A new announcer?
posted09/14/2009 03:33 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
08/17/2004 08:46 PM (UTC)
To really give this game a fresh feel through and through, could they get a new announcer please?? He has been in 5 games now, and i would like to hear a different voice, it gets kinda old. No offence to Herman Sanchez(spelling?), he is a great asset to the mortal kombat team.
I was glad after they changed the first announcer from MK 1-3, and that helped make the 3d games sound fresh at first...ya feel me on this one?
07/26/2009 02:10 AM (UTC)
Indeed. The announcer should be who ever the boss is. Like they established in MK1-MK3. E.g Shang Tsung was the annoucer in MK1, Shoa Kahn was the annoucer in MK2-MK3. For whatever reason, the mk team abandoned this idea, and used Khan's voice for every other mk game.
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07/26/2009 08:01 AM (UTC)
Untrue. From MK:DA to MK vs DC, the announcer did sound very alike, but they were all different (for the most part).

MK:DA - Quan Chi

MK:D - Onaga

MK:A - Onaga (again)

MK vs DCU (Dark Kahn)

However, it is fact that Quan Chi, Onaga, and Dark Kahn are all in fact related, which i'm sure explains the similarities in their voices.

I do feel, though, that an overhaul of the announcing voice should be in store. The current voice is getting rather annoying. That's why I think that Shang Tsung in MK1, was one of the best (if not best) announcing voices because it sounded different than all the others.
07/26/2009 09:15 PM (UTC)
i'd like to see raiden, fujin, or shinnok for the next game if i could pick any announcers before the round of the fight to speak.
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

07/26/2009 11:48 PM (UTC)
Truth be told I'd like to hear an announcer similar to what was in MK1. A softer yet still sinister voice.
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08/03/2009 11:13 PM (UTC)

I love the announcer we have now!
08/04/2009 09:07 PM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
Untrue. From MK:DA to MK vs DC, the announcer did sound very alike, but they were all different (for the most part).

MK:DA - Quan Chi

MK:D - Onaga

MK:A - Onaga (again)

MK vs DCU (Dark Kahn)

However, it is fact that Quan Chi, Onaga, and Dark Kahn are all in fact related, which i'm sure explains the similarities in their voices.

I do feel, though, that an overhaul of the announcing voice should be in store. The current voice is getting rather annoying. That's why I think that Shang Tsung in MK1, was one of the best (if not best) announcing voices because it sounded different than all the others.

I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be Quan Chi in all the games since MK4. Herman Sanchez does the announcer voice, regardless of which character it's supposed to be.
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Bring Jade, kitana & Mileena back!

09/13/2009 07:38 AM (UTC)
I think it would be REALLY interesting
to hear a british woman, with a powerful,
commanding voice. I don't know, It just always
pops into my mind.
09/13/2009 03:19 PM (UTC)
They should get someone like Noriyuki "Pat" Morita to do some announcing. That would be cool I think. I would say to use him but he passed away in 2005 I think. Another good one would be the announcer from Ninja Warrior. May not be in english but it would definitely be different and attention grabbing lol.
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

09/13/2009 07:48 PM (UTC)
I have to say that I like mk to sound as evil as possible= I loved the deep quick announcement names of mk1-umk3 seems like they watered the evilness of the announcers voice down in later titles, however I also like mk vs dc announcer. What some ppl dont realize is that when you first buy and play your mk game you should always go to the options and go to sound and rise the bars to the end which will allow the sound effects and the announcer to be louder, I do that with every fightin game. I like to always get the full effect like the arcade when im playing a fightin game.
Also off the record, if you lower the brightness and contrast in the game you can make it look more evil like or darker almost like the old mk DARK KOMBAT. The mk4/mk4-gold announcer sound too dull and loud, as I said it sounds more evil when they announce the names in a deep voice and announce the names quickly like mileena winzzz instead of
mileeeena then a 2 second pause then says wins- that last way sounds too boring, as I said I like when the word winzzzz comes strait after the name without the 2 second pause, so now that I mentioned this,,, mk vs dc did have slight pauses in the word wins right after the name. And yes little things like this does make a difference in the gameplay or sould I say after the gameplay ends. They stated that mk will go back to its old roots, probably as far as the alities they use to have as well as the fast gameplay as well as pits and this could be done in 3d as well, you dont need boring 2d in order to have fast mk gameplay. Gosh I was so happy mk turned 3d, that way it looks more realer when ur fighting plus you can do much much more and the specials are better in 3d. I did mention b4 in 1 of my posts that they need a button that can be pressed at anytime during the gameplay to make the game go from 3d to 2d just to please both parties of 2d an 3d parties.
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finally a(TRILOGY 2){2D} instead of (armageddon 2){3D}

09/13/2009 07:58 PM (UTC)
This is the thing, yall are confusing the real life announcer with the boss announcer of the game meaning- no matter who announces the names for the game characters, they are announcing for the BOSS of that game. I mean you dont see sanchez in the actual mk game, there4 hes acting as the boss when he does announce things for the game. and that goes 4 any announcer of a mk game. There not announcing as their actual self, cause their announcing as the boss. DUH LOL
09/14/2009 03:33 AM (UTC)
Geeeberry Wrote:
I think it would be REALLY interesting
to hear a british woman, with a powerful,
commanding voice. I don't know, It just always
pops into my mind.

Bahaha, this reminds me of the navigation voice I have set up in the car. We made her voice have a British voice because the other one was too demanding. TURN RIGHT HERE!

Lol, I think that they should just have something normal for an announcer. That's all my two cents on this.
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