A Game With Style(s)
posted11/08/2005 06:16 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
03/04/2004 04:41 AM (UTC)
Forgive me if there's already another topic on this same subject. I looked back 5 pages, and I found one similar (on which new styles should be incorporated), but that's about it.

The other day, I was playing MK Deception again (actually, I was using Action Replay Codes to play as characters that aren't normally playable, such as Nitara and Monster... but that's irrevelant for this topic), and I was thinking about, in the next MK game, about which fighting styles would complement returning characters. I came up with a list that I felt was at least feasable. However, you're inclined to disagree with me if need be, so I would like to see your ideas as well. Note that I merely have posted which characters I could think of styles for, regardless of if they have appeared in DA/TE/D or older games, or canonly cannot appear in the next game (after all, Midway may retcon some people alive again, and, hopefully, they don't use Deception's deus ex machina of people being revived just before death again... but here I am going off on a tangent again... -_- ) By the way, (SAME) designates that I like the styles they had in their last appearance. I also elaborate when I feel necessary.

Bo' Rai Cho
-Drunken Fist
-Alcohol Jug: I feel that as the uber-master of Drunken Fist, he could stand to use the signature weapon of the style, the jug. I've seen Drunken Fist practitioners use the jug very effectively, setting up confusion and combonations easily.

-Shorin Ryu
-Leopard Kung Fu
-Tetsubo: Iron staff. He's probably strong enough to use it, and for some reason whenever I think of Darrius in my head, he's wielding a staff.

-Hua Chuan
-Choy Lee Fut
-Jitte: No specific reason; I just needed to move Axe to someone else, and I thought of a Jitte to replace Ermac's weapon.

-Phoenix Kung Fu: A mystical style for a mystical fighter.
-Shoot Boxing: I always thought that his stance in MK4 looked very slightly like Shoot Boxing.
-Yumi: Japanese longbow. Instead of a crossbow, it would be a longbow that would require a second or two for the arrow to be shot (as opposed to in MK4, where his energy bursts could shoot instantly and was rather cheap in contrast to the other fighters' weapons (excluding Johnny Cage's pistol, of course)).

-Pancratium: The Greek style (also spelled many other ways, including Pankration) in which boxing and wrestling is derived from. With his four arms and huge stature, this style would fit him like a speedo.
-Dragon Fangs

-Brawling: I felt that Havik needed a more chaotic style to fit his nature. Brawling is totally unpredictable and fits him well.
-Chaos: Perhaps his second style would be a fictional style that is taught in his homeland of the Chaosrealm. It would include biting, ear pulling, throwing oneself at the opponent, and other techniques that aren't commonly associated with the martial arts.
-Arnis-Knife: An Arnis Stick in one hand, a large dagger in the other, this combination fighting style would be very unpredictable.

-Fang Zi
-Kajukenbo: This combination art would suit Jade well, I think.
-Bojutsu: Just make her staff like the one in UMK3/MKT, and not that butt-ugly one in MK Deception.

-Muay Thai
-Capoeria: There is totally no representative of this awesome art in MK. Why not give it to one of the coolest (previous to MKDA, that is) characters?

Johnny Cage
-Kickboxing: Jeet Kune Do/Jun Fan's given to Liu. Kickboxing seems suitable for Cage.
-Bokken: Well, Liu's got the Nunchaku (it suits him better), so I think I'd give Cage a wooden sword. Although used mostly for practice, a bokken can be a lethal weapon in the right hands, slashing flesh and breaking bones.


-Aikido: A nice art, I believe, to give Kai. His alternate costume could perhaps see use of a hakama.
-Black Tiger Kung Fu: His skin is dark, and he has the tiger stripes, right? I'm usually against stereotypes (especially if they include bad puns like this one), but well, he did train in China for a while, right? It would make sense if he learned at least one style of Kung Fu.
-Ghurka Knife: His MK4 weapon. 'Nuff Said.



-Eagle Claw
-Combat Sambo: It worked for Blue Mary Ryan (Garou Densetsu/Fatal Fury, The King of Fighters). I don't see why Kitana couldn't benefit from it
-Tessen (Iron fans)

Kung Lao

Liu Kang

-Brute Strength
-Ball & Chain

-Ba Sha Fan
-Mugai Ryu: Shown as an actual Iaido style this time, unlike MK Deception

-Vale Tudo
-Manriki-gusari: Lay off the Native American stereotype, Midway! Nightwolf's a freakin' cool character, but let's face it; stereotypes do suck. Although they did good with giving him Vale Tudo and Taekwondo, I think a different weapon would fit.

-Hun Gar
-Nan Quan
-Kwan Dao

Noob Saibot
-Monkey Kung Fu
-Ninpo: Ninja were also known as Kagemusha - shadow warriors, right? Well, the Lin Kuei were similar to ninja, and after all, Cyrax and Sektor had Ninjutsu in MKDA/TE. I think it fits to give Noob the more mystical art of the ninja.
-Scythe: His weapon in MK4.

-Noga: The primary style I study, and so I give it to my favorite character. Noga is very much like Tai Qi Quan, but is more externally focused. The only problem is there's little evidence towards this style's origins (and in some cases, existance), and a lot of people don't even believe it exists at all.

-Vajra Mushti: This art, as far as I know, is not represented in any video games, and it's one of my favorite arts. I somehow got an image of Rain performing it when I thought of who in MK should use it.
-Tang Soo Do
-Tan Dien Dao

-Daito Ryu Aikijutsu
-Brazillian Jujutsu
-Kyakujutsu: Short distance explosion-based techniques

-Shotokan Karate
-Kwan Do

-Pi Gua
-Moi Fah

-Plasma Blade

Shao Kahn
-Tai Tzu
-Outworld: A new style, focusing on very brutal and bloody hand-to-hand combat
-Wrath Hammer

-Hensojutsu: The art of impersonation would be perfect for Shinnok, although how exactly it would work as a style in MK would be tricky.

-Mi Tzu
-Spirit Kombat: This Brazilian Jujutsu-based style would use a "K" like in Mortal Kombat
-Kusarigama: It could be wielded much similar to the Harpoon he used in MKII, but with, of course, added moves so that it is a style on its own, and not just one technique.

-Dragon Kung Fu
-Turtle Kung Fu
-Ikkaku: Instead of the Kori Blade he had in the previous two games, I think Sub-Zero should have a katana-like weapon made of ice, with an icicle as the blade.

And I guess I don't have to say this, but what the Hell... Midway needs to make the styles actually look like the real damn styles. No more crap like MKDA and MKD. Does like, nobody know martial arts at Midway?
About Me

11/03/2005 06:32 AM (UTC)
Bo' Rai Cho
-Drunken Fist (preferably Tsu Pa Hsien or Zui Quan)
-Sumo (the art is actually called sumai too)
-Alcohol Jug (nope. There is absolutely no usage for a mug of ale in
combat. What can he work out with that against weapons
that are like 3 kg heavy? NO jug can withstand such sewere

-Shorin Ryu
-Leopard Kung Fu
-Tetsubo: Iron staff. (could work if a Tetsubo isn't given to somekind of new
character. However Hatchet Hands and the unidentifiable
gauntlets are also semi good.)

-Hua Chuan (a plum blossom fist for Ermac?)
-Choy Lee Fut
-Jitte: (perhaps. An axe was a good divergent though)

-Phoenix Kung Fu: (umm, rather not. I advice the very aerial acrobatic style
called Yau Kung Mun. There is nothing mystical about
Wujia Chuan)
-Shoot Boxing: (no. A wind god using Shoot boxing is ridiculous IMO)
-Yumi: (has no practical use in close combat becouse of it's size, assimet-
ric structure and ammunition dependance, ot to mention the fact
that it's fragile. No ranged weapons in MK for a style)

-Pancratium (for what? Again wrong choice for the character IMO becouse 1., Goro's tructure is not good for tackling, as with all tall men and women. We have Kuatan already if there has to be a shokan style. 2., when dd Goro learn pancration)

-Brawling: brwaling is by all means not chaotic.
-Chaos: rather no made up styles. I would prefer something that describes Havik more accurately and has a reference like Choy Gar (rat style), or Dim Muk.
-The morningstar is brutal enough.

-Fang Zi
-Kajukenbo (Imo not good. Kajukenbo should go to more earthly
characters, not to those who don't have the chance to learn
modern martial arts
-Bojutsu: (a staff with no edge please)

-Muay Thai
-Capoeria (two reasons why I dislike capoeira: 1. room and space depen-
dant. useless in close quarters. 2., no focus on the hands. All to
the legs. let alone Jax's weight and character makes it a comp-
letely unbefitting style)

Johnny Cage
-Kickboxing: (Jeet Kune Do and Jun Fan are not equal)
-Bokken: bokken are just wooden versions of several sword types, so that
highly universal and nothing unique in the end. Though i might
see from where this would come.

I shall post the others at some time. But Kitana and Sambo don't mix. Sambo is a mass controll style of grappling, fistfights and such. HOw that fits Kitana is beyond me. Btw, Fatal fury's portrayal of accuracy: at least they named those styles.

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11/03/2005 03:11 PM (UTC)
a few things:

-IMO,Reptile needs more beast-like styles, not Hapkido or Shotokan...leave those to Sub and Scorp (Reptile is a monster that looks like a ninja, not a ninja)

-Capoeira must go to Kai wink

thats pretty much all tongue, i agree with the rest
About Me

11/03/2005 09:03 PM (UTC)
Capoeira doesnt really fit into the MK world.
About Me

11/03/2005 11:09 PM (UTC)
Capoeira doesn't really fit with combative martial arts.
11/04/2005 05:53 PM (UTC)
Well, here are some styles that I chose for a lot of the characters. I only went with 1 unarmed and 1 weapon, btw. Anyway, here goes:


Unarmed: Ice Dragon (bits of elements from his MKDA/MKD Dragon style along with various Dragon elements from Xing Yi Quan and Ba Gua Zhang)

Weapon: Kori Blade


Unarmed: Ninpo Taijutsu (It would be perfectly fitting if he used Shirai Ryu since that was an actual Ninpo Taijutsu style, but I think it's most likely extinct now so I'd probably go with Togakure Ryu. Scorpion should use more of Ninpo Taijutsu's offensive aspects though that's not to say he should lack the defensive ones as well.)

Weapon: Shinobi Katana (using the Togakure Ryu style of Ninja Bikenjutsu)

Noob Saibot

Unarmed: Shadow Monkey (combination of the very old Monkey Kung Fu stuff combined with the Monkey elements from Xing Yi Quan and Ba Gua Zhang)

Weapon: Scythe


Unarmed: Mi Tzu Chuan

Weapon: Twin Hammers (It's really supposed to be called Double Hammers, but I like the name Twin Hammers better, at least in this case. The Twin Hammers are used in Mi Tzu and they are light and short hammers unlike Shao Kahn's big and heavy Wrath Hammer.)


Unarmed: Tong Bei Quan

Weapon: Ice Daggers


Unarmed: Tang Soo Do

Weapon: Trident or Military Fork


Unarmed: Ba Gua Zhang

Weapon: Tessen (Steel Fan)


Unarmed: Ying Zhao (Eagle Claw)

Weapon: Sai


Unarmed: Fu Jow Pai

Weapon: Tetsubo


Unarmed: Black Crane

Weapon: Dark Whip


Unarmed: Raijinken (Thunder God Fist)

Weapon: Lightning Staff

Liu Kang

Unarmed: Jun Fan

Weapon: Nunchaku or Quadspade

Kung Lao

Unarmed: Shaolin Tai Tzu Chang Chuan

Weapon: Monk's Spade or maybe his hat


Unarmed: Jingang Quan

Weapon: His MK4 weapon


Unarmed: Pai Mei Quan

Weapon: Dan Tien Dao

Bo' Rai Cho

Unarmed: Sumo (with a special move that can switch him to the Zui Quan style)

Weapon: Bokjo (basically, his wooden short staff from MKDA and MKD)

Li Mei

Unarmed: Liu He Ba Fa

Weapon: Chinese Whip Chain


Unarmed: Pencak Silat

Weapon: Tarkata Blades

Johnny Cage

Unarmed: American Freestyle Karate

Weapon: Nunchaku (working differently from Liu Kang's Nunchaku style)


Unarmed: ITF style Tae Kwon Do

Weapon: Windmill Blade (her MK4 weapon)


Unarmed: Muay Thai/Judo mixture

Weapon: Mae Sun Sowks


Unarmed: Brawling

Weapon: Butterfly Knives


Unarmed: Baji Quan or Sambo

Weapon: Tomahawks


Unarmed: Sun Bin Quan

Weapon: Hookswords


Unarmed: Savate

Weapon: Dragon Teeth


Unarmed: Raptor

Weapon: Kirehashi Blade

Shang Tsung

Unarmed: Shaolin She Chuan (Snake Fist)

Weapon: Snake type Straight Sword


Unarmed: Shokan

Weapon: War Club

Shao Kahn

Unarmed: Pankration

Weapon: Wrath Hammer


Unarmed: Choy Gar

Weapon: Morning Star (I'm thinking instead of the way it was in MKD, it should be the kind where you can swing it and there should be more than one spiked balls)


Unarmed: Seido (apparently, there is a Karate style that goes by this name) or Tagaki Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu

Weapon: Naginata


Unarmed: Wing Chun

Weapon: Autumn Dao


Unarmed: Chen style Taijiquan or Hebei style Xing Yi Quan

Weapon: Daito Katana


Unarmed: Shanxi style Xing Yi Quan

Weapon: Mystic Scepter


Unarmed: Chuojiao

Weapon: Kris


Unarmed: Kukishinden Ryu Jujutsu

Weapon: Kama

Quan Chi

Unarmed: Sorcerer Fist

Weapon: Living Weapon


Unarmed: Netherrealm (with a move that can switch him to Oni)

Weapon: Iron Club (with a move that can switch him to Oni)


Unarmed: Leopard

Weapon: Kwan Dao


Unarmed: Fong Ngan (Phoenix Eye)

Weapon: Fire Wheels

11/07/2005 03:54 AM (UTC)
Well, since you disagreed with me, I find it only fair to disagree with you/back up my own ideas.

The alcohol jug IS a very effective weapon in the hands of a Drunken Fist master. It can stop most wooden weapons as a defense, as well. Besides, the weapon vs. weapon has not been realistic in MK; otherwise Shang Tsung's Straight Sword could have cut straight through Bo Rai Cho's Jo.

He had Hua Quan in Deception, I think...

By mystical, I meant the phoenix was mystical, not the style itself. Poor choice of words on my part.

Did Goro not have the style of "Shokan" in Deception for Gamecube? And I really like Pancratium for Goro. His four arms would be a danger to an opponent in both the boxing and wrestling techniques. And his size would only add to it.

Having seen many brawls and been in a couple, I can honestly say that it is VERY chaotic. The fight can start out hand-to-hand, move to weapons (or makeshift weapons) within a moment's notice, and go to grappling or ground fighting from there.

Made-up styles make sense since A) they've already been present in MK and B) you'd expect characters from outside of Earthrealm to know styles developed in their homelands.

I find Capoeira an awesome art simply because of the whole handstand/flip kick/ et cetera. It's visually impressive and a damn fine art in combat as well. Of course it has its drawbacks; there's not one single art that doesn't. And I don't dislike any art at all.

To quote The VGD:
"Jun Fan Gung Fu is accepted as the true name of Bruce Lee's fighting style, and that Jeet Kune Do was simply the philosophy he applied to develop this art. This is named after Lee's Chinese name, Li Jun Fan (which means "brighten San Francisco" in Chinese). Lee later referred to Jun Fan itself as Jeet Kune Do (Intercepting Fist Way), as a more widely descriptive name (and possibly in the modesty of not having an art named after him). Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do is based on the Chinese art of Wing Chun, but is mixed with techniques of several different arts, including (but not limited to) Western Boxing, Fencing, and Savate. Lee's original development of the art was to create the most potent form of martial arts, where the user needn't use kata, and that it used only the best moves from each style he drew upon. Later in life, Lee referenced that he would use the art solely to better himself. For reasons unknown to me, Jeet Kune Do is widely considered a Chinese art, despite the fact that it was developed by an American (Lee was born in San Francisco, lived in America most of his short life, and was even buried in Seattle)"

Also, I use the bokken, and oftentimes (but not all the time) prefer it to most swords. It is quite effective in battle, as it is wielded like a sword but has the effects of a staff.
11/07/2005 05:00 AM (UTC)
IamTheS Wrote:
Well, since you disagreed with me, I find it only fair to disagree with you/back up my own ideas.

The alcohol jug IS a very effective weapon in the hands of a Drunken Fist master. It can stop most wooden weapons as a defense, as well. Besides, the weapon vs. weapon has not been realistic in MK; otherwise Shang Tsung's Straight Sword could have cut straight through Bo Rai Cho's Jo.

He had Hua Quan in Deception, I think...

By mystical, I meant the phoenix was mystical, not the style itself. Poor choice of words on my part.

Did Goro not have the style of "Shokan" in Deception for Gamecube? And I really like Pancratium for Goro. His four arms would be a danger to an opponent in both the boxing and wrestling techniques. And his size would only add to it.

Having seen many brawls and been in a couple, I can honestly say that it is VERY chaotic. The fight can start out hand-to-hand, move to weapons (or makeshift weapons) within a moment's notice, and go to grappling or ground fighting from there.

Made-up styles make sense since A) they've already been present in MK and B) you'd expect characters from outside of Earthrealm to know styles developed in their homelands.

I find Capoeira an awesome art simply because of the whole handstand/flip kick/ et cetera. It's visually impressive and a damn fine art in combat as well. Of course it has its drawbacks; there's not one single art that doesn't. And I don't dislike any art at all.

To quote The VGD:
"Jun Fan Gung Fu is accepted as the true name of Bruce Lee's fighting style, and that Jeet Kune Do was simply the philosophy he applied to develop this art. This is named after Lee's Chinese name, Li Jun Fan (which means "brighten San Francisco" in Chinese). Lee later referred to Jun Fan itself as Jeet Kune Do (Intercepting Fist Way), as a more widely descriptive name (and possibly in the modesty of not having an art named after him). Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do is based on the Chinese art of Wing Chun, but is mixed with techniques of several different arts, including (but not limited to) Western Boxing, Fencing, and Savate. Lee's original development of the art was to create the most potent form of martial arts, where the user needn't use kata, and that it used only the best moves from each style he drew upon. Later in life, Lee referenced that he would use the art solely to better himself. For reasons unknown to me, Jeet Kune Do is widely considered a Chinese art, despite the fact that it was developed by an American (Lee was born in San Francisco, lived in America most of his short life, and was even buried in Seattle)"

Also, I use the bokken, and oftentimes (but not all the time) prefer it to most swords. It is quite effective in battle, as it is wielded like a sword but has the effects of a staff.

I can see most of your points though I don't think Jax should use Capoeira. I don't see him using dance-like movements and lots of kicks. To me, he's the type of fighter who uses throws and takedowns as well as boxing type moves. I think a Muay Thai/Judo mixture would be more fitting for him.

As for Hua Quan, there are two different Hua Quan styles. One of them is Flower Fist, which Ermac uses. The other one is China Fist. I think Xing Yi Quan is more of a better fit for Ermac as it uses internal force and Xing Yi is the "mind form" or "wil intent" boxing style of Kung Fu and I sort of connect that with his telekinesis. Even so, I think it would be cool to see Ermac use it.

Fujin should probably have something along the lines of Aikido or maybe one of the Taijiquan styles.
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11/07/2005 06:17 AM (UTC)
Just avoid the MK4 weapon system, that was too far fetched and dumb. Windmill lades for Sonya..yeah sure. A thing that is rather more dangerous to the user than to the opponent, besides, it is completely evident that this weapon is useless.
11/07/2005 05:20 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Just avoid the MK4 weapon system, that was too far fetched and dumb. Windmill lades for Sonya..yeah sure. A thing that is rather more dangerous to the user than to the opponent, besides, it is completely evident that this weapon is useless.

Who said anything about the MK4 weapon system? confused And what do you mean when you say it's completely evident that it's useless?

11/07/2005 07:45 PM (UTC)
I don't know much about Martial Arts but I would love for Sonya to keep her styles from Deadly Alliance except for her Kali Sticks. Her MK4 Windmill Blade was much more exotic and much more appealing. The Kali sticks are fantastic weapons to use in game but I still love her Windmill Blade. I would also like for Tanya to get her old Boomerang back if not as a fighting style but as a projectile attack. It's great that they use real fighting styles but I don't mind when they create fighting styles. It adds a bit more to the fighting in my opinion. Absolute realism is very low on my want lists.wink
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11/07/2005 09:10 PM (UTC)
Any kind of weapon what doesn't have a solid base point of stablepoint of thrust won't do shit against any kind of surface. The whole point in thrus-ting and slashing weapons to have a head (blade) what is static in the aaction of movement through tissue. If it would move, not only would it couse significantly less damage becouse of the relatively short time of contact and the absolutely low surface of contact, but it would prove coun-tereffective, as the "windmill" balde is completely useless for parrying, blocking and halting any kind of opposing weapons.

the most significant conflict would be coused with massive weapons such as like a thick bladed broadsword, a claymore, maces, and spears what have mass to give halt to the actual windmill.

Why won't a buzzsaw do? It would do. A buzzsaw has a curved, but Continuous surface of contact, thats why it is more sewere. Besides, a windmill weapon is too exotic, has no apparent factor of usefullness, is completely ridiculous (care to list the smithing factos of weapons or you suffice with my knowledge smile ) and utterly unbefitting MK.

Kali sticks were a much much better choice for Sonya as they are employ-ed in warfare. The only logical weapon choices are those, what can be used as a possible defensive and attacking tool, thats why boomerangs and bows wouldn't come in question IMO. besides bows ae too much of a hindrance in close quaters (inside 10 meters what is simply no distance in combat).

And again, bows are demanding to handle (try one friggin' reflex mounted bow or a welsh longbow), so you would already be either:
1. exhausted
2. disfocused
3. unarmed or all three together on the first and every occasion. The most simplest of hungarian bows (fuck, mongols were nothing compared to us, apparently, untill the Tartar Walk and the Occupation of China where they adapted much from the Chu Ko Nu. This strikes me as weird, since in ancient times, the magyars and the mongolians were semi contacted in Asia, at least the remnants what have been left back during the Carpathian Occupation, but then again, the whole origin of my people is clouded by mystery).

Point is, bows, boomerangs, exotic weapons of ineffective design are useless in fighting games. Exaggerated weapons perhaps for the likes of Moloch, but nothing that has a completely unconvincing function.
11/07/2005 09:21 PM (UTC)
Only problem with Kali sticks is they're boring.sad
11/07/2005 10:04 PM (UTC)
Lose the 3-style stuff.

Goro should have a special shokan martial art that uses his extra pair of arms to full effect.

They should either go to 1 unarmed, 1 armed style, or go back to old MK style, where some characters have weapons, and some not.

Sonya could have a style that incorporates TKD kicks with her kali sticks. I think that would rock.
About Me

11/07/2005 11:12 PM (UTC)
GoatsAreCool Wrote:
Lose the 3-style stuff.Keep it. The problem is within the execution. And this serves a much better delivery for MK, since two styles can add a completely different feel, motif, or characteristic, whatever to the character. If you find switching stressfull or challenging, than it's definitely not the games, nor is the gameplay engi-nes fault. Besides replacing proper weighting of the body during the chan-ge of stance (for me example baranta to bollon stance) requires a little bit of time, a second for the longest.

GoatsAreCool Wrote:

Goro should have a special shokan martial art that uses his extra pair of arms to full effect.

He already has Shokan and Kuatan.

GoatsAreCool Wrote:
They should either go to 1 unarmed, 1 armed style, or go back to old MK style, where some characters have weapons, and some not.

That would be the most illogical step in MK. 1st. it's a stepback from MKDA and MKD. 2nd. what purpose does it serve to have one person as a wea-pon bearer while the other has nothing? Weapons or to be more precise, and armed stance are alway superior to empty hand martial use.

GoatsAreCool Wrote:

Sonya could have a style that incorporates TKD kicks with her kali sticks. I think that would rock.

Won't work: TKD is based on jumps and Kali sticks would throw you off balance, and the both require solid ground stances as do all forearm long blunt, rod-like weapons do. Don't get into fictionalised shit too much, it would make MK already ridiculous with loosing the only arguable authen-tic strongpoint against other competitive games.
11/08/2005 12:49 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Any kind of weapon what doesn't have a solid base point of stablepoint of thrust won't do shit against any kind of surface. The whole point in thrus-ting and slashing weapons to have a head (blade) what is static in the aaction of movement through tissue. If it would move, not only would it couse significantly less damage becouse of the relatively short time of contact and the absolutely low surface of contact, but it would prove coun-tereffective, as the "windmill" balde is completely useless for parrying, blocking and halting any kind of opposing weapons.

the most significant conflict would be coused with massive weapons such as like a thick bladed broadsword, a claymore, maces, and spears what have mass to give halt to the actual windmill.

Why won't a buzzsaw do? It would do. A buzzsaw has a curved, but Continuous surface of contact, thats why it is more sewere. Besides, a windmill weapon is too exotic, has no apparent factor of usefullness, is completely ridiculous (care to list the smithing factos of weapons or you suffice with my knowledge smile ) and utterly unbefitting MK.

Kali sticks were a much much better choice for Sonya as they are employ-ed in warfare. The only logical weapon choices are those, what can be used as a possible defensive and attacking tool, thats why boomerangs and bows wouldn't come in question IMO. besides bows ae too much of a hindrance in close quaters (inside 10 meters what is simply no distance in combat).

And again, bows are demanding to handle (try one friggin' reflex mounted bow or a welsh longbow), so you would already be either:
1. exhausted
2. disfocused
3. unarmed or all three together on the first and every occasion. The most simplest of hungarian bows (fuck, mongols were nothing compared to us, apparently, untill the Tartar Walk and the Occupation of China where they adapted much from the Chu Ko Nu. This strikes me as weird, since in ancient times, the magyars and the mongolians were semi contacted in Asia, at least the remnants what have been left back during the Carpathian Occupation, but then again, the whole origin of my people is clouded by mystery).

Point is, bows, boomerangs, exotic weapons of ineffective design are useless in fighting games. Exaggerated weapons perhaps for the likes of Moloch, but nothing that has a completely unconvincing function.

Jeez...talk about your unnecessary overanalysis...:-\

In a way TKD and Kali Sticks would go together in complimentary terms of range though maybe someone using a Filipino unarmed style should use a weapon like the Kali Sticks? What about Korean weapons? What sorts of weapons do they use?
11/08/2005 06:16 PM (UTC)
Sorry don't know how to do to the quote thing. In response to Chrome saying that merging styles is bad i say this...

There are already style branching combos. I think it would make much more sense to have one style where the weapon if any is always out, than have it pop in and out of the charachter's hands mid combo.

I also find the whole three style thing utterly confusing. I know this has much to do with me being a casual player, but then most people are. I also think that in `real life`, if you had a weapon, you'd use it (like you say, weapons are generally better than no weapons). Also, if i knew how to kick people really well too, i'd do so, whether i had my weapon out or not.

I realise that in real life, your initial stance is integral to what kind of moves you can pull from it, and how fast, but the three entirely separate cycling style thing for everybody seems completely artificial and annoying. How many real life fighters cycle through styles? Also, in MKD, MKDA, the moves you can't access from one stance don't seem to be connected with how hard they would actually be to do from that stance. Also the stances seem to be pretty much identical in the movement they offer, and the selection of move properties seem pretty similar, but often the button presses to get a move with a particular effect (as in properties) in one stance differs wildly from that needed in the next, and without reason. This makes the game artificially hard.

I propose a compromise- most characters have one "style", but mini-stances- eg flamingo, and a couple of technical characters have more than one style. "Brawler" types i don't think fit the multiple distinct style thing at all. This is much the same thing that other fighting games do, but there is a reason for that!

I'd like to see something maybe where your stance could be controlled a bit by holding a shoulder button say- you could have the d-pad for movement across the ground (eg sidestep/walk/dash/sideroll, advancing and retreating), and shoulder buttons for duck, jump and stance (hold, not switch-so less confusing). When in stance, most of your moves would be similar for the same button press so it's more intuitive, but properties would change a bit- like speed of execution, range, power.

For instance- when you held the button your character would be in a more `side on` stance. Things like front sidekick would be more powerful and faster, but say a punch would be less so, and slower to execute.
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