Six characters from the 3D era? Alright, here's mine:
1. Shujinko
2. Ashrah
3. Reiko
4. Fujin
5. Havik
6. Taven

Bo' Rai Cho
At this point, I think Kenshi belongs on the roster as much as any of the other classic trilogy characters. He's a strong reminder of the best of what the 3D-era had to offer, and any chance to bring more exposure to that is a good thing. He hasn't worn out his welcome yet. I know I've got Kenshi plastered all over my posts but hey, I like other characters too.
I want to see Bo' Rai Cho get a similar treatment. Really hoping he's on the main roster and has story significance and not just brushed off because he got a nod in MKX. As much as I'd like to see more obscurities come out and play, I think it's equally important to make sure that reintroduced characters are firmly established. If there's one thing that's certain about MK fans, it's that they love familiar things. The best chance for 3D-era characters to stick is by making sure they become familiar. We saw it with Quan Chi and Kenshi, and I hope the same happens for other characters going forward.
I chose:
Bo' Rai Cho
Despite Quan Chi being my favorite character, I'm tired of dead characters always coming back. Let him stay dead for a game. Other characters who I almost picked were:
Hsu Hao
To be honest, I am wanting more and more for Hsu Hao to return.

To be honest, I am wanting more and more for Hsu Hao to return.
You and me both. He will have his day.

3D era newbie
Deception is 15 years old and was released closer to MK1 than to MK11. Not sure any of them qualify as newbies anymore.

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.
Well, my list is pretty straightforward.
They really aren’t in any particular order. I think any of these ladies will make a roster better.

<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589
To be honest, I am wanting more and more for Hsu Hao to return.
You and me both. He will have his day.
I’m just curious, and this isn’t to bash the character and certainly not your opinions of him, but what do you two see in Hsu Hao that make you want him back so much? What’s the potential that you’re seeing or what would you like to see added or changed that could take him out of the cellar of fan requested characters that he usually tends to find himself in? I’d like to share in that enthusiasm or at least understand it, so I was just wondering.

To be honest, I am wanting more and more for Hsu Hao to return.
You and me both. He will have his day.
I’m just curious, and this isn’t to bash the character and certainly not your opinions of him, but what do you two see in Hsu Hao that make you want him back so much? What’s the potential that you’re seeing or what would you like to see added or changed that could take him out of the cellar of fan requested characters that he usually tends to find himself in? I’d like to share in that enthusiasm or at least understand it, so I was just wondering.
For me, Hsu Hao was cool because even though he was disabled (artificial heart), it didn't stop him from doing his job and keeping up with the other fighters. This especially struck a cord with me because (forgive me if I've stated this before. I can't remember) I myself was born with a life-threatening heart condition and have since survived five open heart surgeries and have artificial aortic and mitral valves.
Seeing this new guy with not only heart issue but also artificial insertion (in his case, a giant fucking laser) when I first played Deadly Alliance back in 2002 was awesome. Sure, his design wasn't very good (his alternate costume was much better) but that didn't stop me from playing him a lot.
If the extremely unlikely were to happen and he actually returned, I like to see him with a more mountain man type look, similar to new Kratos. And of course, a new, decidedly less shitty story. Maybe he's had enough of not just the Red Dragon, but life itself and just wants to be left alone? Who knows.
Somewhat realistic wanted list: Fujin, Li Mei, Shujinko, Havik, Hotaru & Ashrah
I would've included Kai instead of Shujinko and Moloch instead of Ashrah, but they won't be in.
With regards to how many we will see from the 3D era, I think 6 is the absolute max. Kenshi doesn't count for me, he was in MK9 and hasn't missed a game since he was introduced. Remember that 3 of the 6 from MKX made it through DLC.
To be honest, I am wanting more and more for Hsu Hao to return.
You and me both. He will have his day.
I’m just curious, and this isn’t to bash the character and certainly not your opinions of him, but what do you two see in Hsu Hao that make you want him back so much? What’s the potential that you’re seeing or what would you like to see added or changed that could take him out of the cellar of fan requested characters that he usually tends to find himself in? I’d like to share in that enthusiasm or at least understand it, so I was just wondering.
The more I look back on him, the more I feel there's a large piece of his story missing. Mainly, why is he so blindly loyal?
I cannot think of another character in the series more pledged and devoted than him. It is damn near abnormal, even for MK's standards. This man answers whatever task he is given, without question, and does so with such force and dedication, it just kills me we don't know what drives it. Why is he this loyal to the Red Dragon? Is this all he knows? Was he BORN into this clan?
I often wonder if Hsu Hao even knows his own origins. He might have been taken from his home as a child, or bred to be a soldier from birth. Thing is, he is the only one of his like, and Mavado put all his faith into him, so if he was taken, it was done deliberately. He had to have been chosen. Question is, why?
This is why I want Hsu Hao to return. There is so much about him we don't know. So many pieces unfilled. I feel he deserves to have his story told, to some degree at least.

Bo Rai Cho
Li Mei

(No text)

Hotaru and Havik are obvious choices to me. I enjoyed the Order vs Chaos thing in Deception.
Sareena is a great character. Had to go with her.
Li Mei seems like an easy choice, as well. Same with Fujin.
I also went with Ashrah. I remember liking her.
I disregarded the characters that have already returned since that era. Kenshi and Quan Chi are probably in, anyway. Shinnok is my favourite MK villain, but his story ark is pretty much closed. Tanya and Bo Rai Cho are just... there.

1. Kenshi
2. Tanya
3. Li Mei
4. Mavado
5. Fujin
6. Reiko
1. Quan Chi
2. Kenshi
I picked these two more logically than from my own desire. I think they're desirable characters and it would be wise to bring them back.
3. Onaga
I am a Deception fan boy. I loved that game a lot more than most. I really picked Onaga in my vain hope of Deception Redux.
4. Ashrah
I've always liked Ashrah in design and concept. There's something about the demon-seeking-redemption thing that is just soo early 90s comics to me. While that may sound bad to some, that to me has always been part of Mortal Kombat's aesthetic feel.
5. Jarek
Everybody seems to hate Jarek, but I've always thought the character had potential. Kano is a thug, brute, and murderer but at the same time he's kind of a schemer, a talker, and a bit of a worm. I've always thought Jarek would be an interesting counter to Kano by making Jarek more of a blunt and heartless bastard. Jarek, in my mind, could be a fascinating character if he were more of a restrained psychopath. He's not conniving, he's content as a Black Dragon liutenenant, enjoying life and murder, with no cares about the politics of the realms.
6. Dairou
Weird choice, no? Why Dairou? Why that mercenary guy? Well, because now I think Mortal Kombat is at a point where it can have Dairou. The elements are in his backstory to make for decent development in the story mode. A loyal guardsman whose family is murdered, he abandons order and murders the criminal, and becomes an assassin. There's enough there to build a pretty interesting and engaging character out of.
Im not even going to count Kenshi and QuanChi, these 2 have been retKon'd into the 1st trilogy anyway.
Taven/Daegon (1 as the premiere skin for the other)
I know thats 8 but whatevs. LoL. These were some of my favorite characters. I know this is probably MK-Blasphemy, but besides Ermac and Rain, I would say that the "newbie-batch" from MK4 and MK5 are actually better than that of MK3. (The worst newbie-batch has got to be Mk6, I only liked Havik)