03/12/2015 08:13 AM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
Reptile_896 Wrote:
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
As a Ps3 owner, I'm fucking pissed. As someone else stated, it sucks to wait untill a month before release to annouce this when the release date has been set in April for a year.

I hate feeling like I'm being rushed into buying a ps4. That's ok, I can make dick moves too. I'll just borrow or rent a Ps4. I'll buy one when I'm good and ready.

I'm sorry did you just say RUSHED INTO BUYING A PS4?!

You realize PS4 and Xone have been out for 2 years right?...

As soon as MKX was announced you should of been saving up or running to your local gameshop.

You've had more than enough time you've simply procrastinated up until this point. You literally have no excuse.

It's been out for a little over one year, not that long. I haven't procrastinated anything. Up untill now, I have had no reason to buy a ps4. It offers nothing that I want besides slightly better graphics. To me it's not worth another 400 bucks to pay for something I technically already have.

You make it sound like gamers are under obligation to go buy a console the moment it comes out. confused

If that was the case I wouldn't of waited until the Destiny bundle came out hence my sig...I didn't immediately run out and get a PS4 either but my god you literally have nothing to complain about have had the time you have had the money why have you waited so long to pull the trigger?
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/12/2015 09:53 AM (UTC)
Reptile, if you haven't been willing to understand our point of view for all this time, you probably never will. But just in case this happens to be the post that opens your mind to the fact that not everyone cares about the next gen console who cares about this game, I'm going to try one more time.

Up until about three weeks ago, I had zero interest in upgrading my gaming experience to a PS4. I had preordered MKX for PS3, and I was damn happy that they were back-porting it so that I wouldn't miss out.

Why didn't I want a PS4? Partly because I don't really notice the graphical difference; that's not what I buy games for. The other extra features, like social connections and a controller with a speaker on it or whatever -- had no appeal to me. There were also very few PS4 games on the market that are the kind of games I go for. Definitely not enough to spend $400 on a console, when I could get a lot more enjoyment out of that money by going on a vacation or eating out once a week for six months or idunno, having the extra cash on hand so I can drive my car to work if the torque valve or some shit randomly explodes on the freeway. I could think of twenty things in twenty seconds that I would rather spend the money on than a new game console, because the old one plays just fine and the new one had nothing to offer me, personally.

Why did I finally get one? Between me and two of my friends, we had enough next-gen games we wanted to play to make it worth the investment. For me, it wasn't about being "too poor" -- I bought the thing outright and got a second controller and the Kombat Pack for MKX and it barely nudged my bank account. But if I were short on cash, or my friends' interests hadn't happened to align with mine the way they did, I would be sitting here lamenting the delay with everyone else, because the latest console is just not that important. A lot of other people feel the same way.

So dude, try and lighten up with your judgments, will ya? You make it sound like paying $400 for a glorified computer that has less functionality than an actual $400 computer is a poor, sad life choice. It's really not.
03/12/2015 10:19 AM (UTC)
I'm not telling anyone what to do with their money but by all means if you want to play an inferior product by all means be my fucking guest.

I'l be here when you all do a 180 and complain about features that have been cut. If you're convinced that it will be the same experience across all platforms you're so sadly mistaken and delusional it's ridiculous.

So when you all come back with your tail between your legs i'll be here to say I FUCKING TOLD YOU once again. It's sad when people can't let go of 8 year old tech.

For god sakes stop pinching pennies and atleast buy the game for PC or get a PS4 or Xone. I will judge last gen plebs until the end.
03/12/2015 10:48 AM (UTC)
I remember seeing a interview with Ed Boon, talking about last gen and MKX, and him saying he knew that it was going to be a problem for last gen to run MKX, and that's why they outsourced it to another developer, so NRS wouldn't have to worry about it.

I haven't played it but hear Shadows of Mordor was poorly ported to last gen,
and dying light was canceled all together on last gen

It suck for last gen owners that this news is coming with just 30ish days til release, hopefully for you guys it doesn't get delayed longer, or even cancled.
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03/12/2015 12:13 PM (UTC)
Perhaps i should buy the PC version. How was MK9 on PC?
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03/12/2015 12:23 PM (UTC)
I heard the Super Nintendo version has been delayed as well. I'm going to send in a complaint!
03/12/2015 12:55 PM (UTC)
Not surprised at all. I was expecting this right when they said that last gen will be developed by an outside studio; that's what spurred me to get a PS4. There's always some kind of delay when you have to send information to another party instead of handling everything in-house.

I feel for you guys on last gen.
03/12/2015 01:22 PM (UTC)
Well, not sure if anyone noticed, but when the "Cage family trailer" reaches the screen showing the 4-14-15 date, the PS3 and Xbox 360 logos are missing. However, they resurface on the annotations screen.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/12/2015 03:26 PM (UTC)
June 30th...
They might as well fucking cancel it.
gg Warner Bros.
I don't even give a shit anymore.

Reptile_896 Wrote:
I'm not telling anyone what to do with their money.

And within the same post he continues with...

Reptile_896 Wrote:
atleast buy the game for PC or get a PS4 or Xone. I will judge last gen plebs until the end.

His ignorance is so fucking incredible that he even contradicts himself at the same time!

With that said, no umbrascitor, he's not going to understand.

Someone tells their reason, and the fool continues with the console version of "forcing religion down someone's throat".

"In one ear, and out the other".
03/12/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
I'm not telling anyone what to do with their money but by all means if you want to play an inferior product by all means be my fucking guest.

I'l be here when you all do a 180 and complain about features that have been cut. If you're convinced that it will be the same experience across all platforms you're so sadly mistaken and delusional it's ridiculous.

So when you all come back with your tail between your legs i'll be here to say I FUCKING TOLD YOU once again. It's sad when people can't let go of 8 year old tech.

For god sakes stop pinching pennies and atleast buy the game for PC or get a PS4 or Xone. I will judge last gen plebs until the end.

Just holy shit dude. Do you have aspergers or something?

I mean i am of the same opinion that most shouldn't waste their money on the last gen version because I feel like they are being ripped off. But I am not saying "Stop being poor and making excuses like you want to live and at least be comfortable. And by the fucking game!"

You realize it would cost just as much for people to play this game on a PC right?

People, just do what I am going to do. Wait it out until you can play it how we should or, watch someone like Max play it. It's how I have been experiencing a game I have been waiting for since I was 8 but will never ever get to play (Killer Instinct 3)
About Me

03/12/2015 04:09 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
I'm not telling anyone what to do with their money but by all means if you want to play an inferior product by all means be my fucking guest.

I'l be here when you all do a 180 and complain about features that have been cut. If you're convinced that it will be the same experience across all platforms you're so sadly mistaken and delusional it's ridiculous.

So when you all come back with your tail between your legs i'll be here to say I FUCKING TOLD YOU once again. It's sad when people can't let go of 8 year old tech.

For god sakes stop pinching pennies and atleast buy the game for PC or get a PS4 or Xone. I will judge last gen plebs until the end.

Wow, I'm at a loss for words. Please tell me you're not an adult.
Aw shiggy...

Don`t have PS4, just PS3. confused
Want a PS4 for enhanced GTAV already...

03/12/2015 04:21 PM (UTC)
Hate to sound like im bragging but I am so fucking glad I made the plunge last April. I knew that a new MK game (and other games I like) were eventually going to come out and possibly be next gen only so I bought that shit early to be safe lol.

There were literally only 2 games out I wanted to play on it when I bought it (Second Son, Injustice Ultimate) and I was beginning to think I should have waited but now im so happy I didn't.
03/12/2015 04:42 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
There were literally only 2 games out I wanted to play on it when I bought it (Second Son, Injustice Ultimate) and I was beginning to think I should have waited but now im so happy I didn't.

Heh, I only have three games for PS4 right now, and those are two of them tongue The third is The Evil Within, which I snagged during a black friday sale... yet haven't played it yet. I probably should before MKX comes out, because I probably won't be playing any other PS4 games for a long long time...

As I mentioned before, at least this still seems to be just a delay as opposed to a cancellation, so it could be worse.
03/12/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
Reptile_896 Wrote:
I'm not telling anyone what to do with their money but by all means if you want to play an inferior product by all means be my fucking guest.

I'l be here when you all do a 180 and complain about features that have been cut. If you're convinced that it will be the same experience across all platforms you're so sadly mistaken and delusional it's ridiculous.

So when you all come back with your tail between your legs i'll be here to say I FUCKING TOLD YOU once again. It's sad when people can't let go of 8 year old tech.

For god sakes stop pinching pennies and atleast buy the game for PC or get a PS4 or Xone. I will judge last gen plebs until the end.

Uhhh. Your first and second paragraph contradicts itself dude.
03/12/2015 04:58 PM (UTC)
John Vogel tweeted that the Amazon release date is a misprint. BTFO
Moshmellow Wrote:
John Vogel tweeted that the Amazon release date is a misprint. BTFO

Where? I can't see that tweet.
03/12/2015 08:12 PM (UTC)
this shit is killing me... i already send a message to high voltage via facebook, if they answer i tell you all. can someone tweet to high voltage? i have not a twitter acount...
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