A Crunch Time Message for Netherrealm Studios
posted02/27/2015 01:34 PM (UTC)by
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

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06/25/2004 09:21 AM (UTC)
I'll try to keep this message short and sweet. With the game a mere month and a half from release, and a lot of the team's twitters becoming eerily quiet, it's safe to assume the team is in crunch time. For those unaware, "crunch time" is the phrase used when a development team makes the final push to finish a game.

Anyway, with that in mind, I would just like to send out a fond and heartfelt THANK YOU! Thank you to NRS for the long hours, all the hard work and dedication that is undoubtedly being poured into this game.

It's easy for the more fanatic among us to forget that, past all the frames of animation, the design, the art, and mechanics, are people pouring years of their lives away from their families, and into this game.

So, once again, I humbly thank all those at NRS that make this game(hell, series) possible. I invite everyone to leave any messages or kind words of encouragement, to let these people know just how appreciated they are.
02/26/2015 01:56 AM (UTC)
Seriously, thanks NRS. You guys fucking rock and I can't wait to play MKX, like everyone else here. lol
02/26/2015 01:57 AM (UTC)
Absolutely. I'd imagine it's a stressful time over at NRS but this looks like it's set to be the best game in the series. Everything so far has been incredible. I am so excited to play this game.
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02/26/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
I would give you a dragon point for being the most mature person on the MKX forum in centuries.
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02/26/2015 02:04 AM (UTC)
Do NRS visit these forums? If so, God help them.

I would also like to offer my sincerest thanks for making MKX into an absolutely superb and amazing looking game. Every thing they show looks so goddamn mind blowing and the fan service and constant communication through social media is such an awesome change from other developers. I wish the guys the best of luck during this no doubt stressful time and I just cannot wait for April 14. You guys rock! grin
I'd like to tip my hat to NRS. It's been a fun ride leading up to the release of the game. From what I've seen so far I can tell you guys poured all you have into it and to me looks to be a gem. I can't fucking wait to get my hands on this game. So again thanks for all the hard work.
02/26/2015 02:23 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
I'll try to keep this message short and sweet. With the game a mere month and a half from release, and a lot of the team's twitters becoming eerily quiet, it's safe to assume the team is in crunch time. For those unaware, "crunch time" is the phrase used when a development team makes the final push to finish a game.

Anyway, with that in mind, I would just like to send out a fond and heartfelt THANK YOU! Thank you to NRS for the long hours, all the hard work and dedication that is undoubtedly being poured into this game.

It's easy for the more fanatic among us to forget that, past all the frames of animation, the design, the art, and mechanics, are people pouring years of their lives away from their families, and into this game.

So, once again, I humbly thank all those at NRS that make this game(hell, series) possible. I invite everyone to leave any messages or kind words of encouragement, to let these people know just how appreciated they are.

This. All of this. Part of the reason I don't post on here too often is because it seems like so many people are quick to be painfully negative these days. I mean, we'll see a video, image, comic synopsis, etc, and you'll see three positive comments, and then the intense complaining begins. And then people try to explain why they like certain elements, and they're quickly insulted... at least when the NRS team isn't being insulted at the same time. Constructive criticism is one thing, but hurling insults (saw someone get skulls for throwing a homophobic slur earlier) is uncalled for.

So when I see someone actually being *gasp* thankful, it's nice to see that people still care about the work that goes into these titles grin
02/26/2015 02:27 AM (UTC)
Yeah they have completely outdone themselves.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

02/26/2015 02:29 AM (UTC)
Hear hear, my man.
Adam Ronin
02/26/2015 02:30 AM (UTC)
Brilliant post.

The team is getting a lot of hate messages on Twitter from some of fanatics so this thread would be good for them to see. I for one think the game is shaping up to be literally one of my most treasured games of all time. Thanks you for putting in the time, the hours and the effort to make it so.

Someone tweet them a link to this thread.
02/26/2015 02:33 AM (UTC)
Yep. This game is easily going to be the best quality wise, and they strive to make Mortal Kombat a AAA series. Definitely deserve lots of praise for their work.
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02/26/2015 02:34 AM (UTC)
Agreed, I deeply appreciate the effort and dedication put into the series, they have kept me entertained for decades and even now that I don't play games as much. Everything looks fantastic an really creative, they really have become one of the best fighting game developers out there, hopefully the MK universe can expand onto other game genres since it definitely has the potential, resources and the talent to accomplish it. Thank you, NRS.
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02/26/2015 02:44 AM (UTC)
Great thread, OP. These are the kind of messages we need to promote on this forum.

NRS is in the process of creating the best MK game to date. Without a margin of a doubt, this is a milestone for the franchise. Next-gen console, next-gen Mortal Kombat.

The game looks absolutely amazing. See, there are fans like us that just appreciate the collective effort of the team, in making such an amazing game - we don't waste time nitpicking the team for little shit like:

"I want this MK4 character, it's another MK9", "Fuck you NRS for not taking enough roster risks", "Why are you bringing Jax back", "Fuck that dude on the MKX stream" , "Women are not dressed appropriately"

I got two words for those users:

Can't wait for MKX!

02/26/2015 02:45 AM (UTC)
Yes! Brilliant post. Can't wait to see what they have in store for us all, I have no doubt it will be worth the wait. And their time and dedication to the franchise over the past two decades is appreciated more than anyone can say.
02/26/2015 02:55 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Great thread, OP. These are the kind of messages we need to promote on this forum.

NRS is in the process of creating the best MK game to date. Without a margin of a doubt, this is a milestone for the franchise. Next-gen console, next-gen Mortal Kombat.

The game looks absolutely amazing. See, there are fans like us that just appreciate the collective effort of the team, in making such an amazing game - we don't waste time nitpicking the team for little shit like:

"I want this MK4 character, it's another MK9", "Fuck you NRS for not taking enough roster risks", "Why are you bringing Jax back", "Fuck that dude on the MKX stream" , "Women are not dressed appropriately"

I got two words for those users:

Can't wait for MKX!

God I hated X Pac.....

Oh and thank you NRS.
About Me
02/26/2015 02:59 AM (UTC)
Agreed! The proof of their hard work is evident from what we have seen already. Can't wait for MKX!
02/26/2015 03:08 AM (UTC)
02/26/2015 03:12 AM (UTC)
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02/26/2015 03:13 AM (UTC)

Stay based, guys. We know you'll do your best. smile

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Love the eyebrows, Ed.
About Me

02/26/2015 03:14 AM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Great thread, OP. These are the kind of messages we need to promote on this forum.

NRS is in the process of creating the best MK game to date. Without a margin of a doubt, this is a milestone for the franchise. Next-gen console, next-gen Mortal Kombat.

The game looks absolutely amazing. See, there are fans like us that just appreciate the collective effort of the team, in making such an amazing game - we don't waste time nitpicking the team for little shit like:

"I want this MK4 character, it's another MK9", "Fuck you NRS for not taking enough roster risks", "Why are you bringing Jax back", "Fuck that dude on the MKX stream" , "Women are not dressed appropriately"

I got two words for those users:

Can't wait for MKX!

How ironic is that your post was the first in tainting OP's honest message, something purely positive, you just couldn't help to complain and start pointing fingers, there's always needs to be someone to antagonize, someone to blame, you're no better than the ones you criticize and you don't even know it, saddening.
About Me

"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

02/26/2015 03:17 AM (UTC)
Sincerely appreciate all that NRS has done and will do in the future. Literally the only reason I'm still "gaming".

I try to think of what it would be like on the team, building a [fantastic] game from scratch. I know that must take countless hours of devotion...especially these days.

You ARE appreciated, NRS!

02/26/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
Well said Detox; very well said.

I greatly appreciate the time, planning, effort and everything else NRS puts into each and every game; except for MK vs DC, Unchained & Tournament I've owned & played every MK game from the first to the last and I've enjoyed each one equally.

The comic is brilliant and I can't praise it enough; the hints & trolls that Boon post keep me guessing and being someone who enjoys crime fiction, who-done-its and anything that has mystery elements, I like how they keep me guessing; Shaun's honesty and dedication to answering as many questions as humanly possible & as best as he can; Tyler & Derek just doing their best to show stuff off well and being pretty down to earth guys who really enjoy what they do (just as the fans do) because you can tell they love the series as much as other fans do; and everything else involved who takes time to make the games & give us info however & whenever possible.

I couldn't get MK9 at launch, I couldn't afford to and then with a big backlog it took a while to get it, ended up buying the Komplete Edition early last year. Now though I'm not in the same position & have got both the imported Coarse Edition and the Goro Special Edition versions of MKX pre-ordered and I'm eagerly awaiting being able to play the game when my order is delivered!!

Thanks NRS for the hard work, memories shared with friends & family, and for the good times playing the games. Here's to more in future, and to the next generation of kombatants like Cassie, D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr & Kotal who are all now favourites of mine and many other people, long may they live!
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MKO's Sig of the Week Contest - Coming Soon! PM for details on how you can be a part of it!
02/26/2015 03:23 AM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Great thread, OP. These are the kind of messages we need to promote on this forum.

NRS is in the process of creating the best MK game to date. Without a margin of a doubt, this is a milestone for the franchise. Next-gen console, next-gen Mortal Kombat.

The game looks absolutely amazing. See, there are fans like us that just appreciate the collective effort of the team, in making such an amazing game - we don't waste time nitpicking the team for little shit like:

"I want this MK4 character, it's another MK9", "Fuck you NRS for not taking enough roster risks", "Why are you bringing Jax back", "Fuck that dude on the MKX stream" , "Women are not dressed appropriately"

I got two words for those users:

Can't wait for MKX!

How ironic is that your post was the first in tainting OP's honest message, something purely positive, you just couldn't help to complain and start pointing fingers, there's always needs to be someone to antagonize, someone to blame, you're no better than the ones you criticize and you don't even know it, saddening.

I don't see how my post was negative. I'm just stating the truth over how these boards have been ranting and shitting on NRS for sometime now, instead of celebrating this amazing game.

And I did it simply as a joke to be honest. If you know DX, it's all fun and games. Let's not derail the thread.
02/26/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
Im not thanking anyone for something i have to pay for. Mkx wont be a gift. So why am i thanking them as if they made something for me.
02/26/2015 03:34 AM (UTC)
Yeah NRS have truly outdone themselves with this game and they continue to improve.
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