Aged Veterans: A Discussion on the Possibility of MKs Antagonists
posted06/13/2014 08:52 AM (UTC)by
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01/16/2006 05:32 PM (UTC)
So, from what we've learned, the story will end up 25 years in the future. We'll have Cassie Cage, because Sonya and Johnny will probably be fairly old.

BUT, outside of those two, there are a few things to consider:

-The lifespans of Shao Kahn's henchman
Something MK has never delved in to very much is the way certain races age. We know that Edenians live for tens of thousands of years, at least, but we don't know much about the lifespan of Reptile, or Tarkatans, or even how a cloned Mileena would age. For all we know, 25 years could be a week to Tarkatans. Maybe Reptile can shed his skin and muscles or something? At the very least, Sheeva would be fine, since we know Shokan last for awhile, and she didn't seem anywhere near past her prime in terms of aging. These characters could potentially stick around as seasoned veterans, who may even serve important roles in the story. And why shouldn't they? For one, a lot of characters, Ermac especially, are set up for interesting roles in this next installment. Plus, in a game rife with character deaths, it would seem useless for MK9 to spare these characters just to leave them hanging, which brings up another interesting possibility.

Returning Earthrealm Warriors
It probably seems a lot simpler to just say "Heroes," but this is where this one gets fun. As we know, Quan Chi is in possession of the Earthrealm warriors' souls. We know that the dead don't necessarily age. In 25 years, they'll still be dead, and probably still be Quan Chi's. What we don't know is how that'll factor in to MKX. Maybe he puts a warrior's soul in someone's body. Maybe we get villains with Smoke's moveset for some reason. Maybe not, but there's one other possibility. Apparently Boon says the main antagonist will be a "Surprise returning character." If I were a betting man, I'd say that this could end up being a former hero, since there would be nothing shocking about Shinnok being the big bad. Maybe Liu Kang? Maybe Raiden? Who knows? We know that after 25 years Cage and Sonya might have aged too much, but having the rest of the heroes end up as Quan Chi's soldiers gives them an easy way back in to the story, with the same appearance they had before, even after a few decades.

All in all, E3 has me really interested to see what they do with the story. Soulcalibur V tried something similar with this, and it ended up feeling like a huge flop (much like the rest of the game) and I really hope that MK manages to avoid that.
06/13/2014 02:01 AM (UTC)
If any, I want Kano!
06/13/2014 02:38 AM (UTC)
IMO, I am somewhat tired of just seeing lackies running about, like. . . Baraka and Reptile, just obeying whoever comes to power. That is really uninteresting to me. . . They have really no purpose, no real personal agenda, which I feel is needed to better the story as a whole. Some of them like. . . Sheeva could be replaced entirely. Personally I feel like we should start introducing new people to replace these antagonists, along with perhaps giving the few old ones more purpose.

For example:
-Reptile attempts to start bringing back his race. Khameleon still out there somewhere, I'm sure.
-Baraka secretly tries to bring power to his own race, so they wouldn't have to be commanded by others no longer.

Basic examples, but you get the point.
06/13/2014 08:11 AM (UTC)
I think there's going to be more new characters than reoccurring ones. Which I think could be good tbh.
unless Ed is willing to provide us with a whole set of ninja milfs.
06/13/2014 08:14 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see Kabal back in a speedy wheelchair.
06/13/2014 08:52 AM (UTC)
Vash_15 Wrote:
So, from what we've learned, the story will end up 25 years in the future. We'll have Cassie Cage, because Sonya and Johnny will probably be fairly old.

BUT, outside of those two, there are a few things to consider:

-The lifespans of Shao Kahn's henchman
Something MK has never delved in to very much is the way certain races age. We know that Edenians live for tens of thousands of years, at least, but we don't know much about the lifespan of Reptile, or Tarkatans, or even how a cloned Mileena would age. For all we know, 25 years could be a week to Tarkatans. Maybe Reptile can shed his skin and muscles or something? At the very least, Sheeva would be fine, since we know Shokan last for awhile, and she didn't seem anywhere near past her prime in terms of aging. These characters could potentially stick around as seasoned veterans, who may even serve important roles in the story. And why shouldn't they? For one, a lot of characters, Ermac especially, are set up for interesting roles in this next installment. Plus, in a game rife with character deaths, it would seem useless for MK9 to spare these characters just to leave them hanging, which brings up another interesting possibility.

Returning Earthrealm Warriors
It probably seems a lot simpler to just say "Heroes," but this is where this one gets fun. As we know, Quan Chi is in possession of the Earthrealm warriors' souls. We know that the dead don't necessarily age. In 25 years, they'll still be dead, and probably still be Quan Chi's. What we don't know is how that'll factor in to MKX. Maybe he puts a warrior's soul in someone's body. Maybe we get villains with Smoke's moveset for some reason. Maybe not, but there's one other possibility. Apparently Boon says the main antagonist will be a "Surprise returning character." If I were a betting man, I'd say that this could end up being a former hero, since there would be nothing shocking about Shinnok being the big bad. Maybe Liu Kang? Maybe Raiden? Who knows? We know that after 25 years Cage and Sonya might have aged too much, but having the rest of the heroes end up as Quan Chi's soldiers gives them an easy way back in to the story, with the same appearance they had before, even after a few decades.

All in all, E3 has me really interested to see what they do with the story. Soulcalibur V tried something similar with this, and it ended up feeling like a huge flop (much like the rest of the game) and I really hope that MK manages to avoid that.

I, too, am very interested in finding out just how many of the other Outworld/other realm characters age; if the Tarkatans age the same as humans, maybe a new Tarkatan character could replace him. There was a shot in Baraka's ending of a female with what looked like two blades coming out of each arm and she looked incredibly disturbing. Reptile, I'm assuming, is probably going to have 'evolved' over time and his appearance will be completely different from the way we saw him last, like in the previous games. The Shokan might take a backseat in this game (I'm hoping) as we had three of them in the last installment, I'd like to see some other races take the main stage this time. Ermac will definitely, along with Scorpion and Sub-Zero, play an interesting role assuming his ending was partially canon and I'm hoping that it was a playful hint at the souls that inhabit him since clearly Sindel and Kitana are dead.

I'd bet a million dollars we'll see whether playable or in story mode these lost souls play a part. No doubt Quan Chi will use a few (or all of them) as his own personal warriors in some possessed / Ermac-styled / or resurrected state working on the side of Evil. Which leads me to Liu Kang. Raiden has played the dark / rogue card before, I think it's Liu's turn to take on the Big Bad spotlight. After how he was left in the MK2011 storymode (dead, scarred and slightly crispy) I can totally see the warrior flipping his shit so to speak and wanting revenge against Raiden and whomever has sided with the Thunder God. For all we know, and what I'm starting to suspect, I think Shinnok may play the evil puppet master as we were led to believe he was doing along with Quan Chi at the very end of MK2011 and he may push Liu Kang in the direction of causing some serious shit for Earthrealm's warriors.

No doubt most of the human characters that are still alive (Sonya, Johnny, Kano) may take a break this round or show up as future DLC but I'm betting this is going to be a game full of new Earthrealm characters (possible MK4-A humans), other races and brand new faces and it's exciting the hell out of me. I haven't been this pumped for new faces since Deadly Alliance.
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