities being too hard? Some are easier than others but additional finishers should always be earned in my opinion. They should never be a guarantee like a Fatality.

He's on point about the netcode though. It NEEDS to be better.
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I don't get the harping on completely 100% optional microtransactions that do not in any way affect the actual game experience. They're for casuals.

This. Everyone makes it seem like it's such a big deal confused
Some will go as far as to say they don't buy the game because of that, even though they consider the game itself to be very good.
Now that's plain stupid.
04/29/2015 07:32 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Simeonkalcut Wrote:
However I would say that they did reduce the amount of krypt coins in trying to bait you into buying the "all krypt unlock"

That's been deconfirmed for awhile. They fixed exploits and paired the PC version down to console levels.

I've played it legitimately and just unlocked everything (outside of gambling at the shrine) through legitimate gameplay within two weeks of launch. The return rate for coins is perfectly fine.

moneyguy Wrote:
Someone explain to me how 4 characters and some "skin packs" is worth half the cost of the original game. The pre order Goro argument make next to no sense (he is literally behind a pay wall, no debating that), and the "no one is forcing you to buy it" notion doesn't work either.

Because people have difference opinions on "value". For instance, I paid $60 back in the 90s for Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis. The entire game only included 7 characters, no alternate costumes, no variations, no brutalities, etc. So 4 complete characters, plus 15 skin packs, for $30 is, well... a different value assessment when you compare it to how the games used to be.

Our standards and expectations have gone up, while the price of games has remained steadfast at $60, despite inflation. They're giving us far more than they ever could back then and our $60 is going much farther than it used to.

So DLC, even at $30 Season Pass, is justified in some people's eyes depending on their perspective.

Thank you. All of this. MKX is absolutely worth a $90 total when compared to games from when I was a kid that retailed for $60.
04/29/2015 07:40 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
1. I said "do you not realize that NRS/WB fucked you over" I didn't just say NRS.
2. You can't really know who made the final decision and it doesn't matter who did, MK9 didn't have shit like this so why does MKX have to have this shit?
They baited us to buy the "Unlock all krypt" and you can't defend that what so ever

That means you got fucked over too...? No, you wanted the product so you bought it. We wanted the product so we bought it. We make the assessment whether it is worth the money we pay or not.

You are so closed minded that I have given up on reasoning with you. No offense, it is just frustrating responding to you because of your lack of openness.
04/29/2015 08:07 PM (UTC)
Yeah I don't get the fuss over the easy fatalities, every single one of us can still do all of the fatalities in the game without spending any extra real life money on them. Some people make it seem like fatalities are locked and you have to pay money to do them when that isn't the case at all. They are all there, some need to be unlocked in the krypt but you can still get them and do them all for FREE.

I usually hate DLC and micro transactions but those easy fatalities, while a complete waste of money, aren't something that we have to have to do fatalities, so if people are willing to spend their money on them, well, that's on them. I share a similar opinion with the "Unlock The Krypt" option, we can all unlock the entire krypt for free if you put in the time, again, if you rather spend actually money on something you can do for free, go ahead.

The DLC characters I don't mind because I truly believe they aren't finished, Jason probably is by now since his release date is soon, but I think they are still working on the others, so I don't think they intentionally withheld them for money.

Now Goro on the other hand, I cant really defend that. He was clearly finished and already on the disc. It didn't affect me since I pre-ordered but him being on the main roster, fightable in the tower but still locked to those who didn't pre-order is kind of shitty.
04/29/2015 08:18 PM (UTC)

Dude, you always go back to "it's the customers fault" but it isn't. I'll try to explain why.

Imagine you are really REALLY hungry and the only way for you to get food is to beg for it from someone.

Would you rather die or would you beg? It's an extreme example but a truthful one.

NRS is basically saying "You want these really cool costumes that are only in the Krypt and cost lots of koins? Well you'll have to play over 100 matches if not a lot more to get them or you can pay 19.99$ for them :)."

You see how they are baiting? Not everybody is like you with a lot of free time to play the game forever and ever, so they'll be forced to buy these costumes that they want even though they clearly don't want to, they feel the need to do it.

Is it a smart business move? Yes but it's also shady as fuck. That's not to mention the shady move they pulled with fucking Goro.

I'm not arguing about whether it's smart by them or not, I'm only telling you it is morally wrong and I won't stand on the side or defend them.

NRS are fucking shady and greedy, they proved it.

If they truly wanted to have "fun" or if these easy fatalities were there to "help" you they would have been totally free and there would have been a way to always get them inside the game outside the krypt.

They want your money because they are greedy, that's why they lowered the koin rewards.

newt27 Wrote:

That means you got fucked over too...? No, you wanted the product so you bought it. We wanted the product so we bought it. We make the assessment whether it is worth the money we pay or not.

You are so closed minded that I have given up on reasoning with you. No offense, it is just frustrating responding to you because of your lack of openness.

"That means you got fucked over too, hehe, wow I'm cool" Shut up. Or you know what, don't shut up because I guess you are right. It's my fault for having faith in NRS and their practice.

Of course we wanted the product and we bought it, captain obvious. But that doesn't mean we should bend over and take it up the ass by NRS.

It's sooo funny that you say I'm close minded and yet in your statement you are basically saying "Scammers are awesome, as long as they convince you to buy the product then they are okay to take your money :D." What a phony person you are.

I really can't believe how much people are willing to defend shady practices, NRS did something shady, grow up and admit it. Trust me, you are not impressing NRS, they won't go on a date with you.
04/29/2015 08:28 PM (UTC)
If you're okay with micro transactions, be okay with that. Two years from now when every aspect of a game is influenced by micro-transactions then maybe you'll get it.

If you haven't noticed how dlc has evolved in the passing years, and you don't think that micro transactions will follow a similar trend then I don't know what else there is to say.

A similar sentiment was echoed by another member in a Fujin thread. Why is Fujin not on the main roster? Why was Martian Manhunter not on the main roster of Injustice? Easy, because they know these things are going to sell. They make a kombat pack with Jason and Predator (the big selling points/gimmicks of the kombat pack) and two lesser MK characters. So if (when) Fujin comes out individually everyones going to have to buy him too, right?

How does the game easily become worth (technically more than that if you count everything, plus what is still to come) $90 when they are obviously excluding things. If Fujin comes out I guess the game then becomes worth $100 dollars.

Yeah, back then we paid $60 for MK (To play the game at home, on basically new technology, and which had significantly different system limitations.) There was real value there.
04/29/2015 08:35 PM (UTC)
Saw his review this morning and I agreed with him for the most part, but I wanted to wring his neck whenever he said "NetherRealms." Dude, you're a fan of the games, so the least you can do is get the company's name right.
The microtransaction stuff flew over my head but seriously, Goro is already on the disc and you have to pay to unlock him? WTF?

His analysis of the shitfest that was the story mode was spot on.
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