04/06/2011 05:52 AM (UTC)
Kyzon Wrote:
Good stuff man! I don't have a PS3 but this will be going on my 3DS which i use as an mp3 player lately.

Enjoy my friend!


04/06/2011 05:49 PM (UTC)
You guys cant be the only ones who like this soundtrack... Come on peopleeeee!!!! Download and enjoyyyyyyyyyyyyy the sound of sheer EPIC brutality while you mash on your opponent and send him to his death!

04/06/2011 08:03 PM (UTC)
I'm not crazy about your overall format. Don't get me wrong, the music you picked was good. But you made each track about a minute and a half for the round time. But since the screen doesn't just fade out after the round ends anymore, there's no real need to stop the music, if the opponent is just gonna get up again.

The custom soundtrack I made for myself, the songs are about three times as long. Most of them are 4 - 5 minutes long as they are. That way, it can last the entire fight, and you get more 'music' out of it since most songs have more than just 90 seconds of sound to offer. I mean it's not just a 30 second loop like in older games. I've also edited them so that any slow and quiet bits are taken out, keeping a powerful upbeat throuhout the whole track.

Not to hate on your project, the fact that you put so much time and effort into it is precsely what I respect, because I've done the same thing. I'm just sharing my way of doing it.

Also, for most of my tracks, (especially ones with slower intros) I made it so the slow intros last about 10 seconds. That pretty much gives it the PERFECT amount of time for each fighter to enter the arena and give their little speech like, "This fight will be your last!"
And just as the announcer says, "Round 1" the heavy, fast music starts, just in time to start fighting. It works perfectly.

I don't really want to upload my custom soundtrack, because it also has a lot of licensed music that I thought would be suited to MK, so I might get in trouble for posting copyrighted information, etc. etc.

But if you're interested, I could share.
04/06/2011 10:32 PM (UTC)
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
But you made each track about a minute and a half for the round time. But since the screen doesn't just fade out after the round ends anymore, there's no real need to stop the music, if the opponent is just gonna get up again.

The custom soundtrack I made for myself, the songs are about three times as long. Most of them are 4 - 5 minutes long as they are. That way, it can last the entire fight, and you get more 'music' out of it since most songs have more than just 90 seconds of sound to offer. I mean it's not just a 30 second loop like in older games.

BiohazardEXTREME, thank you for taking the time to download my custom soundtrack and leave me feedback. I would like to just clarify on a few things for the reasoning behind my choosing to "manipulate/edit" into 90 second tracks as opposed to just letting the song play out from start to finish, as well as the reasoning behind a few other things....

I am aware that the rounds are no longer 90 second "loop-rounds" , as in previous versions of the game WAY back in the day.... however., people usually play with the default time for this game on "90 seconds" and don't disable the timer. I personally like to play with the game time set to: "OFF", and the rounds set to "3" instead of "2' in the options menu. With that being said, I did NOT want to hear 3-4 minutes of the same track playing while I fight several different rounds. This is because my rounds usually last anywhere from 15-25 seconds each in the new MK9 game.

Also by in-game default the track's don't change themselves to a new one after each round nor does the track re-loop itself. So I thought it would be perfect to keep the game entertaining, personally, and not have the same track just play continuously for 3-4 mins (from beginning of song to end... That's, too me anyways, just tooooooooo long of a song). I just like it different every time and I thought others would enjoy it also.

It would be really nice if the "custom soundtrack" was an in-game feature this time around as opposed to a console feature.... That way we could assign custom tracks to each stage of our choosing and perhaps even have a custom fatality track option as well. But you know, the only way to truly enjoy my custom soundtrack is by using it in the game and fighting with it in the background as opposed to just listening to it in Windows Media Player.

But for some reason, if you set this soundtrack to shuffle, it just plays out so magnificently with the fight that is going on. Even if you hear 2 or 3 different tracks playing for the duration of the entire match, It still has a very epic feel to it. And again, because it is set to "shuffle" you are never hearing the same thing play! Originally I was going to have each track have its "10 second" intro for the talking that happens between each fighter before the round starts, BUT it just wouldn't have worked out if set on "shuffle"! I don't want to have it set to "normal" play because then I will start remembering the order of the tracks.. and then things aren't spontaneous anymore, it starts getting too "familiar" for me.. and that's when the fun stops! I also don't want to have to change the track each time I get bored of the song playing in the background. With my 90 second songs, you will NEVER get bored of whats going on. Trust me, I am the kind of person that looses interest in things fast (Except for Mortal Kombat in general, lol), and I need things to be kept spontaneous for me! This custom soundtrack with its "90-second" songs ALSO increases the REPLAY value for me in this game BIG TIME!

I also thought to myself, before I started editing all the tracks that, if I were to include a 10 second intro to each song AND the soundtrack is set to "shuffle", then what happens when the song ends? ....and I'm in a really crazy match with someone (and my blood is pumping, and my adrenalin is through the roof and my heart is beating so fast that it feels like its going to burst out of my chest...) then what?? I'll have to listen to a 10 second intro for the next song while I'm still playing that heart-pounding intense match (I LOVE THOSE KIND OF MATCHES... hahaha)! But in that 10 seconds of "song-build up", the whole feeling of the rest of the match is altered and would result in me losing interest in the match... All that "intensity" GONE! And then who knows, that could potentially create a lose rather then a win for me in the game. I mean come on, you must admit! Every single key component is very important in the overall performance of the game.

The game could be REALLY awesome in graphics, SFX, playability, story, and whatever... BUT IF THE MUSIC IS ALL GAY and SHITTY... then I will dislike the game! Period! Because (A) I cant play a fighting game without background music, and (B) I cant play a fighting game without GREAT background music! MK games have always had amazing tracks, but for some reason... this MK9 doesn't have that... So that is why I made this custom track for myself and others to enjoy! Like to me... Street Fighter has shitty music ALL THE TIME! And Marvel Vs. Capcom 2? Oh GOD! So retarded, hahaha... Its supposed to be some big "epic game", and they're playing such silly fairy music in the background! LOLLLLLLL!


Anyways, I really appreciate your feedback. If you could email me at: "nightmare_streetz@hotmail.com" with a link to a Rapidshare file or Mediashare file of your custom work, then that would be much appreciated! I would definitely love to hear your custom soundtrack.

Thank you and god bless!

04/07/2011 12:18 AM (UTC)
I get where you're coming from. But that's the thing, usually, even if you leave the timer on, you'll end up beating your opponent (or he'll beat you) before you run out of time, so chances are, the round will end before the song does anyway.
And like I said, because my songs are about 4 minutes long on average, they last me the whole match, then I just change it to the next song while it loads the next fight. Which can still be done on shuffle.

I mean, it's a matter of preference, I guess. I usually like to have each match with its own song. And it also makes me fight in different ways. Because sometimes when I know it's a shorter song (for example 2 and a half minutes), I'll be more aggressive and want to beat my opponent faster, before the song ends. But if I know it's a longer song (say, 6 minutes), I'll be more defensive and strategic, and let the fight last a bit longer.

I'll email you in a bit.

PS: where did that Courtyard 2 music come from? I know I heard that version somewhere before, but I just can't remember. Same with the other remixes. They're pretty awesome, where did they come from?

PPS: There's a guy on Youtube, who made several remixes of classic MK tunes, like the Courtyard, Armory, Dead Poo, etc. that sound pretty cool. You should check them out. They might work for your custom soundtrack, if you have a way to rip them:

04/07/2011 01:28 AM (UTC)
BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:
PS: where did that Courtyard 2 music come from? I know I heard that version somewhere before, but I just can't remember. Same with the other remixes. They're pretty awesome, where did they come from?

PPS: There's a guy on Youtube, who made several remixes of classic MK tunes, like the Courtyard, Armory, Dead Poo, etc. that sound pretty cool. You should check them out. They might work for your custom soundtrack, if you have a way to rip them:


Thank you! I will definitely check into that. As for the Courtyard2 rip, I cannot remember exactly where I got that from, but I definitely will let you know if I stumble upon it again!

About Me
Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
04/07/2011 04:00 AM (UTC)
Um....the sound quality is INCREDIBLE!

I'm glad you took the time to make the unreleased material sound better.

04/07/2011 04:10 AM (UTC)
J-spit Wrote:
Um....the sound quality is INCREDIBLE!

I'm glad you took the time to make the unreleased material sound better.

Thank you for your feedback. Much appreciated!

And hey... I would do anything to help out my fellow MK Kommunity, when it comes to contributions towards the better overall experience of ANY MK title!

Have a blast with your new soundtrack! Cheers

04/07/2011 10:21 PM (UTC)
hey I wanted to know is it possible that you could download your alternate fatality track to FrostWire because I would definitely be interested seeming the current fatality tune sucks and does not set the mood for a kill. So if you could I would be very grateful because you help might just save this game from a terrible mistake after all and make it way more enjoyable to do a fatality.
04/08/2011 01:22 AM (UTC)
dames Wrote:
hey I wanted to know is it possible that you could download your alternate fatality track to FrostWire because I would definitely be interested seeming the current fatality tune sucks and does not set the mood for a kill. So if you could I would be very grateful because you help might just save this game from a terrible mistake after all and make it way more enjoyable to do a fatality.

Sorry, I am confused... are you saying that the "current" Fatality music sucks in the game (as in the games default audio) or the version I created sucks?...

Either way, your feedback is appreciated!

04/10/2011 01:37 AM (UTC)
I'm talking about the the ingame fatality tune whereas yours will definitely will be the best one because the ingame one's tune does not last the whole time during the fatality whereas yours might just work and fit the deathly mood for this game. so please if possible try to post it to frostwire.
04/11/2011 02:43 AM (UTC)
dames Wrote:
I'm talking about the the ingame fatality tune whereas yours will definitely will be the best one because the ingame one's tune does not last the whole time during the fatality whereas yours might just work and fit the deathly mood for this game. so please if possible try to post it to frostwire.

I don't understand why you cannot just download from the links I posted? If you want, here is my Extratorrent link:


Both my versions of a new "FATALITY" track are in that torrent (1, for short/quick fatalities, and the 2nd for the longer fatalities!) Or you can just download from the main links that are in the original post!


04/11/2011 03:14 AM (UTC)
Dude this is really awesome!

Thank you so much for this.
04/11/2011 05:28 PM (UTC)
iAmEFFeX Wrote:
Dude this is really awesome!

Thank you so much for this.

You are very welcome! Enjoy!


04/11/2011 08:40 PM (UTC)
wow dude i really appreciate REAL MK FANS!! such awesome effort to make an soundtrack for the game. i became a memeber to this site just to let you know its awesome n i def plan on using it. also i wish you had the edited version of "fire" song from mk annihilation when lui kang fights smoke. grin
04/12/2011 06:40 AM (UTC)
yayea69 Wrote:
wow dude i really appreciate REAL MK FANS!! such awesome effort to make an soundtrack for the game. i became a memeber to this site just to let you know its awesome n i def plan on using it. also i wish you had the edited version of "fire" song from mk annihilation when lui kang fights smoke. grin

Thank you SO much for your interest in my soundtrack as well as the "MK5.ORG" website. Them and "TRMK.ORG" Truly are the BEST in online entertainment info for everything that is Mortal Kombat! Wow, I just got these guys a NEW member to their site just because of my custom made soundtrack! Hahaha, they should be pleased!


Tell all your fellow MK players about this soundtrack and get them to download ASAP! Also just for you, I shall make you a custom made version of the "Fire" track that was played during the battle of Lui Kang and Robot Smoke! Please stay tuned for the download link. It shall be posted in a reply, so look out for it bro!

Take care for now, cheers!

04/12/2011 07:06 AM (UTC)
Everyone, Please be on the look out for my NEW updated link of this custom soundtrack, which shall include NEW REMIXED STUDIO tracks from the following EPIC games:

God Of War
God Of War 2
God Of War 3

Also the "FATALITY" edit that I created before shall also be included in the NEW downloadable package! So please BOOKMARK, and stay tuned!

Cheers, and happy FATALITIES!

04/13/2011 01:02 AM (UTC)
yayea69 Wrote:
I wish you had the edited version of "fire" song from mk annihilation when lui kang fights smoke. grin

Hey man how are you doing? As promised, I have made you your own custom "Fire" track for your enjoyment. I know there is a lot of singing in the song, BUT you wont find that in here! There are no lyrics, only hardcore beats! Trust me, I didnt ruin the song! I think it sounds BETTER now if anything! However, you are the audience, so let me know your thoughts!

PS - I even included an extra track in the download that I enjoy very much! It's REMIX works well with Mortal Kombat!!!




Enjoy :)
04/18/2011 12:16 PM (UTC)
Alright everyone! I have JUST updated this entire thread from the first page! Please view it to see all changes! Now including NEW download link's (New tracks, over 100 +)


04/18/2011 02:50 PM (UTC)
I have the PS3 and will be getting mine tonight. Im gonna see how the custom soundtracks work and I will download this. I would love nothin more also than to play this game with the Mortal Kombat II SNES soundtrack. take it back to the very first Mortal Kombat I ever played.
04/18/2011 03:20 PM (UTC)
I have the PS3 and will be getting mine tonight. Im gonna see how the custom soundtracks work and I will download this. I would love nothin more also than to play this game with the Mortal Kombat II SNES soundtrack. take it back to the very first Mortal Kombat I ever played.
04/19/2011 02:02 AM (UTC)
DWeezy Wrote:
I have the PS3 and will be getting mine tonight. Im gonna see how the custom soundtracks work and I will download this. I would love nothin more also than to play this game with the Mortal Kombat II SNES soundtrack. take it back to the very first Mortal Kombat I ever played.

Play around with it, see what works and what doesnt. You may not like EVERY single track on this, but I guarantee you will love most of the songs!


04/19/2011 02:15 AM (UTC)
OMG! EVERYONE! I have just seen videos of "BABALITIES" in the new MK9... I didnt think they would put this in the game... At first, I was like"WTF! NOT THIS CRAP AGAIN!..." But honestly, the babalities are GREATTTTTTTTT! I love em'! Really cute, ALL have different animations, and I think its fantastic!

But what was the point of all this you may ask?... Well....... That means that I need to make a "CUSTOM BABALITY" track for all of you! So I'm headed over to the Studio... one LAST time... and I shall be back in about 1 hour with a new custom "BABALLITY" track for all of you to add to this AMAZING custom soundtrack!

See you all shortly! Cheers!
04/19/2011 06:05 AM (UTC)
Hey everyone. Alright, the "BABALITY" track is now complete. Please refer back to the first page of this thread and look for the download link, under the "UPDATE" section. Also included in the *.RaR is a new version of the Reptile song created by Skrillex. I remixed it myself and replaced all of his chosen UMK3 voices with that of MK: Shaolin Monks. Enjoy!

04/19/2011 07:56 AM (UTC)
I have VERY SAD news everyone...

the final build DOES NOT include the custom-soundtrack option... Wow, I feel so stupid right now!...

Well I still wanna thank everyone for their feedback and this was still a SUPER FUN project for me... Don't delete the songs though, you never know if NRS will release a patch to fix this, seeing as how the demo supported it and the FINAL build should have as well!

Thanks everyone, and take care!


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