5 Lists of Top 5s for MK9
posted10/10/2009 01:56 AM (UTC)by
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02/25/2004 03:05 PM (UTC)
Just curious what the MK community thinks on these quesions!

Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

I'll come back and post my own, but I'm more curious to see what everyone else thinks. Let me hear ya!

08/25/2009 08:44 AM (UTC)
Hmm, interesting. I'll give this a shot.

Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

1. Havik: Feel he has so much to offer the series.

2. Shao Kahn: I want to find out so much about him.

3. Stryker: My favourite character, believe it or not -- feel he is completely underdeveloped -- should he return? Probably not.

4. Noob Saibot: I don't want this story with Sub-Zero to be dropped.

5. Kenshi: I feel that he is a really cool character, and even the sloppy handling of new characters in MK:DA and MK:D didn't really deflate him. He's got a lot he can still offer.

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

1. Kung Lao: I'm sorry, but I feel his role in the games has been filled.

2. Baraka: He has had numerous chances to become an interesting character, and it has just fallen flat each time.

3. Smoke: He's a bitch in the story, so why waste the space?

4. Quan Chi: Nothing against Chi, but can we have Scorpion Brutality him already?

5. Reptile: I am sick of people wanting him back -- like Smoke, he has a lackey who should be wiped away with the next saga.

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

This one is tricky, because I am not sure that there should be too many modes. I'd maybe include three other modes, but I won't talk about them here.

1. Arcade: The classic MK ladder to the boss.

2. Konquest: An RPG-style variant where you learn about your chosen character, and learn them inside and out to master them. Make this storyline-heavy.

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

1. Victim specific Fatalities: Let's say you have Kabal in the game -- every character could be able to enter a combination where you, for example, rip his mask off and watch him sputter and die. That Fatality would obviously not work on everybody. Character specific Fatalities could be a lot of fun.

2. Krypt: I know this is not an entirely new suggestion, but I'd like to see the old Krypt concept scrapped, and a new one brought in. This one serves as a graveyard of the older characters, where you can access information about the characters of MK past, and find out their canonical fate during the now buried "Armageddon" saga.

3. Klassic Kombat: I don't know exactly how I would work this, but an updated 2D fighter, with a cheesy attitude could be a very good "side attraction" of MK9. I don't know whether making it big enough to include all the dead characters that aren't in the 3D game playable, but I can imagine a "Netherrealm Tournament" where the dead characters fight for life. Maybe this would be better as a separate game in and of itself?

4. Team Kombat: Just as a separate game mode, I guess. It's not something my heart is set on, but it could be a cool feature. Select two characters (or maybe more), and go at it in a war to the death.

5. Challenge Kombat: Another game mode suggestion. This is again something I don't have my heart on, but perhaps a mode where you have to fight with handicaps and restrictions, almost the way MK:DA's Konquest was done at times. These could get very challenging towards the end, and require complete mastery of a character. Put some reward at the end (like a hidden character).

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

1. Don't cut off your own balls!: As soon as MK appears to get momentum, a character is taken out, or useless ones are put in. Keep the storyline straight, simple, and there's no need to see dead weight in the series ever again.

2. A good batch: Think about the new characters, and really put the effort into delivering new classic characters we can attach to, and don't really want to see leave. Eventually dream feuds will pop up in people's heads: Raiden versus this new guy, and people will pay for a mash-up of the games sagas.

3. The cool attitude of the first few games: Don't care who you offend, and just go all out, even if it seems taboo. Break new boundaries.

4. Streamline that story: Keep it nice, simple and sweet. You don't need 26 characters doing 26 things.

5. Deliver some good gameplay: It's a video game -- work it out for yourself!
08/25/2009 08:58 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

1) Sheeva (I know it will never happen but screw it)
2) Sektor
3) Sareena
4) Frost
5) Kai (He has potential.)

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

1) Baraka (Time for new tarkatan blood)
2) Hsu Hao (Give your cool weapon to someone else and sod off)
3) Chameleon
4) Taven
5) Shujinko

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

1) Team Battle
2) Test Your Sight
3) Survival
4) A Krypt to remember the dead, MIA and retired characters
5) Time Attack

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

In general, I just think they don't need new ideas, they just need to make MK Vs DCU again, just better.

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

1) Simple control system
2) More time for quality assurance and balancing
3) More variety in basic game modes
4) Next Generation of MK characters need to be good and varied
5) Arenas need to look a mix of old and new
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08/25/2009 12:35 PM (UTC)
I'm still up and wide awake so, here we go...

Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

1. Kai - Still basically brand new because they haven't really used him. He's a good guy who hasn't done much of anything definitively....good. He's just "over there with the good guys". Just as well, I hope it's not too shallow to say I like him cuz he's black. More than that, he's not the stereotypical black guy character. That's one good reason why I like him. The braids were fine because of the sort of character he is (just...a martial artist), but anything else notable... Just keep him away from stereotypes and we're good.

2. Raiden - Obviously my favorite character. So as objective as I can be, they've got some explaining to do from the ground up. I'd like them to define his god-type, and then move us through his before and after the taint situation. Explain stuff like the extent of his existence, his powers and so on, and then move into how or if his aggravation with violators to earth pertains to this new Dark Raiden story line.

3. Kung Lao - I just think he's a great gateway for ushering in new characters. If anyone on the roster should be MK's sensei, it should have always been him. If they could gracefully move him into a really strict mentor role, it would be interesting to see what his place in the MK contest would look like. What if he ends up training someone like Anakin? Never know...Kung Lao's that gateway.

4. Sareena - She's basically got the NetherRealm wrapped around her. Even though she rebukes the place. That dynamic alone is enough to develop into a whole game stand alone.

5. Fujin - I liked what they did with him in MKA. I even like how his participation level in the story seems to be growing since MK4...now if they could only nail down the type of character he is a little better. I'd love to see his personality be similar, yet stronger actually, than the Transformer movies' Bumblebee, or like G.I. Joes' "Snake Eyes". Not alot of talking from him, you just know he's badass because of how he behaves on a regular basis. Distinguishing him from Raiden is the main point. I figure Kenshi's disability worked out well, so how about another one of these subtle disabilities for the god of wind? "Fujin doesn't talk", and if he ever does, it should be so damning.

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

1. Bo Rai Cho - I get Bo, but I never appreciated the humor associated with him. I don't think he needs to die necessarily. But I feel he at least needs to get out of the realm of MK for forever. Also, he takes the possibility of a sophisticated role away from Kung Lao's character development process if they keep him around. It's not his "job" to train Earth warriors, it's an Earth warriors job to train Earth warriors. Bo Rai Cho in that role is a bitter one because of Shao Kahn at best. So, it's not a "region bias", it's more a "by order of importance" sort of bias. Kung Lao's got the heritage, and pre-existing association to MK for Earth. He "should" be training them.

2. Liu Kang - He's dead. He's even a dead concept. The source for his concept is dead and overused. So I think it's perfectly sane and logical to want to see him stay dead. He's up there in the ranks with the Elder Kung Lao now.

3. Blaze - His concept is now fully exhausted. It's okay if he stays gone now.

4. Character Concepts that came to life in a hurry - The likes of Hsu Hao, Kobra, Khameleon, Chameleon, Meat, Jarek, Kira, Darrius, Mavado, Taven, Daegon, Ashra, Li Mei(yea, I know whatcha thinkin), Tanya, probably Reiko even though he's okay now, and then Moloch.

All these guys represent old ways of thinking for MK. "Make up something quick, give them a cool design, and give them some cool moves = done."

Kill these guys forever, and no more please.

5. Mokap - I have a certain level of mercy for this sort of character, because when you create something serious, there's always that fad-laden, or completely nonsensical element you like to throw in your art. It helps to go through these sorts of flimsy concepts because on the other side is usually something "eureka!" worthy. That said, Mokap should not come back again (sorry Carlos). Once more, it's the brand of humor that I do not appreciate, and I think the energy that went into him should have only really gone as far as an elaborate mock-up. Point is, I don't wanna see this sort of thing again for a very long time. I hope they kill this sort of thought process off for a while. From what I can tell, the fan base is exhausted of this sort of thinking, and so am I.

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

1. Arcade Mode - It must always be there in some form or fashion. They could get more inventive with this though. For instance, use it as a vehicle for simple unlockables, and leave it at that for a while. Unlock additional characters, along with the ending of the character that you beat the ladder with. Not secrets...only simple unlockables. They're two, totally different things in my mind.

I don't think there's any argument in that players have mastered the ladder concept. It's all over every fighting game ever so, I think it's time MK took the initiative, and mixed this aspect of the game up again like they did in the earlier games.

2. Konquest Mode - This weighs just about the same as Arcade mode to me because MK is motivated by its story element. A contest doesn't start without the story, and therefor, there is no "Mortal Kombat" without its story. Just as well, Gameplay is essential in order to be a game, otherwise it's just a book.

Arcade mode must always be there, and now that they have a lucrative story-line vehicle in the form of Konquest, I feel it must now also, always be there. It's just as important in making the game a good one.

3. Endurance Mode - On the arcade ladder, this tested the skill of the player, and prepared us ever so slightly for the ass kicking we were soon to recieve from Goro, Kitaro, Motaro, Shang Tsung, & eventually Shao Kahn depending on what game your thinking of. The endurance mode is not essential, but it's a core piece in what made getting to the top notable. So, I think it should make a return.

4. Survival Mode - Basically the same concept as Endurance mode, but this one is for the Konquest or story mode. I think it should be strikingly similar to MKSM's, but I think it could use a better work/reward system. In MKSM, I loved how it was a secret in the first place. But since that was so, I expected something more obvious? Or maybe more useful? from when I finally beat the whole thing. There's any range of things they could give for this since it is hard to beat (and rightfully should be). An abundance of experience points?, an abundance of money?....or maybe a great story gift? to help flesh out some secret element of the story of the game would be nice. Since of course, we'd be playing through the story mode anyway. A new costume with some history...anything really, so long as it is worth the work involved in finding the mode, and going through beating the mode.

5. Mode Central Online- A chance for some of these mini-games to be severely changed, and expanded on in order to accommodate our online gaming experience. Right now there's virtually nothing online to do. So what I would suggest is to take some of these mini-game and interjecting gameplay ideas, and put them to work online for us.

** Last Man Standing or Kill or be Killed - Last man Standing is single player. If you are the last one alive, you win money, experience points, achievements whatever. Kill or be Killed is the multi-player version of the same sort of idea. Except, there may be a timer involved. Your team kills the other team off, or the team with the most players left when time runs out wins the same sort of things.

** Scavenger Hunt or Clan War- Duh, find the "thing" before anyone else does and you win points and stuff. Or, find it more times than anyone else does before the timer runs out...over and over and over...
Scavenger hunt is singular, Clan war is plural, and maybe territory based instead of only finding an item (like "take the flag" for example).

In all these min-games, every little thing we know of, should matter in how we accumulate team, and or individual points. Fatalities, Mercy's, Friendships, ect...Kill streaks could be represented my "Aggressors". Other little points grabbers could be sacrifices like Hara Kiri's. ect ect ect...all these little inconcequential elements of MK could be put to use online, within these little mini-modes or what have you.

-- Just as well, Tournament mode, 2vs2 / 4vs4, ect fits in this "mode central" online too. All in one place, all sorts of "things" we can do with other people online.

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

1. Dojo - Like the content & Krypt sections in one place. A place to house all your stuff. From endings, to downloads, to KAK stuff, and achievements...ect And I wouldn't be mad if they put a small practice mode, and the settings section in here too.

It's not necessarily a new idea, but it condenses things, which allows for actual new ideas to shine through the rest of the game. I also like what you other guys are talking about for the Krypt as far as looking into the canon endings for those dead characters.

2. Kreate-a-Konquest Mode - Kreate-a-Kharacter + Konquest Mode combined. I'd also love to carry the kak data from MK9 to MK10 if possible. Should give the sense of continuing my own saga within the MK universe. Virtually an open lane outside of being a full on RPG or MMO.

Being a contestant IN the Mortal Kombat contest is a good look. It eliminates Shujinkos and Tavens, and injects some care about the character that we're taking through the mode. Finding stuff...putting the story together...ect.

3. "Going Somewhere?" - When we go online, I'd like to see some sort of aesthetic that allows us to believe we actually "went" somewhere. We have portals....we have a bunch of realms...play up that experience?

4. Mode Central Online - Explained above.

5. Kill the Screen - When we do a fatality, no longer is simply blacking the screen sufficient. I recommend, killing the scenery as a new overhaul. Plants and animals melt away, soot starts to fly around, buildings deteriorate at a rapid pace, ect as well as a darkening attribute about the environment...."kill the screen" at fatality time.

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

1. Gameplay - Needs a martial arts theme, and a movie choreographed feel about the combos. Explicit individuality is key here, because the way I'm thinking about it, it should feel alot like we're playing some of our favorite movie stars, during our favorite fighting sequences in movies. It should be highly entertaining without any special moves involved first.
Then when they add in specials, the game wouldn't feel so dependent on them, and the specials would feel like incredibly positive additives. Opportunity based, or "by chance a special move actually fit in right here". Nothing forced, stiff, or organized when it comes to specials. It should feel almost rhythmic, or better, artful how it would work once two good players get in a groove.

They'd have to get rid of just about all semblances of "bouncing bodies", and super-saiyen suspended air battling. All the goofy crap has to go. Replace anything like a fart, with pseudo realistic physics. To where sure, we can still uppercut someone, Liu Kang can still hang in the air long enough to throw an air fireball (MK2-like), and Raiden can still do his air torpedo, but the point is...you-fall-down otherwise. I don't wanna see Scorpion "bouncing" anyone anymore than he did in MK1-2.

Fighting isn't glamorous, it's supposed to look like everything hurts. lol

2. Story - I'd like to be able to read the future MK's like a Graphic Novel personally. So much so, that it could possibly be used as a source for a future movie or two. So, sequence, continuity, canonization, and solid accessible references are all important for the future MK.

If it doesn't draw a straight line from game to game, to movie, back to game...it will be terrible. We've all seen this too much to be allowing this sort of thing any longer.

In-game, inventive ways of delivering the story element would be fantastic right now. Sure, the content needs to be great, but if I can't receive it in ways that make it relevant to what I'm playing....then it's not worth it. Some ways should be intuitive, some ways should be gimme's, some ways should be indirect, or secret. But all of these methods are being exercised throughout the gaming industry. I see no reason why MK should be stuck in the past here.

Have an old bum (A.I.) tell me a story at some point about something important to my past present or future. Then maybe, let me do a side mission, or play through a mode and find a key piece of info, or hell...let me "keep tripping" over something that I don't realize I should break in order to get a scroll or something...ect. Espionage is another good way taken in moderation. Talking to a God is another, having flashbacks, or beating some one up for info is another, finding an item or some clothing with an inscription on it is another....and on and on and on...

Deliver the story differently. Scatter it all over the game, and make me have to find it.

3. Rated M for Mature - Yep, MK has to grow up. Which might seem hypocritical considering the age group this game initially attracted. Alot of us are older. The thing is, that's what the allure to the game was always about. "You can't have it, because you're too young."

Adult themes, provocative behavior, aggressive language...all this stuff is MK's "paint brush" if you will. To be clear, I'm not suggesting an MK laden with rape, sex scenes, and gratuitous cursing. Rather, I'm talking about the influence of things like sexual behavior, the complexities of betrayal, and the benefits of colorful screen-writing.

MK is the game that should own this territory based on what type of game it started out being.

4. Fear Factor - Simply put, MK is the game that probably has the rite to be the scary fighting game. So, it should be capitalizing on our most modern fears and phobias. From political issues(economy, health care, and war with other countries), to scientific anomalies (the human potential, parallel universes//worlds, black holes), MK is probably the game vast enough to handle these themes without much questioning as to whether they fit or not. Fear is MK's most plausible element should they choose to exercise the muscle again...and more than they have in the past.

5. Fantasy - If it seems realistic, except the facts don't exactly support it, that's MK's fantasy element. Eden = MK's Edenia for example. Another ex, we have a Hell, and a Lucifer in MK. And that's just a play on religious stuff.

There's mythos and folk-lore, the elements, the cosmos, dark arts, and much much more.


So, if they experiment with the depth of things in MK, rather than just the variety,...if they match the sense of substance with the sense of choice, I think we're in for some good stuff come the future.

Welp, there's my rant.

Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:





5)Shang tsung

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:






I dont really wish death upon no character but if there was these would be the ones.

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

1) 2D 3D Modes

2) Krypt

3)Conquest was decent I guess, be cool to make the realms more interactive and real.

4) Typical Ladder

5)Tag mode (Can use 2 characters like wrestling matches)

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

1) Possibly matrix style moves

2) replay of the match with matrix style moves being viewed from any angle ( please have tons of blood)

3)Tag in mode

4)View of all fatalies /pictures (3d models in full attire spinning in 360 with their fighting styles and or moves just things each character posses / game development. This is all when you beat the game on every setting or in the krypt

5)Bring in some subtle matrix moves(somehow) Matrix button?

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

1)Take the ideas of MK 1, 2, 4, DA and take those ideas or reasons of why the games were made and produce a game for crying out loud.

2)Pit fatalies / Brutalities / Stage fatalities - every stage must have a stage fatality

in matrix style or where the stunned opponent is in slow mo and the person doing the fatality is able to move at lighting speed giving unlimited opporunity to find new fatalies.

3) Have some good secrets in the game, replay value. The reason ya'll were successful in bringing out sequels because you had secret charcaters and everyone wanted to play as them in the next game and learn about them. Even if this means bringing back old characters/brothers or sisters of the old characters, change them up and what have you. (Just be creative)

4)Good music

5)Give some good Bios with some good 5 -10 minute video clips of the character and where they've come to possibly where they plan to go now that they've won the tournament or whatever. Give us more in depth about the character then a brief paragraph..LAME
08/26/2009 01:43 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

Liu Kang
Johnny Cage
Noob Saibot

I didn't mention Subby and Scorp because they are gonna be in no matter what because an MK game would feel so strange without them

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

Tag Team
Event Match

Top 3 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

2.5D gameplay
A tag team system
A new arcade mode style

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

Great gameplay
Great Roster of characters
Tons of game modes
Replay ability
Have every character feel unique with different strengths and weaknesses
08/26/2009 04:24 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

1) Sektor
2) Smoke (Cyborg Form)
3) Chameleon
4) Shang Tsung
5) Nitara

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

1) Quan Chi
2) Shao Kahn
3) Liu Kang
4) Cyrax
5) Li Mei

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

1) Test Your Might
2) Team Battle
3) Test Your Sight
4) Chess Kombat
5) 8-Person Tournament

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

1) Create A Fighter/Konquest (Make a character, design there looks, moves and Fatality. Then play Konquest with them then at the end you unlock your characters)
2) Test Your Skill (Perform A Fatality In Under 30 Seconds)
3) New Death Traps for old Arenas
4) Three Fatality's for Each Characters
5) Create A Fatality

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

1) New Generation of MK characters
2) Brand New Fighting System
3) New Storyline
4) No More Rated T games
5) Redesign Old and New Arenas
08/26/2009 07:22 PM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

1.Kenshi-Dudes got a badass Yojimbo/man-with-no-name arua about him. Neat protagonist.

2.Cyrax- He's a black mechanized ninja. That's fantastic.

3.Reptile-I want old school scheming Reptile, not the bitch-made MKDA version. A minority if you will, just tryin' to resurrect his people. Maybe start a Black Panther type of group. "The Association for the Advancement of Reptilian Affairs and Relations" or some such nonsense.

4.Ermac-A lotta' potential, also red is my favorite colour.

5.Quan Chi-Rich Divizio. That is all.

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

Stryker- Wanker.
Shang Tsung-I just don't care anymore.
Sub Zero and Scorpion- Never happen.

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

1) Tag mode
2) Konquest
3) Arcade
4) Survival
5)...I dunno, Practice

Just the basics; I buy fighting games to fight, not play tetris.

Top 2 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

1) Cyrax and Sektor rivalry. Think Amuro-Ray and Char Azneble.
2) Fatality Theatre complete with commentary by Mike, Tom Servo, and Crow!

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

1) Daft Punk alternate costumes for Cyrax and Sektor. Whoo!
2) 2 Fatalitys each.
3) Story or whatever...
4) Dan "mother loving" Forden.
5) Look at Street Fighter 2: Super Turbo, Tekken 6, BlazBlue,and Virtual Fighter, then do that (In thier own way of course).
08/27/2009 06:10 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

1. Sindel- Wow, perhaps one of the most outrageously creative characters Midway actually came up with... a chick who fights with her hair, stuns you with her shriek, and well.... flies. She's the queen of a realm that always gets invaded... is it really THAT hard to come up with move ideas and a fresh new story with a character like that?

2. Jade- Another bad ass character with whom they can do shit tons with, but refuse to do anything new with her.

3. Tanya- idk why they gave her fireballs, her projectiles in MK4 were a lot fancier. I've always liked the IDEA of Tanya, not one of my favorite characters, but they can use her for a lot of stories that involve the Edenian characters. Unfortunately, Midway is full of a bunch of effortless jackasses, and if you don't believe me, take a look at her MKD ending. "TEE HEE, I'm gonna snatch the thing outta his hand even though he is apparently a God like being.... let's see if it works!!" Jesus.

4. Shinnok- This guy is pretty cool. His moves revolve around the idea of a hand coming up from the ground, there's so much you can do with this... unfortunately, he's midway's character, so we won't be able to see much of any good ideas.

5. Nitara- I seem to like this character because she has a lot of potential,there's plenty you can do with a vampire character gameplay wise and story wise.

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

1. Every new character past MKT, except Tanya, Quan, and Shinnok- Midway REALLY lost its buzz with new characters, so NO NEW CHARACTERS, they are not good at making them anymore. I guess Nitara and Kenshi are an exception, but they just don't got the potential anymore. They aren't as crafty as how they were back in the 90's. You know, they already have 60 Goddamn characters, they only care about the cast that made it into MKvDC, what the Hell is the point of making new characters that they're not gonna use?

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

No stupid game modes. All the effort the put forth in creating useless games like Motor Kombat could be put to REAL use like perhaps um.... A NON-BROKEN FIGHTING ENGINE?

There should be


That's all..... okay maybe Chess Kombat wasn't so bad, but EVEN THAT WAS BROKEN!!!!!
Just Teleport the Goddamn champions to the death trap! What is so hard about that? Oh my God >>

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

1. No infinites- Are you serious? 8 games in a row, 8 games packed with infinites like a pinata has candy? Wow. Is it THAT hard to make a fighting system that doesn't have a broken combo system? Every other fighter does it well, but 8 games in a row? Good God...

2. Balanced Character roster- Sonya, Mileena, Kabal, Noob Saibot, Tanya, Scorpion, Dairou, Moloch, and Flash..... what do all these characters have in common? I think you can figure it out.
The tiers in the tier list are just way too far. The match ups can be VERY VERY lopsided it's just not even funny anymore...... like really. Sindel vs Bo Rai Cho, sure we laughed at it back in the day but.... it's no laughing matter...

3. Diversity in characters- Too many moves are too samey with same exact properties. In MKA some characters were just copy and pastes of each other (their fighting stances I mean). In MKvsDC, many of the moves were the same as well..... seriously, what the hell is this?

4. Larger move lists- Self explanatory.

5. A METRIC TON less noob-friendly- I was trying to thing of a good unit of measurement to use as an analogy, but I think that "metric ton" is too much of an under exaggeration. But seriously, this game is WAY TOO FUCKING scrub friendly. All of the moves and combos are so easy. I remember when the MK community described Jade's dial-a-combo strings as "hard".... WHAT?!?!? WHAT?!?!!? You guys considered THAT hard?!? It tells you what buttons to press what the hell is so hard about that?! If you guys think that is hard, you guys wouldn't last 20 seconds in BlazBlue lmao. This game is way too easy. There aren;t even any diagonal inputs, wtf?!

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

1. Wipe the casual gamer semen crust forming around your lips midway, that's my first piece of advice.

2. DEFENSE DEFENSE DEFENSE. I remember in MKA Ed Boon was like, "We also added a brand new parry system"
Oh my God... now THAT is pathetic.... SEVEN games into the series and NOW they add parries? That's nothing to be proud of. They really need an actual defense system, this game is just far too button mashy.

3. This game is jsut far too button mashy. And Spammy and Whorish. Good God this game is terrible.

4.Which of this conversations do you think would be more appealing to Ed Boon:

"Hey Mr. Boon, here is the frame data for Jade's movelist, do you think her parry should have a 5 frame to 16 frame window or should we make it large because it only parries horizontal mids"


"Hey Ed, come check out this new animation of Scorpion getting up!"


5. Also Midway really needs to..... Ah forget it. Sorry Mortal Kombat, but.... there's no hope for you as long as Midway is calling the shots.

About Me
08/29/2009 12:57 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

5. Frost (Had an interesting story I think).

4. Noob Saibot (as noob saibot none of this NOOB nonense).

3. Mileena (Current gen Mileena would be sick!)

2. Sindel (An underrated character IMO).

1. Jade (One of my fave characters, she needs to be in MK9).

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

5. Baraka (He has been in the last 3 MKs its overkill for him at the moment).

4. Liu Kang (Just annoys me lol).

3. Darrius (Tthis guy seemed pointless in MKD).

2. Dairou (Same reason as Darrius).

1. Mokap (A Joke character, I want MK to be more serious and sinister)

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

5. Arcade (Arcade mode needs a choice of a long or short game).

4. Konquest (Loved MKDs, a current gen one like that would be awesome!)

3. Puzzle Kombat (I LOVED Puzzle Kombat in MKD, its a guilty pleasure).

2. 2 on 2 Kombat (I loved it on MK Trilogy when they would explode and another character would jump in).

1. Tournament (This would give it the opportunity to be known as a multiplayer game where you can have upto 6 people playing and only need 2 controllers).

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

Well I think even before we knew about MKA alot of people liked the sound of Motor Kombat and look how that turned out. So I think we need to leave new stuff to the makers of the game.

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

Just stuff like better graphics, better gameplay, more unlockables, behind the scenes stuff, a good selection of characters.
Even better advertising to make it a more well known game.
I know it wouldnt make it a better game gameplay wise but more people owning it means a more varied amount of people to play online.
About Me

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

08/29/2009 05:51 PM (UTC)
WOW, there are some great ideas, great arguments etc in this thread! I'm guessing that the MK team probably doesn't pay attention to threads on this site, but I really hope that they look at some of this stuff. Not that they have to give the fans EVERYTHING that they want by any means, but some of this stuff is gold.

Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

Shang Tsung: Believe it or not, I want to see him as the hero of the next group of MK games.

Movado: Get him away from the Red Dragon, and I think that he could be a cool character with an interesting origin story.

Kai: I agree with others that think he has more to offer. But get rid of that hideous look from Armageddon.

Sareena: Again, like others, I think that she has more story to her. I'd almost like to see her as a sort of tragic figure.

Drahmin: What the heck happened to him after he went into the light?? I think that he could have a really cool redemption story.

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

Liu Kang: I hate to say it, since he was the star more or less, but when you kill a character in such dramatic fashion, he should stay dead. Don't bring him back as a freakin zombie.

Johnny Cage; I don't mind a new character that's similar to him in terms of story, but again, when you kill someone, they should stay dead. Cage should've been dead since about MK3. It's time to go into the light Johnny!

Bo Rai Cho: Like others, I just don't like him at a conceptual level. The farting, vomiting etc. It's not funny. It's not even juvenile, it's just lame and uninspired character design.

Dairou: What a broken concept for a character. He looks boring, his moves are boring and his story is...you guessed it, boring. To me, he's the prototypical example of what Predator was talking about regarding characters that are simply slapped together. A quick design, add a few special moves and...done. No more please!

Waste Characters: By that, I mean Meat, Mokap, Chameleon or any other character that's simply added to be "extra content" on the select screen or humorous characters etc. No more! Grow up!

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

1. Story: A super rich mode filled with a ton of cut scenes that explain the beginning, middle and end of each characters story (on a side note: NO MORE WHAT-IF ENDINGS!!)

2. Kreate a Kharacter: It's almost a must now for a fighting game. Give me a tool that allows me to create my perfect characters for the world that you ahve created.

3. Survival: Call it Endurance or whatever you want, but a fighting game without a survival mode... That's just crazy to me.

4. 2 on 2, 3 on 3 or 4 on 4 Tag: Could you imagine throws that involve four players at once? Or a move where two other guys on your team attack in succession? If done to the extreme, I think that this could be a cool idea.

5. Kreate a Tournament: Yeah, the whole shebang. You create the characters, you create the bios for the characters, you create the move lists and now you create the stories, endings etc. You have you own character select screen... Everything. If you want to talk about EXTRA modes in MK games, do something like this waaaaaay before you think about kart racing.

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

1. Kreate a Tournament: As mentioned above.

2. Cinematic Fatalities: More up close, better camera work, disgusting fatalities. I'm not a huge gore fan, but these should almost look like someone's being brutalized in a real movie. Coughing up blood, eyes wide in terror, gross noises like bubbling blood, etc. Really take this and push the limit on the ratings system.

3. An Escape button: This button would be sort of an all purpose dodge button, it allow characters to dodge/deflect punches and kicks (whether it be jumping over sweeps, flipping backwards or simply using arms to block) as well as escape throws. It would REPLACE the idea of blocking and you would have to use it pretty close to when the person attacks. NO MORE HOLDING BLOCK AND TURTLING!!

4. A hub town: How about instead of a ladder, the tournament allows you to walk freely around a sort of Forbidden City style (but darker of course) town where you can find hidden items, buy outfits, learn moves at the dojo, change hair styles, tattoos, talk to the locals to get clues and/or learn about the new tournament etc. Call it conquest if you want, but you also get to go from here to fighting in your next tournament match in the story mode.

5. Reversals and real Parrying: I love MK, but the fighting system really needs to advance with the advancements in the genre. No, I'm not saying that MK needs to be like other series, but there need to be more efforts to make the fighting feel like real fighting. I think that these ideas would help.

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

1. More fluid animation: They really need to get rid of the choppy animation. and stiff characters in favor of something that flows much more easily.

2. More variety in fighting styles/weapons/moves: Characters should feel very unique from one another. So no more having 10 characters that all use swords (call them by different names, they're still swords). Or giving each character a "fighting style" when they all have practically the same standard move set anyways. Oh yeah, and NO MORE RECYCLING SPECIAL MOVES!! The fact that the only special moves Kira had in MK:D were moves that came from Kano and Sonya was BUSH LEAGUE!

3. No more sillyness: This has probably come through already, but no more humor. Put a gag reel the features section if ya want, but no more silly fatalities, no more silly special moves, no more characters that are practically jokes in and of themselves. If the series doesn't take itself seriously, it undermines the story, the characters... Basically it makes everything look cheesy. Geez, give this series a mythos again! An aura of mystery, etc.

4. Absolutely NO EXTRA GARBAGE!!! I can't stress this enough. I do NOT buy MK games to play chess! Stop devoting your time to these pointless modes and start giving me more of the fighting! If you can add another good character, a few backgrounds, another fighting mode like Tag or something in the time it takes to do a kart racing minigame, then do those things instead!

5. Give us a MODERN Mortal Kombat: I'm not asking you to make Soul Calibur or Virtua Fighter with MK characters. That's not what I mean here at all, but my overriding theme through everything on my lists here is this: The series needs to be brought into 2009. It needs characters that feel more real and gritty, characters that have interesting stories with plot twists and an overall solid narrative to follow. Putting all of the stories together should be like watching a movie.

Give us a fighter that takes advantage of the most modern graphical technology, but that also utilizes the graphics in the best technical way possible. In other words, MK vs DC looked somewhat pretty, but the characters still feel too stiff. Maybe that's because the old block button is lame, maybe that's because the moves are still done with the idea that's it's 1992 and only special moves matter. There have to be more standard moves for each character.

Back then, it was okay to recycle moves and costumes etc but now, with the power of modern systems, there's simply no excuse. So give us a fighting game that feels, looks and plays like a modern fighting game. Keep it in the realm of MK, with fun special moves and fatalities, remembering to keep it dark and mysterious as well, but take that extra time if needed to smooth out the rough edges, making it feel more like a complete experience than an old, bite sized arcade game that munched your quarters for a few minutes and then sent you on your way.
About Me
08/30/2009 02:35 AM (UTC)
Just put Noob Saibot In and give him mega kool moves and story and I'll buy the game.
08/30/2009 03:05 AM (UTC)
the 5 characters i'd like to see return.
quan chi
sub - zero

top 5 character i'd like to see dead.
jhonny cage
night wolf
bo rai cho

top 5 modes i'd like to see in mk9.
arcade, create a character, tag, versus, and survival.

top 5 new ideas i'd like to see incorperated in mk9.
replay mode, theatre mode, better counter systom, mutiple arena times like living forest morning, afternoon, and night. create a select screen.

top 5 things to make mk9 great.
fluid gameplay, good bios, nice cast of characters, better counter systom, and great graphics.
08/31/2009 12:07 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters (besides the obvious ones like Scorpion,Sub-zero,ect.) to return in MK9:




5)Quan Chi

Top 5 characters dead forever:
1)Liu Kang

2)Hsu Hoa



5)Bo Rai Cho

Top 5 game modes in MK9:
1)Create A Character(revamped a bit from MK:A)

2)Survival Mode local and online (similar to MK:SM)

3)Arcade Mode (obviously)

4)Versus Mode local and online (obviously)

5)Practice Mode

Top 5 brand new ideas to see in MK9:
1)Team Endurance local and online (2v2-4v4)

2)Character specific Theatrical Fatality Effects(similar to The Predator151's idea)-Screen effects that could be activated like a pro move or charge up for fatalities...an example=Sub-zero could have a charge up effect for an ice ball fatality...lets say he starts charging up an ice ball,it could start snowing and the screen could start looking frosty and froze over...traditionally the screen would still darken but the effects would be highlighted with the main events occurring and none of the effects should block visibility for the actual fatality.

3)Arena Editing or Custom settings for them such as death traps,weapons,background or weather effects,color swapping,ect.

4)User integrated audio tracks

5)Online Armageddon Mode-8-16 player on screen battle royal tournement styled system

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:
1)Fluid Gameplay-get rid of gimmicks like close combat/free fall so that its simple,quick and straight forward

2)FMV,endings,fatalities,trailers,credits theater should be present

3)More hidden secrets and unlockables like MK1 reptile for example

4)DLC on launch

5)Bring back create a character revamped with a new system and tons more options
About Me

Kung Lao/Smoke main. Maker of puns and bad jokes.

08/31/2009 03:11 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:
Noob Saibot-One of the characters i Feel hasn't had his story fleshed out enough

Kung Lao-They gave him the chance to replace Kang in MKDA, give him the chance now.

Baraka-See Noob Saibot

Kabal-As head of the "new" Black Dragon, his story has been given alot of possibilities, it would be nice to see where he is headed.

Scorpion-Come one...this was bound to happen, if the MKTeam can think of a non-revenge storyline for him, I am down

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:
Liu Kang-Come one MKTeam, you kill him and bring him back just as quick? wtf?

Shujinko-He is to Naive for MK

Blaze-He served his purpose and isn't needed anymore.

Taven-See Blaze

Daegon-See Blaze

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:
3 on 3 kombat-I haven't played MKT64, but if they could make put some time into it, it could probably be well implemented

Endurance Mode- By this, i am referring to the "?" in the 2-D games, as in there are 4 fighters total, at the start of the round you pick 1 or 2 kombatants(depending on the mode) and it starts out as a one on one match, when the first person is KO'd they Blow up(Like MKT) and the other person jumps in to continue.

Survival Mode-By this, i mean the MKU and MKAWii Endurance modes.

Test Your Might-Remember MK1? When you weren't proving yourself with your knowledge of Fatalities you were with Test your Might, it would be cool to see an online competitive version of this.

I can only think of 4 right now, sorry

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

Cant think of anything

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

I only have two

Bring back the Real Tournaments-According to the Game, MK Tournaments occur every 50 years, so why can't they just stop with these petty tourney's, wait about 30 years(In the story) and Start over.

Kill them all-This goes with the first one, while they wait, let everyone who can die die and bring a new roster(of course, with this, the first section would be Void with this)

Sorry for the lack of contribution, but that is all i can think of at the moment.
09/02/2009 10:36 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

1 Kitana - I think if Subby and Scorp have to be in every game so should Kitana/Mileena. They are the main female protagonist/antagonist in the game

2 Mileena - as above

3 Raiden - He is essential to any MK game

4 Li Mei - A character with REAL potential... she won MK DA and turned a bit bad ass in Deception... LOVED this storyline

5 Baraka - I like his wierd relationsip with mileena and he is one of MK's stronger concepts.

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

Johnny Cage - Joke Character

Jax - serves no point nor had a storyline ever

Stryker - Joke character

All pointless characters who serve no real perpose apart from being fillers.... eg, Jarek, Kai, Taven, Reiko, Mokap, Camelion, Meat, Blaze, Motaro, Kintaro, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, Molach, Darrius, Dairou, Kira, Kobra, Daegon

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

Chess Kombat


it would be great is MK1,2+3 were included

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:

Interesting Character development. eg Id love to see dead Lui Kang, champion of MK since its inception be corrupted by his death and become the big bad of the game. Have Kung Lao the protagonist having to kill his former friend. Have Mileenas ending in Armageddon part cannon... she sends Kitana insane and takes her place as ruler of Edenia shacking up with Lui Kang to send Kitana crazy. Explore a Fujin/Raiden rivalry. Onaga queen of Outworld with Li Mei at his side... just interesting storylines and plot twists.

Less new characters unless they have a specific purpose in driving storylines. No incidentals like Darrius , Kai, Hsu Hao etc

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

Be playable at all levels like MK2/UMK3

Have more female characters - it just makes it more interesting and diverse.

Have better storylines and thought on endings.. it always seems that these are often incidental. It would be great to leave you hanging for what happens next?
About Me


09/07/2009 03:37 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:

- Scorpion -
all-time most popular MK character and my all-time favourite fictional character.

- Noob Saibot -
I'm still waiting for Scorpion to find out Noob Saibot was the original SZ and his old enemy - and then for them to fight!!

- Raiden -
I want to see a conclusion to Raiden's evilness, and to see him cleansed and return to being the thunder god.

- Rain -
The old ninja version as the MKA version sucked. I love his moveset in the series.

- Human Smoke -
His look in recent games has become pretty stupid. I've always preferred him as a human - but I'm not sure the story could be written to allow for this.

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:

- All those that died in the story should stay dead -
Such as: Lui Kang died in MKDA; Shao Kahn also died in MKDA, but personally should have been killed off in MK3; Shang Tsung died and became a part of Raiden's corrupt soul along with Quan Chi; etc etc.

- Hotaru, Hsu Hao, Kobra, Mavado -
Never liked these characters and never will. Period!

- All those introduced in MK4 -
MK4 was the worse MK game in my opinion and one of the reasons was because all the new characters were very poorly designed. Heck even the old characters were given a crappy make-over - MK4 introduced Scorpion's worst costume ever and for some reason the developers keep using it!!!

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:

- Story Mode -
A free roaming world where characters can interact with the world and its inhabitants. Each character has their own story which lasts about an hour. Other characters may back you up along your journey, and are used like a tag team partner.

- Arcade Mode -
Standard arcade mode where the arena depends on the opponent - so the opponent is fighting in their own domain.

- VS. Mode -
Online and offline play. Tag team mode available. Bring back the coin gambling.

- Tournament -
1-to-many players on and off line. Ring out and match rounds are only available in this mode. The amount of rounds needed to win is chosen by the player. Players earn coin depending on how well they do in the tournament. For example: 1st = 1,000; 2nd = 500; 3rd = 250. Players who have been eliminated can bet coins as to who they think will win.

- Survival -
Single and Team variants.
Single survival pits one character against waves of enemies (one at a time), and the player only has one health bar, which increases slightly after each wave (opponent).
Team Survival is a 1-2 player mode where the player defines the number of characters (1-6) per team. Each player then chooses all the characters for their team. When one character is defeated, the next character enters the fight. A player wins when all the fighters on the opponents team are defeated.

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:

- A more in-depth fighting engine that has more combos, a smoother flow of action, and a variety of finishing moves per character (3 each minimum).

- An almost completely new cast of characters (with the exception of a few important ones like Scorpion, Sub Zero, and Raiden).

- Lots of battle damage and gruesome finishers/special moves. I want to be able to feel those big hits (like the fist fight in MGS4 - it's brutal).

- Scorpion NOT wearing a lame, skin-tight spandex suit (MK4 & MKA). In other words, overall better character design.

- DO NOT rush the game to meet a deadline - spend time on making a game with good balance, variety, interesting story lines and character development, as well as a variety of GOOD and interesting game modes (no stupid ones like Motor Kombat).
About Me

Bring Jade, kitana & Mileena back!

09/13/2009 08:01 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:
1.) Jade
2.) Kitana
3.) Mileena
4.) Tanya
5.) Sonya

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:
1.) Havik
2.) Dairou
3.) Bo Rai Cho
4.) Darrius
5.) Hsu Hao

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:
1.) Test your might
2.) Enduranace
3.) Tag Team
4.) Arcade
5.) Practice

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:
1.) Gorier, more detailed, fatalities with a little dialogue
2.) No more "fighting styles"
3.) More female characters, seriously.
4.) Bring back all the arenas from previous mk games
5.) More combos, specials for the fighters.
09/14/2009 03:35 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in the next MK:

1/2. Noob/Scorpion, in intense revenge and Netherrealm rivalry. Let Noob have very malicious intent. The Netherrealm has become a veritable soap opera of storylines, with Noob, Scorpion, Ashrah, Sareena, and everyone their story arc's touch, including Sub Zero and Smoke. Scorpion and Noob hold the most power, however, and have the potential to clean out the trolls, making way for a more desperate storyline.

3. Baraka, with one condition. Make him independent of any ruler, a leader of his own army which vies for power. Coincidentally, this makes his position more extreme, putting him at larger risk for death, no longer having the safety net of more powerful men's armies

4. Quan Chi.

5. I thought I'd never say this, but....Rain, as an edenian general/royal figure. This would be most interesting to me if there were major casualties (especially Liu Kang/Kitana). His history shows a keen awareness of powerplay, of not overextending himself, of knowing who is in power and who to side with, shifting allegiance as is necessary for survival. I see him as a pyschopathically self-aware royal figure, who holds a certain potential for ruthlessness and being a tyrant. As a ruler he could be interesting, something of a fascist, promising many things for the place in return for very strict, loyal service--the outcome of which could be nightmarish or elevating, depending on his whims. Last minute palette-swap throw in could possibly have the potential to be a very powerful and important character, his intentions for himself and his subjects not known until his ending.

Top 3 characters you want dead forever:
1. Most.

2. Those whose storylines either haven't or won't have a sense of both desperation and power. These are supposed to be the best of the best. There's no need for three shaolin fighters or anybody whose main intention is to support anybody else. If there are multiple earthrealm fighters, even on the same "side", there should be vastly different things they would do if they won. And if, for some reason, 2 people represent one organisation, doesn't mean that they're necessarily that close or even allies--their ideas on what should be done, what should be sacrificed, can be at odds. Nobody is going to hold hands to the top of the ladder and high five their partner.

3. Anybody who is in the game just because another character they like or have an issue with is in the game. In the end the tournament is bigger than interpersonal rivalries, with the state of every realm at stake. ANYBODY coming into power possibly jeapordizes what each fighter wants to do or have. Most entrants into the tournament should die--it's not summer camp; it's brutal, and if you're only playing sidekick chances are you don't have the chops to survive.

Top ideas that you would like to see in the next MK
1. Flowing moveslist, including defensively, in order to feel more in control of one's character and not the opposite.

2. Briefer konquest modes comprising more characters as the protagonist, or possibly with one person/entity representing each realm. When I say briefer, I mean shorter than one long Konquest starring one character, while, taken as a whole with all of the characters, the Konquests would be equal to or greater to, time-wise, the time spent finishing the traditional Konquest mode.

3. Both multiple and longer endings. Although I'd like FMV endings, it is probably impractical for time and expense reasons, especially if there is a large roster. But when I master a character and mow my way to the top, especially if there is a challenging, formidable boss, I want to be wowed. I'm less concerned if my character saves someone else as to what he/she does with the newfound power, what his/her/its return home means, if an undead character becomes human again after wiping out his enemies or chooses only to enhance his powers. Instead of FMV there can be cinematic-quality montages, however, illustrating key moments in much greater depth, rather than two images of often middling quality which often don't focus well on the victorious character.

4. More interactive fatalities which involve an initial move to start the fatality but then require the player to do one of several options. These can run from the simple--the initial being Kano pulling out a heart, the options being him holding it up/throwing it/taking out a bite/stomping on it--or the initial being sub-zero ripping off a head with the options being to swing with the spine, knocking down the body with the head/setting the head on the floor inverted and slamming the body back onto the head/freezing the head in his hand and shattering it. Or the more complex (the initial being kung lao pulling off his hat, the options being to throw it any place he directs it or going up to the loser and slicing with it wherever, depending on directional and button pressing).

I'm a big believer that the success of a fatality has less to do with gore than believability. Recently I saw Ingmar Bergman's film, "Persona". In part of it, the film clip of a vietnamese monk setting himself on fire in protest to the war was shown. Heartbreaking and painful to watch. Far from an instant death. It reminds me why I've never liked Scorpion's fatality, even though the concept was never bad. While I don't want a fatality to last minutes long, there could be a moment there... and the losing opponent, could, with button presses, determine if he/she/it takes this death with dignity or horror--and Scorpion could add more fire, hastening the death and justifying that nothing's left but a pile of ashes and a few bone fragments.

5. Integrating costume design/components into a character's attributes and animation (heavier armor as an alternate costume for someone whose other costume is mostly cloth-based would slow them down somewhat while giving them slightly less damage on hits where there is armor, etc.). Not going to happen immediately, but I'd love to see it, giving more to alternate costumes than different visuals. I'd love it but wouldn't expect it anytime remotely soon. Ideally most accessories a character wears would have some give-and-take in terms of attributes, not to some dramatic extreme where it would be too unlike playing as the character's standard design--but something noticeable and useful. Perhaps more heavily armored costumes/accessories could be unlocked after an endurance round before a sub-boss.

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:
1. Flowing, quick, well-choreographed fighting, with many moves that give the player choice on what to do next without completely breaking the flow (unless that is desired, with some moves designed primarily to break up flow for new attack/defense strategies to come in). Ideally, a mixture of strategy and spontaneous reaction, with different types of blocks, some mobile, and parries.
2. Better body physics, which can potentially open up a truly deep fighting system, even if one isn't immediately instituted.
3. Either no weapons or situational weapons that one must put oneself in risk in order to get--and then only in specific, dramatic fights.
4. A cleaned up storyline, pared down in order to keep clarity, but one which has the potential for new mysteries.
5. For the game's makers to take their time and ensure that what gets out is a quality product, the result of genuine care to what they're doing.
09/24/2009 05:00 PM (UTC)

1. Sareena
I've gone on endlessly about this character in various other threads. She needs to come back. Only two conditions: no ices powers and I'd really rather prefer she does not become merely "Sub-Zero's girlfriend."

2. Havik
Fun new character with a cool look and personality and he can go many places in the story. Just touch up his gameplay and we're golden.

3. Mileena
I'd like to see her emerge as something of protagonist in the future...provided, of course, she finally gets over her hatred for Kitana. Once she does that, I'd love to see where she goes and what she does.

4. Drahmin
I like him. He has a good backstory and I think he'd make an interesting antagonist for Sareena. Design-wise, as long as they lean closer to his alt. outfit in the future, I'll be happy. Just some improvement on his gameplay and he's good to go.

5. Kitana (depending on what they do with her) or Tanya
Kitana is my favorite and she still has places to go in her story...but I only want her back if they're going to do something worth while with her. Otherwise, I'd rather she just be retired. In that case, I'd like to see Tanya come back. I think she'd do well in a rivalry with Mileena.


1. Liu Kang
Oh, how I despise this character. Dull, boring character who is so NOT worth revamping or attempting to improve. They should just cut their losses and ditch this annoying loser for good.

2. Kano
Another piece of shit LONG past his expiration date. He has nothing further going for him. They should have dropped him after MK3, and yet he's still around.

3. Sonya Blade
I never had any use for Sonya Blade. Never like using her, no interest in whatever future she might have, and the token "tough chick" is a very easy archetype to replace.

4. Johnny Cage
How many times are we going to have this two-bit loser forced on us and hope "this time" he'll be better? There are far more deserving characters who should get revamped or another chance.

5. Taven
Just have no interest in him. As far as Edenian characters go, I'd much rather see Mileena, Tanya, Rain, Kitana, Jade, or Sindel take precedence.


1. Single player exhibition
I would like to be able to just have matches...select your player, select your opponent, and pick your arena...without doing the full arcade ladder or a story-mode.

2. Story-mode
Maybe something similar to Konquest or maybe something like MK vs. DC...but having an actual story for the character as they prgress would be cool. As long as you can choose the character who's story your doing and aren't forced to play as someone.

3. Kreate-a-Kharacter
I like the K-a-K mode in Armageddon. Obviously it can & should be improved, but it's a worth-while addition, IMO. Would also come in handy for creating favorite characters that didn't make it back.

4. Krypt
Unlocking things usually helps replay value...as long as there are things worth unlocking. Ideally, more characters, alternate outfits, stages, and maybe a few easter eggs.

5. Chess Kombat
I liked it. Sue me.


1. Solid gameplay
Well, no shit.

2. Storyline
Storyline is what makes me care about the characters and what's happening.

3. Time to work
When things are rushed and deadlines are forced, you get mediorce new characters, shitty gameplay, butchered storylines, and are left overall with wasted opportunities. Quality control is more important than cramming in a bunch of shit as quickly as possible.

4. Fatalities
They are a big part of what makes Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat. And it is very satisfying finishing off a defeat opponent in a gruesome manner.

5. Less nostalgia
Nostalgia is fine in small doses. But overly living in the past is frustrating, counter-productive, and only tarnishes the legacy nostalgia is supposed to preserve.
09/25/2009 12:14 AM (UTC)
Good subject.

Top 5 Characters to return
1. Lui Kang- Classy character, can't picture MK without him.
2. Raiden- God of thunder and also a classic character.
3. Havik- He's a manipulator.
4. Sektor- He has an army and should be the special forces new threat.
5. Shao Khan- Kills Onaga and runs Outworld again.

Top 5 Characters to remain dead
1. Mokap- No explanation needed.
2. Mileena- Sort of boring rival for Kitana.
3. Blaze- Well I'd hope he dies since he had quite the bounty.
4. Taven- He reminds me of a super hero or atleast his attitude does.
5. Kenshi- Ermac is better...

Top 5 Game Modes
1. Classic climb the tower Arcade
2. A story mode for each character. (so you actually learn something about the character)
3. Tournament mode.
4. Some sort of gameplay that allows you to progress your skills with the fighter of your choosing and maybe customize their outfit. Make like tournaments that happen throughout the realms and join them to gain prize.
5. If they make the combat system more advanced ( which I hope they do) then add a training mode to help people get better.

- This isn't including online mode assuming it is online.

Top 5 brand new ideas that you'd like to see.
1. I want story mode to reveal the story a bit more instead of 1 story for Taven and the rest get left with a biography lol.
2. More advanced fighting game then the previous ones we've seen. Diehard fighting game fans would hopefully agree
3. Maybe at the krypt you could buy parts to the mk storyline. Also maybe you could buy stuff to customize the fighters in the game instead of a create a fighter mode.
4. Actual well thought out characters who will make the storyline better.
5. Show off new parts of reams as arenas instead of just torture areas.

Top 5 list to make a great fighting game
1. Story- It has always been a big part of the game and should get better.
2. The Combat- They should try and expand the fighters move list as well as make each fighter feel different and have their own strengths and weaknesses. Thats what makes a good fighting game in my eyes and hopefully the MK team will do something about this. To me its lazy when fighters share the exact same special move.
3. No mini games. STICK TO FIGHTING.
4. Make Konquest a seperate game instead of forging 2 games together.
5. I don't think they can make a good quality fighting game if they try to make mini games or add konquest mode. I think they should stick to either making a solid fighting game or try the konquest thing.
6. Also 2d isn't a bad thing in my books "IF" this next one is 2d.

09/25/2009 01:45 AM (UTC)
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:

Top 5 list to make a great fighting game
1. Story- It has always been a big part of the game and should get better.

story doesn't make a good fighting game. *points to every fighting game ever* yeah none of them have a good story.
09/25/2009 03:37 AM (UTC)
SubMan799 Wrote:
DemolitionMann7 Wrote:

Top 5 list to make a great fighting game
1. Story- It has always been a big part of the game and should get better.

story doesn't make a good fighting game. *points to every fighting game ever* yeah none of them have a good story.

Sorry for not being specific. What I meant to say was it's story has always been interesting compared to other fighting games where the story is everyone wants to win the world tournament.
09/29/2009 10:09 AM (UTC)
Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:
-Shao Kahn
-Shang Tsung

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:
The ones not mentioned in the previous q/a

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:
-Classic arcade
-Story based arcade
-Kreate a Karackter

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:
-Old skool kombat (HD version of MK1)
-Konquest in a shoalin monks type of game on a bonus disc
-Theatre, watch you play a previous played match
-Specific fatalities (was mentioned earlier in this thread)

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:
-Take your time
-Keep it simple
-Focus on the fighting engine
-Keep in contact with the fan base
-Sell a premium edition with lots of extra's, like an action figure, extra game disc with the making off, tshirt's....stuff like that
10/02/2009 07:44 PM (UTC)

Top 5 characters you want to see returning in MK9:
quan chi, shinnok, dairou, kung lao, kai

Top 5 characters you want dead forever:
mokap, meat, chameleon/khameleon, frost, stryker
and any other side character and characters that were lame knock offs of existing chars (like kira)

Top 5 game modes you want in MK9:
arcade mode
create a fighter
practice mode (more in depth)
mini games

Top 5 brand new ideas that you would like to see in MK9:
just add more things to the gameplay. parrys, counters, etc.

Top 5 list of what must be done to make a great MK game:
the last gen of mk games (mkda, mkd, mka) were already great. they all just had a lot of bugs that affected online gameplay.
the only thing that needs to be done to this one to be great is: MAKE IT PATCHABLE!!!

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