A Non-Fighting MK game to tie up the loose ends
posted01/08/2008 11:00 PM (UTC)by
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02/23/2003 03:56 AM (UTC)
Okay, us MK fans can debate about the quality of MK:A's fighting engine endlessly, but we all agree... the storyline's crap. No bios, no development, and bad endings. It was a disappointing that resolved nothing and gave no closure to such an enormous cast.

So, the next MK game is being developed, but all those uncomfortable loose ends are bugging me, and other fans, to pieces. However, what many MK fans have noticed is that the Konquest mode has proven to be a capable, if not great, way to advance the story and offer much more development than practically all of the endings in MK:A.

So, as much as I like MK as a fighting game, how about some other options to freshen things up?

Action/Adventure game - If Hayabusa can break away from his fighting franchise and kick ass in Ninja Gaiden, I don't see why our two favorite ninjas, Scorpion and Sub-Zero, couldn't do the same against scores of ninjas, demons, and demon ninjas. While Shaolin Monks was decent, really going all out on the next adventure game, to be on par with Ninja Gaiden's unparalleled presentation and action, would be a godsent, and given the unique nature of Sub-Zero and Scorpion's powers, it would be very cool to see them use their powers in more unique, original ways (if Sub-Zero can make a boat out of ice like in MK:DA, he can do other cool things, I'm sure.) But, mainly, an adventure game would do well to tie up all, or most, of the lose ends. Between Sub-Zero and Scorpion, the vast majority of MK characters have some direction relationship, either as allies or enemies, with these two specific characters, so a story-driven action game could easily see these two resolving a lot of these conflicts and tying up those loose ends. Plus, it would really give the developers a chance a flesh out the cool, but underdeveloped Sub-Zero and the now-stale Scorpion. Hopefully, it would be more Ninja Gaiden than Death by Degrees.

RPG- someone mentioned this before, and it's not a bad idea, even if an RPG by nature is rather slow by comparison to a fighting game. But if they can have a Virtua Fighter RPG, we can have a Mortal Kombat RPG, if only for the developers to have some breathing room, slow things the hell down, and tell a good, or at least coherent, story. It would be cool that, as battles progressed, the characters unlocked new skills and abilities rather than the tradition level up, or that teams of characters could interchange, such as a group of "good" characters, like Sub-Zero, Kenshi, and Johnny Cage, neutral like Scorpion, Havik, and Nitara, or just evil like Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, and Mileena. Either way, it would give the team ample time to tell a good story... which is something MK hasn't had in a LONG time.

Shooter - Raiden in Unreal Tournament anyone?... yeah, pass.

So, those are my ideas. Anyone else have some creative thoughts on how MK could be a good non-fighting game and tell a story worth telling?
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

12/10/2007 10:58 PM (UTC)
^^they could do this, but the more immediate (i.e. cost effective for midway) thing to do is to reveal the final ending to the original cast in the first half of the intro video (who defeated blaze/the reprecussions/blah blah blah), before revealing the new evil and story direction in the second half of the intro.
you know.. that's not a terribly bad Idea. Kind of like shaolin monks, but more adventure based (and not a remake of an older mk).
A konquest action rpg. Taven summons a bunch of the MK heroes to help solve the MK story. And Scorpion's innate stupidity...
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
He was actually sacked by Shao Kahn in MK3
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12/11/2007 06:10 AM (UTC)
This might sound stupid, but how about just a digital graphic novel? One that tells the entire story from MK1 through MK:A. You find out what happens to every character in every game and it's all written with a narrative style?

I know it sounds a bit simple, but at least we'd all know what happened.
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12/11/2007 11:06 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:

Action/Adventure game - Beautiful. It has already proven that it works...now "Mario Bros" the thing, making it better and better over time. They could focus on different characters if they wanted to. So long as it fleshes out the characters they used in the game.

There's 60+ characters to work with here, this kind of side-game//sub-game for Mk would make alot of money over time(I''m positive), give them something else to do in between the fighting game, and set up other media ventures....like movies, or another T.V. show for example.

(T.v. show has an example in Smallvile, this Terminator series coming out, or the vast genre of Sci-Fi. And there's much more in MK to explore than some of these shows....especially because MK hasn't really "explored" much at all into each character, or the realms. Just make it believable....i.e. the show "Lost" or one of these super-intense HBO short series'. Cut the generic, "video game stigma" already.)

RPG - Ditto^^. I don't see why not, they have all the pieces there. Just...work on tie-ing all this new technology into it. Online capabilities, and interactivity. Immersion, multi-media, personalization...ect. It's all there for Mk. It wouldn't be a jump, it'd be a logical step in the right direction I think.

Personalization and Manipulation, Training, Story Development, Secrets, ect. Though I don't generally enjoy how slow, straight-up Rpgs can be, with all the realms that are there, I don't see why it should have to be a slowly paced game at all. I loved the rpg with Shujinko in it, and MkSM. There was just SO much to do....

Make it so that where you "can go", is based on symbolic monuments , or realistic ones in the real world, there's enough of them there. In Mk, we also transcend time so, it could depend on "when" you were, instead of just "where"....on one planet. Do the same thing for all 6 or so realms.

Shooter - I'd say only if it were apart of an action adventure rpg, AND only if it applied to only the Special Forces, or like Tekunin forces(the characters that already use guns and such)

We have enough of them to do that, but I think it should be character specific. Maybe they'd substitute something for the ability to do so. Like, you can go into a FpS mode with Sonya(with however many weapons), but you can't meditate. But for Sub-Zero or somebody, meditation heals, and makes his ice blasts more potent. -- -- Or whatever.

Another possibility IF part of an action adventure rpg, is that it could apply to training. Most all of the characters have some kind of projectile. Now,what if you had to practice your FpS skills in order to level up the potency of that weapon?....or get more powerful "throwing stars" or higher leveled chi blast, or elemental capabilities? ect. (Test Your Might, Sight, Aim, whatever...and have a stats board to see your skill, and manipulate your attributes.)


All I'm saying is that it's all there for MK and all they'd need to do is figure out how to apply everything that's there to parts of a well balanced game.
The technology doesn't even limit them as much as it used to, so all these things put in one game could absolutely work.

All this is possible, look at Tom Clancys' - EndWar

Use it, in an MK way. (??)

Baraka407 Wrote:

Nope, I think it sounds fantastic. Only, that it should be apart of an Action RpG.
Like God of War, but with a definitive, virtual, story book. To unlock the whole thing, you'd have to do accomplish things, and meet goals while beating the game.

It could make sense to it this way too because of how much the Mk story is in shams.

I'm saying that, if you went through this Action RpG and finished, but didn't accomplish everything you were supposed to, the virtual story book of MK will seem incomplete, or broken to you. You'd find out that you'd need to go back through the game again to obtain the sections of the MK story-line that you missed.

Get rid of senseless mini games, and put this idea into the game. Accompany any character specific stuff, with a characters Kata...Tah Dah.

12/11/2007 04:16 PM (UTC)
A non-fighting MK to tie up the loose ends? That would likely take more than one of such game, and it would depend on how the storyline was done.

I'd like to see an action/adventure RPG-ish fighting type game, some what like MKSM, somewhat like MKD's and MKA's Konquests. If it's supposed to tie up the stuff in MKA, the game will have to be enormous and nicely detailed.

Btw, how the fuck is Sub-Zero underdeveloped?
12/16/2007 03:15 AM (UTC)
mabdog Wrote:
you know.. that's not a terribly bad Idea. Kind of like shaolin monks, but more adventure based (and not a remake of an older mk).

and also
be able to play as more than 4 characters to choose from
12/18/2007 08:57 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
Okay, us MK fans can debate about the quality of MK:A's fighting engine endlessly, but we all agree... the storyline's crap. No bios, no development, and bad endings. It was a disappointing that resolved nothing and gave no closure to such an enormous cast.

So, the next MK game is being developed, but all those uncomfortable loose ends are bugging me, and other fans, to pieces. However, what many MK fans have noticed is that the Konquest mode has proven to be a capable, if not great, way to advance the story and offer much more development than practically all of the endings in MK:A.

So, as much as I like MK as a fighting game, how about some other options to freshen things up?

Action/Adventure game - If Hayabusa can break away from his fighting franchise and kick ass in Ninja Gaiden, I don't see why our two favorite ninjas, Scorpion and Sub-Zero, couldn't do the same against scores of ninjas, demons, and demon ninjas. While Shaolin Monks was decent, really going all out on the next adventure game, to be on par with Ninja Gaiden's unparalleled presentation and action, would be a godsent, and given the unique nature of Sub-Zero and Scorpion's powers, it would be very cool to see them use their powers in more unique, original ways (if Sub-Zero can make a boat out of ice like in MK:DA, he can do other cool things, I'm sure.) But, mainly, an adventure game would do well to tie up all, or most, of the lose ends. Between Sub-Zero and Scorpion, the vast majority of MK characters have some direction relationship, either as allies or enemies, with these two specific characters, so a story-driven action game could easily see these two resolving a lot of these conflicts and tying up those loose ends. Plus, it would really give the developers a chance a flesh out the cool, but underdeveloped Sub-Zero and the now-stale Scorpion. Hopefully, it would be more Ninja Gaiden than Death by Degrees.

RPG- someone mentioned this before, and it's not a bad idea, even if an RPG by nature is rather slow by comparison to a fighting game. But if they can have a Virtua Fighter RPG, we can have a Mortal Kombat RPG, if only for the developers to have some breathing room, slow things the hell down, and tell a good, or at least coherent, story. It would be cool that, as battles progressed, the characters unlocked new skills and abilities rather than the tradition level up, or that teams of characters could interchange, such as a group of "good" characters, like Sub-Zero, Kenshi, and Johnny Cage, neutral like Scorpion, Havik, and Nitara, or just evil like Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, and Mileena. Either way, it would give the team ample time to tell a good story... which is something MK hasn't had in a LONG time.

Shooter - Raiden in Unreal Tournament anyone?... yeah, pass.

So, those are my ideas. Anyone else have some creative thoughts on how MK could be a good non-fighting game and tell a story worth telling?

Thats what MK is all about fighting, Yes I love rpgs(look at my introd diss). And I loved and still love MKD konquest mode (look at my ideas of MK8 in future MK games) not to have you post or anything just to give you the info of what I'm talking about.smile
12/18/2007 09:02 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
This might sound stupid, but how about just a digital graphic novel? One that tells the entire story from MK1 through MK:A. You find out what happens to every character in every game and it's all written with a narrative style?

I know it sounds a bit simple, but at least we'd all know what happened.

Yeah forget basing a game around bios and what happened after MKA. Just put it in a book or if they have to, put it on a dvd. MK fans would buy it either way.furious
01/08/2008 10:51 PM (UTC)
i love the idea of one game basically telling the story of al 62 characters i don't think it would be that hard just take more time i think it should be in shaolin monks style gameplay but more beefed up.
the game title screen has like maybe 5 characters to choose from and each one you play you beet the game you learn everything that happened to that character from the very beginning of MK1

for example you choose scorpion you start from when his clan was killed and then hes trying to stop sub-zero from getting that map in MK mythologys, then you see him get killed and sent to the netherealm which here we see how he got hell spawned in the first place. you play through that you end up in the first tournament were you fight sub-zero and kill him then it goes to MK2 were scorpion finds out sub-zeros younger bro is in the 2nd tournament and blah blah you get my point.

now after you beat the game with scorpions storyline you can unlock sub-zero so now you have 6 characters to choose from. basically i think this game would be a long process but not hard to do since everything in MK has to take place in the already existing realms we seen in MK deception only realms we haven't seen is reptiles home and nitaras home and maybe another i missed but you get my point if a game like this existed it would be so much fun cause you have basically 62 story's to play through.

since they already have the MKSM engine ll they need to do is add some improvements so they already have the control system already now they just need to make the realms in full 3D environment like they did with MKSM but more wider cause the worlds in MKSM was very limited.

oh this can also explain the characters new costumes through the past games like im sure scorpions new outfit was because he became the elder gods champion so they changed his outfit made him look more mystical like but still ninjistic tongue
but after deception he got pissed at the elder gods for betraying him so he went back to his classic look or something.

well anyways i have a couple of years before i graduate college with gaming as my major and i want to get highered by midway hopefully if they haven't done this idea by then i will throw the idea out there to them smile

but anyways tell me what you think guys sounds solid enough? cause most of the new characters didn't appear till the end of this series and some of there story lines will be short.

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01/08/2008 11:00 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
This might sound stupid, but how about just a digital graphic novel? One that tells the entire story from MK1 through MK:A. You find out what happens to every character in every game and it's all written with a narrative style?

I know it sounds a bit simple, but at least we'd all know what happened.

Good idea, but do you know how long it would be? were talking multiple instalments, LotR style.
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