05/19/2023 12:59 PM (UTC)

Muito bem feito essa apresentação! Ficou D+.

O momento que todos olham para o sol ao mesmo tempo foi poetico D+

Acredito que não terá NOOB nesse. Se não tivesse criado essa historia do noob ser o sub zero, até acho que viria,pois ele aparece ja no MK2.

Acho que baraka vem aí e o que mais me cria espectativa ... e saber se o Reptile vem em forma humana nesse jogo.

SUB-ZERO The First
About Me

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

05/19/2023 01:43 PM (UTC)Edited 05/19/2023 02:12 PM (UTC)

...and with now race-swapping Raiden too, they made the woke agenda complete.

Are you seriously bothered by a Japanese god looking Japanese? lol

Raiden is not Japanese nor Chinese, he is an imaginary character from an imaginary world and he looked white for 30 years. They raceswapped him because of the woke agenda and not because they want to preserve some kind of a imaginary "Japanese authenticity". So yes, I have a problem with that.

I LOVE the respect given to the Asian culture, almost everyone confirmed are Asian.

They have zero respect for the Asian culture. They only did it to wipe off all the white characters. Like everyone in the entertainment industry today, MK also jumped on the anti-white bandwagon and the recipe is the following: if there is a white male character in a game, he has to be either raceswapped or if not then he has to be gay or he has to be at least a beta cuck like Johnny Cage in recent games, or he has to be evil like Kano. One way or another, there can't be a strong straight white male protagonist because "that's not diverse enough and it's a toxic masculinity"..

Also MK females who were once sexy babes (and white btw) now have to be "empowered whamen"..

Razorfist explains it quite well:

05/19/2023 02:55 PM (UTC)

...and with now race-swapping Raiden too, they made the woke agenda complete.

Are you seriously bothered by a Japanese god looking Japanese? lol

Anyway, I'm also confused as to why Shang Tsung is - once again - a preorder bonus, given the trailer presents him as central to the game's story. Doesn't make much sense.

When a character of over 30 years gets this radical make-over I don't blame someone taking an issue with it after this long lol.

The issue here is referring to it as a radical makeover, when it's really a long overdue correction.

One of the few things I liked about MKX was how Scorpion and Sub-Zero were finally given their accurate Asian appearances. I was terribly disappointed that Raiden wasn't included in that change. I was very pleased to see Raiden portrayed by an Asian actor in the recent Mortal Kombat film and commended the film's team for being willing to get it right.

In any case, Raiden finally having an Asian appearance in the games is only shocking if (a) you never knew he is based on the Japanese god Raijin or (b) you never knew Mortal Kombat in general pulls from Japanese mythology.

I dont really agree but hey ho.

There's nothing to agree or disagree with. It is fact, confirmed by John Tobias himself.

Anyway, while I am pleased to see the game is being developed for the Nintendo Switch, I'm not gonna lie. I am VERY uncertain about how the game will turn out graphically. There were already cutbacks for Mortal Kombat 11, and that was made for the PS4. With MK12 being developed for the graphically superior PS5, I'm legit terrified about how it will turn out. I pray they take a better route this time around. Either that, or I'm buying myself a PS5. lol 😂

About Me

Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

05/19/2023 03:14 PM (UTC)

...and with now race-swapping Raiden too, they made the woke agenda complete.

Are you seriously bothered by a Japanese god looking Japanese? lol

Anyway, I'm also confused as to why Shang Tsung is - once again - a preorder bonus, given the trailer presents him as central to the game's story. Doesn't make much sense.

When a character of over 30 years gets this radical make-over I don't blame someone taking an issue with it after this long lol.

The issue here is referring to it as a radical makeover, when it's really a long overdue correction.

One of the few things I liked about MKX was how Scorpion and Sub-Zero were finally given their accurate Asian appearances. I was terribly disappointed that Raiden wasn't included in that change. I was very pleased to see Raiden portrayed by an Asian actor in the recent Mortal Kombat film and commended the film's team for being willing to get it right.

In any case, Raiden finally having an Asian appearance in the games is only shocking if (a) you never knew he is based on the Japanese god Raijin or (b) you never knew Mortal Kombat in general pulls from Japanese mythology.

I dont really agree but hey ho.

There's nothing to agree or disagree with. It is fact, confirmed by John Tobias himself.

Anyway, while I am pleased to see the game is being developed for the Nintendo Switch, I'm not gonna lie. I am VERY uncertain about how the game will turn out graphically. There were already cutbacks for Mortal Kombat 11, and that was made for the PS4. With MK12 being developed for the graphically superior PS5, I'm legit terrified about how it will turn out. I pray they take a better route this time around. Either that, or I'm buying myself a PS5. lol ????

lol k

05/19/2023 09:23 PM (UTC)Edited 05/19/2023 09:24 PM (UTC)

...and with now race-swapping Raiden too, they made the woke agenda complete.

Are you seriously bothered by a Japanese god looking Japanese? lol

Raiden is not Japanese nor Chinese, he is an imaginary character from an imaginary world and he looked white for 30 years. They raceswapped him because of the woke agenda and not because they want to preserve some kind of a imaginary "Japanese authenticity". So yes, I have a problem with that.

I LOVE the respect given to the Asian culture, almost everyone confirmed are Asian.

They have zero respect for the Asian culture. They only did it to wipe off all the white characters. Like everyone in the entertainment industry today, MK also jumped on the anti-white bandwagon and the recipe is the following: if there is a white male character in a game, he has to be either raceswapped or if not then he has to be gay or he has to be at least a beta cuck like Johnny Cage in recent games, or he has to be evil like Kano. One way or another, there can't be a strong straight white male protagonist because "that's not diverse enough and it's a toxic masculinity"..

Also MK females who were once sexy babes (and white btw) now have to be "empowered whamen"..

Razorfist explains it quite well:

Okay, y'all need to get over it. lol

This is who Raiden is, period. If it bothers y'all that much, then don't buy the game. Trust me, MK12 will sell well regardless.

About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

05/19/2023 10:32 PM (UTC)Edited 05/19/2023 11:45 PM (UTC)

First off, let's keep it civil because boy are there some overreactions in here.

Now, on the subject of Raiden changes, I'll start by saying that I have no issue with how he looked before or how he looks now. It's a fact that Raiden was inspired by Japanese mythology; same general domain and only a 2 letter change to the name when compared to the source material. It's also a fact that other than the things I just mentioned, the rest of what constitutes Raiden as a character was made via creative liberties. Raiden as a "white" guy (though how many white guys are wearing that hat on the regular tbh) doesn't bother me in the slightest, because as Tobias himself said in that very same tweet thread, the only things they took from the mythos were the name and the thunder powers. Raiden could've been white, black, or purple, and it wouldn't (and shouldn't) matter. Clearly they wanted to take advantage of the new timeline and its implications by reimagining Raiden, and I think it's cool to see a fresh take. If it's really as simple as the reveal trailer made it look, that Raiden and Liu Kang are just swapping roles in both the world and as plot devices, then the aesthetic changes to Raiden make sense.

However, let's not pretend that this is how he was supposed to look all along. The original conceptualization was one thing, and this is another. Anything beyond that is your opinion and nothing more.


...and with now race-swapping Raiden too, they made the woke agenda complete.

Are you seriously bothered by a Japanese god looking Japanese? lol

Raiden is not Japanese nor Chinese, he is an imaginary character from an imaginary world and he looked white for 30 years. They raceswapped him because of the woke agenda and not because they want to preserve some kind of a imaginary "Japanese authenticity". So yes, I have a problem with that.

I LOVE the respect given to the Asian culture, almost everyone confirmed are Asian.

They have zero respect for the Asian culture. They only did it to wipe off all the white characters. Like everyone in the entertainment industry today, MK also jumped on the anti-white bandwagon and the recipe is the following: if there is a white male character in a game, he has to be either raceswapped or if not then he has to be gay or he has to be at least a beta cuck like Johnny Cage in recent games, or he has to be evil like Kano. One way or another, there can't be a strong straight white male protagonist because "that's not diverse enough and it's a toxic masculinity"..

Also MK females who were once sexy babes (and white btw) now have to be "empowered whamen"..

Razorfist explains it quite well:

Okay, y'all need to get over it. lol

This is who Raiden is, period. If it bothers y'all that much, then don't buy the game. Trust me, MK12 will sell well regardless.

30 years, 12 games, and this is still the most childish and L take that pops up every time someone has a complaint about an entry in the MK series. Never gets old. Game developers making a change you agree with does not equate to some imaginary moral high ground for you to stand on.

Being flippant when faced with dissenting opinions has never and will never be a good look, and that goes for everyone.

05/20/2023 12:39 AM (UTC)

First off, let's keep it civil because boy are there some overreactions in here.

Now, on the subject of Raiden changes, I'll start by saying that I have no issue with how he looked before or how he looks now. It's a fact that Raiden was inspired by Japanese mythology; same general domain and only a 2 letter change to the name when compared to the source material. It's also a fact that other than the things I just mentioned, the rest of what constitutes Raiden as a character was made via creative liberties. Raiden as a "white" guy (though how many white guys are wearing that hat on the regular tbh) doesn't bother me in the slightest, because as Tobias himself said in that very same tweet thread, the only things they took from the mythos were the name and the thunder powers. Raiden could've been white, black, or purple, and it wouldn't (and shouldn't) matter. Clearly they wanted to take advantage of the new timeline and its implications by reimagining Raiden, and I think it's cool to see a fresh take. If it's really as simple as the reveal trailer made it look, that Raiden and Liu Kang are just swapping roles in both the world and as plot devices, then the aesthetic changes to Raiden make sense.

However, let's not pretend that this is how he was supposed to look all along. The original conceptualization was one thing, and this is another. Anything beyond that is your opinion and nothing more.


...and with now race-swapping Raiden too, they made the woke agenda complete.

Are you seriously bothered by a Japanese god looking Japanese? lol

Raiden is not Japanese nor Chinese, he is an imaginary character from an imaginary world and he looked white for 30 years. They raceswapped him because of the woke agenda and not because they want to preserve some kind of a imaginary "Japanese authenticity". So yes, I have a problem with that.

I LOVE the respect given to the Asian culture, almost everyone confirmed are Asian.

They have zero respect for the Asian culture. They only did it to wipe off all the white characters. Like everyone in the entertainment industry today, MK also jumped on the anti-white bandwagon and the recipe is the following: if there is a white male character in a game, he has to be either raceswapped or if not then he has to be gay or he has to be at least a beta cuck like Johnny Cage in recent games, or he has to be evil like Kano. One way or another, there can't be a strong straight white male protagonist because "that's not diverse enough and it's a toxic masculinity"..

Also MK females who were once sexy babes (and white btw) now have to be "empowered whamen"..

Razorfist explains it quite well:

Okay, y'all need to get over it. lol

This is who Raiden is, period. If it bothers y'all that much, then don't buy the game. Trust me, MK12 will sell well regardless.

30 years, 12 games, and this is still the most childish and L take that pops up every time someone has a complaint about an entry in the MK series. Never gets old. Game developers making a change you agree with does not equate to some imaginary moral high ground for you to stand on.

Being flippant when faced with dissenting opinions has never and will never be a good look, and that goes for everyone.

As I stated to Killswitch, there is nothing to agree or disagree with. Raiden is and has always been based on a Japanese god. That is fact. By that fact, Raiden having an Asian appearance in human form is culturally accurate. If they cannot accept that fact, I cannot help them.

I don't mean to create disorder, but I will not coddle folks because they don't like the truth.

SUB-ZERO The First
About Me

I am mortal - I am a thief and assassin - I am a Lin Kuei warrior - I am SUB-ZERO

05/20/2023 12:56 AM (UTC)Edited 05/20/2023 12:58 AM (UTC)

Okay, y'all need to get over it. lol

No! You and those like yourself are the ones who need to get over it because the MK fans will not tolerate the "go with the flow cowardly political agenda following developers" who want to shove s**t down our throat in the name of once glorious American fighting game franchise. If someone wants "Asian franchise" then he/she should play Tekken...

This is who Raiden is, period. If it bothers y'all that much, then don't buy the game. Trust me, MK12 will sell well regardless.

No! This is not who Raiden is. He was white for three decades and now they decided to change him in the name of antiwhite agenda and not because of some kind of a imaginary "respect for the Asian culture and appreciation" bs. MK11 sold worse than MKX and MK12 will sell worse than MK11, I can guarantee you that. "Go woke, go broke" saying proved to be truth many times and sadly MK will have the same fate as the female Ghost Busters movie or the Batwoman series or the Last of Us 2... RIP MK, it was good to be a part of the core fanbase from 1992 to 2011. I will always be a true fan of the original MK but this woke s**t has nothing to do with it anymore...

About Me

Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

| Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

05/20/2023 02:52 AM (UTC)

First off, let's keep it civil because boy are there some overreactions in here.

Now, on the subject of Raiden changes, I'll start by saying that I have no issue with how he looked before or how he looks now. It's a fact that Raiden was inspired by Japanese mythology; same general domain and only a 2 letter change to the name when compared to the source material. It's also a fact that other than the things I just mentioned, the rest of what constitutes Raiden as a character was made via creative liberties. Raiden as a "white" guy (though how many white guys are wearing that hat on the regular tbh) doesn't bother me in the slightest, because as Tobias himself said in that very same tweet thread, the only things they took from the mythos were the name and the thunder powers. Raiden could've been white, black, or purple, and it wouldn't (and shouldn't) matter. Clearly they wanted to take advantage of the new timeline and its implications by reimagining Raiden, and I think it's cool to see a fresh take. If it's really as simple as the reveal trailer made it look, that Raiden and Liu Kang are just swapping roles in both the world and as plot devices, then the aesthetic changes to Raiden make sense.

However, let's not pretend that this is how he was supposed to look all along. The original conceptualization was one thing, and this is another. Anything beyond that is your opinion and nothing more.


...and with now race-swapping Raiden too, they made the woke agenda complete.

Are you seriously bothered by a Japanese god looking Japanese? lol

Raiden is not Japanese nor Chinese, he is an imaginary character from an imaginary world and he looked white for 30 years. They raceswapped him because of the woke agenda and not because they want to preserve some kind of a imaginary "Japanese authenticity". So yes, I have a problem with that.

I LOVE the respect given to the Asian culture, almost everyone confirmed are Asian.

They have zero respect for the Asian culture. They only did it to wipe off all the white characters. Like everyone in the entertainment industry today, MK also jumped on the anti-white bandwagon and the recipe is the following: if there is a white male character in a game, he has to be either raceswapped or if not then he has to be gay or he has to be at least a beta cuck like Johnny Cage in recent games, or he has to be evil like Kano. One way or another, there can't be a strong straight white male protagonist because "that's not diverse enough and it's a toxic masculinity"..

Also MK females who were once sexy babes (and white btw) now have to be "empowered whamen"..

Razorfist explains it quite well:

Okay, y'all need to get over it. lol

This is who Raiden is, period. If it bothers y'all that much, then don't buy the game. Trust me, MK12 will sell well regardless.

30 years, 12 games, and this is still the most childish and L take that pops up every time someone has a complaint about an entry in the MK series. Never gets old. Game developers making a change you agree with does not equate to some imaginary moral high ground for you to stand on.

Being flippant when faced with dissenting opinions has never and will never be a good look, and that goes for everyone.

As I stated to Killswitch, there is nothing to agree or disagree with. Raiden is and has always been based on a Japanese god. That is fact. By that fact, Raiden having an Asian appearance in human form is culturally accurate. If they cannot accept that fact, I cannot help them.

I don't mean to create disorder, but I will not coddle folks because they don't like the truth.

Yes. It is also fact that Tobias stated that the name and powers revolving around thunder are the only pieces of inspiration that were taken and used with minimal creative tweaking. Maybe you think that new Raiden is "correct" and honestly, I can't really say that's wrong, but for me that comes from a place of having only a few seconds of exposure to him via the reveal trailer. I have no basis for judgment on the subject. I'd need to hear him speak, at a minimum.

If it were up to me, perhaps I might have started making this change once actual actors were no longer used for the roster. At least then it could've been several subtle adjustments instead of one jarring one.

To your last point, not that you started the unrest in this thread, but we're literally a day into knowing about this game. Let's try (everyone, not just you Riyakou) to have real discussions within reason... because, like you, I also do not coddle people who can't stand the truth, and if I have to be truthful with people who are causing problems, well, you get where I'm going.


Okay, y'all need to get over it. lol

No! You and those like yourself are the ones who need to get over it because the MK fans will not tolerate the "go with the flow cowardly political agenda following developers" who want to shove s**t down our throat in the name of once glorious American fighting game franchise. If someone wants "Asian franchise" then he/she should play Tekken...

This is who Raiden is, period. If it bothers y'all that much, then don't buy the game. Trust me, MK12 will sell well regardless.

No! This is not who Raiden is. He was white for three decades and now they decided to change him in the name of antiwhite agenda and not because of some kind of a imaginary "respect for the Asian culture and appreciation" bs. MK11 sold worse than MKX and MK12 will sell worse than MK11, I can guarantee you that. "Go woke, go broke" saying proved to be truth many times and sadly MK will have the same fate as the female Ghost Busters movie or the Batwoman series or the Last of Us 2... RIP MK, it was good to be a part of the core fanbase from 1992 to 2011. I will always be a true fan of the original MK but this woke s**t has nothing to do with it anymore...

Look man, I'm as anti-woke as it gets, but you're reaching here. We don't know enough to judge yet.

Goro Still Lives
05/20/2023 04:15 AM (UTC)

Was it absolutely necessary to tag me by 5 different people or so... and specifically about Raiden's race?

GTFO with that bullshit. If the Amazon Italy posting is correct along with the recent rumors, this game will suck.

Peacemaker? JFC on a stick, WTF, is this some MKvsDC2 bullshit disguised as a 12th game?

05/20/2023 04:36 AM (UTC)

Okay, y'all need to get over it. lol

No! You and those like yourself are the ones who need to get over it because the MK fans will not tolerate the "go with the flow cowardly political agenda following developers" who want to shove s**t down our throat in the name of once glorious American fighting game franchise. If someone wants "Asian franchise" then he/she should play Tekken...

This is who Raiden is, period. If it bothers y'all that much, then don't buy the game. Trust me, MK12 will sell well regardless.

No! This is not who Raiden is. He was white for three decades and now they decided to change him in the name of antiwhite agenda and not because of some kind of a imaginary "respect for the Asian culture and appreciation" bs. MK11 sold worse than MKX and MK12 will sell worse than MK11, I can guarantee you that. "Go woke, go broke" saying proved to be truth many times and sadly MK will have the same fate as the female Ghost Busters movie or the Batwoman series or the Last of Us 2... RIP MK, it was good to be a part of the core fanbase from 1992 to 2011. I will always be a true fan of the original MK but this woke s**t has nothing to do with it anymore...

Mortal Kombat has always been based in Asian culture, which is why the main hero (Liu Kang) and villain (Shang Tsung) are Asian. It may be an American series, but Mortal Kombat is far from 'white.'

In fact, the majority of Earthrealm-born characters aren't even Caucasian:

  • Scorpion
  • Sub-Zero
  • Noon Saibot
  • Kano
  • Sonya
  • Johnny Cage
  • Jax
  • Shang Tsung
  • Kung Lao
  • Stryker
  • Kabal
  • Cyrax
  • Sektor
  • Smoke
  • Nightwolf
  • Jarek
  • Kai
  • Kenshi
  • Mavado
  • Hsu Hao
  • Mokap
  • Kobra
  • Kira
  • Erron Black
  • Cassie Cage
  • Jacqui Briggs
  • Takeda
  • Kung Jin
  • I'm sorry to tell you, mate, but Mortal Kombat is not as 'white' or 'American' as you thought it was. There are more white characters in Tekken than in Mortal Kombat.

    Oh, and FYI, Raiden was originally played by a Mexican martial artist, Carlos Pesina. Not even he was always 'white.' lol

    About Me

    Words do not win wars. That is a tragedy.

    05/20/2023 06:28 AM (UTC)

    The first time Raiden was ever portrayed at all, he was played by a hispanic man. The argument of being 'woke' is utterly moronic.

    About Me

    Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

    05/20/2023 11:15 AM (UTC)

    Didn't ask for your "coddling" nor do I ever want it, thanks.

    05/20/2023 03:12 PM (UTC)

    LOL. Always love reading these right-wing snowflakes crying about diversity and shouting terms like "woke, anti-white, beta, cuck." Your tears are delicious. Keep crying.

    Mortal Kombat 1 is going to sell tons. You're going to buy it even though you claim you won't. These two facts are absolute.

    People cried like this during MK11 and it meant, and still means, nothing.

    Raiden, per Tobias himself, (ya know, the guy who co-created the game, not some alt-right basement dwelling angry neck beard on the Internet mad there are too many Asians and not enough nipples in a video game?) is based on Raijin and his character design comes from Lighting, one of the Storms from Big Trouble in Little China.


    Diversity is a good thing and thankfully it's here to stay. If you don't like that it says more about you than the company you're complaining about and you're going to be left behind. Some of you need to go out and touch grass.

    About Me

    Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

    05/20/2023 03:41 PM (UTC)

    Calm down there, slim.

    05/20/2023 04:34 PM (UTC)

    LOL. Always love reading these right-wing snowflakes crying about diversity and shouting terms like "woke, anti-white, beta, cuck." Your tears are delicious. Keep crying.

    Mortal Kombat 1 is going to sell tons. You're going to buy it even though you claim you won't. These two facts are absolute.

    People cried like this during MK11 and it meant, and still means, nothing.

    Raiden, per Tobias himself, (ya know, the guy who co-created the game, not some alt-right basement dwelling angry neck beard on the Internet mad there are too many Asians and not enough nipples in a video game?) is based on Raijin and his character design comes from Lighting, one of the Storms from Big Trouble in Little China.


    Diversity is a good thing and thankfully it's here to stay. If you don't like that it says more about you than the company you're complaining about and you're going to be left behind. Some of you need to go out and touch grass.

    My own surprise that it took this long for Raiden to receive a more accurate depiction stems from Mortal Kombat's longstanding history of having a diverse cast.

    My only wish is that we actually receive a Latin character, which we should have with Mavado, but this has yet to be confirmed outside of early designs. I'd also love for Mavado to return, but not as a Kameo character. He's too good for that.

    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

    | Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    05/20/2023 07:50 PM (UTC)

    LOL. Always love reading these right-wing snowflakes crying about diversity and shouting terms like "woke, anti-white, beta, cuck." Your tears are delicious. Keep crying.

    If I had to hazard a guess, they probably enjoyed it just as much when your side spent 5 years whining about boobs.

    Go read my previous post and heed it. Only going to tell you once: keep it civil.

    05/20/2023 11:48 PM (UTC)

    LOL. Always love reading these right-wing snowflakes crying about diversity and shouting terms like "woke, anti-white, beta, cuck." Your tears are delicious. Keep crying.

    If I had to hazard a guess, they probably enjoyed it just as much when your side spent 5 years whining about boobs.

    Go read my previous post and heed it. Only going to tell you once: keep it civil.

    Okay, you don't get to throw sly remarks and then tell people to "keep it civil."

    If you're going to say it, lead by example.

    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

    | Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    05/21/2023 12:45 AM (UTC)Edited 05/21/2023 01:13 AM (UTC)

    LOL. Always love reading these right-wing snowflakes crying about diversity and shouting terms like "woke, anti-white, beta, cuck." Your tears are delicious. Keep crying.

    If I had to hazard a guess, they probably enjoyed it just as much when your side spent 5 years whining about boobs.

    Go read my previous post and heed it. Only going to tell you once: keep it civil.

    Okay, you don't get to throw sly remarks and then tell people to "keep it civil."

    If you're going to say it, lead by example.

    Sorry, what was that thing you said before? Ah, right:

    I will not coddle folks because they don't like the truth.

    That's what I thought.

    Additionally, I'm under no obligation to tolerate this nonsense from either side for the 4th release cycle in a row, and you'd better believe I've kept score. Nobody gets to stir up drama and then put on a surprised Pikachu face when I call out their bullshit, nor do they get to shield themselves or others from it by telling me that I need to hold myself to a higher standard; particularly when I'm the one trying to put a stop to the derailment. I haven't banned anyone, skulled anyone, hell, I haven't even explicitly said I was going to do either of those things if it didn't stop. I've simply asked for it to stop.

    Your frankly weird decision to police me rather than calling out the blatant toxicity above tells me all I need to know about the "example" that you'd lead by.

    Back on topic:

    My own surprise that it took this long for Raiden to receive a more accurate depiction stems from Mortal Kombat's longstanding history of having a diverse cast.

    My only wish is that we actually receive a Latin character, which we should have with Mavado, but this has yet to be confirmed outside of early designs. I'd also love for Mavado to return, but not as a Kameo character. He's too good for that.

    I completely agree that Mavado's return should've been in a playable capacity and it disappointing that it won't be. If I'm being honest, I think he should've returned sooner. I've been wanting to see more about the Red Dragon for a few games now.

    About Me

    Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

    05/21/2023 12:49 AM (UTC)

    I just want more 3D era characters to shine, man. It's some monkey paw shit I gotta live with I guess.

    05/21/2023 01:39 PM (UTC)

    LOL. Always love reading these right-wing snowflakes crying about diversity and shouting terms like "woke, anti-white, beta, cuck." Your tears are delicious. Keep crying.

    If I had to hazard a guess, they probably enjoyed it just as much when your side spent 5 years whining about boobs.

    Go read my previous post and heed it. Only going to tell you once: keep it civil.

    Okay, you don't get to throw sly remarks and then tell people to "keep it civil."

    If you're going to say it, lead by example.

    Sorry, what was that thing you said before? Ah, right:

    I will not coddle folks because they don't like the truth.

    That's what I thought.

    Additionally, I'm under no obligation to tolerate this nonsense from either side for the 4th release cycle in a row, and you'd better believe I've kept score. Nobody gets to stir up drama and then put on a surprised Pikachu face when I call out their bullshit, nor do they get to shield themselves or others from it by telling me that I need to hold myself to a higher standard; particularly when I'm the one trying to put a stop to the derailment. I haven't banned anyone, skulled anyone, hell, I haven't even explicitly said I was going to do either of those things if it didn't stop. I've simply asked for it to stop.

    Your frankly weird decision to police me rather than calling out the blatant toxicity above tells me all I need to know about the "example" that you'd lead by.

    I am telling you not to be a hypocrite, and I haven't actually been here for several years, so whatever score you're keeping, it's not with me.
    You can moderate without resorting to the childish behavior you're accusing others of having. That mess is why I - and so many others - left to begin with. Clearly, nothing's changed.

    FYI, I did call out the blatant toxicity, and you criticized me for it. Y'all can keep this dead ass site. I'm out.

    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

    | Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    Member Since
    09/18/2004 09:25 PM (UTC)
    I'm not going to dedicate another reply to this. The problem I had was that you had no issue calling out lesser offenses but wouldn't do the same to the person who agreed with you. If you want to try to point to hypocrisy, it's right there. Your projections aside, I wish you well.05/22/2023 04:35 PM (UTC)
    About Me

    whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there.

    05/21/2023 03:06 PM (UTC)

    It's just me or did they made Scorpion and Sub Zero way too alike? I understand they could be friends now, but still... Also I can get Scorpion with a bun because of his japanese roots, but Sub Zero... Maybe it's a nod to the original games where they were palette swaps. But if they are intensifying the MK11 designs, I think I will pass this game, no hated intended of course.

    About Me

    Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

    | Twitch | YouTube | Lawful Chaos |

    Signature and avatar by ThePredator151

    05/22/2023 04:42 PM (UTC)

    It's just me or did they made Scorpion and Sub Zero way too alike? I understand they could be friends now, but still... Also I can get Scorpion with a bun because of his japanese roots, but Sub Zero... Maybe it's a nod to the original games where they were palette swaps. But if they are intensifying the MK11 designs, I think I will pass this game, no hated intended of course.

    They do look eerily similar to one another.

    I would prefer character designs closer to what we saw in MKX. For me, it was a nice happy medium between the amount of fan service in MK9 and the direction that MK11 took.

    05/23/2023 07:48 AM (UTC)

    Why is this forum so dead?

    05/23/2023 06:17 PM (UTC)

    Why they show gameplay on june 8th instead of tomorrow? God damn.. I hate to wait :(

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