A New Style for MK, though has already happened in a different game...
posted01/19/2009 09:31 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
05/27/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
If anyone here has played Twisted Metal Black, then it won't be difficult trying to figure out what I'm trying to get out of this thread. Here it goes:

From Twisted Metal Black:

When we first select our character, you get a little cutscene showing how they arrived at the aslym.

Then, you're fighting a few enemies until you get to the middle of the game where you're facing Minion and then another cutscene plays after you defeated him, telling you more about the character.

You fight a few more other characters then the boss battle and then they get their reward.


You choose their character, and before you start playing, you have them explaining their reason why they're entering MK, (Not starting from an asylm thank you.) But more like, where they're from, why they're entering the tournament such as if you choose to play as Kitana, she would say something about how she wants peace in Edenia or something like that.

Thoughout the game, you fight several fighters, and the sub-boss is actually in the middle of the ladder instead of before the boss.

After you defeat whoever the sub-boss might be, the character you're using tells you more about their reason for being there, how they feel right now, or something else that's occuring in their lives at this very moment.

Then you fight the rest and then the boss and then you get their ending whether it satisfied you or not.

But still, it's something that I thought of for a second and that that what TMB did was really cool with it's comeback, and yeah, I'm pretty sure that MK won't be like this, but if it did, would it actually be a cool thing to have while in arcade mode, or will it just be more of a distraction than anything?
01/08/2009 04:36 AM (UTC)
Actually, I've seen a number of actual FIGHTING games that do something similar. The best example that comes to mind are a few of the recent Tekken games. Start off with an introduction to the character you've selected (not a video but a slide or two, plus a few paragraphs) that explains who they are and why they are fighting in the tournament. Midway through the tournament, they fight somebody predetermined with a little cutscene to highlight the fight in some way. Continue to end, a few slides with words, and then FMV ending for the character. It's a fine system and I wouldn't mind seeing something like this done with MK. Would certainly help tell the story of a few characters during gameplay.
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01/08/2009 08:48 AM (UTC)
I'd prefer a more player intensive approach. Though I think this is a method that could work.

I'd like to have points at which information is given to us, yes. But I'd like to have to play the game and find things....Jump on sites like this and find out I missed something....go back and play the game again....figure out I missed something else....go back and play the game again.

I feel that a bulk of the information given about a character should happen through the methods that they have been using already. Or that they have used in the past. Profiles and Bios should be good healthy sources for a character.

Profiles should be used for mainly new characters, or the reintroduction of a long missing character (or in Mk's current state...all the characters in the latest game...finally). Profiles should give solid, mainly unchangeable background stuff about the characters. Something factual that happened, or a change in the personality that makes them who they are at their core. A good character in a current game, should make a person go back and get the last game the character was in, just to have the Profile that they missed out on.

As such, I think profiles should have physical attributes(eye color, hair color...ect), family, friends, occupation, training (martial arts, weapons) ect ect ect... But I also think it's important to put a healthy excerpt in the Profile that explains most of the things that are merely listed above it. Explain the occupation, explain the branding on the clothes, explain the powers and training, explain any limitations and capabilities the character might have in any way shape or form.

Give a little example of when the character came to use some of the things that make the character who they are. Explain any declarations, or any promises//vows they may have made...ect. Give a good sense of how strong or weak the character is, and give a good sense of the personality of the character in this good sized excerpt.

We should know exactly who we're playing with by the time we're done reading, or listening, or listening and watching this thing.

To put it more clearly, we should not only want to play more with the character after this, but we should also never want them to die after experiencing the Profile of a character.

Now take that character, and go fight in a Mortal Kombat contest...woosh.

Bios should build on the Profile. It should also obviously, give some sort of an update on the characters status or whereabouts coming up to the game that the character is currently in. But as we've seen, divulging specifics about the characters current personality, or current habits and happenings (and therefor building the character more) is certainly appreciated. Bios let us know where the character is at physically, and mentally....currently.

Bios can have many purposes actually, but I like the approach that lets us know what happened to the character since the last time we saw them. They explain in specifics, the actions and involvements of a given character. Any conundrums the character has been exposed to and so on...

Endings should allow us to come to a conclusion about a character. Not give us a hangover....for the most part. I appreciate cliffhangers, but there is a line to be drawn. If the whereabouts of a character is unclear for no really apparent reason = cliffhanger. However, if they DIE in their ending, THEY....ARE....DEAD. *shrugs* whatareyagonnado-eh?

Endings need to be telling us where they went away from a current contest, or "Mortal Kombat situation" that happened for that game. They should be explaining the final choices, and unfolding the conclusions for that character, for that specific game, for specific circumstances.

Endings close that chapter of the characters life, and either end the characters life, or conclude the relationship they had to the current overall game plot. They can continue relationships to other characters, but the story of the game concludes for the characters somehow.

I've said before that some characters will just...go away from Mortal Kombat after a contest. Some will just not want to fight in Mortal Kombat anymore....maybe they go back to the life they had before they got involved in Mortal Kombat affairs? Whatever the case. Some will die. Some will feel the affects of age....Some will rank out of position to be the "go to" person for a Mortal Kombat situation. Whatever....but you see. End it.

Beyond those things, we should be finding, or earning more information about the characters by now. Information costs....and can also act as a sort of currency. So I want the MkTeam to use these new, modern day methods to give us the story.

I think that we should absolutely understand the premise of the game from the start, but when it comes to enjoying the characters that we play with, we should be actively building that up by playing the game. We should understand their role because we played through it. We should be learning how tough it is to be that type of character....ect.

For instance, people don't know that there is no such thing as a Female Special Forces woman in real life. Why isn't there? Because of rules, regulations....and alot of note-worthy red tape (google it. closest you'll get is "women in combat"). Well, I think that if they're gonna have a "Sonya" in Mortal Kombat, they need to let us be exposed to the types of "shit"....she has been through, in order to obtain that stature. lol Because that position is hard-as-FUCK to get, for a male. Listen, the odds are stacked waaay high against perfectly healthy, gifted, goal oriented, talented above-ABOVE average males.....and THIS hot headed woman character is a GENERAL in the USSF?! Haha!

I'd bet "USSF General" doesn't mean squat to an Mk fan. It's sad....So sad that-that rank doesn't have any weight in this game. Sonya is supposed to be unusually impressive on all fronts. Even though she's "just a video game character". Hm....she's supposed to be the top above number 1's, number 1. If that helps anything.

Anyway, we should be working for things that tell us something about a character, or about something that will happen down the road in the game.

So, if I find a garment of Sub-Zeros in the game somewhere that has a symbolic fountain on it. It should translate to a literal fountain in a training arena that "I should go practice trying to freeze"...why? Because there's probably a fountain near the next boss that I will need to use in order to beat him//her easier. And what would be funny, is all the people that would find the garment, not get the message, not go practice on the fountain, get to the boss character, and fight him//her wrong over and over and over....lol
Imagine them jumping on sites like this one, and complaining about how tough it is to throw punches and kicks at the boss. lmaO!

Not only would you miss the clue to go practice, but you'd probably not get that the garment meant something to Sub-Zero's backstory. Which would make you misinterpret something a character told you later on in the game for that character.

This is akin to how I think we should be getting story in the games.....Not just more shallow cutscenes.
01/19/2009 09:31 PM (UTC)
Twisted Metal Black ROCKS!

And I love that character story build-up as you go through the game! That would be an awesome idea. It would also be siiick if the stories for the MK were as dark, or creepy as in TMB

One thing though...aren't the MK combatants chosen, rather than them choosing to participate...?

hehe, but oh well, that tournament concept of MK is long gone i think...tongue
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