Adam Ronin
01/25/2019 11:18 PM (UTC)

The biggest tell that this is fake is no Kung Lao. The BTS teaser alone showed that he was all but hard confirmed to be playable. No way they are going to have a brand new costume, a scene where young him is about to fight revenant him and it just be a cut scene.

01/26/2019 02:34 AM (UTC)

Jax is in the game as a beta tester has been banned for spoiling him along with noob, Shang, Jade and Liu Kang.

If you want to make a credible leak at least be sure to be up to date with the latest confirmed leaks.

I thought the beta tester confirmed he made it all up? If it’s the same post I’m thinking of

Yeah I was about to say the same. There was never actually proof to suggest anything he said was accurate, and then he later backpeddled and claimed he made it all up. At this point I'm more or less just disregarding that whole blurb of a maybe-leak.

The guy has been banned, fired and his invitation to the reveal event revoked.

Plus he confirmed Liu Kang before the reveal.

Plus he is a fucking beta tester, he had pre-release versions of the game.

He simply backpeddled as a desperate and useless way to save his ass and job.

01/26/2019 03:18 AM (UTC)

Reptile being DLC would very interesting and though I would like him on the base roster, I'd be fine with DLC.

It's an interesting leak for sure and I'll keep it in mind when more info begins dropping.

About Me
01/26/2019 04:36 AM (UTC)

Didn’t one of the most recent leaks mention Reiko as part of the main roster?

01/26/2019 06:32 AM (UTC)

Jax is in the game as a beta tester has been banned for spoiling him along with noob, Shang, Jade and Liu Kang.

If you want to make a credible leak at least be sure to be up to date with the latest confirmed leaks.

I thought the beta tester confirmed he made it all up? If it’s the same post I’m thinking of

Yeah I was about to say the same. There was never actually proof to suggest anything he said was accurate, and then he later backpeddled and claimed he made it all up. At this point I'm more or less just disregarding that whole blurb of a maybe-leak.

The guy has been banned, fired and his invitation to the reveal event revoked.

Plus he confirmed Liu Kang before the reveal.

Plus he is a fucking beta tester, he had pre-release versions of the game.

He simply backpeddled as a desperate and useless way to save his ass and job.

Yeah... that's what they say. I haven't seen one stitch of actual evidence of any of that, beyond word of mouth, but that's indeed what they say.

PS. Confirmed Liu Kang! Pft. That's about 1 notch below "He confirmed Sub-Zero before he was revealed" on the "Whoopty doo" scale

About Me
Props to MINION
01/26/2019 09:53 AM (UTC)

We've literally seen Kung Lao fighting in multiple different points in the story from the trailers, he's playable. Which automatically makes this obviously fake and a bad fake at that.

01/26/2019 11:13 AM (UTC)

Surely they wouldnt dare to not include Rain AGAIN! cant be true...

01/26/2019 11:18 AM (UTC)

I don't believe it, Kung Lao looks to be playable in the trailer, I don't think they'd make detailed models like that without having them playable, there are at least two skins for him and that takes time.

Silent Edge EX
01/26/2019 02:29 PM (UTC)

What's funny is all the "Kung Lao must be playable" posts. Its a time bending story so we do not know how many different versions of characters are in the story. Nothing is hard confirmed about him until we see, or they say he is playable. As far as the "leak", Xtabay is very possible. That meaning would fit right in with MK

01/26/2019 03:04 PM (UTC)

Alle off the leaks are fake,..everyone want's te know who all the characters going to be.

Personely, I am thinking that all of the NPC of MKX are going to be playable in MK11, so that's includes Rain, Sindel, Smoke, Kabal and Fujin. I don't think Kano is going to be playable, mostly because of the strong rumour of his son being a playable new character. But Kano will have a role in the story mode.I also think Mileena is not going to be playable, but she will be as DLC (because of possible big role in story).

I also think Reiko is going to be a premier Skin for Shoa-Khan and so is Frost a premier skin of Sub-Zero. There are some hints in the build of Sub-Zero that is just way different than Scorpion and MKX, maybe this is as preperation for the skin.

We will see, I want to be surprised.

01/26/2019 07:36 PM (UTC)

What's funny is all the "Kung Lao must be playable" posts. Its a time bending story so we do not know how many different versions of characters are in the story. Nothing is hard confirmed about him until we see, or they say he is playable. As far as the "leak", Xtabay is very possible. That meaning would fit right in with MK

I am definitely thinking the same way. I just saw a younger Kung Lao but this doens't mean that he is a playable kharacter. He is just part of the story mode til now.

The reason why i think this leak could be true is the telling of the names from the new kharacters. They sound to realistic to be not true and it is a risk to throw new names in the round which could be easily proven as wrong if we see more from the roster. After all the leaked roster this is the first one where i think this could it be.

01/29/2019 03:04 PM (UTC)

IF legit (I'd be fine with this roster but am still hoping that Reptile, Havik, and a few others being DLC), I'd expect the Animalities to be for the ones short on fatalities as others said. Other than the wording it would NOT be the first time. Liu Kang had his Dragon in multiple games (hell in MK2 it STARTED the Animality myth but was labeled a Fatality!) In MK4 Scorpion had a scorpion animality as his second fatality as an apology for the crappy penguin one he got in UMK3 because they had already given his animality namesake to Sheeva! My point is that changing the wording to be a cool throwback would fine if it is indeed just their 2nd fatality with no special requirements to pull off. And that is key. If it has special requirements then it is different but if not it could easily just BE their 2nd Fatality like it was in other games. Who has them besides Liu? I don't know. Just pointing out it's been done before ALOT and changing the word for a couple Fatalities as an homage would be cool.

01/29/2019 03:09 PM (UTC)

Sorry for double post it was getting long. DLC packs could be a generations dlc of Jax, Jaqui, Kung Lao, and Kung Jin. One for Reptile, Rain, Triborg, and whoever else (hopefully Havik). And then a guest pack for Spawn (hopefully.. don't like guests but he's my best case scenario).

About Me

There you go, finding a hidden advantage in an unfortunate circumstance; using pain to take you to the next level. Those are the things that turn players into kings.

01/29/2019 04:30 PM (UTC)

. And then a guest pack for Spawn (hopefully.. don't like guests but he's my best case scenario).

i love guests and in regards to spawn i think if he was ever going to be in mk they would have done it already. not trying to shatter peoples dreams but with IT chapter 2 out this year pennywise is most likely. itll be great promotion . i just wish they would give us chucky since a reboot is out like july 29th this year

01/29/2019 05:55 PM (UTC)

. And then a guest pack for Spawn (hopefully.. don't like guests but he's my best case scenario).

i love guests and in regards to spawn i think if he was ever going to be in mk they would have done it already. not trying to shatter peoples dreams but with IT chapter 2 out this year pennywise is most likely. itll be great promotion . i just wish they would give us chucky since a reboot is out like july 29th this year

Yeah I know. *sighs* I know. Chucky would be funny but broken as shit... so small. I'm sorry but I love "IT" but IT does not make sense in a fighting game as it needs fear to do anything and preys exclusively on children with a few noted examples. Then again the same could be said of Freddy. Although I enjoy Halloween movies, Myers is no Jason. Then again we got Leather face sooo... yeah.

01/29/2019 05:59 PM (UTC)

Another stupid leak from people that dont take the time to read MK news.... Jax is in the game as spoiled by tester. Kung lao is in the game because he has a new model and boon confirmed that story characters will all be playable this time around.... thats enough to debunk this trash.... Stop with these stupid leaks that we are going to get every single day until launch... Nobody has leak info just stop. You posted like 5 leaks already which were all different...

About Me

There you go, finding a hidden advantage in an unfortunate circumstance; using pain to take you to the next level. Those are the things that turn players into kings.

01/29/2019 06:05 PM (UTC)

. And then a guest pack for Spawn (hopefully.. don't like guests but he's my best case scenario).

i love guests and in regards to spawn i think if he was ever going to be in mk they would have done it already. not trying to shatter peoples dreams but with IT chapter 2 out this year pennywise is most likely. itll be great promotion . i just wish they would give us chucky since a reboot is out like july 29th this year

Yeah I know. *sighs* I know. Chucky would be funny but broken as shit... so small. I'm sorry but I love "IT" but IT does not make sense in a fighting game as it needs fear to do anything and preys exclusively on children with a few noted examples. Then again the same could be said of Freddy. Although I enjoy Halloween movies, Myers is no Jason. Then again we got Leather face sooo... yeah.

tbh i think your reading way to much into pennywise in regards to being in a fighting title. i mean shit we had alien last go also dont forget meyers was always before jason in terms of who debuted in the horror slasher genre

you know who else would of been fn awesome as a guest? nun from james wan the nun . mk has priests and all

01/29/2019 06:06 PM (UTC)Edited 01/29/2019 06:08 PM (UTC)

Another stupid leak from people that dont take the time to read MK news.... Jax is in the game as spoiled by tester. Kung lao is in the game because he has a new model and boon confirmed that story characters will all be playable this time around.... thats enough to debunk this trash.... Stop with these stupid leaks that we are going to get every single day until launch... Nobody has leak info just stop. You posted like 5 leaks already which were all different...

Boon said that there would be no fightable NPCs so if we fight someone who is not main roster they will be DLC most likely. I don't think they said there would be no characters in background or just talking that would not be playable. I'm not expecting Shinnok's decspitated head to be a floating hitbox-less fighter just because he spits and moans throughout the story. But hey if his disembodied head is DLC then Shinnok may finally be god tier.

edit: that said if kung lao is not starting roster he will surely be dlc. The competitive players love him too much, lol.

01/30/2019 11:10 AM (UTC)

Ive just read on another forum that this fellow did not leak the MK X roster he simply stole it from someone else called it his own

02/05/2019 03:39 AM (UTC)

How yall let Tekken take the guest rights from Negan though and not MK NRS :( He would of been a bomb guest character.

Royal Assassin
About Me

"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

02/05/2019 03:43 AM (UTC)Edited 02/05/2019 03:48 AM (UTC)

is it just me or does this https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hZnNC0HmQXI/hqdefault.jpg kinda look like the roster for mk11 will be

replace someone with skarlet

replace someone with Geras

etc etc etc etc

About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

02/05/2019 05:34 AM (UTC)Edited 02/05/2019 05:35 AM (UTC)

is it just me or does this https://i.ytimg.com/vi/hZnNC0HmQXI/hqdefault.jpg kinda look like the roster for mk11 will be

replace someone with skarlet

replace someone with Geras

etc etc etc etc

Oh yeah, I'm sure that if you replace some of those characters from the Trilogy screenshot with characters who are actually in MK11, etc etc, you will eventually arrive at an accurate roster, haha.

02/07/2019 07:56 PM (UTC)

D'vorah just debunked all 10 of your fake leaks..try again! Reptile not in mk11? Doubt that too.

02/07/2019 11:20 PM (UTC)

D'vorah just debunked all 10 of your fake leaks..try again! Reptile not in mk11? Doubt that too.

Kronika's time-meddling has apparently transported a new kombatant to the current timeline, from two days ago.

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