An MK1 Adventure game what would you do?
Well, I was surprised they did an MK2 game first, so I was wondering why they wouldn't an MK1 game? (Then again after all the story changes in Shaolin Monks, maybe it's a GOOD thing) Well how would you do the concept and levels? Who would be playable?

I would do the intro movie like this... it starts like the MK1 comic where you see Shang Tsung being cursed by the Gods, and winning the MK Tournament then you see the original Kung Lao defeating Shang Tsung. Now Shang Tsung comes back as an old man with Goro. Goro and Kung Lao fight and Goro wins, this part ends with Shang Tsung taking Kung Lao's soul. Then we see Liu Kang meditating at the Shaolin Temples where we got into a montage of clips of all the MK1 characters we end with a group shot of the original 7 fighters and that's where the intro ends.

The playable characters would be:
Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Sonya Blade

Sometimes you play as one character only, other times you can switch between them. Also if you beat the game you can unlock levels where you play as the other 4 characters like say play as Scorpion when he kills Sub-Zero.

I'll post levels and bosses later.

We also see bits of Scorpion and Sub-Zero's story through cutscenes
01/04/2006 12:09 AM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks wasn't a COMPLETE telling of MK2, it was more like just Liu Kang and Kung Lao's point of view on it. Nothing else. But it makes it feel like Liu and Kung did all the work and the others just tagged along.

I'd hate for that to happen to MK1, saying liu, sonya, and johnny did all the work. Nah, I'll pass. Besides, we more or less know what happened in MK1. That's the only MK fighting game where we know everything that happened with no doubt.
Um, of the main good guys, Liu Kang, Sonya and Johnny Cage WERE the only ones there. Well, ok Raiden was there too but still... Scorpion and Sub-Zero had their own story and Kano was well not on Shang Tsung's side, but still an asshole none the less
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01/04/2006 12:22 AM (UTC)
ProudNintendofan Wrote:
An MK1 Adventure game what would you do?

Take the money and run! grin

I don't think you could specifically set an adventure game during MKI, but maybe prior to, during, and after. (After, of course, already attempted by Shaolin Monks).

It might be interesting to give players a chance to experience some of the immediate history before Mortal Kombat, though. I'm not really sure what that would entail, right off the top of my hat.

I guess there'd be some potential for someone like Scorpion, escaping the Netherrealm. The Special Forces might be interesting to toy with, in a situation like this, playing as Sonya on the trail of Kano, or something like that.
01/04/2006 12:24 AM (UTC)
I don't know. I kind of like the idea of an MK1 adventure game. Sure, we know some general things here and there as to what happened. However, I think there's room for elaboration and fleshing out of events during it. Also, given an intro that involves the gods cursing Shang Tsung, we can find out what Shang Tsung did to anger them.
01/04/2006 02:20 AM (UTC)
I don't know if MK1 would make a good adventure game, mainly because its set on Tsungs Island only. That kinda contricts the possible legnth of the game along with its variety of different settings. That being said, MKSM lasted 3 hours and it had the entire Outworld at its disposal.

MK3 would make an excellent adventure (forget MKSM ever happened and this was done by a good company), the entire realm of a destroyed Earth, wandering around New York city with dead, souless bodies and a swirling portal overhead sucking up souls above you. That would be awesomo!

MK4 would also make an excellent adventure game as it branched out into Earth, Edenia, Outworld and the Netherealm.


Mortal Kombat: Destruction

*Includes a higher quality version of the PSX game, Mortal Kombat Trilogy with both male and female (n64) khameleons.


Liu Kang
Sonya Blade
Jax Briggs
Kung Lao

VS *includes a computer AI to fight

Sonya Blade
Liu Kang
Jax Briggs
Kung Lao
Queen Sindel
Kurtis Stryker
Shang Tsung



Outworld- The Black Tower, Shao Kahn's Fortress.

Camera pans spiraling up the tower a lá MK1 Movie, and zooms into a chamber which shows Kahn sitting on his throne with a soul cage hovering on either side of him.

Raiden narrates: "For centuries Earth has used Mortal Kombat to defend itself against the Outworld's Emeperor Shao Kahn. But, Kahn becomes frustrated by failed attempts at taking Earth through tournament battle. He enacts a plan which began 10,000 years ago."


A shadow priest enters a tomb, he is carrying a torch, lighting up ones that are hanging on the walls as he goes, he reaches a sarcophagus. After prising it open, he reveals a skeleton, he then removes his hood. It's Shang Tsungs. He begins an incantation and the skeleton raises up, flesh begins to grow over the bones, followed by skin. Long silver and black hair hangs down from the body. Tsung lets the body down gently and dresses her in a light robe.

Raiden: "During this time Kahn had a Queen. Her name was Sindel and her young death was unexpected. Kahn's Shadow priests, lead by Shang Tsung, make it so Sindel's spirit would someday be reborn: Not on the Outworld but on the Earth Realm itself."


People are walking along the street in New York, its a normal day. As people go about there everyday business, few notice the increasing strenght of the wind, leaves are hurled up high into the sky. As the citizens begin to look up they see the clouds begin to swirl and what looks like a black whole opens up in the now blood red sky. Lightning crackle as people's souls are sucked from their bodies into this portal, leaving behind the empty shells that are charred corpses. Chaos ensues in the city as buildings collapse and new ones form up from the ground, the tallest of which stands twice as high as all the others. It is an evil looking tower, built to resemble a very obscure looking skull.

Raiden: "This unholy act gives Shao Kahn to step through the dimensional gates and reclaim his Queen. Thus enabling him to finally seize the Earth Realm.
Upon breaching the portal into Earth, Shao Kahn slowly transforms the planet into a part of the Outworld itself.
Kahn strips the Earth of all human life: Claiming every soul as his own."


Like in MKDA's intro where it shows flashes of Kano, Tsung and Scorpion it shows, Liu Kang, Kabal, Stryker, Sub-Zero, Nightwolf, Jax, Kung Lao and Sonya.

Raiden: "But there are souls which Kahn cannot take. These souls belong to the warriors chosen to represent Earth in a new Mortal Kombat."


Shows Motaro leading a legion of centaurs across a desert plain. It is just one of Kahn's extermination squads.

Raiden: "The remaining humans are scattered through out the planet. Shao Kahn sends an army of fierce Outworld warriors to find and eliminate them."


Shows Raiden hovering amongst some clouds, lightning flaring all around him.

Raiden: "You have been chosen to represent Earth in Mortal Kombat. Be warned. Although your souls are protected against Shao Kahn's evil; your lives are not. I cannot interfere any longer as your Earth is now ruled by the Outworld Gods. "


I just think MK3 would make a better choice for an adventure game and as an adventure game would have to last more than 10 hours, 4 is not nearly enough.

Hmm.... I think I'm gonna write a script of some sorts for how an MK game would work or the levels or sorts... I mean I already did a fanfic...
thiis might kinda veer from the topic and all but i dont know if im the only one that thought this but i kinda thought recently if they were to make a "spin-off" or whatever fighting game of Mk, Id like to see it done back when Shang Tsung first takes over the shaolin temples. Obviously we know him and Goro will win for centuries until liu kang and co. come in the tournament buti think they could do alot with introducing kinda historic fighter from the tournaments past that fell in previous tournaments. But thats whats just been brewing in my head though.
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01/05/2006 06:33 AM (UTC)
Im gunna be a bad apple and say that MK1 Shouldnt be touched again.

MKSM should definitly hyave a sequel, but the sequel should stay true to the story we all already know.

The writers have a bad habbit of simplifying things beyond the need, Sure newcomers need to know the mk story and they need a good sense of understanding, but for the majority of fans a story line that dosnt fill the gaps, is just going to open more of them.

I think that some of the most loyal users on this site should have a say in the future of the game.

I noticed that Chrome GOL and alot of others (sorry those 2 wer the first to come to my mind) have an awesome sense of what needs to be added and what needs to be answered.
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