again MKAT2-aka MKT vs. MKA
posted12/06/2008 05:18 PM (UTC)by
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

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12/04/2008 05:03 PM (UTC)
As I said before, and i'm tired of the ppl on here bashing the idea of another mk armageddon game, because if it was made correctly no one would complain so STFUP. They need to have all fatalities from mk 1 to mk vs dc . All alities should return even harakiri and mutalities. The test ur might should be quick, and it should be performed after a character moves are done at the same time.(when a move is done at the same time from both players), u should have to quickly slide ur two fingers accross the 1,3 buttons to the 2.and 4 buttons quickly.

They need to add a customize button that can be pressed at anytime to change anything in the game you want. They need to add 1 new stage to all the old mk stages, even the ones on mka and mk vs. dc( the mk stages)

Each stage should have a good and evil side. much better than the stage on mk deception. The return of maximum damage from mk4 and gold- only this time its done when a player keeps repeating same move over and over again. When they keep repeating move someone like shao kahn, shangtsung, goro, motaro, kintaro, onaga, molach, or blaze quickly runs on screen and does a move on the person quickly and runs off stage, and this move sets up for another hit or kombo from the other player.

MK VS DC was ok, but the fightin gameplay was too stiff unlike mk deception and armageddon. Sorry I forgot to add
Another thing- they messed the side step up with the way they changed it, I like bein able to quickly sidestep like past mk games., I also like the 2d thing( uppercuts, sweeps back kicks all need to return on the next mk)

Dont worry cuz namco did the same thing when tekken 4 came out, They made a mistake and changed the buttons, but ppl like the way the tekken tag and tekken 3 buttons were, so when tekken 5 came out they change the button config back, then ppl were enjoying tekken agin like before in the new type of graphics, with the old button feeling from tekken 3 and tag.

So mk need to do the same thing, change the buttons sidestep back to up or down, without havin to use the analog, because usin the analog for sidestep or dodge throws you off and it doesnt feel the same like before.

Also they should add 2 more new fatalities never ever seen before in a mk game for each character.
Now all characters should hav all costumes ever made for that character on selection screen. So that means some characters will have more costumes than others, because the costumes are from all mk games even mythologies, special forces , shaolin monks. With that said, all chars should be in this mk that never made the last cut for (any) mk game
EXAMPLE: tremor, tasia, noface, watergod, firegod, earthgod, the guy on the fire world that looks a little like kano( hes on mk mythologies fire stages. Each of these chars should have better moves and all returning moves from mk games.
So this means moves like what quanchi had on mk mythologies when u fight him before u do the shinnok trick at the end of mythologies.( the move was when quanchi spins around real fast in a kombo.)

Everyones wake up system should be different lookin.
Like in tekken 5 were all chars have class and style, so in mktrilogy vs. Armageddon all chars style should be like that.

Anotherthing, you can still keep the idea of moves bein able to be done after another in any order(example: 4 hit kombo into scorpions spear into a teleport then uppercut.)
But, u do need to have a couple of long dail a kombos that at the end pop u up so u can start ur own kombo, and also the hits look different depending on the characters style u have it on.
Please not like the mk4 dail a kombo where every ones the same. Make it look different for each style.
Of corse each character should have 3 styles like in mk deadly allience and mk deception.
But this time around all weapon stances should have longer kombos and their own special weapon moves for that weapon.
And when both players have weapons drawn and if both players strike at the same time, they go through a quick test ur might the way I described it earlier in this post.

Next is the create a character: this time around add a style shop where u can take ur kak to be made over. So by all moves, weapons, suits, costumes and characters bein in this game, please don't make the kak limited like you did in mka. Thiz time your kak can look exactly like u want with no limitations. So anything that any char have in the game or any extra moves made can be thrown on any kak, plus kaks can do any fatality
So if you wanna make a kitana kak you can use any of kitanas old moves plus any new ones with any look u want for her.
At the new style shop u can edit any of the costumes, moves or hair or body the way u want.EXAMPLE: at the barbershop /salon a new option is added where u can actually draw how the char hair is gonna look, unlike before when u had to choose from one of the already prebuilt styles.

I rather you take a look at the other post on the second page near the top, titled ( mkatrilogy 2) its on page two near the top. Oh yeah this game is titled MKAT2(MKT vs MKA) meaning the old stuff vs. the new stuff, which will include tons of new stuff and all the old stuff in every type of old mk game and the newer types of mk games. Oh yeah I forgot to add the new create a stage mode, but it can be looked at in the post on the second page near the top of the second page. Lastly all the sounds of mk need to return to make it feel more evilish like before in mk2. The hits should sound much louder and you should still be able to adjust everything like before on previous mks at the option (audio) section. Bring back sounds like owwww, aaaaaa, laughing sounds, moans, and groans, and clapping, plus all old shao kahn phrases and toasty or whoopsie sounds. Bring back better endurance rounds were as like before both chars start off on the screen at the same time, and when they die, they stay on screen or slowly dissapear once u leave that area, or they could blow up after a while if you cant afford to keep them onscreen after their dead. Maybe after the first char die they lie there for a while and then they blow up and dissapear. Last thing, bring back the smoke bomb before certain matches were as when a character is hidden and before it says round 1 the smoke appears then the character appears, and says a couple of things quickly then throws another smoke bomb down and once the smoke is gone so will be the hidden character, then it will say round 1 fight!
12/06/2008 03:30 AM (UTC)
There is a perfectly good reason for why people do not want another Trilogy game anytime soon. It is because Armageddon was not what we all expected to be.

Before I get started, please don't tell me to STFU, it's not my fault that there are people here who are entitled to their opinions and stick to it.

I don't understand why you want DC characters to continue popping up in Mortal Kombat game. Yes, I know it's a good game, but there has to be more things to happen for DC to allow their characters to get butchered by Mortal Kombat characters. There are certain rules that Midway has to follow if they're going to have another crossover game that involves something that doesn't have anything that Mortal Kombat has, which in this case, people decapitating heads off with their bare hands.

I don't understand also, what this customizing button will do. Customize what exactly?

Maximum damage was a stupid little stunt they pulled off in MK4, only because there are certain characters that can go on and on and on if you just pressed one button, such as Liu and his sword.

Hara Kiris were nothing but an unsatisfying attempt to try to do something different rather than bringing back the poorly executed animalities/friendships/babalities/brutalities. I would like brutalities to come back in the future, but they need to be redone, and actually look like something so brutal that they make fatalities look like a shame to perform... then why have fatalities. Meh, you get the picture.

And how are mutalities going to be able to be performed if you're only fighting against one person? You only could use that against a group of enemies. You don't do that in a regular Mortal Kombat game.

Certain characters should not have a giant wardrobe. Mortal Kombat is not going to turn into Barbie's Fashion Collection and have hundreds of different costumes to choose from. They only need two, one that's avaliable to start, and the other is a kick ass outfit that totally deserves to be unlocked -- while avoiding the Shredder look.

Characters who have only made an appearance in adventure games do not need to make an appearance. What role will they have? If you bring someone like Tasia in from Special Forces, she'll be another Kira, and we all hated her. A lot of people did. Tremor? What is so gosh-darn special about this character only that he was another ninja? We don't need more ninjas, we have enough of them. And what would their soul purpose to be in Mortal Kombat? It's not just what kinds of charcaters you want to make a show in a game, it's how they're going to fit in, who will their enemies be, will they have the same kind of story similar to what they were in the adventure games. Things like this needs to be solved first before you can say, oh this guy is in. You should have a reason why they need to make an appearance, not just because they were never put in any other Mortal Kombat game rather than the one game they starred in.

Create a character is something that they definently need to make over on. Without a doubt. Create a character was very cheap, and because people knew how to make theirs very, very cheap, a lot of people avoided playing online against those who chooses to play with a very cheap created character. Thus, making the whole new feature a failure and probably won't be returning anytime sooner. I should say this, if they're going to make a create a character feature, then they need to look at the other games who have this feature and see how they can make it work out.

But that leaves you to a fatalitiy. Create a fatality, yes. But are they going to have pre-set fatalities already made, or are they going to feature another new feature in which you can make your own fatality, but only your created character is allowed to. Like in WWE SM vs Raw, where you can make you're own ring entrance... there's your create a fatlity system.

Create a stage will never work out. Too much would be wasted, and trust me, it's not what you think it would be. Don't assume that Create a Stage would be fun. It might be in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but it wouldn't be so fun in this case.

You're asking too much for a Mortal Kombat game. You're asking a lot and you have to remember, CDs can't always hold every single thing you want it to hold. There's space that can't go to waste and you don't want to overload. plus, with the amount of stuff you're asking, you're asking for longer loading screens. EVERYONE hates to wait to play. I know with the technology today, that's not really an issue, but there's still loading screens for mortal kombat, you're gonna add more to the wait with what you're asking for.

So no, this wouldn't be a good idea for a next game. Some of the materials you're asking sounds good, but it's just WAY too much to be added in a game. Plus, you're forgetting that Boon wants to redo everything with MK9 or MK8, whatever number it's at. So, everything here needs to wait at least another year to be wanted back into another Mortal Kombat game.
12/06/2008 05:31 AM (UTC)
You don't have to keep posting the same threads over and over to get your point across. Everyone here has their own opinions and will state them on whatever kind of thread you put here. And I actually like your idea, but there is so much to it that the MK team more than likely wouldn't do it. Whenever they hear "trilogy", the first thing they go for is all characters up until that point. They don't add EVERYTHING from the series. This was proven when Armageddon came out. We got all the characters, minus a lot of other things including Fatalities.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

12/06/2008 09:32 AM (UTC)
Yes it could work out because they can just start from armageddon instead of having to rebuild everything all over agin from scratch. They did add ons from mkda to mkd to mka so all they would hav to do is enhance and add more stuff and it could be 2 disks and not just one. Plus you didnt read carefully cause I said nothing about makin another mk vs dc, I said on the mk side so re read agin.

Plus this game needs to be made so that they can finally keep the storyline correct, instead of it being wishy washy like the story of the past mk games. This gives them a change to explain why the mk chars that were in mk vs dc in there and it furthers what happened. Plus it tells you where each and every character went after mka, plus instead of killing characters off, they could just say the character was badly hurt but his or her wounds will heal so they may return little by little in future mk's.

Tekken is a tournment and they always keep their chars so mk can do the same thing cuz its a fightin tournment.
If the old chars come back little by little, they still can change their looks and give them different moves and styles, so it can be done. Hell I remember when they use to say all those chars cant fit into a mk game, well mka prove them wrong, so anything possible so never say never. Plus with the ps3 and x360 capability it all can be fitted in there and it all can be balanced out.

Now as for the tremor, tasia and watergod and them, they can make storylines that explains how they entered the new tournment.
First of all something happened with the relms and there is a powerful force that combined the relms together, something like mk vs dc, but the boss is not super big, he is a shao kahn size character with fast kombos and great moves, plus he can be ninja like or a master of a ninja clan, with kombos like killer instinct.
I bet if I were part of the mk team, we would sell millions and all the ppl would love my mk ideas and the mk games we produce because I am determined and positive.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

12/06/2008 09:38 AM (UTC)
oh yeah, and chars like tasia will not be like another kira cuz remember each character has their own 3 styles and class when the kombos come out like in tekken 5 and ressurection and now tekken 6. In each individual style the strikes, kicks and hits look much different than others, plus they look more classy and unique when done.
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

12/06/2008 09:42 AM (UTC)
sorry, and lastly before they move forward ppl need to know what happened.

So this could be the complete version ppl been lookin for, plus then they can make the next mk, which could be called mk:X- with the x- representing the 10th mk, so it would be smarter to make the 10th mk totally different like mk vs dc was to be..
About Me

finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

12/06/2008 09:45 AM (UTC)
its not that hard, all they hav to do is add on to what they already had from mka, so stop it.
And they can balance everything out, ppl would love a mk game like that, u just dont think so because of the way mka turned out. As I said in mka they got the material, so now all they hav to do is add on, so it can be done.
12/06/2008 05:18 PM (UTC)
mortalkombatkombatmortal Wrote:
Yes it could work out because they can just start from armageddon instead of having to rebuild everything all over agin from scratch. They did add ons from mkda to mkd to mka so all they would hav to do is enhance and add more stuff and it could be 2 disks and not just one. Plus you didnt read carefully cause I said nothing about makin another mk vs dc, I said on the mk side so re read agin.

Plus this game needs to be made so that they can finally keep the storyline correct, instead of it being wishy washy like the story of the past mk games. This gives them a change to explain why the mk chars that were in mk vs dc in there and it furthers what happened. Plus it tells you where each and every character went after mka, plus instead of killing characters off, they could just say the character was badly hurt but his or her wounds will heal so they may return little by little in future mk's.

Tekken is a tournment and they always keep their chars so mk can do the same thing cuz its a fightin tournment.
If the old chars come back little by little, they still can change their looks and give them different moves and styles, so it can be done. Hell I remember when they use to say all those chars cant fit into a mk game, well mka prove them wrong, so anything possible so never say never. Plus with the ps3 and x360 capability it all can be fitted in there and it all can be balanced out.

Now as for the tremor, tasia and watergod and them, they can make storylines that explains how they entered the new tournment.
First of all something happened with the relms and there is a powerful force that combined the relms together, something like mk vs dc, but the boss is not super big, he is a shao kahn size character with fast kombos and great moves, plus he can be ninja like or a master of a ninja clan, with kombos like killer instinct.
I bet if I were part of the mk team, we would sell millions and all the ppl would love my mk ideas and the mk games we produce because I am determined and positive.

Whoa, whoa, whoa... Firstly Tekken and Mortal Kombat are two completely different fighting games. Mortal Kombat will NOT keep their characters, have you not been paying attention to any of the news that's been going on this site lately? Boon said that he's wiping the slate clean, which means things are gonna have to go and possibly never return in Mortal Kombat.

I highly doubt that characters survived Armageddon. People were given a chance to kill off every character in their ending, therefore, majority of the characters would be dead.

You do know that Tasia, Tremor and the element gods will never make another appearance in Mortal Kombat right? If they have only been featured in the adventure games and never made another appearance in the game, that kind of means that they're never going to make another appearance even in the future games. Despite the two other assassins that worked with Quan Chi, but the other two aren't as popular or something as Sareena.

You also don't realize that the setting that took place in MK vs. DC was after the first MK game through the beginning of the third MK game. Check the MC vs DC fourm, there's threads that explains when this took place.

So in conclusion, I'm still saying that this would be a horrible idea and would never work. You're asking WAY too much as I stated before, and the more things you have in a game equals longer loading screens... and I can't stand loading time.,
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