A lot of talk about MK9, but what of spin-offs?
posted07/26/2010 04:56 AM (UTC)by
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04/22/2010 03:22 PM (UTC)
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I guess I wasn't around to hear the news.

Is there any word on any spin-off MK games (i.e. Shaolin Monks 2 or some other action adventure game)?

I honestly would prefer MK9 not to have a conquest mode. Instead have a story mode. Conquest always brings a bland new character shoved into the MK universe (shujinko, taven...).

If they're dying for a conquest mode type game, I hope they continue from MKSM and bring about the MK3 storyline (and keep the story from falling too far away from the canon story - as we know it anyway).

What other scenarios would make an interesting action adventure MK game? Some ideas I've had in mind:

MKSM2 (as stated above) taking place during Kahn's invasion. I guess this could be renamed to Defenders of the Realm (like the TV show) and have more than just Liu Kang and Kung Lao as playable characters.

Remake of Special Forces (done right of course). Mixing in martial arts fighting along with a 3rd person shooter. This time make Sonya and Jax both playable so it can be co-op. Then follow up on that with a "add on" or expansion pack featuring the Black Dragon and Red Dragon. They can reveal story elements that have were only told through the comic books (Black Dragon splitting from the Red Dragon, Sonya's old partner, etc. etc.)
Since Kenshi and Cyrax eventually join the Special Forces team during MKG/MKDA they can have their own unique roll in the game.

Remake of Sub-Zero, but not stopping where the original MKMSZ did. Continue on through the transformation of Noob Saibot and where ever that story may lead. This game should start off before the original, where Sub-Zero is new to the Lin Kuei and has to learn everything from scratch and complete assassination missions. Show some more Shirai Ryu rivalry and then eventually lead up to the MK story as we know it.

Even more intersting... an Action Adventure Role Playing Game featuring Quan Chi. Starting from his training all the way to his corruption, learning necromancy, and mastering all that he knows. He's done a lot of behind the scenes stuff in the MK universe and it'd be interesting to play through all of them.
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05/11/2010 07:23 PM (UTC)
Not now.
Everything you want, but after the next regular game.
05/11/2010 10:41 PM (UTC)
MK needs to get back in the public's graces before we can worry about all that.
Adam Ronin
05/11/2010 11:03 PM (UTC)
MKSM2 was in development but was cancelled recently. There is a news article somewhere online but I am too lazy to look it up.

05/12/2010 12:31 AM (UTC)
Rumor has it though, there is another adventure MK title in the works...only time will tell.
05/12/2010 01:27 AM (UTC)

Cancelled right when it got started. Truthfully, I'm wouldn't be so thrilled about a Scorpion and Sub-Zero game anyway.

I wonder how they would have managed this as a sequel if it had to be about them fighting side by side. They were enemies back them. It would have featured another canon-ignoring trainwreck story.
05/12/2010 04:45 PM (UTC)
As has been said, for now they should focus their energy on the core series.

However, down the line, if/when they decide to delve into spin-off adventure games again I'd like to see a game that focused on Kitana, Mileena, and Jade when they were all serving Shao Kahn. Maybe explaining how Kitana finally learned the truth about her past.

Or a game that focused on Shao Kahn. It could be about his rise to power, dealing with overhthrowing Onaga, and detail his background and how he became the way he is.

Provided, of course, they had a good storyline that made sense within the canon and not a total clusterfuck like Shaolin Monks was.
05/12/2010 04:51 PM (UTC)
I say only make adventure games when the time is necessary... I would, however, like to see a game focusing on a villain rather than one of the good guys. We've had Sub-Zero, we've had the Shaolin Monks, and the Special Forces. If they were to make a game focusing on a good character again, then I will agree with XiahouDun84 and let is focus on Kitana, Jade and Mileena.

But I would appreciate it even more if they focused on a villain rather than the usual good guys. It just seems like there's a great story that can be created if focused on a villain and it's rare that we see a video game focusing on a villain anyways.
05/12/2010 05:22 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
Provided, of course, they had a good storyline that made sense within the canon and not a total clusterfuck like Shaolin Monks was.

grin grin grin
05/12/2010 07:01 PM (UTC)
I really hope not. They completely ruined MK2 for me when MKSM came out. I would hate to see them botch another storyline the way they neutered that one. I would rather see them work on a proper, balanced, and well-made MK.
05/12/2010 08:06 PM (UTC)
For the next game, I hope it's a classic MK fighter. As for the following games, I wouldn't mind if some of those were to be spin-offs.

My nominees for the lead role would be:

1) Kitana - I already posted some ideas in the character debate thread. I think Kitana's story is so rich you could easily make more than one game based on her story. She is over 10 000 years old anyway.

2) Sub-Zero - I know we already had one spin-off game featuring Sub-Zero, but that was the older Sub-Zero. The younger one is a brilliant character with great story progression and therefore a great candidate. Final boss- Sektor maybe? That'd be cool.

3) Shao Kahn - maybe starting as a young and naive man slowly turning corrupt. Maybe the game could end with his death, or with him overthrowing Onaga as the Outworld ruler.

4) Ashrah - I know this will probably never happen, but I find Ashrah quite intriguing as a character and I'd definitely like to experience her path of destiny. I'd love it if they would do it so that at the end of the day you still couldn't figure out if she's evil or good.

5) Raiden - like Kitana, Sub-Zero and Shao-Kahn, Raiden is an icon of the series too. It'd be great to learn more about his past and I'd just love to zap some people too. Also, through the progress of the game I'd like to learn more about Fujin and Shinnok as well.
05/13/2010 02:00 AM (UTC)
I'd rather see a game focused on a team rather than a single character.

I'd love an UMK3-based game centered on the heroes of that time where we travel through an apocalyptic Earth, fight through extermination squads, and encounter Motaro, Sindel, Sheeva, the cyborgs, and some ninjas as bosses.
06/02/2010 12:14 AM (UTC)
MK Netherealm, an action/adventure/horror game

With quite a few MK characters with ties to the hell of the MK universe and it lending itself to something extremely dark and vicious (as well as having its share of dark humor), making a game set in it, to me, seems like a great idea. Demons, entities, factions old and new. It can really penetrate into the stories of several characters and introduce a plethora of new fighters.

I think this could create more interest and fuel speculation. By creating a look into the dregs of the MK universe, at the most evil and sadistic, plus warlords and demigods, fans will speculate on who will make it to an actual MK fighting game. Characters that can be introduced can be from any place and any time period--the founder of the Lin Kuei, perhaps, fallen gods, ancient tyrants, mass murderers, dark priests.

When wrapped into a dark, visceral game, the only way for this to fail, I think, is for it to just plain be poorly done.

My own preferences would to make the protagonist entirely new to the MK universe. The benefits are twofold: all the horrors of the realm are fresh to the person, plus it gives existing MK characters more of a mystique, not being controlled directly. To me, it would be an entertaining game that also happens to flesh out a very important part of the MK universe, introducing new personages and places, some of which might be useful in future MK games.
06/02/2010 01:13 AM (UTC)

Some interesting ones imo:

Shao Kahn- They could finally clear up the confusion they caused in MKD, refering to Kahn as being "The same race as Raiden" and as being a custodian to the realm, much as Raiden is. "Who is Shao Kahn" has always been one of MK's greatest mysteries, and it'd be great to delve into that.

Sub-Zero: I'd like a story set in MK3 with flashbacks to MK1 and his brother leaving to go to the tournament. It'd flesh out his relationship with his brother, and the other cyber ninjas. You could also show Sub-Zero being stalked by Scorpion, since well...I think his protector role is kind of retconned.

Rain: okay, I know a lot of people don't like Rain, but I think he has such fascinating potential. He's like a deluxe version of Tanya; a character who was born into so much, but threw it away. He is the son of Argus, adopted by the General of Edenia (maybe entrusted into the General's care, maybe Argus pulled a Zeus on her). Rain is smuggled out as a small boy...and when he returns 10,000 years later...he's evil!

I sort of theorized that maybe Quan Chi under a disguise raised the infant Rain, knowing he would be a pawn that could be used in the battles to come (especially if Quan Chi has always known that Rain is a son of Argus.)
06/02/2010 02:17 AM (UTC)
MK Mythologies: Kenshi. Ninja Gaiden meets Psi-Ops.
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06/02/2010 11:34 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
I'd rather see a game focused on a team rather than a single character.

I'd love an UMK3-based game centered on the heroes of that time where we travel through an apocalyptic Earth, fight through extermination squads, and encounter Motaro, Sindel, Sheeva, the cyborgs, and some ninjas as bosses.

I'm afraid it would taste like annihilation, but some more details on that invasion could be interesting.
06/02/2010 02:08 PM (UTC)
Shinomune Wrote:
MK Mythologies: Kenshi. Ninja Gaiden meets Psi-Ops.

Kenshi isn't much of a ninja though. I always saw his style more strictly about swordsmanship. Ninjas were covert and all about espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination. Everything Kenshi isn't.

I'd have to say it would be a washed down version of just Psi Ops.
06/02/2010 05:53 PM (UTC)
Yeah, Kenshi isn't a ninja, but it's more the concept of "a lot of japanese mythology killed with gore-style with a deadly katana" grin
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06/02/2010 06:28 PM (UTC)
People dont want existing characters to be used in adventure games...

But then many of you bash Taven and Shujinko for being thrown into it and new characters being pushed up to the top. This is an unavoidable battle that were never going to win.

If they threw Jarek (an existing but non-iconic character) into an adventure game wed be like "WTF". A new character gets bashed(even tho Shuj and Taven were awsome) and major icons get bashed for being over used.

Theres no winning. Just enjoy the games.
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06/07/2010 05:28 AM (UTC)
Meat should get his own spin-off game.grin
06/07/2010 11:43 AM (UTC)
Scorpionsrage Wrote:
Meat should get his own spin-off game.grin

I'm interested in seeing you (legitimately) justify that answer...
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06/07/2010 04:42 PM (UTC)
I was joking about Meat getting his own game.
But for some reason I do like Meat.
06/22/2010 03:39 AM (UTC)
I like a game on a little more MK history, like that war from thousands of years ago that is mentioned in the MK4 intro. Or about what brought about the very first Mortal Kombat tournament. It had to be more than a bunch of wise men asking the Elder Gods for help. They [Elder Gods] would never create the tournament just on the request of a few mortals.
06/24/2010 11:28 PM (UTC)
I think it'd be nice, but let's keep to fighting for now. MK has to reconstruct itself, I'd hate to see it die from another Special Forces.
06/25/2010 06:58 PM (UTC)
What we need is to get MK9 nice and candy. Not to waste time on half assed non-canon games.
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