
I would like to see patch that fixes the DLC on tag team online for the Xbox 360. My wife and I play together online with separate accounts. When we fight each other offline she can play Skarlet and Kenshi, but when we play online we can't play them. I know the other people have to get the compactability pack or the other DLC, but there has been times the opponents have Kenshi and Skarlet and we dont. And there has been times we can't play them together offline either. I have to constantly download the comp packs for her to correct the issue, and it keeps resetting every time I turn the console off. Plus it might be a good idea to put up on the Message of The Day how to fix the De sync issues on Xbox Online. It'll really help those who are out of the loop. Plus it would nice if they had 2 player online King of the Hill. For Tag or the second person get to participate in the regular KoTH. My wife has really wanted play with me in KoTH in tag or regular KoTH against other people but we don't have a 2nd Xbox 360...... So in review:
1. Two player Tag DLC patch
2. 360 Message of the Day Desync notice
3. Tag King of the Hill
4. Player 2 participation in regular King of the Hill
There might be more later when I can remember it.
1. Two player Tag DLC patch
2. 360 Message of the Day Desync notice
3. Tag King of the Hill
4. Player 2 participation in regular King of the Hill
There might be more later when I can remember it.

King of the Hill gets too glitchy when 4 or more people enter the room...not fun at all,

moisesjr Wrote:
Add more fatalites to the mk9
Add more fatalites to the mk9
I don't think they'll be doing that. It would be cool...more blood is always fun, but they might be getting ready to start work on mk 10...or...mk2..? However they will name it!
I would love to a see a patch for spammer's. Possibly health drainage or more damage taken or no respect point's. I hate playing someone who just sit's there an does the same move/moves over an over again

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Where there's smoke there's probably something burning in the kitchen.
I roughly have the same ideas as you my friend, but how can Cyber Sub-Zero have an alternate costume? Take Sektor and Cyrax for example, their alternate's are their human forms, however Cyber Sub-Zero already has a playable human counterpart, I like where you're going with the rest of the ideas. But instead of an alternate for Cyber Sub-Zero, he needs a major buff, the only decent "combo" i'm getting with him is the freeze move, then up, bk which seems to do quite a decent amount of damage, the downside is the cool down, how CSZ has to raise himself up again because it is a "splits drop kick" sort of manuever.
Fix Sonyas Kiss!! It is absolutely useless!!!! If it ever reaches an opponent they are stunned for like a microsecond!!! For the amount of frames it takes Sonya to pull it off, it should last 2 seconds and it should DEFINITELY have a longer (decent) REACH!!!!
Like I mention, absolutely useless!!
Like I mention, absolutely useless!!
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot
Reptile's Drop Kick should be Up + 4 and NOT Back + 4.
Back + 4 should be a regular sweep. The drop kick is too slow and punishable on whiff to be a considered a "sweep attack".
A standard 4, and a Up + 4 both do the same standing kick.
So changing Up + 4 to a Drop Kick should not be a problem while making Back + 4 a sweep attack.
Also make Reptile's forward dash (not his special) quicker, I swear his dashing is slow compared to everyone else.
Back + 4 should be a regular sweep. The drop kick is too slow and punishable on whiff to be a considered a "sweep attack".
A standard 4, and a Up + 4 both do the same standing kick.
So changing Up + 4 to a Drop Kick should not be a problem while making Back + 4 a sweep attack.
Also make Reptile's forward dash (not his special) quicker, I swear his dashing is slow compared to everyone else.
About Me
"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot
Some -alities that need patching.
UMK3 Mileena, when she performs her Fatality, blood doesn't show.
Noob Saibot MKII costume Player 2 Color. When performing a Babality on him, his suit is white.
Sektor, Costume 2. When performing a Babality on him, he's a brown skin baby? O_o
Noob Saibot MK II costume, Player 2 color. Fighting Shang Tsung.
When fighting Shang Tsung as Noob, and he morphs into you. I don't remember if it's after he transforms back, but I know for sure is after beating the Shang Tsung match, your costume reverts to it's Player 1 color.
Which means no more shadow Smoke.
This needs to be fixed too.
UMK3 Mileena, when she performs her Fatality, blood doesn't show.
Noob Saibot MKII costume Player 2 Color. When performing a Babality on him, his suit is white.
Sektor, Costume 2. When performing a Babality on him, he's a brown skin baby? O_o
Noob Saibot MK II costume, Player 2 color. Fighting Shang Tsung.
When fighting Shang Tsung as Noob, and he morphs into you. I don't remember if it's after he transforms back, but I know for sure is after beating the Shang Tsung match, your costume reverts to it's Player 1 color.
Which means no more shadow Smoke.
This needs to be fixed too.

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We are all connected... to each other; biologically, to the earth; chemically, to the rest of the universe; atomically.
WeaponTheory Wrote:
When fighting Shang Tsung as Noob, and he morphs into you. I don't remember if it's after he transforms back, but I know for sure is after beating the Shang Tsung match, your costume reverts to it's Player 1 color.
Which means no more shadow Smoke.
This needs to be fixed too.
When fighting Shang Tsung as Noob, and he morphs into you. I don't remember if it's after he transforms back, but I know for sure is after beating the Shang Tsung match, your costume reverts to it's Player 1 color.
Which means no more shadow Smoke.
This needs to be fixed too.
Hmm, odd. Is this when fighting in Arcade Ladder? And does it last until you beat the ladder (or have to re-select a player)?

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Xbox GT: BodamEscapePlan
~ Sig: MKWhopper ~
Has anyone bickered about Rain's 3 hit/22% combo yet?
I'm surprised. I've pissed a lot of people off pulling off incredible wins with that.
I'm surprised. I've pissed a lot of people off pulling off incredible wins with that.

They really need to fix the desync issues in Xbox 360 online with a patch. Spreading word on how to fix the issue is not working. People think one is trying to trick them into deleting their pre-order character skins. Plus it can't be the pre- order skins cause I did as Neatherrealm Studios instructed but I still get desync errors. I know that the other person has to do the same, but I play regularly against a guy online who doesn't own the pre order skins or the Klassic Skins pack and everytime I try to select an alternate costume(like for example Stryker's SWAT outfit) the game desyncs. So I don't think it's just the klassic skins that are causing it. It really needs to be fixed. King of the hill is almost unplayable to me, either it desyncs before I get to challenge the king or when I start to get a good win streak going (I can't get past 4 wins usually). Plus it would be nice if there is a new Klassic skins pack, that it not mainly focused on the ninjas. Every compatabilty pack that has been released has been focused on ninjas. There ARE other characters than ninjas.

About Me
Few things I've noticed that could do with patching:
Scorpions hellfire. To me, this move either needs to be sorted out so you can dash and actually avoid it, or it should have a longer recovery time. It's absolutely ridiculous that i get caught with it when I slide with Sub-zero. Makes no sense whatsoever.
I'm sure people know about the Noob and Smoke MK2 costume bugs. e.g Smoke's otg bomb (although i haven't tried) and that fact Noob can't do the df2 blackhole after b1+2+1+4 or similar combo's. Thus meaning you can't catch people out with Noobs reset.
Bit more could be done with Sub-zero's clone. Sometimes when you're close it works and sometimes it doesn't, odd.
Kung Lao in general, he's just a joke to beat with some people. Could be down to me not knowing the best method to punish his moves however.
Johnny Cage.....oh the cage. Johnny Cage is quick and I've never had too much trouble beating him but he needs a really, really good sorting out by NRS. The enhanced kick is ridiculous, goes through so much and goes full screen but that's not even the worst. He's essentially got a trap which puts you in a 50/50 position of guessing what combo will come in order to jab and get away. Essentially, if in the right hands, he gets close to you.....you get chipped to death.
I'm not sure what combo's he has but 1+1+1 combo and the knee and kicks he does are so quick that you even if you block the 1+1+1 you can't do anything about the knees and kicks afterward. You have to block. If you can anticipate the 1+1+1 after the knees and kicks again you can just about get a jab in and escape, but what you have to bear in mind is that through the whole time you are blocking and getting jabbed their meter is building and this means the player can use his enhanced ball during his onslaught of jabs and kicks and you're still forced to block it and block afterward.
Not only this but to add to the awkwardness, if you get caught in a combo of virtually any kind....you get a nut punch which stuns you and then what happens? You get stuck in the cage again. Chipped to death.
Unbelievable really.
Scorpions hellfire. To me, this move either needs to be sorted out so you can dash and actually avoid it, or it should have a longer recovery time. It's absolutely ridiculous that i get caught with it when I slide with Sub-zero. Makes no sense whatsoever.
I'm sure people know about the Noob and Smoke MK2 costume bugs. e.g Smoke's otg bomb (although i haven't tried) and that fact Noob can't do the df2 blackhole after b1+2+1+4 or similar combo's. Thus meaning you can't catch people out with Noobs reset.
Bit more could be done with Sub-zero's clone. Sometimes when you're close it works and sometimes it doesn't, odd.
Kung Lao in general, he's just a joke to beat with some people. Could be down to me not knowing the best method to punish his moves however.
Johnny Cage.....oh the cage. Johnny Cage is quick and I've never had too much trouble beating him but he needs a really, really good sorting out by NRS. The enhanced kick is ridiculous, goes through so much and goes full screen but that's not even the worst. He's essentially got a trap which puts you in a 50/50 position of guessing what combo will come in order to jab and get away. Essentially, if in the right hands, he gets close to you.....you get chipped to death.
I'm not sure what combo's he has but 1+1+1 combo and the knee and kicks he does are so quick that you even if you block the 1+1+1 you can't do anything about the knees and kicks afterward. You have to block. If you can anticipate the 1+1+1 after the knees and kicks again you can just about get a jab in and escape, but what you have to bear in mind is that through the whole time you are blocking and getting jabbed their meter is building and this means the player can use his enhanced ball during his onslaught of jabs and kicks and you're still forced to block it and block afterward.
Not only this but to add to the awkwardness, if you get caught in a combo of virtually any kind....you get a nut punch which stuns you and then what happens? You get stuck in the cage again. Chipped to death.
Unbelievable really.
About Me
"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot
Doomcaster Wrote:
Hmm, odd. Is this when fighting in Arcade Ladder? And does it last until you beat the ladder (or have to re-select a player)?
WeaponTheory Wrote:
When fighting Shang Tsung as Noob, and he morphs into you. I don't remember if it's after he transforms back, but I know for sure is after beating the Shang Tsung match, your costume reverts to it's Player 1 color.
Which means no more shadow Smoke.
This needs to be fixed too.
When fighting Shang Tsung as Noob, and he morphs into you. I don't remember if it's after he transforms back, but I know for sure is after beating the Shang Tsung match, your costume reverts to it's Player 1 color.
Which means no more shadow Smoke.
This needs to be fixed too.
Hmm, odd. Is this when fighting in Arcade Ladder? And does it last until you beat the ladder (or have to re-select a player)?
I haven't tried it in VS, but I know it happens in the Arcade Ladder. After the glitch happens, you're stuck with the default color of the MK2 suit, I don't know if reselecting Noob Saibot (after the Shang fight) fixes it, but I'm gonna assume it does.

Lui Kang almost infinite combo when he traps you on the corners.
Quan Chi has a long combo that you can't get out of.
Cyrax is just as bad.
Mileena's projectile goes right through Johnny Cage's Kick and Raiden's flying torpedo.
Mileenas's roll should not be blockable when the opponent is blocking standing up. This is ridiculous, fix this already.
Quan Chi has a long combo that you can't get out of.
Cyrax is just as bad.
Mileena's projectile goes right through Johnny Cage's Kick and Raiden's flying torpedo.
Mileenas's roll should not be blockable when the opponent is blocking standing up. This is ridiculous, fix this already.

The ability for the AI's to use alternate costumes
Make Scorpions spear slower
Make Scorpions spear slower
"Make Scorpions spear slower"

Things that DEFINITELY I agree need fixing above all.
1- Fix Mileena's Klassic Kostume Fatality 1 Glitch, It doesnt even show her biting into the victim.
2- Sindels Scream is useless. Its animation time is ridiculously slow. I dont even use it but i love sindel. But i have managed to put it in a simple combo.
2-1-DBY-(Insert any combo after).
3-Sub Zeros clone doesnt even work half the time?!? Seriously...
4- Mileenas roll can be blocked while standing? Its clearly a low attack. SO fix it.
5-The worse thing is the online play! I mean i cant even play for 5 minutes without receiving an error message saying "The game session is no longer available" or "The game session has been desyncronized". On top of that, Some people have to pay 800 MS For the kombat pass. I would never pay 10 dollar for that crap. (luckily i got mine new). Another thing is that i cant even use my dlc characters half the time, make these compatibility packs MANDATORY. So i can use what i payed my hard earned cash for. All they need to do is make it so you cant go online without downloading it. Its not fair to the people who bought the dlc to not be able to use it.
As far as balancing the characters, I think they are good the way they are and the only person who needs a rebuff is Kung Lao! He is so fast! I hate fighting him but maybe its just me.
Sorry ...had to Rant there..
1- Fix Mileena's Klassic Kostume Fatality 1 Glitch, It doesnt even show her biting into the victim.
2- Sindels Scream is useless. Its animation time is ridiculously slow. I dont even use it but i love sindel. But i have managed to put it in a simple combo.
2-1-DBY-(Insert any combo after).
3-Sub Zeros clone doesnt even work half the time?!? Seriously...
4- Mileenas roll can be blocked while standing? Its clearly a low attack. SO fix it.
5-The worse thing is the online play! I mean i cant even play for 5 minutes without receiving an error message saying "The game session is no longer available" or "The game session has been desyncronized". On top of that, Some people have to pay 800 MS For the kombat pass. I would never pay 10 dollar for that crap. (luckily i got mine new). Another thing is that i cant even use my dlc characters half the time, make these compatibility packs MANDATORY. So i can use what i payed my hard earned cash for. All they need to do is make it so you cant go online without downloading it. Its not fair to the people who bought the dlc to not be able to use it.
As far as balancing the characters, I think they are good the way they are and the only person who needs a rebuff is Kung Lao! He is so fast! I hate fighting him but maybe its just me.
Sorry ...had to Rant there..

NRS needs to fix the Desync issues for Xbox 360 online in a patch. I understand it is an easy fix but word is not getting around. I tried playing for an hour earlier and only got to fight 5 times that whole hour. KOTH is unplayable most of the time and it maybe more than the pre order Kassic skins that are causing it. I can fight the same person multiple times and not have an issue but the moment I try to select a alternate costume (sometimes even when I just press start) the game desyncs. I am starting to believe 360 players are getting the short end of the stick.
Additions to the post-game system requested:
Original look:
Select A New Fighter
Quit To The Main Menu
Updated look:
Select A New Arena
Select A New Fighter
Quit To The Main Menu
The cursor begins at "Rematch" instead of "Replay" for convenience. Selecting a new arena happens in the menu screen to avoid any extra load times ("random" should be an option). Also, after you've chosen a random fighter or an arena, at least the arena should continue being randomized in the rematches.
Original look:
Select A New Fighter
Quit To The Main Menu
Updated look:
Select A New Arena
Select A New Fighter
Quit To The Main Menu
The cursor begins at "Rematch" instead of "Replay" for convenience. Selecting a new arena happens in the menu screen to avoid any extra load times ("random" should be an option). Also, after you've chosen a random fighter or an arena, at least the arena should continue being randomized in the rematches.

i want to make a patch for DLC. for some reason, I play a game just to see my klassic costume or Rain isnt in my character list... anyone else have that problem?
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