a cool idea for the cyborgs. (keeping them new and exciting.)
posted02/21/2012 05:19 PM (UTC)by
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08/05/2007 05:54 PM (UTC)
here's an example.

JackJack (ジャック, Jakku?) is a series of androids created by the Mishima Zaibatsu and G Corporation for different purposes:

Jack is the original model, and was created by the Mishima Zaibatsu in order to counter a coup from Kazuya Mishima in the King of Iron Fist Tournament.
Prototype Jack is a prototype created to combat both Jack and Jack-2. This is also the only Jack to fight in more than one tournament.
Dragon Fighting Jack is a character meant to have been in the first Tekken,but never produced due to the fact that his moveset was too complex. He can be seen in the lower right hand corner of the box art for the constle version of the original Tekken as a blueish man.
Jack-2 is the upgrade of Jack, also created by the Mishima Zaibatsu. One of these models, while on a battlefront, witnesses a young girl named Jane lose her mother, and takes it upon himself to look after her until he is destroyed by Dr. Abel.
Gun Jack is a more advanced prototype of the android, created by Jane in an attempt to revive her friend, Jack-2. While she is successful in implanting Jack-2's memories inside him, he is destroyed by gunfire by the Tekken Forces after he and Jane attempt to break into the Mishima Zaibatsu labs.
Jack-4 is an upgrade of Gun Jack, created by G Corporation. While these never participated in any tournament, they were sent by G Corporation to kill Kazuya Mishima after they no longer needed him, and the subsequent battle in Hon-Maru almost resulted in the death of Heihachi Mishima. These specific models have a self-destruct device embedded in them, indicated when one of them peels away its face to reveal a countdown.
Jack-5 is an upgrade of Jack-4, created by Jane to participate in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. His fate is currently unknown.
Jack-6 is an upgrade of Jack-5, created by G Corporation with the mission of destroying the Mishima Zaibatsu in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 6.

in mk i'd like to see various changes for the following cyborgs in each mk game. what i mean is have updated versions of the cyborg in terms of moves,appearance,fighting style and etc.

cyrax model 1700. cyrax is equiped with plasma grenades,various nets,propeller blade, no dreadolcks, much more.

sektor model 1700. sektor is equiped with naplam bombs,various missile's, jetpack,has dreadlocks, much more.

cyborg smoke 1700. smoke is equiped with smoke bombs,various helmets,rollerblades,has dreadlocks made out of smoke, much more.

cyber sub - zero 1700. sub - zero is equiped with ice bombs,various ice tools,ice skating blades, has dreadlocks made out of ice,much more.

this format would be uesd in the next game. then the installment after that would be different. kinda like the jacks in the tekken series. there always changing and upgrading and so on. the next set would be the 1900 series.

i think it would be very cool. what do you think of the cyborgs getting upgraded in each game. would you like it. would you hate it. it could keep the characters fresh and exciting. the famous moves would not disappear but new moves would be added everytime they came back in the series.
01/30/2012 10:40 PM (UTC)
I just think they just need to focus on developing the cyborgs, story-wise, updating their looks and moves bit-by-bit. Cyrax (LK-4D4) 1700-series sounds kind of clunky, right?
Also, just because a character gets a new look or move, it doesn't automatically make them new or exciting. Jack certainly has never been an exciting character. He's just a robot, who does nothing to progress the story, no matter what iteration of him it is.
You can put lipstick (i.e. new look/moves) on a pig (a character with a stagnant to nonexistant story), but it's still a pig.

Don't get me wrong, Sektor and Cyrax can have updated armor, moves or gadgets every now and then, but they need to keep story as a priority.

I definitely can see Sektor upgrading his gear in the future, as he already plans world domination.

Characters have changed moves, fighting styles, and appearance (whether slight or drastic) throughout the series already (with little to no explanation), so I'm sure there'll be future alterations to come.

Who knows? Maybe Cyrax, once he regains his humanity (which is fairly likely), will drop the cyborg look (somewhat.)

As for Cyber Smoke, he is no more, and they'll probably revert CSZ back to human in the future.

Interesting thread, nonetheless.
02/02/2012 02:26 PM (UTC)
i know it's not nessary but i'd still like it to happen. maybe the jacks weren't the greatest. maybe something more along the lines of different terminators.there are different models.

also why don't you think cyber sub - zero will not return along with cyborg smoke.i thought the cyborgs were popular.

if they bring cyborg smoke i could see them having 2 different movesets,fatal,and etc. 1 for human smoke the other for cyborg smoke. he doesn't need to take a slot on the character select screen just choose him in as an alt for human smoke but he'd play different from his robot counterpart.

same thing would go for sub - zero. the fans who liked him in robot form could choose him as an alt. this way everyones happy and he doesn't take up a character select slot.

i could even see maybe having characters divided into catagorys kinda like mka but have a menu were you only see 10 new characters make up the select screen. have a question ? and a random and everthing would be great. the question mark box would open all previous mk characters from the mk series. the ones the team wanted to bring back.

this way the select screen would look fresh and still be able to play as returning favorites.new robots new warriors and fresh blood.
02/02/2012 03:20 PM (UTC)
I'm not saying it's unnecessary, but, if they do so, I'd expect they'd do it with Sektor of all people. Obviously, he has bigger goals in mind than just taking over the Lin Kuei. Sektor would make absolutely perfect sense to be 'upgrading' between installments, and updating his armor/weapons. He's a walking tank.

As for Cyber Smoke, he doesn't exist (yet.) Sorry to say, but Raiden changed that. However, it's definitely possible to have Cyber Smoke as an unlockable costume for Smoke someday. (Maybe with some luck, they'll have a Cyber Smoke costume on MK Vita that they'll release for the consoles.)

Cyber Sub-Zero, however, was not very warmly-received by many.
Yes, he has a number of fans, but overall, I think the consensus agrees upon him reverting back to human.
Once again, there could be a CSZ costume as unlockable for him, but I think it's safe to say he'll be human within the next installment, or the one after.

Overall, I think the upgrading idea would be wonderful for Sektor, but not so much for the (currently) non-canon Cyber Smoke, or the controversial CSZ.
As for Cyrax, I think I can agree that he'd also upgrade some of his arsenal as time goes on, though not to the extent of Sektor.
02/02/2012 09:28 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
I'm not saying it's unnecessary, but, if they do so, I'd expect they'd do it with Sektor of all people. Obviously, he has bigger goals in mind than just taking over the Lin Kuei. Sektor would make absolutely perfect sense to be 'upgrading' between installments, and updating his armor/weapons. He's a walking tank.

As for Cyber Smoke, he doesn't exist (yet.) Sorry to say, but Raiden changed that. However, it's definitely possible to have Cyber Smoke as an unlockable costume for Smoke someday. (Maybe with some luck, they'll have a Cyber Smoke costume on MK Vita that they'll release for the consoles.)

Cyber Sub-Zero, however, was not very warmly-received by many.
Yes, he has a number of fans, but overall, I think the consensus agrees upon him reverting back to human.
Once again, there could be a CSZ costume as unlockable for him, but I think it's safe to say he'll be human within the next installment, or the one after.

Overall, I think the upgrading idea would be wonderful for Sektor, but not so much for the (currently) non-canon Cyber Smoke, or the controversial CSZ.
As for Cyrax, I think I can agree that he'd also upgrade some of his arsenal as time goes on, though not to the extent of Sektor.

Yea if it was up to me, cyber subz would never have happened and in the future I agree with you, I think he will be reverted and I hope we never even see an alternate costume of it again.lol.

As far as the upgrading idea goes though. I think Sektor upgrading would be awesome. Also, just a thought, maybe when he upgrades he changes his color. I'm not huge on the cyborgs but If there's going to be one I want it to be black. It would look like a stealthy ninja machine. I say have Sektor upgrade to black armor in the next one.
02/05/2012 12:41 AM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 what kinds of gadgets/moves would like for cyrax and sektor that would be new for them.

i'd like sektor to have a beam of energy out of his hand as a new move. it could be similar to one of the androids in dbz. i foret which character hand turns into a cannon.

cyrax i'd like to see a grappling hook move. something along the lines of scorpions spear.

just trying to keep this discussion going.
02/06/2012 03:28 PM (UTC)
Well I'll jump in and add my ideas because Cyrax is my all time favorite character.

I was watching an old episode of Deadliest Warrior the other day and I noticed how gladiators would use nets to strike and trip their opponents. So I figured instead of just having saw blades that extend from Cyrax's hands he could also have nets that just extend out instead of shooting out.

02/06/2012 04:49 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74. that's actually a pretty cool idea. although i do like when he uses cutting gadgets/devices.

nets i could see cyrax using is his standard net,fatality net,electricfied net,web net,razor/barbwire net. few others. each would have different properties. the barbedwire/razor would inflict damage overtime and last 3-5 sec long. electrified would do decent damage and would do more depending on how long you hold the button down instead of tapping it.

web net would have slowdown effect that last 2-3 sec. it's sounds cool. but would like to hear feedback.

post your ideas for the cyborgs.
02/10/2012 04:39 PM (UTC)
So I had a dream last night that about a "newer" Cyrax, and one thing I do remember is that he had a handle on his back. He grabbed the handle and pulled out a whip infused with random bombs. So after he used up all the bombs he putS the whip back in his back where it reloads itself with more bombs.

So I think it would be pretty cool.
02/10/2012 07:35 PM (UTC)
that's kinda cool darkhound. i kinda had something similar to it without the bombs. like cyrax pulls out his dreadlocks and uses them like a whipping weapon something similar to kratos in god of war. he still has his dreadlocks because the grow back into his helmet. kinda like playdo toys where the playdo comes out of the toys head.

it's just an idea. it could even be used as a weapon in combos kinda like jade in ultimate mk3. where she would use her staff. but cyrax would use his dreadlocks/whip.
02/12/2012 07:01 AM (UTC)
I like the idea but I doubt it would work. The "Jacks" work because they are just robots. Not even the same robot. Different robots with the same name except for one number. Whereas Cyrax and Sektor have always been Cyrax and Sektor. Nobody else took their place. Jack pretty much comes off an assembly line. He has no personality or a major effect on the story. Or on any of the characters I might add. The only Jack to do anything was Jack-2 when he found Jane. But as soon as he does something Dr. Abel kills him. Jack-2 will always be my favorite.

As far as upgrading their look and moves go... That's a must. I can understand that aspect. As long as they remain Cyrax and Sektor. I don't want to see Cyrax-2 or Gun Sektor...
02/17/2012 11:25 PM (UTC)
Don't flame me for this cus I know its a rehashed idea from an old thread but hear me out on this... I hated the idea before about having Sektor as a boss but this thread gave me an idea. The only way to truly make him boss like would be to make him bigger and the easiest way to do that is to give him a big mechanized suit or armor. This would also allow for new, more powerful moves added to his old moves. Idk its just an idea...

And as for Sub-Zero, they can go the middle ground on his human form and cyborg form. Going on it is more than likely that he will still have some sort of cyborg parts in him, so they can have his main costume be the classic one and then his alt can be kinda more mechanized. I would definitely be down for that and it would allow for alternate move animations just like human Cyrax and Sektor and their human forms.
02/21/2012 05:19 PM (UTC)
those are interesting ideas SailorJerad. but i wouldn't really want him to be a boss. maybe a sub boss in the future.

here's a idea for a move for cyborg sub-zero if he would return. a pipe opens out of his chest that releases a burst of liquid nitrogen that freze's the opponnet. the enhanced version would cover the entire screen. would be blockable though.
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