Mortal Kombat At E3 2010 - Day 2
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I don't know if that gamespot award is legit. I don't see any mention of it on Gamespot

The more information I hear about this game the better it sounds. I am very impressed with WB for not forcing them to rush this game for an October/November release. I want to see them take their time and add everything that needs to be in the game.
SubMan799 Wrote:
I don't know if that gamespot award is legit. I don't see any mention of it on Gamespot
I don't know if that gamespot award is legit. I don't see any mention of it on Gamespot
It can't possibly be fake. Hans Lo himself took the picture and posted it on his Twitter. It says Mortal Kombat on the award... maybe Gamespot just hasn't had enough time to update it, with all the e3 coverage and all.
Gamespot closed their E3 show with Mortal Kombat, so I'm pretty sure that's probably a nod to the game winning this award from them. As said, Hans Lo is not just some random guy, he's a MK team member and I doubt he'd go through the trouble of making up a fake award. This image comes directly from his confirmed Twitter account, which I linked.

Very excited much? oh yes! wow congrats to the MK team job well done guys uve def brought alot of hype to the game and everything looks so great and awesome im def ready for spring of 2011 
Well the vid works now, I can say that I am actually excited for the first time in years about MK. the nightmare is over for me.
Netherrealm Studios formed, what, like a few months ago and already they have their first award. That must be some kind of record. Conratulations and well done Boon and co!
The game is still nine months away from release, and already it's the best MK ever. What really caught me by suprise from this article is the fact characters will have their own animations, from walking to striking, a feature very few, if any, actually asked for, but the team put it in anyway. If this doesn't convice someone that Netherrealm is truly reinventing the franchise with great care, then I don't know what the fuck will.
2011 is gonna be a helluva year for games.
The game is still nine months away from release, and already it's the best MK ever. What really caught me by suprise from this article is the fact characters will have their own animations, from walking to striking, a feature very few, if any, actually asked for, but the team put it in anyway. If this doesn't convice someone that Netherrealm is truly reinventing the franchise with great care, then I don't know what the fuck will.
2011 is gonna be a helluva year for games.

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no one will ever be immortal
i think it would be cool if they had the mortal kombat theme song goin on when ur when ur fighting a man can dream
Still awesome looking game cant wait to do some FATALATIES

Still awesome looking game cant wait to do some FATALATIES
Wow, these fatalities are BRUTAL. These could be the best fatalities we have ever seen, and this game just looks great all around.
Wow, these fatalities are BRUTAL. These could be the best fatalities we have ever seen, and this game just looks great all around.
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Wow... They actually have time to develop this game.... This isn't midway thats for sure.
i love the fact that they still have 9 months to go because so far the game looks awesome already they have so much time now to definitely add movie endings for all characters hell even add in some extra stuff that they wouldn't have time to add before and they have the WB on their side, this means, more animators , modelers, programmers at their disposal, this games gonna be so epic!!!! :D

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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
Just thought I'd post this to show what kind of improvements they've done between the trailer and the E3 demo.
I'm loving it. For the first time in MK history, hair actually looks like hair. They're putting just that much more love into this game.

I'm loving it. For the first time in MK history, hair actually looks like hair. They're putting just that much more love into this game.
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
Just thought I'd post this to show what kind of improvements they've done between the trailer and the E3 demo.
I'm loving it. For the first time in MK history, hair actually looks like hair. They're putting just that much more love into this game.
Just thought I'd post this to show what kind of improvements they've done between the trailer and the E3 demo.
I'm loving it. For the first time in MK history, hair actually looks like hair. They're putting just that much more love into this game.
Thanks TTT. It's great to know that after all these great things we've seen so far, they still have 9 months left to complete it all.
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
Just thought I'd post this to show what kind of improvements they've done between the trailer and the E3 demo.
I'm loving it. For the first time in MK history, hair actually looks like hair. They're putting just that much more love into this game.
Just thought I'd post this to show what kind of improvements they've done between the trailer and the E3 demo.

I'm loving it. For the first time in MK history, hair actually looks like hair. They're putting just that much more love into this game.
Johnny Cage actually looks like the sex bomb he's always been, again. His hair in the early trailer was really bad, looks pretty cool now (still prefer his MKDA-MKA hairstyle though).
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