A new mode??
posted11/22/2011 10:08 PM (UTC)by
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03/07/2011 10:29 PM (UTC)
Since i have played MK shaolin monks V.S. mode i kept imagining how sweet that V.S mode could be if it was done a bit different. i really liked the vs mode how it was, but than i thought what if they made this 4 player and done.... etc.

Recently has "DG1OA" posted a thread about MK / SSB, that remind me of this idea. this could be a modus in the next MK adventure or an separated game that can be downloaded from the Inet.

Ok, think of it as an graphic improved V.S. mode similar to MK:SM with bigger (2floors) arena's, weapons and items that have different effects.

lets say every character begins with 3 kredits and 150% of health. when that character comes close to 20% it can be finished, if so it looses 1 kredit. (instead of SSB where your character gets lighter in weight it gets heavier so slower, this should give u the time to finish him/her off) *or revive him/her*

*There are 3 ways to FINISH of a character,
1. fatality.
2. brutality.
3. throw/ pop it off stage. u can climb back on stage but it gets harder as your health gets lower (bc of the weight)

*Stage fatality's,
Are not in every level. also is there no need to be weakened to die by an stage fatality. * only by throw/ uppercut or roundhouse kick

There is also a way to REVIVE someone by performing a Friend-ship.
this is always possible but only comes in handy if its your team player. so if you see your team player is weakened u can help him by performing an friend-ship. (the more friend-ships is used on u , the less % of health comes back)

Babality: turns u in a baby, as a baby u can ́t fight but only move.

Ok, here the different modes u can choose from,

- Battle royal (win by kills/points) *depends what your settings are*
- King of the hill (who survives wins)
- Tag-team battle (2 vs 2),
- JUGGLE mode (the player with the highest juggles wins)
- Handicap (1 vs 2, 1 vs 3, 3 vs 1, 2 vs 3)

-set-blood 1-10 (1= almost no blood) 10= outrages splashes of blood)
-set- game play speed (slow-normal-fast)
-enable/disable items
-set- difficulty *set-A.I (example, wake up attacks-(medium), punish-(hard)
-set how many points/kills
-set-wind direction (where the wind blows)
-set-disaster (choose what disaster u want while playing that stage) on/off

(all weapons that are used in mk9) and traps that can be placed around the stage.

-Extra JUGGLE recovery (gives you less recovery on your moves so u can paste moves that normally wouldn't)
-Invincibility (makes you invincible for 5 sec.)
-Invisible (makes u invisible for 5 sec.)
-Speed x2 (makes u twice as fast)
-EX bar (make your specials enhanced (x3)
-Health orbs (give health)

Dragon koins:
can be earned by winning. with these koins you can,

- improve your weapon
* (example, Scorpion improves the length of his spear)
- un-lock scrolls (these scrolls tell some back story about that specific characters.
* (example, Scorpion unlocks scroll, this scroll says something about his death that wasn't explained before)

when dan fordan pops up and ure in time to press up + start u get 50% health boost.

stages: (when pressing start u get klassic music)
there are so many good stages so i leave this open.

controls: (ps)
- Front punch= square * grab while holding R2
- Back punch= triangle * uppercut while holding R2
- Kick= circle * round-house kick while holding R2
- Jump= X
- Block= R1 * + X = evade
- Focus= L1
- Dash= R3
- Grab= R2 + square * Drop weapon/ item/ grab= R2 + D-pad (down)
- Specials moves= L2 * while holding L2 + square/ triangle/ circle
- Fatality= R2 + D-pad (right)
- Brutality= R2 + D-pad (left)
- Friend ship R2 + D-pad (up) tongue
-Taunts= select * can be canceled

(did 7 characters for example, will come more)

- Scorpion * specials
1. come here= L2 + square
2. tele-port= L2 + triangle
3. demon fire= L2 + circle

- Sub zero* specials
1. freeze= L2 + square
2. ice clone= L2 + triangle
3. slide= L2 + circle

- Kitana * specials
1. fan throw= L2 + square
2. fan wave= L2 + triangle
3. square Wave Punch= L2 + circle

- Jax * specials
1. superman punch= L2 + square
2. gotcha grab= L2 + triangle
3. ground pound= L2 + circle (mid range)

- Johnny cage * specials
1. green orb= L2 + square
2. nut punch= L2 + triangle
3. shadow kick= L2 + circle

-Sonya * specials
1. ring toss= L2 + square
2. kiss= L2 + triangle
3. bicycle kick= L2 + circle

it would be fun if u could enter cheats before the fights starts like in mk9. cheats for big head mode, no jump mode, no block mode, no special mode... etc.

here is a link to a video similar to what i have in mind:

But then well improved with bigger (2 floors) arena's, graphics etc...
would you play it?

let me know what you think of it.

11/21/2011 12:09 PM (UTC)
No reply ́s but 1 dragon point tongue

but seriously, nobody likes this?? o_O
11/21/2011 09:19 PM (UTC)
I'll post my thoughts later, deal?
11/21/2011 09:55 PM (UTC)
thats cool
11/22/2011 12:21 AM (UTC)
I'd want to preface my opinion by stating that I've never played MK: Shaolin Monks. I'm more into the one-on-one type of fighting games. And I look at Mortal Kombat as more of a fighting game than an Adventure type of game.

With that being said I'll say that this would be a very exciting way to implement a "Konquest Mode" or "Adventure Mode" to the game and offer up a contrast to the one-on-one/tag team format of the game. But I don't really see this being a good way of presenting "Survival Mode" due to the fact there's too much going on. It's like sensory overload. There's too many characters on the stage and it makes it confusing to know what's going on. It's almost like going to concert and seeing a bunch of extras and people within an entourage on stage. You don't know who's performing. But I think this again would present a great way of implementing "Konquest/Adventure Mode".

I think this mode could be ultilized to better explain the loop holes in a characters backstory, such as the story behind Scorpion's Shirai Ryu, or Sub-Zero's Lin Kuei. It can be a means of explaining Mortal Kombat before the first tournament and even further explain possible future storylines with existing and new characters on an individual basis, modeling the format of Zelda.

Some of the ideas I think would enhance this mode would be to make the animation of the characters and stages bigger. I think based on the footage that was posted, it was a little hard to catch everything that was going on. The bigger the animation in terms of the characters, camera angles, and amount of characters in the camera shots makes it harder to follow what's going on. So I would make it to where this mode would be depicted in the same type of fashion as the same one on one formatting of the video game.

- Stages should be present as open spaces if this were to be Adventure/Konquest Mode. Being enclosed inside of a confinded area I think defeats the purpose of this whole mode. I think this would also create a reason for althogether new stages such as forest or open fields.

* Backdrops should be 20% bigger.
* Maximum of 7 levels for each character, indicative of their backstory.
* All open spaced stages should be the same regardless of character.
* There should be maximum of 1 boss character, or 1 sub-boss character for each level.
` * Various stage traps could be created depleting the life supply of character.
* Various refuge areas should made available such as shops, markets and hotels.
* Weather changing (I.E. rain, snow, heat, earthquakes, avalanches, tornandoes and hurricanes.)

- With the exception of newer characters, I think the whole MK roster should be made available for this mode each telling their origins of how they came about.

* Unlockable Characters
* Should be to perform a basic set of specialty moves.
* Could be a multitude of foot soliders such as Tarkenians, Lin Kuei, Shirai Ryu, Shao Kahn's army.
* Fatalities, Babalities, Hari Kari's should not be available in this wide spanned 3-D format.
* Unique Boss Characters for each level indicative of chosen character's story.
* Various modes of character. (I.E. Invincible, Invisible, Rage-Super Speed,
* Guidence Characters to provide hints, clues to levels.

- Should be created to model an Adventure/Konquest type of format instead of a one-on-one type of fighting format. This mode could be a game inside of a game.

* Koins awarded for various accomplishments.
* Unlocking of enhanced features such as more powerful weapons.
(I.E. Various katana blades such as Zatochi sword 10% more damage for Kenshi.)
(Hatori Hanzo sword 50% more damage for Kenshi.)
* Movie reels of dialouge traded between characters.
* 3-Dimensional/third shooter type of format.

These are some basic ideas to add on.
11/22/2011 02:29 PM (UTC)
thanx for sharing :) koins are added XD

the chaos on screen should be minimal because 4 players is max players on screen. also will the character models and arena's be bigger than the video i posted. (that was just to give an idea)

i love something similar to this but the problem is that it will only work split-screen, and cost lots of time/money to develop.

it should be a modes inside an MK game (prefer adventure type). i don't see it working as an konquest type of game with the rules i have made up. the adventure self should explain the story etc.
(maybe i have mis-understood you, tho)

back story (per character) can be unlocked by playing this 4player modes lets say you unlock koin's per characters by winning, and with these koins you can improve your weapon and un-lock scrolls that reveal some back story of that char.

(Scorpion unlocks scroll, this scroll says something about his death that wasn't explained before)

revealing back story wasn't my priority, its certainly nice and will be added. my main reason is to play in an open arena and having fun with 4players in the same arena. if this is done serious and balanced it could be lots of bloody fun tongue
11/22/2011 10:08 PM (UTC)
i like the idea of changing wind and etc in the enviorments. although i own shaolin monks i haven't unlocked the mode you speak of. i played it for a short time and got bored of it. haven't played it since. that was few years ago.

maybe have the specials be how they were in def jam series were you grab them and flick the analog stick in different directions to pull of various special moves or they can be the standard way.

i kinda skimmed through what you typed but once i read through it i'll post more. hope this helps.
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