8 4 MK8
posted11/04/2006 03:12 AM (UTC)by
About Me

Thanks to DeathBlitzX for the tag!
Member Since
02/26/2006 01:39 AM (UTC)
Excuse the weird thread title, but...

If MK8 was only going to have 8 returning characters, who would you pick to be in it? Don't just list your favorite characters, make it logical and give good reasons as to why. I'll post my thoughts later, I wanna see what other people have to say.
10/25/2006 11:12 PM (UTC)
Leader of the Lin Kuei and one of the most powerful protectors of Earth

Sonya Blade
Investigates further into Red Dragon clan, to protect the peace and avenge Jax' death at the hands of Hsu Hao

Guides the heroes into the new years.

The Queen protects her people and her daughter at what ever cost

The Red Dragon wages war against Earth's forces

Having released her anger towards Kitana and with Shao Kahn dead, Mileena discovers a new purpose, to restore Outworld to it's natural beauty, to make it a similar realm to Earth or Edenia. She allies with Bo' Rai Cho and Li Mei as an Outworld Freedom Fighter. She will never attack Kitana again, unless she pisses her off.

Shang Tsung
The sorcerer, having heard of Mileena's betrayal hunts her. As his creation, she should serve him and only him.

With Kintaro's and Goro's deaths, Sheeva leads her people into a new era, free from evil rulers and emperors. The Shokan race will not pay for their prince's stupid mistakes.
10/26/2006 12:13 AM (UTC)
1- Sareena
A fresh face with massive potential. Can easily be her own stand-alone character and has ties to numerous other characters (depending on who comes back and who doesn't). I think a good goal for her is a desire to be human. How can she do this and what would she have to go through to accomplish it? And there's almost no limit to where she can go from there.

2- Mileena
One of the few "classics" I think should come back...provided she gets over her hatred for Kitana. If she stopped hating Kitana and came back in the next gen games to forge a new destiny for herself, she could do almost anything. She could stay evil and try to rule Outworld. She could remain neutral and only fight for herself. She could become a psychotic good guy like Venom. She could try to get her face fixed. There's a lot Mileena can do should she get over Kitana.

3- Ermac
I see Ermac becoming one of the main heroes in the next gen games. I can see him setting himself up as Outworld's defender...fighting to keep the realm at peace and not be a threat again. He's an interesting and well-liked character with good potential. I'd like to see where he can go.

4- Havik
I fresh character who's sole purpose in life is to cause trouble...he can easily fit into future stories. A bad ass look and just the idea of his character is cool. Havik should definitely come back.

5- Drahmin
I think since the primary Netherealm characters (Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Shinnok) will bite it in Armageddon, Drahmin should take the throne afterward. He has a cool backstory and I like the concept of his character. I think he's cool and can go places.

6- Li Mei
I can see Li Mei in the next gen games as either a hero of villain. I think what should happen during Armageddon is, she turns on her allies and joins Onaga...but after he dies she either regains control of herself and fights in the next gen games to redeem herself....or remains corrupted and tries to finish what Onaga started. Either way, I think Li Mei has good stuff to offer the future games.

7- Nitara
Nitara's a cool character and I'd like to see her and the Vampires be developed into a potential threat in the next gen games. I don't have as many concrete ideas for her as others, but I think she should come back.

8- Jade
I think since Kitana may retire after Armageddon, Jade should step up and develope into her own character and not just be Kitana's sidekick. She seems interesting and I'l like to see and learn more about her and her background. Only need to make sure she doesn't simply become Kitana-lite and is her OWN character with her own goals and motivation.
11/04/2006 02:59 AM (UTC)
Shinnok-to destroy his clone

Sub-zero- for the Lin Kuei

Scorpion- to avenge his family's death for the 100th time!

Kitana- for Edenia

Ermac- could become a humble but great warrior

Sindel- same as Kitana

Sonya- OIA

and Shao Kahn- try to be ruler of Outworld again
11/04/2006 03:12 AM (UTC)
Raiden - New boss, after completely losing his marbles.

Fujin - New protector of Earthrealm, since Raiden lost his marbles.

Scorpion - Goes on another quest for revenge because Quan Chi stole his bag of marbles (Just kidding. Really, I hate Scorpion, and never want to see him again, but he's going to be here forever. He should actually get a good story involving working for the elder gods.

Sub-Zero - I'd like to see the Lin Kuei and the Special Forces team up to try and destroy the Tekunin and Red Dragon clans.

Stryker - Sort of like a new age Jax, and a high ranked member of the Special Forces.

Sonya - Stryker's lover, and leader of the Special Forces.

Mavado - New leader of the Red Dragon after *Doesn't want to use spoiler tag*'s death.

Sektor - Leader of the Tekunin, in an ongoing war against the Special Forces and the Lin Kuei.

That's one possiblity. But I'm not really sure what I want.
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