10/20/2013 09:22 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
However, the way this community acts about things like this, you're not gonna satisfy them, there will be complaints and there's the whole, "she's a clone, why bother?"

If anyone says that Frost is a clone then they're an idiot. There's no need to even explain to them that Frost isn't a clone because it's so obvious she's not a clone. You even said it yourself "You can't please everyone" so why worry about it?

NRS will make them both diverse characters with unique movesets. Just because a couple of morons call her a clone, that doesn't mean shit.
10/20/2013 10:30 PM (UTC)
I do believe that Frost should be given another chance in the series, and in terms of gameplay, it would be very easy to make her distinct from Sub-Zero. However, I do see that the issue with her is trying to come up with a good story, especially considering how stories and characters are done in the series nowadays. It's not just about how to fit her in the new timeline but also how to avoid her from being portrayed in a very simplified way.
10/22/2013 12:05 AM (UTC)
I'd love Frost to be more of an agile fighter. Focusing more on ice weapons like knifes,stars,clubs,etc. Kind of the Ibuki of MK. Very nimble and such. Not really using her ice powers to hurt the opponnent but to create her own distinct style using her ice powers to damage them.

Story I'm not sure of, but i think it be interesting if she became a hermit or something along the lines where she wanders homing her style/craft then joins Earthrealm to take over whenever Sub - Zero disappears for a game or 2.

10/22/2013 02:03 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
I'd love Frost to be more of an agile fighter. Focusing more on ice weapons like knifes,stars,clubs,etc. Kind of the Ibuki of MK. Very nimble and such. Not really using her ice powers to hurt the opponnent but to create her own distinct style using her ice powers to damage them.

That's a creative idea I'd like to see be worked with for Frost. I'd be down having her use her powers in a way where it's not like she's blasting them with just cold, but they're more weapon-like.

Yeah, I like this idea a lot.
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10/23/2013 01:58 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
I'd love Frost to be more of an agile fighter. Focusing more on ice weapons like knifes,stars,clubs,etc. Kind of the Ibuki of MK. Very nimble and such. Not really using her ice powers to hurt the opponnent but to create her own distinct style using her ice powers to damage them.

Story I'm not sure of, but i think it be interesting if she became a hermit or something along the lines where she wanders homing her style/craft then joins Earthrealm to take over whenever Sub - Zero disappears for a game or 2.

I like that idea, NRS should take some hints from Killer Frost in Injustice. The way she used her ice powers should be how Frost differentiates herself from Sub-Zero

In regards to story, I could see her joining Rayden maybe. But she really isn't interested in saving the realms, she's more like a power grabber and will only use people if they serve her purpose.

With Sub-Zero dead and Sektor taking over the Lin Kuei, where can she go? She was on Cyber Sub-Zero's screen when he was scanning Kabal and she was Lin Kuei. Did she escape or will she go under Sektor's wing and be turned into a cyborg? Her and Sektor both have a lust for power so there might be a better relationship.

Just ranting....
10/23/2013 02:54 AM (UTC)
Venkman28 Wrote:
With Sub-Zero dead and Sektor taking over the Lin Kuei, where can she go? She was on Cyber Sub-Zero's screen when he was scanning Kabal and she was Lin Kuei. Did she escape or will she go under Sektor's wing and be turned into a cyborg? Her and Sektor both have a lust for power so there might be a better relationship.

Not saying that this is true in any way, just a mere thought, but I felt that her appearance in Cyber Sub-Zero's scanner was just an easter egg. Her appearance in Raiden's flashback however, not at all.

If, by any means, it's implying some sort of reveal for the future, that's actually a clever move with them doing that.

But to be honest, I don't really want to see her old story resurrect. I mean, we already have a few characters that want power that could be in this game, do we really need another?

She could be with the heroes and have something else happen to her in her background. Could she be the lone ranger in trying to help save the Lin Kuei from the Automation Program? How much of a huge role will Sektor and his army have in the next game?
10/23/2013 11:28 AM (UTC)
I was thinking that perhaps Frost should be saved for a future game and have her story tied more into the Cryomancer stuff. That aspect of Sub-Zero's story was never properly explored, imo.
10/23/2013 01:59 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Not saying that this is true in any way, just a mere thought, but I felt that her appearance in Cyber Sub-Zero's scanner was just an easter egg. Her appearance in Raiden's flashback however, not at all.

I feel the same, I really don't think any of those faces people found by freezeframing CSZ's vision when he's trying to ID Kabal are canon. (I don't think that moment where people can swear they hear Shang announcing "Kenshi vs. Reiko" in the background during the tournament is canon either. Personally, I can't even hear it, I half-suspect people are imagining it and it's not really there.)

Those faces were all just the characters who fight on the Pit background anyway, aren't they?

Also, the scene in Raiden's visions that Frost was in was a memory of that scene in the Deadly Alliance opening cinema where they're all sitting around a campfire and Raiden is telling them how the DA killed Liu and Kahn and "We must stop this Deadly Alliance" and whatnot, so, that's the explanation for that. It's not a hint she'll be in the next game, it's a scene from the old timeline.
Anyway...let me just say this about Frost, whatever her role in future sequels may be:
To be honest, I just really don't want to see Frost be a good guy character, or even a neutral with a good motive like Scorpion or anything like that. I LIKE that Frost is a selfish bitch. That's really the only part of her character that appeals to me. I wouldn't want to see Bi-Han ever be a good guy either, y'know? He's cold-hearted, pun intended, that's what's fun about him. Or like, Baraka or Kano or Mileena...some characters are just born to be bad, it fits 'em.
There are some characters who can switch sides or be a "wild card" and be interesting either way. A few examples are Scorpion, Nitara, Havik, Sareena, maybe Kabal though I didn't quite like how they did it in Deception...but I just can't picture Frost as one of them, I can't imagine her as an altruistic person. When I imagine her face, I imagine it sneering.
Maybe that's just me, but that's the impression of her personality I have and I don't believe a reboot should be able to change who people are on the inside, what their core personalities are, only the circumstances we find them in should be different. If you're going to change the personality, why not make a new character instead? Because that's basically what changing the personality/true identity of a character is, it's deleting the character and replacing them with a different one who just happens to look the same and have the same name.
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