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12/22/2009 12:54 AM (UTC)
I said: "that's why MK:A's KAF mode failed so miserably. No imagination whatsoever.

You replied: "Bullshit. I made an Iron Fist / Kamen Rider pastiche. KAF was a good time rolled in a bagel."

Sorry, I did overstate that a bit. It didn't fail miserably, but it could have been a lot better. Look at Soul Calibur 4's KAF mode for a good example. I know, it came out much later, but this is what I'm hoping for in the next MK.

I said: "5. Humor: You know what? I don't want to see silly moves like farting or slipping and sliding on vomit. I don't want to see a guy called mokap with mocap balls on him. I don't want to see a guy on fire and I don't want to see a bloody skeleton. I don't want friendships, babalities, or any other stuff that's barely funny the first time and just a flat out waste after each additional viewing."

You replied sarcastically: "Word. Fun is terrible."

Hey you know what? I'm entitled to my opinion. You want to see Baraka give somone a present because that makes you shoot milk through your nose with laughter every time you see it, then I guess you're entitled to that opinion too.

There's a difference between fun and humor though. Mortalk Kombat, for me at least, is fun to play because it's an enjoyable experience. The humor, however, is not part of what I enjoy about the games. Is that alright with you?

I said: "MK should be dark, with characters that seem realistic, having deep backgrounds and a stellar story. I want drama, mystery and intrigue, I want an epic battle of good versus evil."

You narrowly surmised: "So the series has been letting you down since 1992, then?"

Alright, I have no idea how you derrived this. I actually liked MK:DA a lot, and MK4 was pretty fun back in its time. I still play MK:A every now and then and MK vs DC had it's moments.

No, I don't get horribly let down when each new MK game comes out. Are there usually things that I wish they might do differently? Well yeah, I'm a fan, and sometimes (unfortunately), being a fan can make you want everything to be just perfect, so it can be a bit of a let down when it's not.

But I do enjoy each MK game for what it is, even if it sounds like I don't.

I said: "How about making a great, polished, all around fun to play fighting game before you try tacking on little modes or ideas that never seem to amount to anything more than an annoying distraction?"

You commented in the wrong forum: "They already have that. Most folks call it Soul Calibur."

Yeah, I like Soul Calibur, I also like DOA, VF, MvC, SF and a whole lot of other fighting games. What was even the point of making this comment in an MK forum when I'm talking about what I'd like to see in an MK game?

Aw, looks like your sharp wit got a little dull there for a second...

I wrote: "But which would I rather have: Chess Kombat or a freakin SURVIVAL mode? You know, that basic thing that most fighting games have had since the mid 90's?"

You, again with the sharpened wit, wrote: "Because doing the same things is the best!"

Here's my opinion if you didn't catch it before: Chess Kombat = Not fun. Survival Mode = Fun. I prefer fun to not fun. Is that alright with you?

If they came up with a different mode that no other fighting game had that actually involved fighting, I'd probably like it. Yes, Chess had fighting in it, but as a stand alone mode, it was pretty weak in my opinion and since the whole point of my post was me giving my own opinion, I still don't really know why you're trying to sarcastically poke at it like it's wrong.

I could try to say something is a fact when it's not, and that would be wrong. But me asserting my own feeling on something can't be wrong. Just a little lesson in semantics for ya there.


You continued hurling the verbal 3 pointers when you said "Watch out Ed! Look at this dude's capital letters, you can tell he means business!"

Honestly? What's the point? Why bother responding to this? You obviously either think that my opinion sucks or you think that I suck, so what's the point of dropping in to sprinkle your witless sarcasm? Are you trying to bait me? I'm not sure why, I don't think I've done anything to you.

That's alright though. While it looks like you really just came in to this thread to spam with nonsense and bitterness about who knows what, I'll let it slide because you obviously need attention.

I said: "Is Noob really Sub Zero's brother? Who knows! It's never been confirmed in a game following MK:D that I know of."

You replied wisely (
So let me sarcastically respond by saying yes, because fans believing something is true is much better confirmation than the game actually coming out and directly telling me.

I said: "It's time for this series to embrace modern video game storytelling and craft a tale where you have definite winners and losers."

You missed my point completely when you said "Yes, because watching my character of choice lose would be so awesome. "Woo! Look at Sub-Zero take those punches! I am having fun!"

I only meant that each character's story path could have a definite ending instead of the "what if" endings. Yeah, your favorite character might lose, but you know what? The Mortal Kombat tournament is a fighting...tournament. That might happen sometimes. Sure, the story may have gone away from the tournament, but that doesn't excuse lazy storytelling.

But that's fine, you seem to be content with the "what if" endings and not actually knowing for sure if anything is changing in the story. You do it your way, you know, hoping that a certain set number of people on a message board accept something as fact so you can accept it as well. I'll keep hoping that my way comes to pass.

I said "Recycling: This drives me up a wall. Oh look! Kira has Kano and Sonya's moves! Why? Who knows."

You responded with: "Just don't make my mistake and read fanfic for potential answers."

That's good, insult the people that care enough about this game to focus their creativity on it. You're a real piece of work. Good job on being you.

I said: "Back when MK was 2D, no one expected each character to have their own set of unique regular moves because that's not how it was done."

You pointed out: "Except, you know, Street Fighter."

Oh come on, really? I'll give you this. TECHNICALLY, you're right. But honestly, I'm talking about a lot more depth of indidivual regular move sets than what Street Fighter offered back then. I'm talking about characters actually having styles and a lot of unique regular moves that stem from that style.

Street Fighter was a great game for it's generation but by today's fighting game standards, the move sets (outside of the special moves and the supers) are pretty basic.

I said "or they don't actually know what their fans want."

You supplied this nugget: "The made MK vs DC, so they did know what I wanted."

Well that's great for you. No really. You and the five other fans on this site that actually liked this news when they heard it must have been elated. Of course, most of the media was scratching their heads and most of the people on this site were practically ready to storm Midway offices, but hey, you got what you wanted, and you're obviously the barometer of satisfaction for video games and exactly who I meant when I said "fans," right?

I'm not bagging on you for being in the minority. But if you don't recall, most of the reaction to MK vs DC was negative at first, and despite what Ed Boon might say, it didn't get much better. Sure, most reviewers thought it was okay, but the diehard fans still would've preferred a better game for one, but they also wanted MK9 instead.

So no, IN GENERAL, I don't think MK vs DC was what the FANS (plural) wanted.

Wow man, no offense, but you're not nearly as clever as you think you are.

Not by a long shot.
12/22/2009 01:30 AM (UTC)
It's been considered Canon for awhile, even in MKA's horrendous endings. There was a subtle hint that I caught onto in MK4 about it. If you turned on the easy fatalties cheat and played as Noob Saibot, you'd see one of his fatalties is Sub-Zero's freeze shatter. Could've been any one of those fatalities but it was that fatality. I thought about it after I got done playing MKM:SZ. You guys may think me a fool but I've thought Noob = Elder Sub for awhile.
12/22/2009 01:58 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Ahh, I've been flipping through the pages on this form and I see a heck of a lot of repeating threads about the same topics over and over again, which got me thinking: "Let me just make a thread that should have people telling the citizens of this site what MK should never bring back ever!"

And with that, I shall give you my top 5:

5: Babalities/Animalities/Friendships/Brutalities:

People who wins two rounds of combat by totally demolishing their opponent should finish them off with a fatality. No one should let their character have the ability to baby morph their opponent, that's just utter stupidity for whoever thought that concept up.

Friendships were just trash. After all that brutal beat down, we're doing a Happy Gilmore move by giving the kid a piece of cake and then a nice little massage afterward? Yeah, no.

Animalities were a failure and MK: Annihilation completely made me hate them even more. (There was absolutely no point to include animalities in that movie, but they did)

And brutalities is just a long combo that suddenly gets faster and faster... This is the only concept that can actually be decent to watch if the creators made this whole thing a lot better.

Point is, these alities were failures from the beginning and really shouldn't make a return. Why would you want to make peace within the person you shattered their dreams about being a MK gamer with your character blowing bubbles or making you buy an action figure? Certainly, I would never subject my opponent to such a pitiful ending. I would make sure Sub-Zero rips their spines out with his bare hands before I let him make a snowman out of himself.

4: Mini-games that's not Test Your Might

This is where the whole fun started. MK 1 had this awesome mini-game that required more button smashing than anything else. But unfortunately, we haven't seen such a concept since Deadly Alliance and that's not right. Then, to make things even more worse, they decided to add a "Test Your Sight," something that was so ridiculously easy to beat, even a blind man himself could easily spot the dragon symbol in the cup.

Then they ditched it, AGAIN, for a Chess mode and a Puzzle mode. I did enjoy the Puzzle, it took a lot of hard work to defeat the computer in the hardest difficulty, but yet again, defeating the computer in the hardest difficulty bored me...

Amrageddon didn't help whatsoever with the addition of Motor Kombat. Seriously? You have a shitload of characters returning for the second time since their last appearance that THEY couldn't be added to like the 12 characters that were selectable? There were barely any fun levels to race, and by the time the online play came into action, it was just utter shameful to play.

Let's just bring back the Test Your Might concept and leave it with that, shall we?

3: Death traps:

What? We have at least 90 seconds (for me, I play with the timer, I don't be cheap and not have a timed match) to defeat our opponents, I do a sweet combo, but all of a sudden the guy does one little pop-up move and I'm already dead. This concept sucked, and it wasn't because if you sadly died right next to a death trap and after the announcer screams: "Round Two, FIGHT!" you're automatically dead if the guy you're against has some sense of knowledge that he can easily kill me right there.

These things were so cheap, you couldn't fight your way out of them, and majority of them were so lame to watch. Getting crushed by a giant statue, getting chopped up by lasers (why in Quan Chi's palace?) and getting impaled in a place that's not called, "The Pit" did not satisfy me whatsoever. I expect to see this concept ditched for good this time, because I don't enjoy shorter matches to where I can't perform a fatality in the end.

It's fine if Stage Fatalities make a return, but for the love of God, don't drag these things back from the pits of the old generation.

2: The Crypt and Konquest

Yes, unlocking things are cool, but I remember in the good old days, we have to literally fight our way through countless of matches to unlock that special character that we're dying to play, not buying them out by coins that we can easily receive by playing through Arcade or Konquest. The only available things we can receive from unlocking these tombs are:

Concept Art
Alternate Costumes
Team Photos

I'm sorry, but if I unlock a tomb of a team snapshot, I'll be wasting all those valuable coins. Of course there's a list out there of telling me what's inside every single tomb, but still, what happens if the internet suddenly becomes unavailable and I have to go with my instincts? Certainly, I'll be losing several hundred coins right there.

And speaking of Konquest, my god, each game this feature was in, it's always different. At first, it was to give like a tutorial on how to play the character, then it unraveled into an actual story of one of the main characters, then it turned into one big giant game that felt almost like MK:SM. Deadly Alliance's Konquest was pretty nifty, but then it just started to get stupid. I mean, in Deception's Konquest, you barely understood where you had to go with the items. Not to mention, there's still items that you'll have with you and you can't give them to anyone. Armageddon's Konquest mode... it was just too long and it started to get on my nerves.

Let's just say, this feature should be it's own game if they want to make it an adventure game. There's nothing wrong with an adventure game since Shaolin Monks made an interesting good game to play.

1: Last but not least... Create a fatality/ Create a fighter

I will admit, I made a character... but it wasn't until long that I discovered that it was such a big waste of my time with it. I mean, here we have to unlock all the cooler looking pieces of clothing, hairstyles and other features. Yeah sure, WWE's create a wrestler has similar things like that, but they at least have everything available for both sex's, and it's not a shitty concept either.

I wanted my character to have Frost's Slide move, but I couldn't. I wanted her to have other cool moves from the fighters like Nightwolf's Bow and Arrow, but I couldn't. Not to mention, for some reason, some of the fatality moves I tried to perform with this character caused me to not finish what I started... And I always finish what I started... That's just what I am. I couldn't believe that this concept was a huge failure, and people want it to return? Are you nuts? Seriously, I don't want to see this ever brought up in another game again... We have too many other fighting games that do the same thing, MK is not the type of game that should follow another fighting game.

And Create a fatality? That was just a laugh... I can do an Ultimate Fatality by looking up the combos on what I need to do in order to perform it, and once I did do the fatality and saw what it looked like, I turned the game off and said, "Never again will I do such a move." That was a horrible, disappointing way to end the opponent's life. I'm literally ripping out their fucking skull and they still stand with a head? That's just bullshit. I'm sorry, but these two concepts should never see the day of light again.

And with that I finally give my fingers a break of typing and hear what you guys have to say about your top 5 concepts that should never breathe again.

I agree with most of your arguments, but I do feel that some of them don't deserve to be never seen again but rather tweeked to become better.

I don't think animalities are a problem I would just prefer that a fatality was just to transform into an animal like lui kang turning into a dragon.

As for traps. I think they can be fun, but there should be an option to turn them off, and they should be off for ranked matches.

Finally, I agree that the krypt can have shitty prizes, but if they made it so it was just costumes, levels, characters, and items then it would be cool. As far as Konquest goes me and many others liked konquest in MKD. It made the story mode more of an active experience, and it had depth, because of the treasure hunting.

As far as everything else goes I agree with you 100%, and hopefully the mk team can read this topic to help get a good idea as to what to do for the next game.
Historical Favorite
12/22/2009 07:58 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
The humor, however, is not part of what I enjoy about the games. Is that alright with you?

Not at all.

Alright, I have no idea how you derrived this. I actually liked MK:DA a lot, and MK4 was pretty fun back in its time. I still play MK:A every now and then and MK vs DC had it's moments.

You said you wanted realistic characters, deep backgrounds, drama, and epic-ness. That's not MK. MK is gaming's answer to B-movies.

What was even the point of making this comment in an MK forum when I'm talking about what I'd like to see in an MK game?

I was just letting you know that alternatives are out there if you want a better fighting game. You're welcome.

Aw, looks like your sharp wit got a little dull there for a second...

We can't all be MKFlegend.

I could try to say something is a fact when it's not, and that would be wrong. But me asserting my own feeling on something can't be wrong. Just a little lesson in semantics for ya there.

So if I feel that the holocaust didn't happen, it didn't?

That's good, insult the people that care enough about this game to focus their creativity on it. You're a real piece of work. Good job on being you.

Have you read a lot of MK fanfic? I have and it was a bad decision.

and most of the people on this site were practically ready to storm Midway offices,

And do what? Cry at them?

Wow man, no offense, but you're not nearly as clever as you think you are.

Wow man, no offense, but I'm still way more clever than yourself.
12/22/2009 06:26 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
The humor, however, is not part of what I enjoy about the games. Is that alright with you?

Not at all.

Why is lack of humor a problem? I and many others prefer lack of friendships, babalities, animalities because they didn't do a whole lot. Fatalities have always been a core thing with MK, while babalities & friendships ran a two game course. There's a reason for that, they suck. Sub-Zero going polar bear was an interesting but why? There are no shape shifters other than Shang Tsung in the MK games. The only way I see animalities coming back is if they make sense for the character and even then they could just as easily call them a fatality ala MK2 & 4 Liu Kang.

Alright, I have no idea how you derrived this. I actually liked MK:DA a lot, and MK4 was pretty fun back in its time. I still play MK:A every now and then and MK vs DC had it's moments.

You said you wanted realistic characters, deep backgrounds, drama, and epic-ness. That's not MK. MK is gaming's answer to B-movies.

Not necessarily. The storylines that have been derived still have me buzzing. Some people would like to see Scorpion or Sub-Zero disappear, fine with me. Just finish their story first. I'd like to see what happens when Scorpion finds out Noob Saibot is his former enemy, the elder Sub-Zero. I want to see what happens with Sektor and building a great army of cyborgs. Some backgrounds are rather deep & intricate, I mean look at the Dark Prison in MKD. It started off in a shower type area and ended with numerous people in cages surveying the fight. Oh and let's not forget the oh so lacking Slaughterhouse, where you have two floors to fight on. MK can be epic, has the opportunity to be epic, it's just that the team hasn't really treaded outside their comfort zone other than in MKM:SZ & MKSM.

What was even the point of making this comment in an MK forum when I'm talking about what I'd like to see in an MK game?

I was just letting you know that alternatives are out there if you want a better fighting game. You're welcome.

You're sounding really conceided with that "You're wlecome." Not everyone likes Tekken or Virtua Fighter. I for one prefer to see mystics and ninjas, not devil genes & T-ratings.

I could try to say something is a fact when it's not, and that would be wrong. But me asserting my own feeling on something can't be wrong. Just a little lesson in semantics for ya there.

So if I feel that the holocaust didn't happen, it didn't?

That's good, insult the people that care enough about this game to focus their creativity on it. You're a real piece of work. Good job on being you.

Have you read a lot of MK fanfic? I have and it was a bad decision.

If you didn't like the fanfic to begin with why bother reading? I like MK because I like the story. There are things we don't want to see in game, hence this thread's existance. If you don't agree that's fine and dandy but don't insult people who take time & effort to make something as a tribute. I'm sure JAX007 or Bleed like to hear that they're wasting their time.

and most of the people on this site were practically ready to storm Midway offices,

And do what? Cry at them?

They would've voiced their opinions as I am now. You don't remember all the posts about how this was going to end Midway? I do, and as I recall Midway went flat broke and was bought by WB for 10,000 dollars. The team tried their best on a game that not many wanted. It's unfortunate that they put their heart and soul into something that some didn't want to touch. Minimum wage average is $7.50 an hour nationally. If four people formed a company and contributed a month's paycheck they would have been able to buy Midway.

Wow man, no offense, but you're not nearly as clever as you think you are.

Wow man, no offense, but I'm still way more clever than yourself.

Wow guys, no offense, but maybe you should continue to flame one another in a PM box. It's to the bottom left of each post and it says "IM." I suggest you click it before this thread completely derails.
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12/23/2009 04:02 AM (UTC)
I don't know if my response necessarily derailed the thread. Optimus was either disagreeing with that I was saying, or he was simply trying to bait me for whatever reason.

Either way, we were still talking about the topic, even if I got a little annoyed at his overusage of sarcasm and let him know it, no big deal.

A few things though Optimus:

Your Holocaust anology doesn't really hold up because the Holocaust did happen. It's a historical fact that cannot be disputed. Me providing my opinion is simply that; an opinion. So again, you can have an ill-informed opinion, but opinions can't be wrong. They can't be right either.

You can have an opinion about a fact, but an opinion cannot negate a fact. So me saying "I believe that humans are reptiles" doesn't make it true because we know that humans aren't reptiles. See what I'm saying?

Also, reusing the beginning of someone's sentence isn't clever, it's childish. It's about as mature as saying "I know you are but what am I." Oh, and when you're trying to be clever, it also helps if you're gramatically correct. Saying "no offense, but I am way more clever than yourself" makes you sound just the opposite.

Normally, I'd never point out grammer in a message board thread, but you seem to get alot of satisfaction from pointing out what you perceive to be the verbal missteps of others. So there ya go.

So are you done trying to pick an argument here? Or do you want to point out that I have cooties or something? Do you have a top 5 list of your own, or did you just come in here to troll and get on people's nerves?

As for responding to this thread, another idea I'd rather not see again would have to be the Krypt. I know that others mentioned it, but I honestly don't like it at all as it's currently constructed.

If you want to have a place where people can view extra content like "making of" still pictures with captions and what not, great, but don't make me have to waste koins on that stuff.

To me, the real secrets should be found in the game, and many (if not all) of them shoud be logical in some way. Perhaps you unlock a character by using another character and going through their story progression. When that hidden character enters the character's story, they're unlocked.

I know, that's not a huge revelation, but there could certainly be more creative ways to bury secrets in the game than just putting them all in a room and making you pay for them.

Sorry for really derailing this thread earlier, but obviously I do enjoy this topic and would be curious to hear others' ideas.
Historical Favorite
12/23/2009 07:33 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
So again, you can have an ill-informed opinion, but opinions can't be wrong. They can't be right either.

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

So are you done trying to pick an argument here? Or do you want to point out that I have cooties or something? Do you have a top 5 list of your own, or did you just come in here to troll and get on people's nerves?

I never started picking an argument. You posted something. I disagreed. Hence discussion board. And I did answer the original topic. Just with a list of one rather than five.

As for responding to this thread, another idea I'd rather not see again would have to be the Krypt. I know that others mentioned it, but I honestly don't like it at all as it's currently constructed.

Here, we agree.

To me, the real secrets should be found in the game, and many (if not all) of them shoud be logical in some way. Perhaps you unlock a character by using another character and going through their story progression. When that hidden character enters the character's story, they're unlocked.

Again, we agree.

Sorry for really derailing this thread earlier, but obviously I do enjoy this topic and would be curious to hear others' ideas.

You never derailed it. We were arguing about stuff stemming from the topic.
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12/23/2009 09:27 PM (UTC)
Why is it dumb to say that an opinion can't be right or wrong? An opinion by it's nature is just the assertion of a viewpoint, it's not the statement of a fact. It might be dumb becuase it's so obvious, but you didn't seem to grasp the concept, so I was explaining it.

My only problem was the fact that you could have easily chosen to disagree in a way that was less insulting, but oh well, that's your deal, I guess. Hopefully you're not as insulting to people in the real world as you are on this message board.

But hey, at least we agree on the krypt. If we have to agree to disagree about virtually everything else (and that's fine, no problem) then that's alright with me.
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-sig by MINION

12/25/2009 04:46 AM (UTC)
I agree on all of those except for create a fighter. If that made a return I wouldn't object.
12/27/2009 12:07 PM (UTC)
I know you only asked for 5 but I would like to bump this thread in saying that one concept I could see being removed forever is the use of on character weapons. I would rather have skulls and rocks or whatever in arenas to pick up and throw rather than dedicating weapon move sets for each character. The only way I would like to see weapons being used is as special moves...like for example Barakas Blades,Scorpions spear,Jades staff,and Kitanas fans. In the original MK games weapons were either integrated that way or through combo strings and I liked it better that way.
12/28/2009 04:56 AM (UTC)

I agree with most of what you said EXCEPT:

I love Konquest and would want to see it return and EXPANDED upon. I'd like to see it as a mix between MK:D and MK:A.

I also wouldn't mind Test Your Sight returning along side Test Your Might as a mini-game.
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12/31/2009 02:12 PM (UTC)
I wanted KAK to be so much better. Since MK1 ive always wanted to use MK1 reptile (both Scorpion and Sub-Zero's moves) but it didnt allow it :(
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I need a new sig, something with Kabal from UMK3 would be sweet. Just imagine that here
01/01/2010 08:10 PM (UTC)
I liked the puzzle game in MKD, and Animalities were pretty badass. and I had alot of fun with conquest and the krypt, konquest is what allowed me to master both MKDA and MKD.

I half agree with death traps, they were really cheap, but damn they were cool, lol.
01/25/2010 10:33 PM (UTC)
maximum damage. do damage scaling instead....
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01/26/2010 04:28 AM (UTC)
OptimusGrime Wrote:
MK is gaming's answer to B-movies.

Yes, yes, and yes! I've been shouting this gospel for years, and this is precisely why I don't understand why the MK community has renounced the humorous elements of MK. It's like they're ashamed or something, but humor has been a cornerstone of MK since the beginning. Hell, one of the most influential sources for MK was "Big Trouble in Little China."

That said, bring back Friendships. You can demean your opponent by ripping his head off, but you can completely insult him by giving him a cake.
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01/26/2010 04:15 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
OptimusGrime Wrote:
MK is gaming's answer to B-movies.

Yes, yes, and yes! I've been shouting this gospel for years, and this is precisely why I don't understand why the MK community has renounced the humorous elements of MK. It's like they're ashamed or something, but humor has been a cornerstone of MK since the beginning. Hell, one of the most influential sources for MK was "Big Trouble in Little China."

That said, bring back Friendships. You can demean your opponent by ripping his head off, but you can completely insult him by giving him a cake.

I know that one of the sources that MK draws upon is Big Trouble in Little China, but I've always thought that the main source was Enter the Dragon, arguably the coolest martial arts movie ever made.

That movie had elements of mystery and suspense to go along with the martial arts tournament and fighting action. To me, that's more like what I'd want MK to be.

Of course, both sides have valid points as to why MK should be more humorous or less humorus or humor free etc. It just comes down to preference.

I'd rather have MK be mysterious, foreboding, full of mystery and suspense, with a fighting tournament that's shrouded in secrecy and steeped in old traditions.

If they decide to end the previous story and start a new story, I really hope that this is the direction they go in. Alot of people have essentially grown up play MK, and as such, I think a grown up plot with three dimentional characters and a well written narative should now be par for the course.

Leave the humor, the spandex outfits, the two dimentional action hero and villain characters etc back in the early 90's where they started.

I think that Mortal Kombat has always had this capability, especially in the first game and somewhat in the second as well. I know that most people look at the first two games as the epitome of the series because it was great 2D action with great graphics and a solid fighting system.

But I also look at that era in terms of the storytelling and the art style. To me, there were the start of something that could've been fantastic. I still think that MK's story, backgrounds, theme, characters etc can be great but the series does need to grow up in those ways.
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01/26/2010 08:40 PM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:

I know that one of the sources that MK draws upon is Big Trouble in Little China, but I've always thought that the main source was Enter the Dragon, arguably the coolest martial arts movie ever made.

That movie had elements of mystery and suspense to go along with the martial arts tournament and fighting action. To me, that's more like what I'd want MK to be.

Of course, both sides have valid points as to why MK should be more humorous or less humorus or humor free etc. It just comes down to preference.

I'd rather have MK be mysterious, foreboding, full of mystery and suspense, with a fighting tournament that's shrouded in secrecy and steeped in old traditions.

If they decide to end the previous story and start a new story, I really hope that this is the direction they go in. Alot of people have essentially grown up play MK, and as such, I think a grown up plot with three dimentional characters and a well written narative should now be par for the course.

Leave the humor, the spandex outfits, the two dimentional action hero and villain characters etc back in the early 90's where they started.

I think that Mortal Kombat has always had this capability, especially in the first game and somewhat in the second as well. I know that most people look at the first two games as the epitome of the series because it was great 2D action with great graphics and a solid fighting system.

But I also look at that era in terms of the storytelling and the art style. To me, there were the start of something that could've been fantastic. I still think that MK's story, backgrounds, theme, characters etc can be great but the series does need to grow up in those ways.

I'd say the humor/spandex and mystery/dark-storytelling are compatible. There's no need to sacrifice one for the other. Granted, I don't think the humor should be the focal point, but it never really was. most of the jokes were in the background (sometimes literally, in the case of Pit I).

If the Friendships, Babalities, and "Toasty!"s were incorporated into the story, that would be different, but I don't think anyone is rallying for that.
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