[Rumor] Lewis Tan is either Kung Lao or Johnny Cage
posted09/06/2019 06:30 AM (UTC)by
Goro Still Lives
Member Since
09/17/2008 03:10 AM (UTC)

There is a lot of speculation to who Lewis Tan will play.

He was previously set to play Scorpion's son in MKG / MKL3.

But since he's been cast as an "announced lead role," speculation have led people to suggest if he'd play Kung Lao (which rules out a flashback scene to his ancestor's defeat by Goro as this Kung Lao sounds like a main character).

Another idea - and sure to stir controversy as the race changes to Raiden and Mileena have done - would be he casted as Johnny Cage, the only playable character from MK1 whose role has not been asigned.

Chat below.

Kung Lao source:


Johnny Cage source:


09/12/2019 12:36 AM (UTC)

i'm leaning towards johnny cage and i get the meditation pose he did but you can't take that as a hint a lot of martal arts does that mediation pose

09/14/2019 02:59 AM (UTC)

Watching him in Wu Assassins, I think he'd be perfect as Johnny Cage. It'd make sense casting wise too.. I can't think of too many JCVD types in TV and Movies in 2019, so why not cast the actor not the race :)

Goro Still Lives
09/14/2019 03:29 AM (UTC)

Honestly I feel this is where they're going since he's the only MK1 regular not yet announced. Of course they could have many more cast members and characters but we haven't heard if there will be Reptile... or Goro... or if the girl playing Mileena will also double for Kitana and be the first girl to officially do so in the media, etc.

i'm leaning towards johnny cage and i get the meditation pose he did but you can't take that as a hint a lot of martal arts does that mediation pose

Watching him in Wu Assassins, I think he'd be perfect as Johnny Cage. It'd make sense casting wise too.. I can't think of too many JCVD types in TV and Movies in 2019, so why not cast the actor not the race :)

09/16/2019 06:44 AM (UTC)

I like too that it feels like it may be like MK2011.. rather than get fighting monk, etc., we may get more battles between Kombatants, like we got Reiko v Nightwolf

Judging from Lewis' twitter post today with his sword training, he may actually be playing Kenshi which would be VERY cool (and given the tie ins to Ermac, Shang Tsung, the Special Forces, Scorpion, and be able to set up a trilogy, would be a very interesting direction)

Goro Still Lives
09/16/2019 04:42 PM (UTC)


As reported today, the cast member for Kung lao is NOT Lewis Tan, leaving both Lewis Tan's role unannounced with no word on who will play Johnny Cage, if Cage is even in the movie.

09/16/2019 07:49 PM (UTC)

How did I miss that announcement! Awesome stuff!

True, although I think because of the future trilogy path (if it happens), you'd want Cage for the Cassie storyline. Could mean JC is a big name so keeping it hidden, or could be a lesser role (given in the tournament he was the least prepared in the game)

Goro Still Lives
09/17/2019 01:14 AM (UTC)

Kung Lao's actor was just announced quietly today in Warner Bros. official press release, also released today.

How did I miss that announcement! Awesome stuff!

True, although I think because of the future trilogy path (if it happens), you'd want Cage for the Cassie storyline. Could mean JC is a big name so keeping it hidden, or could be a lesser role (given in the tournament he was the least prepared in the game)

09/18/2019 02:34 AM (UTC)

what if lewis tan is hanzo hansaahi and the oter scopion is his father becuase i rembember that in mk legacy season 2 hanzo had a father

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