An open letter the Mortal Kombat Development team.
posted10/28/2006 11:38 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
10/28/2006 09:31 AM (UTC)
Attn: Mortal Kombat development team.

Mortal Kombat has been one of the biggest success stories of Midway for a number of years. This success has in part been due to Mortal Kombats controversy over its graphic and violent nature, but more so in large part to the creative development and innovation that has gone into the game. (Kudos!)

In recent titles 'Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat Deception, and Mortal Kombat Armageddon" we have seen innovations in the products replay value such as the mini games, konquest modes and kreate a fighter; what we have not seen updated however is the fighting engine. Currently characters are programmed with pre-set fighting combinations "Combos" that each player must learn and then execute faster than their opponents. This has led to some excellent martial arts displays and intense battles, however it pushes aside an even greater aspect of fighting games that competitors such as "Soul Calibre" and "Dead or Alive" have developed well, and that is the free roaming fighting styles.

With the free roaming fighting styles of the previously mentioned titles, players are able to create custom and smooth combinations while also enjoying the freedom of smooth and nearly effortless attacks, parries, blocks and other actions that connect well and keep the action in battle continuous.

I believe while this would not be "innovative" of Mortal Kombat to copy, it is a step in the right direction for next generation titles of MK. It would make this old heart beat with joy to fully control the fighting destiny of my favourite MK character "Scorpion" to battle against a competitor and while using the same characters be able to exhibit different personalities, rather than a race to see who can punch in the same 7 hit combo faster.

Looking to the future of martial art fighting games I can only assume the next big innovative step would be "Action consequence". While traditional fighting games use a "life bar" to gauge when an opponent will be defeated, I foresee a new method, showcasing the consequences of a players attacks on their opponents. EX. When a player attacks their opponents legs the opponent would then loose a percent of effectiveness of their own leg attacks. This would be due to the "injury" that they have sustained. Attacks to midsection and above would lower the effectiveness of punches and strikes. The continued attack on the fighter reduces their ability to attack until finally they can no longer defend themselves or attack and are vanquished. (Vanquished in traditional Mortal Kombat style)

"Action consequence" would create a whole new dimension to fighting. Players would have to size up their opponents styles, while creating strategies that leave them less vulnerable to attack; blocking and parrying become much more important because every injury sustained results in a less effective attack. Players are less likely to "Button mash" through battles, but instead begin to think of each move as valuable. Battles between two skilled gamers become as intricate as a chess match and contribute to a more "realistic" fighting experience.

Currently there are multiple titles that are taking advantage of the "create a fighter" feature as well as the "free roaming" fighting styles. There are however no top tier titles that have begun to utilize the "Action consequence" feature yet. This is MK’s opportunity to once again become the most innovate, realistic and entertaining fighting game on the market.

On the subject of marketing, I loved the contest you created recently to publicize "Mortal Kombat Armageddon". And the prize is well worth the effort. However, the chosen media of the contest leaves a lot of fans unable to participate as well as limiting the creativity of participants. May I humbly suggest for a future marketing campaign a different contest?

The story of each character, and how those stories interact within the universe of Mortal Kombat has been one of the biggest draws of the game. Indeed, it is probably one of the only soap operas that young men will actively get into, it has spawned endless amounts of fan fiction, artistic recreation, speculation and it's just plain fun to create our own fighters with our own backgrounds.

Why not a contest based on this? Surely, a contest where fans can submit character ideas complete with background stories would spread like wild fire throughout the fan base of MK as well as perking up interest in new fans, and the greatest prize of all would be having the winning selection become an addition to the character roster of an up coming MK title! Indeed, this entire feedback session has been on the topic of MK innovation, and what would be more innovative than giving every fan the one time chance of actually interacting and leaving a lasting mark in a universe that they are so deeply immersed? This is a contest that refreshes the creativity of the product while at the same time acknowledges and rewards the fan base that have lifted Mortal Kombat to the dizzying heights it has achieved.

It is my true wish that this article finds its way into the hands of senior members of the Mortal Kombat development team. While I understand that team members are very busy with their work, and their own creative ideas, they might take a moment to give serious consideration to the thoughts expressed herein.

I of course do not expect an actual reply from any member of the Mortal Kombat team pertaining to the information herein this article, but would deeply appreciate an acknowledgement that the article has made its way to the proper source.

I humbly offer my feedback pertaining your great product and eagerly look forward to my enjoyment of future MK titles.

Your friend,

Michael Wolfe.
About Me
10/28/2006 11:38 AM (UTC)
if you gonna send that to Midway write Soul Calibur right
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