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01/23/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
Am I the only one who wouldn't mind Johnny and Sonya sitting out a game? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against either.. but we can't have every fan favorite on the roster in every game.. Let their daughter shine in this one and bring them back in the next. I wouldn't mind if they were non-playables in this though that helped progress the story.

And if they aren't in the main game... pleeeease don't let them be DLC... those spots should be reserved for new, unexpected, exciting, characters.. not ones that have been around in almost every game.

Just my 2cents
01/23/2015 07:34 PM (UTC)
Kenshi: The only time I liked/enjoyed playing as his was in MK9. Take or leave him.

Sonya: She is an ok character, but was never on my radar as an awesome character. We have Cassie as the female now, so not much need for Sonya. Take or leave.

Johnny Cage: Yes, he should be in and playable. The Seido route would be best if he is said to be taken serious.
01/23/2015 07:42 PM (UTC)
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:

Sonya: We have Cassie as the female now, so not much need for Sonya.

What is this sexist mess? So Sonya can't be in the same game as her daughter, but Cage can although the daugher has more moves borrowed from him than from Sonya?
01/23/2015 07:46 PM (UTC)
Nah I can see them being different enough to be separate characters. Kenshi has always been more swordsman than anything, so I can imagine him being a lot more oriented with sword attacks. Takeda on the other hand, has his Shirai Ryu training. So I think he'll be more focused on hand to hand with less focus on sword attacks.
01/23/2015 07:54 PM (UTC)

SONYA will be a playable character like it or not......

If not in main Game, she will be 1 of DLC characters.....

And stop talking "Cassie will replace her" , "Wasted spot"

Always the same excuses ..............
01/23/2015 08:10 PM (UTC)
I dont like Kenshi haveing a replacement. He has developed enough on his own. Cage and Sonya is okay because they have been around for awhile. But not Kenshi.
01/23/2015 09:23 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Tazer_Gunshot Wrote:

Sonya: We have Cassie as the female now, so not much need for Sonya.

What is this sexist mess? So Sonya can't be in the same game as her daughter, but Cage can although the daugher has more moves borrowed from him than from Sonya?

How is that sexist? Cassie is there whom is female. As for Johnny, he wouldn't have much of his moves if they continued the Seido thing from his ending. It may not be canon, but they can make it canon.

When I said "not much need for Sonya", I was referring to that Cassie will be playing a bigger part then her mother. Plus I said "take" or "leave". So, I'm not putting Sonya out in a whole. She will mostly only be in story-mode and DLC, considering she end up getting killed.
sonyamkoriginal Wrote:

SONYA will be a playable character like it or not......

If not in main Game, she will be 1 of DLC characters.....

And stop talking "Cassie will replace her" , "Wasted spot"

Always the same excuses ..............
I don't see anyone saying either of those things you mentioned.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/23/2015 09:28 PM (UTC)
I think Sonya will make it in.

I'm reasonably sure at this point that MKX will feature all 10 of the original MK1 characters. I've felt that would be the case ever since they announced Goro as a pre-order bonus. The recent speculation/rumors regarding Reptile and Shang Tsung only makes me more confident about that.
01/23/2015 09:34 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
Am I the only one who wouldn't mind Johnny and Sonya sitting out a game? Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against either.. but we can't have every fan favorite on the roster in every game.. Let their daughter shine in this one and bring them back in the next. I wouldn't mind if they were non-playables in this though that helped progress the story.

And if they aren't in the main game... pleeeease don't let them be DLC... those spots should be reserved for new, unexpected, exciting, characters.. not ones that have been around in almost every game.

Just my 2cents

Johnny and Sonya aren't my favorites, I'm indifferent on the whole thing.

I wouldn't mind them being in this game because I would like their chapter to finish and I would like to be that person who plays as them to their finish. It would be a bit of a downer to have them not be playable and see their stories end through cutscenes.

And I honestly am not one of those who'll sit here and say they'll play too much like Cassie because that is simply not true. Every character so far has shown so much differences amongst each other that I'm fairly confident that they will be completely different from one another if all three are in the game together.

But, that's not to say that maaaaaybe they don't necessarily need to be in the game due to the whole "We don't need a 2011 2.5." I don't really care as to how many are returning, but amongst all of those who have a fair chance to coming back, at least with Sonya, I'm not too thrilled and wanting to see return. Johnny, I'll give more of a "I want to see return" mainly because of how much he's always casted aside for other heroes to shine. I feel like maaaaaybe he needs one more game to fulfill that and this would be it.

With Sonya, we've seen so much of her and quite frankly I've been just dead bored with her. Nothing she has done ever impressed me, I honestly would not care if she sat out. If she does come into this game, I wouldn't care either.

And then we come to Kenshi, another character I couldn't care less what direction they go with his inclusion with this game. He is a character I don't like because I never got behind this character to care as much as others do on this site and others. I'd rather have him just sit out and let Takeda be the character to replace him. But I would definitely take some other character I don't really like more over Kenshi, just because I don't like him that much.
01/23/2015 10:07 PM (UTC)
I wouldn't be surprised if Takeda is in Kenshi's spot but Kenshi still having an important role in the story. Kinda passing the torch as i might see happening for a lot of decendents!

But also at the same time It was stated that just bc someone was in the comic doesnt mean they will be in the game as playable!
01/23/2015 10:13 PM (UTC)
jdnice11 Wrote:
But also at the same time It was stated that just bc someone was in the comic doesnt mean they will be in the game as playable!

The only character I'm hoping this implies to with what we've gotten so far, is Forrest Fox with him being cursed. And here's why:

I don't know if I can take a 3D modeled version of him being face-less seriously. I mean, no offense to the artist that drew him but I couldn't stop laughing when I saw the face-less version of him in the last comic. It felt humorous to see something that is meant to be disturbing. I'm sure the modelers could easily design him to look more intimidating than jokingly.

But despite that reason, I also don't see what they would do for him if he were to be in X. I'm sure they could think of a handful thing, but I don't see anything.
01/24/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
Hell yeah icebaby, fox lives. Oh nevermind, that's fucked up.
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Props to MINION
01/24/2015 01:06 AM (UTC)
I can see Takeda's variations one being more towards Scorpions style and another being similair to Kenshis, not sure about the third one.

so far in the comic Takeda doesnt even know Kenshi,(except for like 3 days) i can't see him being Kenshi 2.0
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

01/24/2015 01:09 AM (UTC)
Cages_Shades Wrote:
I can see Takeda's variations one being more towards Scorpions style and another being similair to Kenshis, not sure about the third one.

so far in the comic Takeda doesnt even know Kenshi,(except for like 3 days) i can't see him being Kenshi 2.0

His variations/specials should include

-Telekinetic moves
-Fire based moves
-Ninja weapons such as stars

You can mix those elements up in unique ways that makes him his own character gameplay wise while paying homage to both his father(Kenshi) and his sensei(Scorpion).
01/24/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
He uses a whip in the comics.
01/24/2015 04:09 AM (UTC)
He uses a whip in the comics.

I was gonna bring this up. I think 1 variation should be an homage to his father with telekinesis. He could wield a sword in the others. Then the last should be completely original for him using a whip.
01/24/2015 04:12 AM (UTC)
He uses a whip in the comics.

Only for a little bit. He used a sword in the same fight, too.
02/18/2015 07:25 PM (UTC)
Maybe Kenshi dies at some point in the story and Takeda inherits Sento. So that could explain his telekinetic powers (the way I understood it was that Kenshi got his powers from the sword after he was blinded) and sword fighting skills, plus his ninja training from Scorpion, could give him 3 variations.

I love Kenshi, he's one of my favorite characters and was the first 3D character I played. I could see this as a really cool send off game for him along with some of the other "mortal" characters like Johnny, Sonya, and Kano. Takeda and Cassie are gonna be great foundation characters for the future of the series IMO.
02/18/2015 07:44 PM (UTC)
Sockie Wrote:
He uses a whip in the comics.

Only for a little bit. He used a sword in the same fight, too.

True but the sword was fox's. The whip was his. Unless there was just a whip laying on the ground. I think he'll use a whip from scorpion training and kenshi swordplay.
02/18/2015 10:53 PM (UTC)
CyberDemon13 Wrote:
Maybe Kenshi dies at some point in the story and Takeda inherits Sento. So that could explain his telekinetic powers (the way I understood it was that Kenshi got his powers from the sword after he was blinded) and sword fighting skills, plus his ninja training from Scorpion, could give him 3 variations.

Only judging from the web series description for Takeda (and assuming that it's implemented into the games' story), Kenshi is still alive by the time Johnny makes his own Special Forces team since Kenshi and Takeda have to work together and it was already stated that Takeda had telekinesis.

So it seems like we'll see Takeda develop his powers before he teams up with his dad.

I do think Kenshi's most likely in and I think there's a good chance to see both him and Takeda play differently from each other. Especially since Takeda had training from Scorpion that can influence how he plays. I mean just like Cassie has influences from both Sonya and Johnny but plays differently, Takeda might be the same with Kenshi and Scorpion.
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02/18/2015 10:56 PM (UTC)
I seriously doubt that.

Kittelsen said on Twitter that just because a character is wearing an old costume in the comics doesn't mean they're not in the game. Then I replied with, "THE SWORDSMAN COMETH!" and he favourited it.

There's that mocap picture too, and his chances were always good anyway. I'm pretty damn sure he's in.
02/18/2015 11:26 PM (UTC)
Watered down Kenshi?!?I do not see this.I see him being WAY nastier than half of the whole MK cast!!He is gonna be a BAD DUDE!
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

02/18/2015 11:31 PM (UTC)
MK_Fanatic_ Wrote:
Pretty sure his son, Takeda, is going to take his place on the roster. I'm sure we will see a watered down version of the telekinetic swordsman through his son. It just wouldn't make sense from a gameplay point to have them both in it, same goes for Cage & and Sonya with Cassie.

I disagree as a user stated both could be in. Besides Takeda is being trained by Scorpion whose style is WAY different than Kenshi's.
02/19/2015 02:15 AM (UTC)
Im cool with Takeda taking Kenshi's spot this time around. Lets give it a shot. As of right now kenshi is still alive and if Takeda doesn't respond well with fans well than Kenshi can be in the next game!

Also i think Takeda will take more of a physical role since he is Scorpions "Apprentice" but have so TK moves. Just not as many!
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