03/23/2015 07:38 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:

I think at the end of the day, my whole problem is, where are the characters that DESERVE to be there?

Generally I don't care for Fujin or Reiko, but theirs are very glaring omissions.

I actually agree with you... Partially.

I think Fujin deserves to be on the roster and you think that as well, but who are we to decide? Other people might think Fujin is a bad character and that Jarek deserves that spot.

You see what I'm trying to get at? I agree that Fujin deserves to finally have his shot, but I am not one to decide and neither are you, it all comes down to preference at the end, we would much rather have Fujin than say... Jarek or Hsu Hao or Mavado or those other characters.

I feel like the argument of who deserves always goes back to what we RATHER have and not what is actually a fact.

Doesn't mean either of us is wrong, it just means it's all about what we want not what should be. You can't say fans of Jarek(However small in numbers they are) are wrong to think Jarek deserves a spot, just like Fujin's fans and people who think Fujin should be in are not wrong.

Aquarius_D Wrote:

Yup that's the case for me as well.

If Frost isn't in any of the DLCs, I'll just skip all the DLC and wait for the Ultimate Edition wink
that's pretty much what I did for Injustice...I got the Collector's Edition then waited for the Ultimate Edition...on vita and got the PS4 version once the price dropped. If only they added Power Girl wink

If Frost comes to MKX, then NRS will have my money grin

Haha, I appreciate you being honest. I was honestly mad that there were no cyber ninjas what so ever, but I'm now a bit happy that Predator made it in.

He is like the first unofficial MK cyber ninja :p.

Hope you will get Frost in MKX, I'm actually one of the few people that think Frost is a pretty decent character and in no way a Sub-zero rip-off or clone.

She has her own story and her own moves, they made Killer frost in Injustice work and she didn't use any of Subby's moves, so I wonder why people think that NRS can't do the same for Frost.

Hopefully we will see Frost again :).
03/24/2015 02:10 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Haha, I appreciate you being honest. I was honestly mad that there were no cyber ninjas what so ever, but I'm now a bit happy that Predator made it in.

He is like the first unofficial MK cyber ninja :p.

Yeah Predator fits perfectly in MKX smile

sharefrock Wrote:
Hope you will get Frost in MKX, I'm actually one of the few people that think Frost is a pretty decent character and in no way a Sub-zero rip-off or clone.

She has her own story and her own moves, they made Killer frost in Injustice work and she didn't use any of Subby's moves, so I wonder why people think that NRS can't do the same for Frost.

Hopefully we will see Frost again :).

Thanks. Appreciate it. That means a lot smilesmilesmile
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/24/2015 02:37 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Detox Wrote:

I think at the end of the day, my whole problem is, where are the characters that DESERVE to be there?

Generally I don't care for Fujin or Reiko, but theirs are very glaring omissions.

I actually agree with you... Partially.

I think Fujin deserves to be on the roster and you think that as well, but who are we to decide? Other people might think Fujin is a bad character and that Jarek deserves that spot.

You see what I'm trying to get at? I agree that Fujin deserves to finally have his shot, but I am not one to decide and neither are you, it all comes down to preference at the end, we would much rather have Fujin than say... Jarek or Hsu Hao or Mavado or those other characters.

I feel like the argument of who deserves always goes back to what we RATHER have and not what is actually a fact.

Doesn't mean either of us is wrong, it just means it's all about what we want not what should be. You can't say fans of Jarek(However small in numbers they are) are wrong to think Jarek deserves a spot, just like Fujin's fans and people who think Fujin should be in are not wrong.

I get what you're saying. But when you drop a cliff hanger like the one dropped at the end of MK9...certain expectations are created. I don't think anyone expected a word for word retelling of MK4 through Deception, but to watch all of it more or less be swept aside including characters like Reiko, Havik, Fujin, etc., characters that deserve the chance to thrive?

True, I, nor you call the shots, but damn, these characters are long overdue for their chance at redemption. And I guess at the end of the day, yes, it is about what I want. I want these characters to have that shot.
03/24/2015 02:49 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:

I get what you're saying. But when you drop a cliff hanger like the one dropped at the end of MK9...certain expectations are created. I don't think anyone expected a word for word retelling of MK4 through Deception, but to watch all of it more or less be swept aside including characters like Reiko, Havik, Fujin, etc., characters that deserve the chance to thrive?

True, I, nor you call the shots, but damn, these characters are long overdue for their chance at redemption. And I guess at the end of the day, yes, it is about what I want. I want these characters to have that shot.

I understand your concerns because they are the same as my concerns, I feel like these characters should be in. I was very happy when we knew about a new MK game, a few days before E3 I was SUPER hyped to see the likes of Fujin,Havik or hell even Hotaru, I really thought we'd see them because half the good guys are dead and that opens room for those characters.

I had my worries when Ed boon in an interview said that this game goes 25 years into the future, I knew at that moment that we won't see much 3D Era characters, but I still thought Fujin,Havik,Tanya and other 3D Era characters would/should show up and be playable. Especially Fujin, I always thought Fujin was going to be in for sure because it's his time to shine.

I feel like NRS are making a mistake not including him in, and it's THEIR fault not ours, like you said we expected him therefore we didn't make our voices heard.

I really blame NRS for dicking around this long, they should have already said "NO" at least 3 months ago before the game went gold so we can have a chance to show them what we really want and it's not Tremor(I'm not against Tremor I just think he should have been in the second wave, that's if they are even doing one). Fujin should have been next to Tanya.

But at the end of the day, it remains subjective.

I still feel Fujin would have been great and I still feel Fujin stands a chance, however little it is, and like I said in the Fujin thread, I'm all for supporting him and Havik and other 3D Era characters.
03/24/2015 01:53 PM (UTC)
The characters from MK4 that weren't seen until Armageddon all deserved a chance to shine again and that's why people expected them. While Reiko, Fujin, Kai, Jarek and Shinnok all looked great in Armageddon, the concept of the game didn't give them much chance to shine, as it was just Deadly Alliance and Deception smashed together with aerial fighting and a huge focus on newcomer Taven. The lack of proper bios and endings, and the insane amount of character, made them be just lost in the shuffle.

So, from my point of view following MK9's ending, Raiden would need help to fight Shinnok. Fujin and Kai were a lock. I assumed Reiko was safe too because we two mastermind like Shinnok and Quan Chi, they'd need a general or at least someone to do their dirty physical work. Jarek I didn't think much about but they reinvinted him with the lasso in MKA and looking back now that we know they borrowed a few thing from Injustice, you'd think they would expand on the rope moves of Wonder Woman to bring him back. And since the Black Dragon have always been under represented aside from Deception(which, even then, wasn't much to talk about), he would have been a welcome addition.

But alas, the plan was to quickly go over the Netherrealm War to get to the meat of their story. And it's fine because retelling MK4 as a main point wouldn't have left much room for new characters.
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03/24/2015 02:01 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
I think the complaints about the lack of Fujin and Reiko come from what we expected the story to be instead of what NRS wanted it to be. With the way MK9 ended, we expected MKX to be more about the Netherrealm War more than the new generation of fighter.

And really, this is Mortal Kombat. Except for the big names, the rest of the roster always gets shuffled around with new guys and a few returning ones. It's not Street Fighter or Tekken that constantly releases the exact same roster in the exact same attire since the early 90's. You guys should expect it at this point.

Seriously, if everyone's favorite made it in plus all the 3D era guys requested, we'd have Armageddon without Hsu Hao.

Exactly this and may I add...poor Hsu Hao. sad
03/24/2015 02:08 PM (UTC)
My problems with the DLC:

1) The MK ones likely won't be part of the story, and it's something about DLC in NRS games that I'm tired of. I wanted Lobo to be part of Injustice's story.

2) The possibility that once again the DLCs won't have alts. For the Predator, that'd be an immensely wasted opportunity, and Jason's also got a few other designs that should make it in as alts. Tanya and Tremor don't have many past designs, but they should still get them, and Tremor should get MKM's Earth Elemental's design as one of his alts (not as big lol, duh).
03/24/2015 03:30 PM (UTC)
This is where I would post that Image of "The Mona Lisa DLC"... If I knew how to post images... sad
03/24/2015 03:34 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
This is where I would post that Image of "The Mona Lisa DLC"... If I knew how to post images... sad

03/24/2015 03:36 PM (UTC)
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
This is where I would post that Image of "The Mona Lisa DLC"... If I knew how to post images... sad

03/24/2015 03:38 PM (UTC)
... It's a ripoff. Check out other fighting game expansions (DOA not included). The end.
03/24/2015 03:39 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
stinky_thc_cloud Wrote:
This is where I would post that Image of "The Mona Lisa DLC"... If I knew how to post images... sad

OMG THANK YOU! This, people. This is all you need.
03/24/2015 03:42 PM (UTC)
If you don't like dlc then suck it up and don't buy it simple as that.. Vote with your wallets people.
03/24/2015 03:49 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I think all the DLC complaints boil down to "Where is MY favourite character?"

Quoted For Truth
03/24/2015 03:59 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
I think at the end of the day, my whole problem is, where are the characters that DESERVE to be there?

Generally I don't care for Fujin or Reiko, but theirs are very glaring omissions.

Agreed! For me, this is my main issue. They stated multiple times that characters for the roster were chosen for story specifics, that's all fine and dandy considering we still don't know half of what the story is, but this is where I would've preferred they take the Deception route. They created a massive death-toll in MK9 but since they're all seemingly springing back to life, it renders a lot of that punch of "HOLY SHIT" completely pointless now. Yes, it's true death doesn't mean anything in MK, but at least have them sit out a game if you're going to bother killing them off. Bringing them back the very next game just reeks of cheap for cheaps sake.

There are too many relative combinations in this game and too many dead. Kitana, Jax and Kung Lao should've sat out and just be NPC revenants in Story Mode. That would've eliminated a lot of the clump in both sides of my argument and would've still allowed for the descendant characters NRS seems to want to push so badly. Those 3 spots could've done wonders for the likes of any of the characters involved with this story; Fujin, Baraka and Rain for example. And if the Brotherhood of Shadows indeed play a big role in the story as some suspect because both Quan Chi and Shinnok are in, then we could've had Noob, Sareena or Ashrah return. Hell, even Bo' Rai Cho could've come back since he trained Kung Jin because we know the game flashes back to the past and shit, and he could've been involved in the NetherRealm War as well, it'd make since timeline wise since Raiden was so low on fighters.

So it's not really a matter of "WAH WAH WAH MY FAV DIDNT GET PICKED" for a lot of people, it's more of a matter of "Uh....this game is all about story, where the fuck are the people that could work wonders for this story and make tons of sense and add more layers to it even though it's DLC?" I mean, it's not like a lot of people are asking for Kobra, Kira and Darrius, a lot of the complaints are for characters who really, honestly make a lot of sense. Hell, even Tanya makes somewhat sense because of her past Shinnok connection but Tremor? Eh....

I pre-ordered the game digitally so I already bought the Kombat Pack so I'll enjoy these 4 characters for what it's worth but it still leaves me scratching my head like wtf?
03/24/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I think all the DLC complaints boil down to "Where is MY favourite character?"

This is true but only to a point IMO.

I don't like Tanya or Tremor but I can see why they're there as theres always been a push for them and Tanya was an MK4-MKD character so is saomewhat relevant.

But characters who seem to have a role in the story don't seem to be DLC (namely Fujin, Reiko and potentially Havik) who makes mor sense - not a huge fan of them either- and yet we got another two pretty much universally unwanted guest characters that hardly anyone will use.

And on the where's my favourite character part, well yes I do think Sareena deserves a space over the guests and Tremor and Tanya. But its my opinion.
03/24/2015 04:31 PM (UTC)
The thing with Reiko and Havik is that they might just be part of a big story arc that belongs only in the comics. Maybe Reiko will be killed in the next issue for all we know. The comic takes place between the Netherrealm War and the 25 years later spot, but not everything that happens in it necessary leads to the MKX story mode.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/24/2015 04:37 PM (UTC)
but some stuff from the comic must happen in the game story as the story doesnt start 25 years in the future some of it begins where MK9 left off

im sure that was what was said...
03/24/2015 04:41 PM (UTC)
Ravenbez Wrote:
but some stuff from the comic must happen in the game story as the story doesnt start 25 years in the future some of it begins where MK9 left off

im sure that was what was said...

From what I understood, MKX starts with the Netherrealm War then goes 25 years later. I'm thinking if Reiko or Havik were so important to the MKX story at least one of them would be playable. confused At this point it wouldn't even be about hiding it until the game is released since they knew ahead of time we'd see them in the comics.
03/24/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
MKKitana Wrote:
This is true but only to a point IMO.

I don't like Tanya or Tremor but I can see why they're there as theres always been a push for them and Tanya was an MK4-MKD character so is saomewhat relevant.

But characters who seem to have a role in the story don't seem to be DLC (namely Fujin, Reiko and potentially Havik) who makes mor sense - not a huge fan of them either- and yet we got another two pretty much universally unwanted guest characters that hardly anyone will use.

And on the where's my favourite character part, well yes I do think Sareena deserves a space over the guests and Tremor and Tanya. But its my opinion.

Hey, I'm not one to disagree about Sareena, probably because she is the only female character I find interesting.

And yes it seems odd Reiko is not in, I would have thought after the role he plays in the comics he was going to be in the initial roster. I have so much hope for Reiko, I always liked him and I always liked that he hated Quan Chi's guts. I actually thought a lot of 3D Era characters deserve a spot in this game before it was even announced, after the events of MK9 I was hoping that finally we will get to see the likes of Fujin,Reiko and even Bo, shine.

But at the end it's what I,myself, expected and hoped for, I do get what you mean but at the end of the day it remains subjective, because let's assume you hate a specific character for example, let's say you hate Mavado(Just an example) and a lot of people liked him, they'd think he deserve a chance in this game and you would think he doesn't.

I do understand what you mean but I just think it all comes down to a subjective point of view.

All I have to say is, seriously fuck NRS for building up Reiko in the comics, he was 10 times more interesting than those newbies and yet he won't make it. What a fucking shame, I reckon if he made it in MKX he would have became a fan favorite.
03/24/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
NRS doesn't write the comics. Shawn Kittelsen does. While he has to follow NRS's guidelines, all the writing is from him. He's the one that made Reiko and the Red Dragon bad ass.
03/24/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
I'd say he is a pretty good writer, he made Hsu Hao look good, lol.

Never imagined I'd say those words.
03/24/2015 07:35 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I'd say he is a pretty good writer, he made Hsu Hao look good, lol.

Never imagined I'd say those words.

Well, it was obvious that Hsu Hao was gonna die. No wonder he didn't last that long.
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