After watching MK Conquest again...
posted12/17/2008 10:21 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/09/2003 06:04 AM (UTC)
...I REALLY would love to see a new MK game based on the history of the original tournament and its follow-ups.

It would breathe new life into the series, as well as giving a detailed back story on how the modern MK tourney came to be.

Original Kung Lao, Taja, Vorpax, Tsung, Kahn, Siro, and Raiden would make a GREAT base cast, and there is plenty of room for other fill-in characters, such as Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot.

Hell, introduce Scorpion's origins as the corrupted guard. I personally would think it could be a fantastic telling of MK's history...
12/17/2008 06:30 PM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
...I REALLY would love to see a new MK game based on the history of the original tournament and its follow-ups.

It would breathe new life into the series, as well as giving a detailed back story on how the modern MK tourney came to be.

Original Kung Lao, Taja, Vorpax, Tsung, Kahn, Siro, and Raiden would make a GREAT base cast, and there is plenty of room for other fill-in characters, such as Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot.

Hell, introduce Scorpion's origins as the corrupted guard. I personally would think it could be a fantastic telling of MK's history...

It would be an interesting idea to have a game that goes back to the time of the Original Kung Lao. Although I liked MK: Conquest overall, there are some things I would not want to see emulated in a game with an overall story similar to it. For example, I would not have Noob Saibot, Smoke, and Scorpion. I would certainly NOT have Scorpion be the "corrupted guard" who gets bitten by a magical scorpion, that's for sure...When it comes to Sub-Zero, there could be an ancestor of the Sub-Zero brothers, but I don't know...
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12/17/2008 08:02 PM (UTC)
Well, it would for one go completely against the canon if they use characters from that Hercules ripoff of a show.

A ripoff that was suprisingly clever enough for me to like it.
12/17/2008 08:07 PM (UTC)
The "Sub-Zero" name only goes back five generations. 500 years is too long ago for there to have been one.
12/17/2008 08:28 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Well, it would for one go completely against the canon if they use characters from that Hercules ripoff of a show.

A ripoff that was suprisingly clever enough for me to like it.

It wouldn't go any more against canon than, say, a certain cross-over title. And besides, after MK Armageddon, is there even a canon anymore? Don't get me started on the Noob/Subby crap...
12/17/2008 08:36 PM (UTC)
They plainly stated the crossover title isn't part of the canon.

As far as we know, there still is one and Armageddon fits into it just fine if you've read the bios on the website.

And Noob being the Elder Sub-Zero makes perfect sense and was a brilliant idea because he died in MK1, Noob's first appearance was MK2, and the guy who screwed Shinnok over in Mythologies being turned into his undead slave is just deliciously ironic.
12/17/2008 08:59 PM (UTC)

Let me reiterate my point nice and clearly.

MK's story has been ret-conned plenty of times, and with a few minor tweaks to the story of MK Conquest, it can fit just fine into the so-called "canon" of the games.
12/17/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
"Minor"? I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that.

The only characters to appear in Conquest who actually fit where they were placed were Raiden, Shang Tsung, Shao Kahn, and maybe Reiko and Rain. Literally everything else was wrong. And it only got worse as the series progressed.

Hell, half of the episodes were just softcore porn plots, with the sex happening off-camera, making it even worse.

Besides which, it was probably intended to be the same universe as the movies, and shouldn't it go without saying by now that the movies should never, ever be confused with the games?
12/17/2008 09:06 PM (UTC)
Then fucking forget I said anything if you're going to completely misinterpret the point I'm trying to make.

Delete the thread., I'm sorry for even fucking having an idea if people are going to take a colossal shit on it without even contemplating what I'm trying to say.

Enjoy your rehashes.
12/17/2008 09:09 PM (UTC)
I did contemplate what you were trying to say. There absolutely could be value in a game that takes place during Great Kung Lao's time.

But deliberately making it just like Conquest wouldn't work. I'm not trying to be mean, so you don't have to get all oversensitive and offended. I'm just pointing out the continuities don't mesh with one another, they changed too many things.

And I don't know who you're talking about, but I'm certainly not interested in "rehashes", I want new games, new characters, and evolving, forward-moving plots.
12/17/2008 09:13 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I did contemplate what you were trying to say. There absolutely could be value in a game that takes place during Great Kung Lao's time.

But deliberately making it just like Conquest just wouldn't work.

And I don't know who you're talking about, but I'm certainly not interested in "rehashes", I want new games, new characters, and evolving, forward-moving plots.

By thinking I said to make it exactly like Conquest proves you didn't understand what I was saying. I already clarified that it could be based on the plot with tweaks, but I guess you missed that part.

Involving the main characters in the series to pad out the history, while changing the actual story elements of the show was what I was saying. The characters of Vorpax, Taja, and Siro could be made to fit into a historical cannonical story of MK's past.

It doesn't have to be exactly based on the show, just like the movies didn't exactly have to be based on the games.
12/17/2008 09:17 PM (UTC)
You're the one who suggested keeping the show's version of Scorpion, as well as Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot. Those are the things that I was explaining don't work.

Taja and Siro could, theoretically, fit into a game set in the past, but that's about it.

I don't think Vorpax or Kreeya would work quite so well. Let's be honest, they were probably only invented to facilitate those softcore porn plots I was talking about.
12/17/2008 09:18 PM (UTC)
Also, if "contnuity" EVER made an actual mark on the canon of MK, then, by the time Armageddon came around, it would've proven that NOBODY died in the tourneys, since they were all alive and well.

Kano died, but no...he didn't die...ok, he's ok. Subby's brother died, oh, but he didn't, he's now Noob Saibot...

Canon and continuity are never truly set in stone.
12/17/2008 09:19 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
You're the one who suggested keeping the show's version of Scorpion, as well as Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot. Those are the things that I was explaining don't work.

Taja and Siro could, theoretically, fit into a game set in the past, but that's about it.

I don't think Vorpax or Kreeya would work quite so well. Let's be honest, they were probably only invented to facilitate those softcore porn plots I was talking about.

But they can always be ret-conned if need be. See my previous post regarding Sub-Zero and Kano.
12/17/2008 09:20 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero DID die. Noob Saibot is an undead creature. He's a "wraith", a type of ghost.

And they never killed Kano. If you assumed he died, you were wrong. Who told you he was dead?

How much, exactly, do you follow the storyline? I'm not sure you should be suggesting game ideas if you don't actually know what happened in the past ones.
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12/17/2008 09:20 PM (UTC)
lol I like the idea.

*throws hands up*

Um...see here; the one of the things that sticks out to me is the relationship between Shang Tsung and Master Cho. I like the way they handled that in the show as opposed to in the games.
12/17/2008 09:22 PM (UTC)
Scorpion would be EASY to fit into the Conquest era.

A fallen guard was used as host to facilitate a human form for a spectre in hell.

There ya go.
12/17/2008 09:22 PM (UTC)
That's not how Scorpion works. He's not a spirit who possesses people. He's ONE man who came back from the dead for revenge. And why would he be a guard? He's supposed to be a ninja. You can't just shoehorn a character from MK1 into events that happened 500 years ago. The show was wrong to do it.
12/17/2008 09:23 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Sub-Zero DID die. Noob Saibot is an undead creature. He's a "wraith", a type of ghost.

And they never killed Kano. If you assumed he died, you were wrong. Who told you he was dead?

How much, exactly, do you follow the storyline? I'm not sure you should be suggesting game ideas if you don't actually know what happened in the past ones.

Tell it to the story writers of the newer games.
12/17/2008 09:24 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
That's not how Scorpion works. He's not a spirit who possesses people. He's ONE man who came back from the dead for revenge. And why would he be a guard? He's supposed to be a ninja.

You can't just shoehorn a character from MK1 into events that happened 500 years ago. The show was wrong to do it.

But who's to say his demon form can't take another as a human host? Wow...looks like I created another story element.
12/17/2008 09:25 PM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
Tell it to the story writers of the newer games.

You keep saying things like that, but you can't provide any proof that the newer games are ignoring continuity. I can name concrete examples of ways in which Armageddon DOES recognize and follow the canon.
12/17/2008 09:26 PM (UTC)
then, like I said, if all you're going to do is bitch, as opposed to providing ideas on how it can work, then the thread can go ahead and be deleted.

It can work, but some are just too stubborn to allow it to.

I'm done here.
12/17/2008 09:26 PM (UTC)
ShingoEX Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
That's not how Scorpion works. He's not a spirit who possesses people. He's ONE man who came back from the dead for revenge. And why would he be a guard? He's supposed to be a ninja.

You can't just shoehorn a character from MK1 into events that happened 500 years ago. The show was wrong to do it.

But who's to say his demon form can't take another as a human host? Wow...looks like I created another story element.

That's my point exactly, he doesn't HAVE a demon form!

There's no difference between Scorpion and Hanzo Hasashi, it's JUST ONE MAN. He's called Scorpion because that was his ninja codename before he died, and it was his ninja codename because he's an expert at using a dart on a rope, which stings his opponent like a scorpion's tail.
12/17/2008 09:30 PM (UTC)
Just one last bit about Scorp still being human

You know what a spectre is, don't you? It's certainly not human.
12/17/2008 09:31 PM (UTC)
A spectre is not a man possessed by a demon, it's a ghost. Scorpion is a reincarnated ghost. There's no "demon form", there's not more than one Scorpion. It's all one guy with one soul.
Scorpion is Hanzo Hasashi's undead spirit, and Hanzo Hasashi died in the year 1990 AD, preventing him from being around during the life of The Great Kung Lao.
Why not just come up with a different but similar ninja to fill Scorpion's ROLE in your Conquest idea? There's no real reason to use the name "Scorpion" or his origin. Just because a character is popular doesn't mean a version of them had to exist in the past. Scorpion's supposed to be unique, not a template you can fix onto others.
Replace Scorpion with a different ninja from his clan, the Shirai Ryu. They all wear yellow and he can even use the spear or something similar to it, kunai are a common ninja weapon. There, I've come up with a constructive idea.
I'm trying to think of a decent use for Kreeya and Vorpax now too, but honestly...they come from a race of all women...who exist only to procreate? That's just terribly sexist. Totally porn-plot material. I seriously can't think of a good way to fix or change that to make them worthwhile.
Vorpax mostly functioned as Shang Tsung's sex slave anyway. Now, I'd say there's a pretty sensible reason that these girls...
...are not actual characters.
I guess the "all women" thing is kinda similar to Sindel, Kitana, and Jade being the sole leaders of Edenia...and the seductress thing is similar to Tanya who's coincidentally also Edenian, and dark skinned like Vorpax, so maybe they could be Edenians instead of a race of slut-amazons, but I feel like comparing the two is insulting to Edenia.
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